The Felys she recognized as Aras stretched luxuriously in the sunshine, tossing his hair back over his shoulder. Melar casually rubbed his shoulder against a tree trunk, his bright eyes half shut dreamily.
Her attention on the men, her gaze caught and held on Illam as he stretched his hand up against a tree trunk. He spoke quietly to Ceric, his teeth flashing sharp and white in a grin. Without a thought, he dragged his nails lightly down the tree trunk. A breeze kicked up, swirling past her. Illam's ears twitched, he inhaled deeply, and his head lifted. Across the small clearing, his gaze met and locked with hers.
His eyes suddenly seemed to glow ... hotly. Suns. Tera turned away, trying to ignore her heart as it tripped merrily along in anticipation. I am one sick wench. I can't believe I'm getting all hot and bothered by a half-clad feral who doesn't even like me.
He likes my body.
Shut up.
I like his body.
Shut up, shut up, shut up!
"Are you all right?’ Wylin bent down to peer into her face, startling her. “You're grinding your teeth."
"I don't grind my teeth."
"You've started now."
"I'm fine.” She looked behind him. “I wonder what the Felys clan will think of us?"
"Going by the wariness Ceric and Garan showed us, I'd say we'll get a similar reception."
"Ah, you noticed the wariness, huh?"
"Kind of hard to miss, Tera."
"And what of Denyon obviously not trusting us that much?"
"The scout ship's whereabouts.” Wylin smiled a little.
"You're not worried that he doesn't trust us totally?"
"I'd be worried if he trusted us too much, too fast. He doesn't really know us well."
"Do they think we're going to turn around and capture them for slaves again?” Tera blew out a breath of disgust. “They need to get over it."
Lost in his own thoughts, Wylin didn't answer.
Denyon strode up to them, the only Felys still wearing his jacket. “We're ready to go.” He looked at Tera. “You are fine to walk the distance?"
"Of course."
"You can always ride on the hover tray if it gets too much—"
"I can walk, Denyon.” Tera smiled. “Don't worry about me. I'm not a frail little thing."
He smiled back at her, but his eyes held a guarded expression. “Very well."
Expecting both hover trays to go together, Tera was surprised when a couple of the soldiers and Garan took one hover tray in the opposite direction, disappearing amongst the trees quickly.
Three of the Felys soldiers went back into the scout ship and one of them tossed the remaining jackets to another Felys, who in turn tossed them onto the hover tray. Then the ramp of the scout ship rose and sealed shut. But the ship didn't move.
The last hover tray rose and started to retreat into the forest, taking the same invisible path it had appeared from earlier. The remaining Felys fell in behind and around it, their voices filling the air with a cheerful chatter.
Illam glanced in the direction of the scout ship, then across to where Tera and Wylin were slowly starting after the Felys. Taking a deep breath, he strode across to fall into step beside Wylin, while Denyon fell in on the other side beside Tera.
It was obviously a move to reassure them of their presence, but Tera had the fanciful thought that it was like being herded along. To their doom? She nearly laughed aloud, until she caught sight of Illam's grim profile. Well, maybe. She really had to get a grip on her emotions while around him.
The walk through the forest was an eye opener in many ways. It wasn't just the abundance of the flowers and trees, the thickness and beauty, the freshness and wildlife. It was the Felys themselves. The closer they drew to their home, the more they came to resemble the feline-like species they were.
One of the men suddenly leaped up, grabbed an overhanging branch and pulled himself effortlessly onto it. Balanced lightly on his feet, he grinned down at Aras, who immediately ran and leaped up into the air below the branch, his hand swiping up in a round arc in an attempt to dislodge his friend. The man laughed and batted his hand away, before leaping lightly to another branch then swinging down to land lithely on his booted feet.
The byplay wasn't even noticed by the other Felys. Tera watched, fascinated.
Suddenly another figure burst from the bushes just as the hover tray passed. Tera jumped, and automatically Wylin pulled her into his side and stopped walking.
It happened fast. One second the man was bursting from the bushes, the next second he was in a full-on grapple with Melar. With a hissing and spitting, they crashed away into the bushes on the other side and disappeared from view. The air filled with a yowling, the odd swear word, a curse, and a whole lot of hissing. Day flyers burst from the tree-tops in a screeching frenzy.
And the other Felys just kept on walking and talking.
"Uh...” Tera looked questioningly up at Denyon.
"Melar's brother,” Denyon said, as though that explained it all.
"What, he has a grudge against Melar?"
"Not at all.” Denyon replied. “He's greeting him."
The Felys greeted family like that? Tera bit her lip.
Illam leaned forward to look at her around Wylin. “Litter mates get playful with each other at times. Melar and his brother have this long standing competition going on between them."
"I see.” Tera's interest was sparked. “So this kind of thing isn't unusual?"
"Not amongst some litter mates, or even amongst friends.” Illam shrugged. “It's part of who we are."
Just like lycats. Tera scratched the tip of her nose thoughtfully. Adult lycats played. Why not Felys, a feline-type species? After all, the more common species of being had their ways of rough-housing and playing, even as adults.
"Do you want your data collector?” Wylin grinned down at her, but she could sense that he was still on his guard, his arm around her shoulders seemingly relaxed, but the tension unmistakable in his muscles.
His arm round her was protective, and he didn't release her.
Denyon obviously sensed his disquiet. “I promise you, Wylin, you and Tera will come to no harm from the Felys.” His gaze was level, but there was a hardness in his tone when he added, “We may play rough like feral animals, but we don't hunt or hurt our friends."
"And it was never insinuated that we thought of you as such,” Wylin replied just as bluntly. “Let's sort the facts out right now, Denyon, before we go any further into your domain."
"Uh, Wylin...” Tera began, uncertain what he'd say.
He ignored her, his level gaze steady on Denyon. “You are a feline-like species. We accept that. We're not here to judge the Felys, or sneer at differences. Tera is here to research the health of your people, and to try and come up with a solution to your runts. But you have to expect that sometimes we will look surprised. I'm sorry if that offends you, but it's plain and simple. A different culture is bound to hold surprises, and there will be times we can't hide an involuntary reaction.” He tucked Tera closer into his side. “If this is going to cause a problem with you and yours, then we won't be going any further."
Maintaining her outer calm, Tera bit her inner lip. Wylin was right, but it didn't make her feel any better about it.
The pupils in Denyon's eyes dilated. In the forests, far from civilization, he seemed suddenly very feral. Dominating. Like a lycat facing off with a strange male lycat.
Tera glanced at Illam, expecting to find him just as intimidating. He was watching the men unblinkingly, his golden eyes full of interest. Then he seemed to sense her gaze, for he looked at her suddenly. He inhaled, his nostrils flaring briefly.
It hit her hard then. They were in a strange forest, on a strange planet. Just she and Wylin. With an unpredictable species of which little was known.
Illam's pupils slitted, and he stepped forward, his gaze switching to Denyon. His voice was soft when he spoke. “Denyon, I do believe you're making our femal
e guest nervous."
There was no way she was going to allow anyone to think she was nervous! “Not at all,” Tera replied sharply.
Denyon looked down at her, his eyes seeking and searching, seeming to bore right into her. She tossed her head back and looked him boldly in the eye. As long as he didn't see her fingers trembling, she was all right.
His eyes softened suddenly, and he stepped back. “My apologies, Tera. Illam is right. You and Wylin are our guests, and I am remiss in my duties.” He looked at Wylin. “And you are correct. We need to expect that you'll be surprised at some things, and we shouldn't take offense."
"It would help if you explained to your people that when we're surprised, it means we need an explanation of what is happening and why,” Tera stated, relief filling her. Suns, that was almost a showdown. I don't like showdowns!
"That will be explained to them.” He nodded. “And in turn, you must expect some resentment. As you said, some reactions are involuntary."
"Give and take,” she replied.
He smiled. “As you say."
"Starting with why you reacted the way you did,” she said.
His smile fled within seconds.
Uh-oh. That was obviously not a good question. Tera groaned mentally.
Rather than hiss in irritation, Denyon quietly replied, “Wylin was challenging me."
"Oh, I don't think—"
"I was challenging him.” Wylin gave her shoulders a small squeeze where his hand rested.
"Well, sort of, but—"
"It was a challenge,” Illam stated flatly.
"What is this? The boys’ club?” Tera asked peevishly. “All right. It was a challenge."
The men exchanged an amused glance.
"If you're all going to start humoring the little wench, I'll bust someone,” Tera snapped.
"Then by all means, let me explain,” Denyon said in an attempt to soothe her.
Which totally rubbed Tera up the wrong way, but her research side was perking up in interest. It also meant no one as going to have a hissy fit, which was even better.
"Lesson one of the Felys.” Denyon's eyes actually twinkled in amusement. “Our society is made up of dominant males and females."
Sort of like their sex habits.
"Why are you grinning?” he asked suspiciously.
"No reason.” She waved her hand. “Keep going."
He eyed her for several seconds, then shrugged. “The males and females have a dominant order in our society. Though we are all equal, like any clan of Felys there are those more dominant in nature than others. The more dominant ones are higher in the rank of command."
"It's not so far removed from your own society. You have those more dominant, and those who follow, still holding rank.” Denyon looked at Wylin. “Kiile would be classed as the dominant one on your part of the planet."
"Because he's the leader.” Wylin nodded.
"But his demeanor is dominant, too. He does not bow or scrape to anyone, he listens and makes the decisions, and his decisions are followed.” Denyon returned his attention to Tera. “Kiile's bodyguards are also dominant, but they obey Kiile. Kiile's troops are dominant, but they obey their commanders, who in turn obey Kiile. Therefore, he is classed as a dominant male in your society."
"In a society of dominant males,” Tera was starting to understand. It was a different way of looking at things.
"Exactly. So it is with us. But a challenge, depending on the severity, can be met with a talk, a meeting, or a fight."
"Not so different after all."
"But we can fight to the death if provoked enough. It hasn't happened for many years."
Well, in some places that still was the case. But on Argon, it wasn't. In a civilized world ... but she had to stop thinking like that. The Felys were civilized in their own way.
"The Argons are known to meet with challenges by fighting ... and in different ways. I have heard what they have done to some enemies who fall into their hands.” Denyon's green eyes seemed to deepen. “Your race have driven enemies to the edge of madness and beyond with sexual desire, and sexual practice. Bringing them to the brink of pleasure and holding off, over and over and over again, until the enemy is screaming for mercy. Playing with them. Teasing them. Breaking them."
"What of it?” Tera shrugged. “It works."
"Domination, little healer, comes in many forms.” Denyon turned his head to look at the hover craft which was nearly out of sight. “Anyway, that is the answer to your question. Lesson one is over.” He started following the hover tray again.
Tera glanced at Illam to find his eyes glowing once more. Unashamedly hot and heavy. I am not going to look further down. I am not going to look—oh my God!
Averting her gaze hurriedly, she strode along with Wylin's arm still around her. Illam, still silent, strode along on Wylin's other side, but she could swear the man's heat was burning right through her friend to sear into her.
Illam was getting a hard-on, it was more than obvious. Thank the stars Wylin had been watching Denyon, or he might have castrated the man.
Then again, he probably wouldn't. A man couldn't always hide his lustful thoughts and feelings, his male appendage always gave him away. But she had no doubt Wylin would have given him a warning of some kind.
Challenged him.
She rolled her eyes.
Welcome to the boys’ club.
* * * *
Illam was irritated with himself. When the challenge between Wylin and Denyon had been laid, he'd been quite content to stand back and watch the fun. It wouldn't have turned into a fight, for Denyon was determined that the Argons would be their allies, thanks to his cousin having wedded into them. But a challenge had to be met.
What had made Illam interfere and remind Denyon of his duties, was the hint of fear and nervousness in Tera's eyes. Those crystal blue orbs had turned his way. He could almost smell the fear on her, and the uncertainty in her gaze had made his protective instincts come screaming to the fore. So he'd done what a male did when coming between two challenging men. He'd spoken softly and firmly.
And if Denyon hadn't backed down, he would have pulled Tera from harms way. Except she wouldn't have been in any danger. If it had been two Felys facing off, she might have been, but Denyon was more than aware that Wylin was a different species. Illam's instinct would have been to pull her away.
Common sense made him hold back, but his protective instinct had made him interfere on her behalf.
Then the cursed female had started with the questions again, and Denyon just had to bring up the sexual teasing, and before Illam knew it, his concern had turned to lustful thoughts. Now he wanted to pull her away from Wylin and into his own definitely unsafe arms.
Walking with half a hard-on was hell. Knowing that she'd seen it didn't embarrass him, but it made him grit his teeth when she'd hurriedly looked away.
Now she knew he wanted her. Body! He hastily corrected himself. He wanted her body. Her sharp mouth she could keep to herself. But her mouth was so hot and moist and ... Flattening his ears back, he glared out at the forest.
He really needed to mate with a female. Tonight. As soon as they got back to the settlement.
The rest of the journey was done quietly, his friends drifting ahead. He and Denyon remained behind with their visitors, as was only polite. After all, Tera and Wylin were in their care.
I'd like to take care of Tera. By Delcat! He barely managed to swallow the growl that threatened to be released from his throat at his own annoying thoughts.
When the settlement neared, he sighed in relief.
From the trees and bushes burst several young litters of Felys. Squealing and yowling in excitement, they threw themselves at several of the men, who whooped and hugged them all fiercely.
The litters didn't leave their fathers alone, several of the smaller ones nipping at the men's fingers. Laughing, the fathers gave them gentle swipes around the ears with their han
Aras grabbed several of his Felys kits under his arms and took off in a run for the settlement, the rest of his kits running behind in squealing excitement, several of them hissing as they got in each other's ways, while a couple batted at each other with their hands.
The remainder of the kits caught sight of Illam and Tera, and hissing, they drew closer to their fathers. Their gazes remained on the visitors, the black threads in their eyes moving agitatedly. Ears flattened, one of them spat in fright.
Denyon moved faster, striding ahead to speak in a low voice to the men. They nodded their heads, hushed their kits, and moved on ahead quickly, passing the hover tray easily. The kits scampered after them.
Seeing the way Wylin watched with interest, Illam explained, “Denyon's telling them to go ahead and warn our people that we're coming."
"We don't want special treatment."
"Trust me, unless you want to see nothing but scampering kits hissing and spitting, you'll accept this little favor. By the time we arrive, the kits will be calmed down."
Noticing that Tera was unusually silent, Illam looked at her. Her expression was fascinated, her eyes alive with interest. She turned to Illam with a question, but she seemed to think twice and swallowed whatever she was about ask. Instead, she turned back to look resolutely towards the hover tray.
Now what could possibly have made Miss Twenty Plus Questions change her mind and stop now? “Is there a problem?” Illam asked curiously.
"Not at all,” she replied coolly.
"You were about to ask something."
"It's all right.” She shrugged. “I'll find out soon enough."
Now she was being downright mysterious. “No, please ask."
"Later,” she said briefly.
"Give up,” Wylin said dryly. “When she starts asking questions you can't shut her up, but when she goes all silent, wild horses can't drag a word out of her mouth."
"Thanks, Wylin,” Tera said.
"No problems,” he replied easily.
She dug her elbow into his ribs, and he laughed. She grinned back up at him.
Illam thought he'd never seen anything prettier. Mental head slap. He looked away, and as he did, they rounded a huge tree and the settlement came into sight.
Love's Beguiling Healer Page 13