by Falicia Love
“Hey, bae, I’m ’bout to head on to work, okay? I love you,” Robin said as she leaned down to give Stephanie a kiss.
Stephanie grabbed Robin’s face to prolong the kiss. “You got to go now? I know you got a few minutes to spare.”
“Bae, I got twenty minutes to get to work, so no, I don’t have spare time. I’ll see you tonight.” Robin laughed as she walked out the door.
“Oh, well. I got to do something. I’m horny,” she said quietly. As she searched the drawer, she pulled out her vibrator, put lubrication on it, and laid back. She climaxed twice with Chris on her mind.
* * *
Robin arrived at work and started counting out medication. She was amazed by how Chris and Stephanie were acting last night. At first, she had an issue with him calling her, but for some reason, she found herself sexually attracted to him. Although she wasn’t going to give Stephanie up to him, she was definitely game to share her with him. She wanted a threesome, and if he could fuck as good as he looked, it could be a regular occurrence. She figured she would run that idea by Stephanie when she clocked out for lunch.
The morning seemed to creep by, and she couldn’t wait to call Stephanie. Once she clocked out, she called Stephanie and got no answer. She tried a second time, and still no answer. She pulled the number out from her wallet and dialed Chris up.
“Yeah, who is this?” he asked.
“This is Robin. You haven’t by any chance seen Stephanie?” she asked, holding her breath, hoping he would say no.
“Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t. You can come see for yourself if you like,” he moaned.
“Where are you at?” she asked.
Robin knew that Stephanie wasn’t there, but for some reason, she had to go see to be sure. Chris gave her the hotel’s address and room number, and they ended the call.
For the rest of the afternoon, Robin worked hard to push away the thought of her, Chris, and Stephanie getting together. When 5:00 p.m. came, she rushed out to her car and dialed Stephanie’s number.
“Hello,” Stephanie answered.
“I have been calling you all day, boo. What’s going on? Where you been?” Robin asked.
“I went to see my cousin, and we kicked it for a while. I called you back, but I guess you were back on the clock. What do you want me to cook for dinner?” Stephanie asked.
“Oh, um, bae, I’m going to be a little late tonight. We got to do med pull and got a new shipment coming in,” Robin lied.
“All right, I got to deal with it, I guess,” Stephanie said sadly.
“You know I’ma make it up to you,” Robin stated.
“I know you will. I love you,” Stephanie said.
“I love you too. I’m going to call you back later, okay,” Robin replied.
After she hung up, she drove to the Ramada Inn and Suites and went to the room that Chris told her he was in. She knocked about three times and finally, Chris opened the door.
He looked shocked at first, then he smiled. “I didn’t think you were coming.”
“Well, I just want to make sure my girl not here,” she replied.
“Come on in and see for yourself,” Chris said as he moved to allow her to enter. As he closed the door, he smiled. He knew that she knew Stephanie wasn’t there. It was kind of bittersweet. “So take a look around and see if your girlfriend is here.” Chris laughed.
Robin turned around, looked Chris in the eyes, and said provocatively, “You and I both know that I know Stephanie isn’t here, so let’s stop playing. You see, I refuse to lose my bae to you, but after seeing the chemistry you two have, I know it’s something there. I think we can all form some sort of relationship, so I’m here to see what you’re working with.”
“Is that right? Well, we can definitely do that,” Chris replied as he walked toward Robin. He grabbed her by her waist and walked her backwards toward the bed. When he laid her on the bed, he undressed her and then himself, and smiled once he saw the look on her face. She looked frightened, which made him laugh aloud. “This is going to be fun.”
An hour later, Robin walked out of his hotel room, fully satisfied and content. She understood now why Stephanie was fucked up about him. Once she arrived home and walked into her apartment, Stephanie was sitting on the couch, waiting on her.
“Did you work hard, bae?” she asked.
“Yes. I’m tired, so I’m going to take a shower and we can eat dinner, okay?” Robin said, walking toward the bathroom.
“I didn’t cook dinner yet, but let me ask you a question before you get in the shower,” Stephanie said.
“Go ’head, bae,” Robin said, kicking off her shoes.
“If you were at work, why, when I called down there, did they say you were already gone for the day?” Stephanie asked.
Robin looked at her for a minute then replied, “We did inventory at the main pharmacy, Stephanie. Why are you questioning me about being at work when you know that’s all I do?”
“Bae, I was just heated, ’cause they told me you weren’t there, and you told me you were working overtime. I’m not accusing you of anything,” Stephanie explained.
“You know you got me, girl, and I’m not going anywhere. I’d be a fool to let you go,” Robin said, looking Stephanie in the face.
Stephanie could see that Robin was sincere about what she was saying. She smiled. “I know, bae.”
Robin prepared her water and got into the shower. As she washed her still-pulsating clit, she couldn’t help but smile. She had done a very bad thing, but Chris felt so damn good. She couldn’t wait to see him again.
To Be Continued in
Queen Hustlaz 2