The Legend of Buddy Hero (The Defenders Saga)

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The Legend of Buddy Hero (The Defenders Saga) Page 12

by Adam Oster

  “What have you gotten yourself into, Buddy?”

  “I'm not really sure. But, it's pretty darn cool at least, right?”

  “Come on you two, we can give Maggie the tour later. We really need to tell Artie what just happened.”

  “What did just happen?” Maggie asked as they walked to the elevator on the other side of the room.

  “Well, I'm not sure where to start,” Buddy began.

  “It's pretty easy, Maggie. Buddy's being chased by some government agents. They think he's responsible for something he didn't do. Speaking of which, how did you manage to get away from them?”

  “Well, they kinda ran.”

  “Yeah? Why?”

  “Wait, why are there government agents after you? What kind of government agents?”

  “That's hard to explain, Mags.”

  “Why'd they run, Buddy?”

  “I guess because Damon showed up.”

  “Damon? Really?”

  “Damon?” Maggie asked, flustered. They had now reached the elevator, Alexa pressed the call button.

  “Did you say Damon attacked you, Buddy?” D.A.W.N.'s face appeared on the screen next to the elevator. Maggie jumped and let out a short scream.

  “Don't worry Mags, it's only D.A.W.N.”

  “Are you okay, Buddy? You look okay, but you never really know, do you?”

  “I'm fine D.A.W.N., really.” The elevator doors opened and the group stepped inside. Alexa pressed the red button.

  “So, I slept right through Damon? What happened? Did you take him out? I mean, I guess since we're on the run, probably not, huh?”

  “No, I didn't stand a chance. It's a good thing that Reed kid showed up. If it weren't for him, I'm sure we'd both be toast by now.”

  “Are you talking about Ryan?”

  “Yeah, you know him?”

  “Yeah,” Alexa groaned.

  “Okay, I'm pretty sure I was promised some sort of explanation about what's going on here.” The elevator doors opened and Alexa gave the standard two knocks on the red door.

  “Well,” Buddy began. The red door opened and Jeff stood in the doorway. Alexa pushed past him, Buddy started doing the same, but Jeff stood his ground. “Oh, come on Jeff, didn't we already go over this?”

  “Who's that?” Jeff asked accusingly.

  “My sister, now let us through.” Alexa appeared back in the doorway.

  “Sorry Buddy, but Jeff's right this time. Artie wouldn't be too happy to see a civilian down here. Maybe you two should head down to the green level. You can try to explain everything to your sister there.”

  Jeff smirked at the two as he shut the doors in front of them.

  “What the hell was that?” Maggie asked.

  “Jeff,” Buddy responded. “He's not too big a fan of mine.” Buddy pressed the green button and the elevator began its descent.

  “And who is this Artie that is so important to your friend?”

  “Arthur Flores, Mags.”

  “Arthur Flores? The Arthur Flores?”

  “Yeah, The Arthur Flores.”

  The elevator doors opened and the broken fog jets spewed liquid into the air. After they stopped, Buddy stepped into the lounge. Maggie followed slowly, her eyes focused on the puddles of fog liquid soaking into the green carpet.

  “Okay Buddy, seriously, what's going on here?”

  “Well, sis, to put it bluntly,” Buddy paused, trying to figure out how to phrase his next words, “Well, this is me, I guess,” he said, gesturing to the room.

  Maggie looked up and saw the details of the room, the action figures, plush dolls, posters, and finally the mural. She walked to each item, inspecting each one closely, but silently; until finally she spoke.

  “What the hell is all of this, Buddy?”

  “This is me,” he started, “I guess. I mean, this is who I used to be.”


  “This,” Buddy said as he picked up one of the action figures, “a superhero.”

  Maggie laughed, “Yeah right.”

  “No, seriously, Maggie. At least, that's what they're telling me. I was a superhero. A pretty good one too, if they're telling me right.”

  “No, really, what's going on here? Are you working on a comic book or something?”

  “Really, Maggie. I'm a superhero.”

  “Um. . .no, you're a drunk. You used to be a pretty good boxer, but you're not a hero.”

  “Yeah, that's what I thought too, but according to these people, that's all been faked by the government because they got pissed or something.”

  “Are you insane? I was at your fights. I remember your fights. I was the one who had to clean you up after each and every one of them. I vividly remember wiping the blood away from your face while you recovered. You can't tell me that's fake, that's my life.”

  “Look, Mags, I know it's a lot to take in, believe me. It still seems crazy to me too, but after what's happened the last few days. . . well, I don't know what else to think.”

  “But, Buddy, it's not true. You know it's not true.”

  “Look around you Maggie. How do you explain all of this cool stuff?” Buddy grabbed 3 of the plush dolls and shoved them into Maggie's arms.

  “You're not Superman, Buddy, you're my little brother.”

  “What about a video? Would that make a difference? D.A.W.N.?”

  “Yes, Buddy? What can I do for you?”

  “What do you think a video's going to prove, Buddy? I have a hard time believing you can show me anything I haven't already seen at the theater. Hell, Buddy, I've probably already seen it in 3D.”

  “She's got a point,” D.A.W.N. agreed.

  “Aren't you supposed to be on my side, D.A.W.N.?” Buddy looked around the room. He saw the doors he had removed from the elevator still sitting in the corner of the lounge as he had left them.

  “Okay, what about this? Try explaining this one away.” He bent over to pick up one of the doors. Straining, he lifted one side of it, readjusted his grip and began his attempt to lift the object over his head. His back throbbed in pain. He bent his knees and placed his head under the door, making himself into a human lever. His breathing was labored and his face turned bright red. He felt the weight of the door overwhelming him. He had to jump back quickly as the door fell, giving Buddy barely enough time to narrowly escape it's path to the floor.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just wait, okay. I did this earlier.”

  Buddy lifted the door and propped it against the wall, still straining with the weight of the object. He pulled his arm back and swung at it. His hand hit the door and bounced off. Buddy shook his hand in agony. The pain coursed up through his shoulder blades.

  “What are you trying to prove?” Maggie looked concerned.

  “Seriously, Maggie, I punched through this exact door right before I came home. I knocked it right off of its hinges. I don't know what's wrong.”

  The elevator doors opened and Arthur walked through, followed by Alexa, Carl, Zero, and Jeff.

  “Mr. Jackson, you look winded.”

  “And sweaty,” Jeff added.

  “Is something the matter?”

  “Yeah, something's the matter. I was trying to show Maggie how strong I am, now that you folks did your sciencey mumbo-jumbo on me, but it's not working. I had the same problem with Damon. What's going on?”

  “Ah, yes. Well, Mr. Jackson, the effects of the chair device are generally spotty at first. We've had patients who have had to wait weeks, or even months, after they used the device before they exhibited even a portion of their previous ability. The mind is a hard nut to crack, as they say. But having already exhibited some of your previous strength is very promising.”

  “What?” Buddy asked incredulously.

  “What he's saying, Buddy, is that your strength could go in and out for a while. We kinda jump-started your brain, you know, like you would with a car battery. But, unlike a car, the brain still needs time to rebuild the c
onnections to the part of it holding your special abilities. Your body is healing right now and that takes time. Most of our patients require quite a lot of time in rehab before they are able to fully recover their powers.” Arthur nodded as Carl spoke.

  “But there's some crazed maniac out there who's ready to put me up on the barbeque. Now you're telling me I don't have any way to protect myself?”

  “Like it would matter anyway, Buddy. You're toast whether you've got powers or not.” Jeff grinned brightly.

  “Jeffrey, we are going to need to have a chat later about how you've been treating our guest.” Arthur looked sternly at him. Jeff hung his head. “Unfortunately, Mr. Jackson, our timing in bringing you back into the fold was not planned out in advance. Truthfully, we had no intention of ever seeing Mr. Memphis again, which means we did not have any plan of action in place in case such a situation ever were to arise. If our common foe had not re-emerged, I'm sure we would have been able to allow you to continue on in your normal everyday life, never knowing about the world that used to be. However, since Mr. Memphis is back and you are his prime target, we decided it would be proper to warn you of your impending doom and perhaps assist you in protecting yourself, especially since you had done such a great job of protecting the world in the days now forgotten.”

  “Oh, yeah, thanks. You never want to be surprised by someone who's coming to roast you. You want to be ready so you can splash some marinade under your arms first.”

  “I had forgotten how much I used to enjoy Buddy Hero's ever-sarcastic tone. It truly is a pleasure to have it grace my ears once again, Mr. Jackson. Unfortunately, this is neither the time for sarcasm or regrets. We are faced with an incredible danger. Mr. Memphis appears to still be within the prison you encased him in, but there is no telling for how long.”

  “Wonderful,” Buddy said.

  “I believe the best course of action for everyone at this moment is to get as much rest as possible. The morning is likely to bring about battle. We will all need to be alert and ready when it comes.”

  “Battle?” Zero exclaimed. “Now you're talking my language!”


  Sleep did not come easy for Buddy that night. He and his sister had been directed to a group of rooms adjacent to the grand foyer which were generally reserved for high profile visitors. They had not been used since before the collapse of the Defenders.

  Although the rooms were so luxurious that even the royal family would feel at home, Buddy could not get comfortable. Maggie pestered him about the situation for quite some time after they had retired, but even after she finally gave into the call for sleep, Buddy could not find rest.

  He tossed and turned for hours. The night seemed to drag on for an eternity. And so it continued until finally the lights turned on and D.A.W.N.'s voice rang through the room.

  “Wakey wakey sleepyhead. It's time to get up and meet with Arthur.”

  Buddy didn't say a word, he stared at the ceiling. He heard Maggie stirring from her bed in the other room, muttering something to herself that he couldn't quite make out before she stormed into his room.

  “I just want you to know I'm still not happy with you,” she said before she disappeared again. Buddy soon heard the sounds of a shower starting up.

  He slowly rolled off the bed and tried rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

  “Would you care for some coffee?” D.A.W.N. asked.

  “Yeah, actually, that would be nice.” A slot opened in the wall opposite the bed and a steaming cup was pushed out onto the dresser. Buddy stood and walked to it. “Thanks, D.A.W.N.”

  “It's my pleasure, Buddy. Is there anything else I can get for you this morning?”

  “Any way you can get me a happy sister?”

  “Maggie seems to be enjoying her shower currently. I would expect her to be in a much better mood after she comes out.”


  “Would you care to take a shower as well?”

  “Guess I probably should, huh?”

  “I wasn't going to say anything.”

  D.A.W.N. led Buddy to one of the other bathrooms and he reveled in the perfection of the high pressure water he was greeted with. After he finished cleaning himself, he shaved and, for the first time in months, found himself looking and feeling like a real human being again.

  “I have laid out some clothes for you on the bed,” D.A.W.N. said.

  “Great, I could use a fresh set.”

  “That is an understatement, Buddy.”

  Maggie had finished her morning ritual long before Buddy escaped his immaculate bathroom and was, according to D.A.W.N., already on the red level with everyone else, waiting for Buddy. Buddy dressed quickly and made his way as well.

  Once he exited the elevator, Arthur immediately began talking. Maggie, Zero, Alexa, Jeff, and Carl were all in attendance.

  “Now that Buddy is here, the time is upon us to officially prepare for battle. Damon Memphis was an elusive opponent when the Defenders faced him ten years ago, we can only imagine how much more difficult this fight will be a decade later. As such, we will need to have a strategy. We will need to be organized.”

  “Is this speech going anywhere?” Maggie asked, hand raised.

  “Of course, Ms. Jackson. It is time for us to open the doors to the war room. If we are to be fully prepared for this battle, we will need all of the tools of the Defenders at our disposal. So, if you would all be so kind as to follow me, we will begin to form our plan of action there.”

  “War room?” Maggie asked. “What kind of place is this?”

  “It's a very special kind of place, Ms. Jackson. A place that is generally not open to civilians. Don't make me regret allowing you down here.”

  “I think I'm regretting being allowed down here.”

  “Look, Maggie,” Buddy said, walking to her side, “there's no reason to bore yourself with this stupid meeting. Heck, if I had the option, I know I wouldn't be going. There's a whole lot of cool stuff around. Why don't you go explore or find a spot to get comfortable.”

  “All of the amenities of our complex are open to you, Ms. Jackson, of course.”

  “Right,” Buddy continued. “Look, as far as I can see, we'll probably be down here for a while, you might as well just make yourself comfortable.”

  “Don't be ridiculous, Buddy. I'm coming whether I'm invited or not. If these freaks are going to make you go out there and get yourself killed, I want to be around to make sure I get the first hit.”

  “That's the spirit, Ms. Jackson! If my men shared even a portion of your enthusiasm, I'm sure Mr. Memphis wouldn't stand a chance.”

  “Oh, this Damon guy's not the one who needs to be worried. If Buddy's going to put his life on the line because of all the nonsense you've been putting into his head, I'm going to need to be around to knock some sense into him. And then, of course, I'll have to deal with you.” Maggie smiled slightly at this.

  “Maggie Jackson,” Zero exclaimed. “The woman with more spunk than a spunk machine.”

  “And who the hell are you?”

  Arthur led the group into the elevator and looked at Buddy. “Mr. Jackson, if you would be so kind. The War Room floor is one of the floors we have yet to have been able to bypass the security on.”


  “I can handle that,” Zero said as he reached over Buddy and pressed his palm against a nondescript panel situated alongside the standard elevator buttons. The doors shut and the elevator rose. The doors opened and revealed a hallway with eight doors. There were cobwebs covering the hallway and the strong odor of mildew. Arthur led the group to the end of the hall to a black door with no markings on it. Zero swiped his hand across the panel beside the door to wipe off a thick layer of dust and placed the palm of his hand on the pad. The door slid open. He walked through, followed by the rest of the group.

  Inside the room was an oval-shaped stainless-steel table. It had an insignia painted on it. The insignia consisted of a giant shield. Acr
oss the top of the shield was a blue border which held seven stars of seven different colors. The bottom of the shield had alternating vertical red and white stripes. Across the shield the words Defenders of America were printed.

  “DOA, huh? Seems kinda fitting,” Buddy said, laughing to himself.

  “That joke never gets old,” Zero laughed as he sat in a purple chair which had the letters KZ inscribed on the back.. “I think. Why is it funny again?”

  “I agree with you on something, Buddy,” Jeff laughed.

  “I know, right? DOA? Who comes up with this crap?”

  “Oh, you did, chum!” Zero exclaimed. Jeff burst into laughter.

  “Jeez,” Buddy responded, “no wonder the government wanted to get rid of me.”

  “Gentlemen, please. If we could take this moment a tad more seriously. We are in the midst of a crisis. We must dedicate all of our energy in determining the best course of action for us to respond to it.” Arthur sat in the chair placed at the head of the table. The chair was situated above the shield's crest. It was green in color and as opposed to the metallic nature of the other chairs in the room, was covered in a leather-like material.

  Zero looked at Arthur to debate his choice of seating, but said nothing. Jeff sat at his father's right hand-side in a blue chair with the letters FM on it. He placed his elbows on the table and folded his hands. Buddy sat in an orange chair with the letters XT, Maggie, a pink chair with the letters PB, Alexa, a red chair with the letters RR, and Carl, a yellow chair with the letters YJ. After they had all arranged themselves around the table, Arthur spoke.

  “D.A.W.N., the image please,” Arthur yelled. A three dimensional image appeared in the middle of the table. The image was of the man Buddy had seen the previous evening.

  “As most of you are aware, the image in front of us is of Damon Memphis, also known as Dominion. For those of you who are not familiar with this man, he is classified as a class 48 meta-human, capable of producing unspeakable destruction with little more than a thought. His powers, although not completely known, due to our inability to restrain him for any length of time, include the ability to completely engulf himself in flames, call upon fiery boulders from the sky, and to produce loyalty from those around him, even if they are deeply opposed to him and/or his principles. Other speculated abilities include teleportation, shape-shifting, matter-generation, matter-manipulation, self-duplication, regeneration, inter-dimensional travel, immortality,--”


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