Taken by Storm

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Taken by Storm Page 3

by Dahlia Rose

  “God, you feel like hot silk wrapped around my cock,” he whispered.

  “It feels so different. I feel full, almost completed in a way,” she said with wonder in her voice.

  “It’s going to get better. I’m going to move, okay?” Devin said.

  Callie nodded and he retreated from her body before filling her again. Her lips parted and a slow breath left her body.

  “Do you like it, baby?” he asked hoarsely, trying to hold on to his control and not take her too roughly.

  “Yes, it feels so good, Devin. Give me more,” Callie pleaded.

  He picked up his pace and watched her eyes flutter closed as she was swallowed by pleasure. Her hands clutched his shoulders and her hips undulated beneath him. Devin lifted her legs higher around his waist. It gave him deeper penetration as he thrust. Callie cried out at the new sensations and he lost himself in the pulsing need that now drove them both. Devin leaned back on his knees and spread her legs so he could watch their bodies merged. His cock was coated with her juice and with each plunge she seemed to get wetter. Her hands clutched the bedding on both sides of her. She arched, calling his name, and to Devin there was nothing more beautiful than watching her in the throes of passion.

  “Oh, I think I’m coming again,” she said breathlessly.

  He felt her pussy clenching around him and gritted his teeth as his balls tightened to almost an unbearable ache, calling for release.

  “Yes, you are, sweetheart. Let yourself go, don’t hold back,” Devin said harshly.

  Her cry was a long, sweet sound that took him over the edge and he spilled himself inside her. It seemed as if his release crawled along each nerve ending of his skin in delicious waves. He could stay inside her forever, but he pulled away to lay next to her and pulled hers into his arms.

  “Wow.” Callie gave a breathless laugh. “And to think I waited to feel like that.”

  Devin chuckled. “I’ll toot my own horn and say it was all me and I’m that good.”

  Callie laughed. “Since I have no other experience to verify that… Maybe I should go get a few comparisons…”

  He threw his leg over her and bit her neck lightly. “You can try, but then I’ll have to kill them all and you don’t want that on your conscience. You’re mine now.”

  The shutters were shaking with the force of the wind outside. In the midst of their passion the eye of Hurricane Anita had passed over silently and now she was taking the rest of her anger out on Florida. Callie yawed and he smiled before pulling the quilt over them both.

  “Sleep and the storm will past by and you’ll be safe with me,” Devin said gently.

  “Okay.” She yawned and he felt her settle in his arms.

  Devin didn’t think he would sleep because of the weather and just in case they needed to move fast. Holding her and inhaling her scent while she slept was definitely relaxing. Soon his eyes felt heavy and he was unable to keep them open. Devin followed her and fell asleep while Mother Nature bellowed outside.

  Chapter Three

  The clean up after the storm was massive but at least the loss of life was minimal. Only four people died due to the storm and they were people who didn’t have the common sense to be in out of the storm and went on a joyride. Flooding was another affect that was being dealt with, but all in all the damage to homes and buildings could be fixed. Callie looked at the workmen clearing the last of the downed trees from her property and the landscapers fixing the grass and shrubbery that was destroyed. She and Devin were rescued the next evening and when she went outside she could see no reason to leave her home. There was damage, but none to the house, only the acres of land around it. She wished that he could’ve stayed, but being a soldier he had to put the needs of others above himself.

  So with a soft kiss, he grabbed his pack, and then another kiss, and she watched his Humvee drive away with the truck that came to get him in the lead. That was ten days ago and since then she heard nothing from him. Her mind began to wonder since day three when there wasn’t even a call and in the days that followed it fed into her insecurity. This was one of the reasons why she was still a virgin when they got together. Maybe it was naive of her to want a prince charming to sweep her off her feet. She felt that way with the words that Devin whispered while he took her body to heights of pleasure she never knew existed. Now she just wasn’t sure.

  “Some of those guys are pretty cut. I would love to photograph them.”

  The comment was made from behind her and Callie turned to see her friend Robyn. They’d met two days after she’d moved from California and had been best friends ever since. Robyn was the one who ran Callie’s website and did all the pictures for the catalogs. She was a freelance photographer, website and graphics designer and worth her weight in gold. Robyn was also an outrageous flirt and Callie had no doubt given the opportunity she would be outside with her camera making the workmen feel like they were cover models.

  “How about we let them finish clearing the downed trees before they start taking it off for your lens?” Callie laughed.

  “So not fun. I need the big, thick tree trunks for back drop,” Robyn teased.

  “You are crazy. How’s everything in your neck of the woods? What did the roofer say?” she asked.

  “It’s going to take about three weeks for my roof to be replaced. Luckily I got all my equipment out of the house before the storm. If not, you’d see a bald and frazzled me right about now,” Robyn said. “Mind if I crash here?”

  Callie waved her hand. “Take any room you like, no guest will be coming in until at least late November.”

  Robyn clasped her hands together and bowed. “Thank you very much. So did you hear from the soldier boy who rocked your world?”

  Callie snorted. “Nope, nothing. I’m thinking he was a dud.”

  Robyn slapped her on the shoulder. “Don’t you dare say that. You finally give into a hot guy who, from what you tell me, made your world tilt on its axis and you want to give up?”

  “Well you explain why he didn’t call? I’m so mad I could scream. I’m a sucker. I believed all those amazing things he said,” Callie said.

  “My question is why you feel like he would just use you and leave?” her friend asked.

  Callie shrugged. “Isn’t that the story of my life? A hot guy like that barely looks at women like me.”

  “What kind of woman is that,” Robyn demanded to know. “A gorgeous woman who makes her own money, runs a profitable hotel, intelligent, smart, sexy…”

  “Please, please you’re giving me a big head,” Callie teased.

  “I’d like to give you a kick in the rump.” Robyn drew her leg back and pretended to kick. “I don’t know how you got so insecure when it comes to guys.”

  “Let me see. Middle school, high school and college come to mind,” Callie began.

  “Those people sucked ass and it shouldn’t shape the woman you are now,” Robyn said firmly. “So be quiet and lookie here. What is that coming up your driveway. It looks like a Humvee of the military type. And unless you hired the Army Corps of Engineers I think that might be your guy friend.”

  Callie looked down the driveway and just like Robyn said, she saw the military vehicle. Her heart jumped when Devin got out from behind the wheel looking crisp and sexy in his uniform, his beret neatly to one side. He took it off and held it in his hand as he walked up, and when he spotted her a smile broke out over his face.

  Devin bounded up the steps to the patio and stood so close she could smell his aftershave. “What’s up, sweets?”

  She put her hand on the hip. “After ten days I’m still sweet, huh?”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “You’re mad.”

  “Give that man a teddy bear,” Callie snapped.

  “We had tons of clean up, and a lot of people to help,” Devin explained. “I came as soon as I got a free afternoon.”

  “I honestly do understand what your job entailed, but not one call?” Callie asked.

  “Sweets, it been helluva week, which included my phone taking a drink in one of the flooded areas,” he said with a smile. “You saw me program your number in and the thing was drowned. Wait…why didn’t you call looking for me? They would’ve patched you through.”

  “I can see how that conversation would have went.” Callie held her fingers up to her ears like a telephone. “Hi, is this the one sixteenth? I’m looking for Sergeant McKay. Oh who am I? Well he slept with me and I haven’t heard from him in days so I decided to stalk him and call his job. He’s not there? Oh I’ll try back in an hour.”

  He grinned. “You’re crazy and I’m here, so stop thinking the worst of me before I have the chance to sweep you off your feet.”

  “Yeah I second what he said,” Robyn piped in and stuck out her hand. “I’m her best friend. Robyn is my name. I’m single, so could you get me on base so I can chase a few hotties around?”

  “I’m Devin, and sure, you can pinch their asses and everything,” he teased and then looked at Callie once more. “Now, sweets, I have a week’s leave coming up and I want to spend it with you. Are you game?”

  Callie couldn’t help the delicious thrill that traveled through her body and she smiled. “Sure, you can stay here with me if you want.”

  “Sounds great. I’ll be back later this afternoon and then I get to have you all to myself,” Devin said. “We’re going out, so be ready.”

  “I like that idea,” she replied.

  “So how about a kiss before I go?” he murmured and pulled her into his arms. “It’s been ten days since I tasted my Cali-girl.” He didn’t wait for a reply but took her lips in a fierce kiss that left her body buzzing and warm. Devin lifted his head and she stared into his amazing eyes. “I’ll see you in a bit. Bye, Robyn, nice to meet you.”

  Robyn came to stand beside her and they watched Devin get back into his Humvee and drive away.

  “Put me down for one of him in different flavors,” Robyn murmured.

  “I think he is one of a kind,” Callie laughed. “And I think he’s mine.”

  “Look at you all moonie eyed over a guy,” Robyn teased. “You’re a lucky bitch, I hate you.”

  “I guess I am.” Callie smiled. “Awww, don’t hate the player, sweetie. I’ll make you cookies to compensate.”


  Robyn took her and they walked inside to the kitchen. Even as she laughed and talked with her friend, Callie couldn’t help but think of Devin and that kept her smile firmly in place.

  Later, when Robyn had gone to her room with cookies and her laptop to work, Callie went up stairs and changed to wait for Devin to come back. Florida in February was not coat weather unless the nights turned cold on a whim. Still, she wanted to look stunning for Devin so she chose a red baby doll top and black suede jeans with boots to match. She appraised herself in the mirror before heading downstairs to find her coat in case it got colder before they came home. She heard the chiming bell that she had installed to give Starlight an authentic feel of an old world hotel. When she opened the door, Devin stood looking as good in civilian clothes as he did in his uniform. The dark blue jeans weren’t too tight on his hips and she remembered how thick he felt was he was lying between her legs. She felt arousal clench her tummy at the memory as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her long and deep.

  “You look delectable,” he said when he finally raised his head from hers.

  “I can say the same about you.” She smiled up at him. “Wanna skip going out and find other things to do?”

  Devin bit her lip gently before chuckling. “Tease, I’ll hold you to that later, but first we have a stop before I take you out to dinner.”

  “Oooh, I like surprises,” Callie said. “Let’s go.”

  His personal car was a sleek Mustang in black and with silver rims. It was polished until it gleamed in the early evening sun and Devin gallantly settled her in the passenger seat before getting behind the wheel. The drive out of Key Largo showed the extent of the damage left by the hurricane. Trees were broken like twigs on the roads that led to Card Sound Bride. It always made her apprehensive crossing it but she said nothing as Devin drove and then took the exit into South Beach. She didn’t know what to expect when Devin pulled into one of the exclusive hotels along the beach. She thought of maybe a big canopy bed with gauzy curtains blowing in the breeze. Instead he nodded to the concierge at the desk and went through the recreation area to one of the private pools.

  “Quick question, why are we here?” Callie asked.

  He turned to her. “I’m going to teach you how to swim.”

  Callie stepped back and shook her head, the old fears coming to surface in one huge wave. “When you said take me out this wasn’t what I pictured. How about a no on that plan.”

  Devin caught her by the shoulder and stopped her backward retreat. “Callie, we’ve known each other just a little while but you trusted me with your body. How about doing that again? I won’t let anything happen to you, sweets.

  “I don’t like the water… The sound in my ears.” She shook her head. “I can’t do it…”

  “Honey, I won’t force you if you really won’t let me teach you to swim. I want you to think of this: a child in danger. Could you stand on the side of a pool or on the beach and watch them drown?” Devin asked. “Or Robyn, someone you care about?” He tipped her face up to his with his finger. “Me? We’ll take it slow, darling, and then the second part of your surprise will be about an hour from now. The water is warm and I’ll be right beside you every step of the way. Give it a try and take the first step to conquering your fear.”

  Callie heard everything he said and knew it was true. She often wondered about a child being in the pool on her property and fenced around it instead of learning to swim. If it was anyone else she would have ran out the door but Devin made her feel secure. Even though she felt like screaming and going into the frantic place where fear choked her. She took a deep breath and nodded her assent to his request. Devin smiled and nodded, then pulled her into his arms for a comforting hug that made her eyes fill with tears

  He kissed her temple gently. “You’re an amazing woman.”

  “You won’t say that when I am screaming in your ears.” She gave a watery laugh.

  “I’ll have you screaming in another way later,” he promised. “There’s a bag with a swim suit in the ladies room. Go get changed.”

  She shivered and this time it wasn’t because of fear, his words gave her a delicious thrill. In the bathroom what he called a swimsuit turned out to be a bikini that she would never have bought for herself. The white material clung to her curves seductively and her breasts almost spilled from the top. He was already in the water when Callie walked out of the bathroom. His eyes roamed her body when she stood by the edge of the pool.

  “This is what you call a bathing suit, huh?” Callie said dryly.

  He came up two of three of the steps that led into pool and held put his hand to her. “I think I should be allowed to enjoy your body in numerous outfits. Lord almighty the curves on you should be illegal.”

  “Then you’d be committing a crime,” she pointed out.

  He put one hand over his heart. “I’d gladly be thrown into the Brigg for the honor of touching you.”

  “You have a smooth tongue, Devin McKay,” Callie said and took his hand.

  Devin pulled her hard against him. “You should know.”

  She was wet and it had nothing to do with the water around her knees but with the man who could ignite her with a few words. The water was warm like he said, and he led her slowly into the pool. It was half way up her body now and she felt her apprehension rise and her feet stopped moving.

  “Just a little more, sweets, you can do it,” he encouraged.

  She moved again and by the time it was up to her breasts her chest felt compressed and she fought through the panic to breathe.

  “Concentrate on my voice,” Devin said softly. “Now, we’re going to jum
p just so you can see how buoyant you are in the water. Feel how it moves around you as we move, up and down.”

  He moved with her and they kept it up until she started to forget how terrified she was.

  Callie smiled. “This isn’t so bad.”

  Devin grinned. “You’re doing great. Now we’re going to go under. I think that’s where you fear really stems from.”

  Callie stopped jumping and looked at him. “I can’t hold my breath, water will get in my throat and my lungs…”

  “Ssssh, no it won’t.” Devin cupped her cheeks. “You’ll see what I mean, when I tell you take a deep breath you do and we’re going under, trust me.”

  Callie nodded and imitated his movements and started jumping again. His eyes never left hers and in fact she felt as if she could drown in his gaze instead of the water.

  “Take a deep breath in and hold it,” he ordered softly.

  Callie did as she was told and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to see as he pulled her under the water. As it covered her head and she felt it fill her ears, she began to struggle against his hands on her shoulders. I need air I need to breathe! she thought frantically and yet he held on tight and she was unable to break the surface. It was just like when she was a teen and she opened her mouth under the water to scream. There was no mouthful of water filled with chlorine gagging her and filling her lungs. Instead there was Devin, his lips pressed against hers and she felt his breath fill her. He kissed her languidly like the water around her. Callie found herself sinking into his kiss and her panic subsided. She didn’t even know they were above water again until she felt the cool air against her skin. It certainly didn’t mean that Devin stopped his foray into her mouth much to her delight.

  “You ready to try some actually swimming?” he asked huskily.


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