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Enough Page 28

by Dawn L. Chiletz

  “Do you play soccer?” Kale asks.

  “I used to play in college, but I hurt my knee and had to quit at the end of senior year.”

  Another thing I don’t know about him, I think to myself.

  “I play soccer for fun now. My real job is being an attorney. Do you know what an attorney does?”

  “Is an attorney the same as a lawyer?” Kale asks.

  “Yes it is,” Nick says with a smile. Kale seems to appreciate being right.

  “What’s an attorney do?” Marlow asks.

  “Good question…” Nick intertwines his fingers and sits up a little straighter in his seat. “Attorneys handle legal matters for people. There are all different types of lawyers. Some put bad guys away…”

  “And some get them out,” Kale adds. “Is that what you do?”

  “No, my job is contract negotiations. I travel to different businesses and help them put legal contracts together for their companies.”

  “Sounds boring…” Marlow says as she leans on her hand.

  “Marlow…” I admonish.

  Nick laughs. “It can be. But most of the time I sit and listen. I listen to what my clients want and I listen to what their associates don’t want.”

  “What’s that have to do with us?” Kale asks.

  “Well, I was hoping we could talk about this like I might if I were negotiating a contract. I want to hear what you have to say and then I hope you’ll hear what your mom and I have to say. Sound fair?”

  Kale and Marlow glance between them and Marlow yawns. “Okay. I don’t like it,” Kale begins.

  “What don’t you like?” I ask him.

  “I don’t like the idea of you marrying Nick.”

  “Whoa…” I say as I hold my hands up. “No one said we were getting married!” I glance over to Nick like, Jeez… what are they thinking? And Nick beams at me. It causes me to do a double take in his direction.

  He refocuses on Kale and states, “Right now, that’s not on the table.”

  “What is?” he asks.

  “I’d like to ask you if you’d be okay with my taking your mom on a date.”

  “Just a date?” Kale asks.

  Marlow leans farther on the table and yawns again. She doesn’t seem nearly as interested in the conversation as Kale does.

  “You want my permission? So it’s my decision?” Kale asks.

  “No. Hold on, Kale,” I interject. “What Nick is asking for is really your… blessing. You know that Nick and I knew each other a long time ago, right?”

  He nods.

  “Well, when we saw each other again, a lot of our old feelings came back. Nick makes me very happy and I’d like to make him happy too. I know it’s hard for you to understand, but—”

  “I get it,” he interrupts. “What if he hurts you like Dad did?” I can see the concern in his eyes. He’s worried about me.

  “May I?” Nick interjects.

  I nod.

  “Kale, I know you don’t like to see your mom upset, and I know that it was really hard for you when your parents divorced. My parents split up a few years ago, and even though I’m an adult, it still really upset me too.”

  Another thing I didn’t know.

  “But I can assure you that the very last thing I would want to do is hurt your mother. She’s always been very important to me. I care for her deeply and I only hope for the chance to prove that to her and to the both of you.”

  “Your mom and dad are divorced?” he asks.

  “Yeah. It really stunk at first, but now I see that they’re happier apart than they were when they were together. I love them both and I know they love me. Just like they want me to be happy in my life, I want them to be happy in theirs.”

  “Does Nick really make you happy?” Kale asks.

  Marlow’s head bobs, and she flickers between listening and dozing.

  “He really does,” I say.

  “Happier than I make you?” he asks.

  “Oh, Kale…” I pause. “You make me happy in ways Nick never could. What I feel for him is different from what I feel for you. Nick knows and understands that you and Marlow will always come first. I love you two more than anything.”

  Kale smiles and glances to Nick. Nick nods his head. “I’d like to negotiate something,” Kale adds.

  Nick motions to him. “You have the floor, sir.”

  “If you’re gonna date my mom, then I think you should have to spend time with us too.”

  Nick’s lips curl upward into the brightest smile I’ve ever seen. “You have no idea how happy that makes me. I would love to spend time with you guys. Heck, I’d even be willing to spend the night with you while your mom’s at work if that’s okay with her.”

  Kale’s eyes bug out and Marlow jumps suddenly at his outburst. “Can he, Mom? Can he?” Kale begs excitedly.

  “I think that’s a fabulous idea!”

  Kale smiles brightly, and Marlow moves to sit on Nick’s lap. The first ever Haley-Rowen negotiations come to a close with satisfied parties all around the table. Especially me.

  A FEW DAYS later, the hospital calls and begs me to work a 7:00 P.M. to 7:00 A.M. shift. Nick volunteers to stay with the kids, and I’m even able to get a quick kiss from him before I rush out the door. I call Kay to tell her she’s off the hook, and she sounds almost relieved.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask her. “You sound different.”

  “Everything’s fine. I took a longer walk than usual this afternoon and I’m really tired. These old bones don’t like being pushed.”

  “I worry about you, Gram. You do too much!”

  “Don’t you worry about me, songbird! I’m just fine. Speaking of fine, how’s that handsome man of yours?”

  “He’s good. He’s really good.”

  “You deserve him, child. And more importantly, he deserves you! Don’t you ever forget just how special you are!”

  I can’t help but smile. “I love him.”

  “I know you do.” She laughs. “I could tell that the moment your eyes met.”

  “I love you too, you know? Have I told you lately how grateful I am that I have you?”

  “You don’t need to tell me. I already know.”

  There’s something in her voice that worries me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake! I’m fine. I’m going to heat up some leftover pot roast and plop my butt in front of the TV. There’s a Friends marathon tonight!”

  I laugh. “Okay! Well, I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you, Gram.”

  “I love you too.”

  The first few hours of work are extremely busy, but the idea of Nick in my house without me makes it hard to focus. I hear every department is busier than usual. It must be a full moon.

  I’m glad to bump into Gwen in pediatrics when I deliver a preemie that will be staying in their neonatal unit for an extended time. I’m able to take a quick break at the end of her shift at eleven as things are calming down a bit. Just as we sit down to have a quick cup of coffee, one of the nurses pops her head in.

  “Ev, Jalissa from the E.R. is on line two for you. She said it’s not your kids and I shouldn’t freak you out!”

  I laugh appreciatively as Gwen sips her coffee and nods knowingly.

  I press line two. “Hey, Jalissa, It’s Ev. What’s up?”

  “I hope Mary told you it wasn’t your kids.”

  “She did, thank you. What’s wrong?” I can sense the worry in her voice.

  “That day when you were having dinner with your new man, there was a cop that you introduced me to in the cafeteria.”

  “Yeah, his name’s Cooper Ford, why?” As soon as I say his name, Gwen stops mid-air with her cup and directs her attention to me.

  “They just brought him, another cop, and some guy into the E.R. via ambulance. He was shot.”

  I gasp, and Gwen leaps from her seat over to me.

  “I thought you’d want to know.”

  “Yes! Thank yo
u. I’ll be right there.”

  I hang up the phone and Gwen holds her breath. “What? What about Cooper?”

  I reach for her arm. “He’s downstairs. He’s been shot.”

  The entire ride down in the elevator, Gwen is as white as a ghost. I place my arm around her shoulder as I pray that Cooper’s okay.

  We rush through the E.R. There are police everywhere and people are flying about. Alarms are beeping and no one’s at the desk. Gwen and I scramble from curtain to curtain, but we can’t find him. Gwen’s panicking, and I can see she’s about to fall apart.

  “Look at me!” I demand. “Cooper’s strong. I’m sure he’s fine.”

  She nods as her eyes search the E.R. and every face of every police officer who rushes past.

  Gwen recognizes a nurse she did rounds with when she was covering. “Monroe!” she calls out to him and he races to her. “There was a cop brought in. He was shot. Where is he?” she begs.

  “He’s in surgery. They took him right away. Shot to the chest. It’s pretty bad.” He pushes past her to the desk and I catch her before she falls to the ground.

  I feel my heart constrict. Not Cooper. Not him.

  I lead her off down a side hall and she collapses to the floor. I slide down with her and we both start to cry.

  “How did this happen? He must have been working overtime. Oh God! I was so mean to him. I ignored him and even told him to leave me alone when he persisted. The things I said… I didn’t mean any of it. I love him and I never told him. What if he dies? What if I never get to tell him?” She sobs into my shoulder.

  We hold hands and cry together. My heart breaks for her, and I pray Cooper somehow makes it through. “He’s strong, Gwen.” I pull her face to look at me. “He’s a fighter. He’s not going to give up. He’ll pull through this.”

  “I swear to you, Ev. If he makes it through this, no matter what shape he’s in, I’m never going to let him go again. How could I be so stupid? How could I not see how different and how special he is? I fucked this up and now he may never know how I feel.” Tears flow down her face and I glance up to see Jalissa coming down the hall.

  “What? What happened?” she asks as she bends down to us.

  “He’s in surgery. They said it’s really bad. She’s scared he might not make it,” I explain as I cradle an inconsolable Gwen.

  “Huh?” she questions as she pulls back. “Surgery? Oh, for the love of God…” She takes off toward the main floor and we push off the ground to follow her. We watch her peek her head into various curtains and then finally one in the very back along the farthest wall. She purses her lips as we stand in front of her and quickly yanks back the curtain. Sitting up on a bed with a bandage around his shoulder is Cooper. A doctor is nearby, writing on his chart.

  Gwen and I gasp.

  He smiles. “Hey, ladies! Did you come to keep me company?” he asks with a wide sweep of his unbandaged arm.

  Gwen flies past me and straight into him. He flinches but adjusts to wrap his free arm around her. She sobs into his chest and concern drips down his face.

  “Hey…” he says as he pulls her back slightly. “Why are you crying? Are you all right?” He searches her face and she grips his bearded face in her hands.

  “Are you? Are you really okay?”

  “I’m fine, sweetheart. One grazed my shoulder, but I got four in the bad guy. I just wish I’d gotten him before he got one in my partner. I sure hope he’s okay.”

  “I thought you were… They told me you were really hurt!” she shouts.

  “I’m here and I’m fine. I’m tough. You don’t need to worry about me. Nobody takes me down.” He laughs as if the idea of him being weak is ridiculous.

  She hits him on the leg, and he flinches and laughs his deep Cooper laugh. The sound is magical. “God dammit, Cooper! Do you know how scared I was? I thought you were going to die! I’ve been sitting in the hall crying for ten minutes.”

  “You were crying over me?” he questions, his eyes darkening as his mood shifts.

  “Yes!” she replies matter-of-factly.

  “Why?” he asks, shaking his head, his eyes glazed in confusion.

  She grabs his face in her hands once more. “Because I love you, you big knucklehead. I love you!”

  I’ve never seen Cooper stunned before. He usually has a cocky response for everything. But this time he just stares blankly into her eyes for a moment and swallows hard. “What did you say?” he asks as if he didn’t hear her correctly.

  “You heard me,” she whispers. “I never really wanted you to go away. I’m sorry. It’s just you gave me what I didn’t even know I wanted and it scared me.”

  He swallows and I almost think I see a tremble in his lips. “Are you sure? Are you sure it’s not just the drama of the night? Because if you’re not one hundred thirty percent certain, then you need to say it right now,” he insists as he points to the ground.

  Gwen smiles. “Who’s the one that’s scared now?” she asks with her arms folded.

  “Answer the question,” he commands forcibly. “Are you sure you love me?”

  Gwen’s posture shifts, and she touches the side of his cheek. He leans slightly into her touch but remains guarded. She whispers, “It’s true. I know it. Deep down, I’ve known it since our first date. And yes, it was a date.”

  He smiles his big ole Cooper smile and swiftly pulls her into him, kissing her. I hear cheers and applause from behind me, and I turn to see a fairly large crowd of officers and nurses have gathered to listen. I laugh and wipe the tears from my eyes.

  Cooper and Gwen turn to face the crowd and he announces loudly, “She loves me! The girl I love, loves me back. What do you say to that?”

  The crowd erupts into cheers and I close the curtain to give Cooper and Gwen the privacy they deserve.

  AT THE END of my shift, I return home to breakfast and coffee. The kids are dressed and laughing at the kitchen table when I open the door.

  “Hi mom!” Marlow shouts with a mouth full of food, waving to me.

  As I wander into the kitchen, my eyes happen upon a sight to behold. Nick Rowen, flipping pancakes and smiling in my kitchen with two calm, happy children. I feel like I’m dreaming.

  “Good morning,” he says as he brings me a cup of coffee and kisses my cheek.

  “Good morning” I say as I take a sip. I notice he’s in jeans and not his usual suit.

  As I walk around the table to plant kisses on the heads of the kids, I ask, “Don’t you need to get ready for work?”

  He shakes his head. “I took the day off.”

  “Can we take the day off too?” Kale begs.

  “Heck no! You’re going to school!” I shout playfully but in all seriousness.

  “Aww… Nick, will you be here when we get home?” Kale asks.

  I watch Marlow nod her head to Kale and gaze at Nick expectantly.

  “I might be,” he says with a wink.

  “Awesome!” Marlow shouts.

  “Go brush your teeth. The bus is going to be here in a few minutes.” I set my coffee down on the table.

  They rush up the stairs, arguing about who gets to brush first, and Nick ambles over to me. He pushes a loose piece of hair out of my face and smiles.

  “You survived?” I ask.

  “I survived.” He smiles. “They’re great kids. I think I may be in love.”

  “Already? You do fall fast.” I giggle as I place my hand on his waist.

  “With their mother,” he continues.

  “You think? You don’t know?” I question.

  He kisses my nose, then my cheek, and my ear, before he whispers into it, “I told you. I’ve always known.”

  He smells clean and fresh, and I realize I probably stink of hospital. “I need a shower,” I tell him.

  “That sounds appealing.”

  My insides clench. As soon as I get the kids on the bus, he’s mine for the taking.

  “How’s Cooper?” he asks.

“Gwen texted at three this morning. She said she was taking him home with her.”

  He raises his eyebrows seductively and I laugh. He lifts my coffee to his lips and takes a sip before he hands it to me. “Drink your coffee. You won’t be sleeping for at least an hour.”

  “Just an hour?” I question as the kids charge down the stairs.

  “Maybe two,” he responds with a smile.

  I set down my cup and reach into the fridge to get their lunches. I hand them off as we hear the tires of the bus approaching. I kiss them both and tell them to grab their backpacks.

  Nick and I walk them out and wave as they get on the bus. As soon as it’s out of sight, he lifts me off the ground and tosses me over his shoulder. I laugh and beat his ass with my hands. He carries me up the stairs, straight to my bedroom.

  As he sets me down, he kisses me passionately and I moan into him. It seems like forever since we’ve been alone together, and I crave his touch.

  “So, a shower?” he asks.

  I nod reluctantly. “It’s too bright in there, so don’t even think of joining me.”

  “You’re forgetting I’ve seen you naked already. Do I need to remind you how crazy I am about you?” He takes my hand and places it on his rock-hard dick, and excitement courses through my veins.

  “How’d that happen?” I ask playfully.

  “You walked through the door,” he states as he kisses my neck. “Let me shower with you and make love to you. Do you trust me?” he asks.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Hmm… I like those words. I like them a lot.”

  He takes my hand and leads me to the bathroom.

  “If we’re going to do this, then I need a minute. Can you give me a minute?”

  He smirks. “You have one minute.” He removes his watch and slowly closes the door.”

  “I meant two… I need to pee.”

  “Fine!” I hear him say. “Two!”

  I laugh as I race around the bathroom. I undress quickly, thankful that I shaved before work. I pee and immediately start the shower. I throw a towel over the curtain and step inside. I forget to remove my ponytail, so I undo the twist and toss it over the curtain before I dunk my head into the water. Several minutes pass by before I hear him open the door. I’m immediately nervous. I stand facing the shower head and let the hot water wash down my body. After a minute, the curtain pulls back and closes. I don’t turn to face him. I close my eyes and cringe at the idea of him seeing my naked body in the full light of day. I feel his hands caress my hips as he pushes his body against mine.


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