Augmented Tycoon

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Augmented Tycoon Page 28

by Marcus Sloss

  “Yeah, I never caught her name, if felt the right thing to do. What does the one have to do with the other?” I asked as I sealed my spacesuit on.

  “Give me a moment to get to that. First, that dragumi is old, her body is fresh and plump on purpose. Her name is Tarla and she is a gifted engineer. Well, she happens to be an expert in another field. The study of pleasure. I am getting there. Look at this.” Bexso sent me a condensed file.

  We walked for our private dining hall as I opened the file. It was one hundred and twelve messages from Larz to Bexso. All asking for sex or showing his large barbed penis. I promptly closed the file.

  “Okay guy is a pervert and horny. Block him.”

  “You’re missing the point. There is an opportunity here… You connect the ideas yet.” She asked as I stared blankly at her. Bexso sighed, kissed my cheek, and muttered an “adorable.”

  “The universe is ripe with profits for pleasure. You have six hotels being built. Convert one into a dollhouse and have Tarla be a madam for you. It can be tastefully done, the art of selling flesh. Your human women are not offered anywhere and are interesting to many, as are your men. A few simple rules to differentiate that section of the ship from the rest and you have minimum problems. You could have species from around this galaxy and further travel to here for such a unique taste. Which brings all sorts of additional D-coins being spent. Think about it?”

  “Uh… Oh… You want to bribe Larz with a hooker. Brilliant. Will she survive? Those barbs looked savage.”

  “There will be pain and blood but when a lancer male finishes he naturally shifts his focus to other things. Which will mean better performance. The professional escort as we term them into your translation will require healing. And if she watches some videos on how to please a male lancer it will greatly reduce the inflicted pain. In summary yes though, we need to find a female human who is will to deal with the healing bots to help us. Tarla is looking for a new adventure and is willing to help. She has already hired a few employees and thinks she would be a great fit here.” Bexso said with pleading eyes.

  I gave a laugh and she frowned.

  “Bexso, of course, that is a wonderful idea and I fully support it. Have the bubble enclosure furthest from the city converted. Tell Tarla she is hired and on payroll. Find out what she needs and then have her make the needed changes. She is on the planning committee after all. Then send me a summary of the requested funds to get the project going. Also, have her head off Traz. That is priority number one. The last thing I want to do is listen to him bugging you and Astrid about sex while we compete. Get that horny teenager laid… Oh… Bexso, babe… Never send me lancer dick pics again okay.” I said laughing as I went for a strawberry milkshake.

  Bexso raced off to coordination with Tarla while I grabbed my meal in a cup. I saw mom snacking on a bowl of fruit eyeing photos with Starla, Astrid, and Lorie. They looked happy and I planted a kiss on one cheek and then three lips. I told the girls to have fun and I was stealing Astrid.

  I led her to a converted bedroom that was a meeting slash video watching room now. She was back in her human body for probably the last time until the human competition. I sat in a seat and she plopped into my lap while burrowing her head into my chest.

  A video screen populated on the far wall and we watched the footage for hours of previous contests with large creatures. The gory deaths of thousands of contestants was peaceful as we relaxed and snuggled. I can’t say I learned a whole lot but I could at least say I gained a little from the time. When we were done we found Bexso in her full dragumi clone and Astrid changed back to the draguman. I did the nasty change out of my combat clone to a standard body and we were ready to leave.

  We kissed and hugged the family goodbye and boarded the new shuttle. A few minutes after clearing the space from Oralis we entered slipspace with a two hour travel time to Lunish. We would stay in a simple hotel that night and compete in the morning. As we transitioned between systems I wondered how we would do.


  I got to meet Captain Larz at the check in station for the event. This lancer was only centimeters under his father who stood at two and a half meters. It was a younger version but black with green stripes instead of all black like his dad. He radiated confidence and winked at Bexso as we passed. I wanted to say hi but was pulled by Bexso to get in the security line. Astrid, Bexso, and I passed security and were scanned as to confirm we were contestants. A yellow light approved us and we waited on Larz who talked to a luni girl propositioning her for sex. Bexso was in her full dragumi teal clone. I was informed it was not a battle clone and would not handle too much damage. Of course she was naked as were we all and looked great. Not as hot as Astrid who was shifting uncomfortably. The constant cover and then trying to act natural was adorable. I placed a hand on Astrid’s back and whispered to her to be proud of her draguman body because I was. This calmed her anxiety of being nude in public. I didn’t care my dick swung with every step. I was used to it by now.

  I asked Bexso if our prematch entertainment had been a success and she said yes. She mentioned Larz really wanted to eat the luni he was propositioning and not fuck her. Luni were a delicacy to lancers. Ah Ha! Inner lancer theory confirmed.

  “You watch the eyes, that look right there is a predator seeing food,” Bexso muttered then raised her voice. “Hey! You… the flamboyant lancer. Quit playing with the help… We have three minutes to get to our drop pod.”

  The lancer rolled his eyes but checked in. I went to do introductions but he trounced past us in a hurry. I shrugged. The girls joined me and we followed in his wake. The pod was different than the solo one I had used before. There were larger spears in the middle and four seats. It was two spears per contestant but the first thing Larz did was secure four beside his long body.

  I was debating on arguing when Bexso handed me a single spear and a ‘don’t bother’ gaze. We belted into the pod and waited eighty seconds for the timer to launch us. Finally, Larz spoke.

  “I am in command here. You will follow my orders. If I tell you to be bait, you become bait. If I order you to your death, you die gloriously. I had a long sour assholish speech planned. My father whined for a full week about you human.” He shot me a predatory gaze. “I was surprised and pleased by my earlier entertainment. So thoroughly fulfilled I have decided you get to see the nice side of me. I thirst for combat and this shall be a fun time. No questions. Here we go.”

  A happy male lancer, this was a first besides the Emperor. It seemed you pleased them with sex or winning lots of money. I could at least rationalize that and I would have to thank Bexso and Tarla later. As long as I lived I never wanted to know how the poor human girl faired. Let us hope she survived and move past that line of thought.

  The pod shifted as it collided with the sandy beach. Uh… I had been lost in fighting off mental images apparently. My restraint released and I shuffled out of the capsule last. We were on a beach next to a jungle. A new island I did not recognize.

  “Follow me. Move those two legs with a hurry weaklings.” Larz bellowed out his orders.

  A spear rocketed from his paw and I saw a massive snake coil in pain. It was dead before we even reach the fight. Larz laughed at his prey.

  “Keep up,” and he was gone again

  That was all he said and I tried to stay close to him. Poor Bexso and Astrid were struggling with the pace. We reached a large waterfall that a river fed. The girls caught up as Larz and I spied a team of luni poking at fish in the water. The lancer grinned and his eyes twinkled in delight. I knew that look, it was that of a predator who found easy prey.

  I was expecting a huddle or a plan… Nope. Larz shimmed his profile down low and stalked to his targets. We looked at each other and shrugged. I could crawl after him but would never keep up. He was moving fast and near to the ground. When he sprung his ambush I raced to the waterfall.

  Lars flung two spears at the same time in each arm at two unsuspecting luni. Both were
perfect kill shots right through the heads. I raced to catch up to the fighting. A three luni was mauled in a pounce inside the waterfall lagoon. Blood pooled saturating the waters. The retreating fourth luni ran my way and I speared him to a tree. The luni I stuck was squirming and Larz approached giggling in glee. He clawed an arm of my victim and ripped it from its socket with sucking snap sound. He then beat the poor luni to death with its own arm. He gave me a look of defiance. I merely grinned back and he gave a pat on my back that sent me stumbling. I then realized he was in a combat clone. My guess valued at half a million for a competition we would have to place top five to revenue more than that. Who knew though? Maybe having someone as illustrious as Larz in your event brought in more revenue. It probably did. I know I enjoyed watching him slaughter his foes.

  “Okay, you or your confused wife will go be bait. I smell a large snarcak.” Larz said and I twisted my head in confusion. “The twelve legged amphibian you ran from before. Drag this dead body and splash a lot. He will come and I will kill him. Go… Now!”

  I hauled the one armed luni over my shoulder and followed the river to a delta. I plunged into the water and stabbed the body repeatedly. Blood pooled around me. I let the body drift toward the ocean and smacked my spear across the top of the water. A long set of teeth gulped the luni body. Two of eyes lifted from the water to stare at me with hunger. I turned and ran from the waist deep water to the beach. The beast burst from the water and closed the distance. I dodged the first snap. The clatter of its teeth reverberated through my body.

  I was expecting Larz to charge in and finish the beast. Hell or even Bexso… Maybe Astrid. I realized I was alone when I narrowly avoided a second bite. I ran further up the beach and leaped up a tree in a bear hug. I shimmied higher as the croc tried to eat me. The intelligent eyes realized he could chop the tree down and get his prey onto the ground.

  My luck had carried the day because when he turned to chomp the tree it gave me a perfect opportunity to stab into his eye. I leaped onto its face spear first. I found his soft weak eye and plunged my weapon in deep. It was a risky move but my only option. The beast rotated with anger and smashed a few trees to the ground as it thrashed. A few seconds later it stilled.

  I glanced around my surroundings and found I was still alone. Stupid Larz, leaving me to fight something this deadly by myself. I went and retrieved my spear and headed back to the waterfall. I collected a spear left behind and followed the only paw tracks I could find. They pointed toward my fight but before they reached the delta they veered deeper into the trees suddenly. The spacing increasing indicating a run.

  I trotted after the tracks. I was still careful to be aware of my surroundings. I possessed no super smell to tell me everything about my environment. I heard the crackling of brush and the snapping of branches underfoot heading my direction. I set an ambush point and quieted.

  A four armed ape beast barreled towards me constantly looking over his shoulder. That was all I got to see of him before I had to prepare my lunge. He was only a meter away when I peeled myself from behind the tree and pointed the pike in his direction. I stabbed for his throat but I could have just stood there. He never saw me. Ran right into my pointed weapon and we both went flying from the impact. My back smashed against a tree. The ape guy ripped the spear from his neck in reflex. He then tried to staunch the flow of blood. He died with his hand covered in his own blood.

  I found the trail of Larz’s heavy footfalls and followed it again. The lancer must weigh a thousand kilos based on how deep the impressions were. I found a scattering of bodies in a section of trees and underbrush. A melee had erupted here. My poor Astrid and Bexso were dead. Multiple pike wounds littered their bodies. A mighty roar erupted not far away. I collected a third pike and raced to the sound.

  The jungle broke into a clearing where Larz battled a ten meter tall predator. Its head was overly large and arms small. It was a mix of a dinosaur with four bird legs and a long body. The animal was frustrated at fighting the lancer. Every claw or bite attack was dodged and another bloody gash inflicted by Larz. I quickly lowered my profile and glided to the edge of the clearing. I leaned two pikes against a tree and hefted one up high ready for a throw. I ran forward and launched. I snatched the next pike. I lined up, raced forward, and heaved a throw. My first pike landed as the second left my hand. It caught the beast in the shoulder. This caused a stutter in its step, the next spear landed in its chest. Not a kill shot but enough to greatly anger it.

  I grabbed my last pike as it shifted its attention to me. This was the wrong decision by our foe. Larz flared his claws out and raced up the creatures back when it turned. He raced to its shoulders and sliced its neck open in great gushes of blood. The spurt was violent and intense. Shooting for dozens of meters until it slowed and then the monster collapsed.

  “You survived… Impressive for a creature with an intellect of two. I thought the snarcak would have eaten you for sure. Your dragumi and confused human died trying their bests. We found three teams battling it out. It was better to eliminate some competition. There are only twenty five teams and we have already removed four of them. Retrieve your weapons. This creature has a nest and a mate not too far. We need to get more points.” Larz ordered.

  I went and retrieved my spears the hung off the body. Larz was already on the move leaving me behind. I jogged after him trying to keep up. Combat lancers were incredibly fast. I raced across the clearing and into the jungle again. I found Larz sniffing the air behind a rock for cover.

  “Bait time again human. Go piss off the momma. I will kill the babies and then attack the beast from behind.” Larz said and waved a paw for me to get going.

  “I have no idea where to go. I can’t smell like you.”

  “I almost apologized there, little warrior. I am accustomed to fighting with lancers only. The parent creature is that way.”

  He pointed and I ran in that direction. I dodged spikey bushes and tree limbs only to run into a leg of the beast. A head big enough to swallow me tried to bite me in half. I rolled under the monster and trust all three spears up as hard as I could. The animal reared in pain and I charged a leg in a tackle. My shoulder connected with the thin tall leg and I heard a snap with a pop. The beast lots its balance and fell to the ground. My triple spear bundle was projected deep into its chest. There was a shriek and then silence.

  I realized it falling on my spears had killed it. Also, my shoulder was out of its socket and my spears were gone. Buried under the beast, far too difficult to retrieve. Larz silently revealed himself moments later. He studied me and instantly sprang forward. His movements were fluid and precise. He snapped my shoulder back into the socket and handed me a spear.

  “Well done human. I am starting to understand how you bested father and surprised the Emperor. If only you weren’t so cozy with the dragumi.”

  “Lots of aliens expanding, lots of fighting to be done. Maybe you find a different foe? I am sure there are plenty of battles that don’t involve your two alliances.” I said with a shrug that made me wince. I saw him frown at my pain response.

  “Maybe one day human. Let me sniff around and see what I can find. Irony human. I smell a dragumi war team of three down this cliff. I can scale down with my claws… you will have to go around. I think we should split here. Meet me on the beach that way. I will kill these dragumi. I do not smell combat clones. It will be easy for me to defeat them. If you see something you can kill, do so.” Larz said and ran into the jungle the opposite way he told me to go.

  I figured if there were any nearby opponents he would have smelt them. With caution, I proceeded in the direction he indicated. My steps were slow and deliberate. I paced myself. I let the adrenaline slow that my blood had been pumping furiously earlier. A rustling from my right caused me to pause. My sudden stop resulted in something else freezing its movements. A fellow ambush predator. Nope, not interested. I bolted the opposite way to give the mysterious opponent plenty of room and circled around un
til I found the beach.

  I trekked onto the sand and set up in the middle of the beach. Clear vision all around allowed me to relax as I sat and monitored my surroundings. There… On the path from the jungle, the one I had exited recently. A twenty legged spider with hundreds of eyes watched me. I was surprised it showed itself. It must have been starving… It stepped onto the sands.

  I got to my feet in a hurry and retreated to the water. It was tentative on the sand. Scared but determined. I decided it would be a poor swimmer and I would take it to deeper water if I had to. It progressed another dozen paces into the sand and paused. Its internal debate raging. When it decided I was not worth the effort it turned to return to the jungle. I saw motion from the top of a palm type tree.

  Larz leaped down onto the spider and killed it with a single thrust. The spider shriveled in its death. There was a sucking sound as the pike was freed. Larz hustled to me while sniffing the air.

  “You make fantastic bait human. This spinda would have never left the jungle for another flesh bag. It is interesting fighting with you. The dragumi are dispatched. One said they struggled for points after losing a matriarch to a pack of predators. The flimsy males regret not participating in combat clones. Well, no resting. We keep killing until the little fish prey picks us up.” Larz said with a mischievous grin.

  We ran up the beach and back into the thick jungle. The lancer species thrived in this environment so I understood why we went in here. I watched as Larz raised his sniffer into the air picking something up. That was overpowered in this situation. He, in essence, had a radar with his sense. A right turn and we trudged down to the beach again.


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