Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)

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Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series) Page 10

by L. J. Dee

  “Not a teacher; the librarian and the wife of the caretaker,” he laughed as I shook my head.

  “At the same time?”

  He was laughing hard. “Fuck, no. The wife caught us in the woods and threatened to have me expelled. I went round to apologise and see if I could charm her out of grassing me up, and what do you know, it worked.”

  “Isn’t that illegal?” I gasped as a small smirk tickled the side of his mouth.

  “What makes you think I give a fuck about legal? Besides, that’s every young man’s fantasy and I was hardly going to prosecute. For a bookworm, Mindy Montgomery was a real dirty bitch, taught me everything I needed to know.”

  I was stunned. “That’s shocking.”

  “Don’t be so judgemental. You should be thanking her. She taught me how to make a woman come in so many ways it would make your eyes water. It was like having my own personal sex tutor. I think I was in love,” he laughed as I shook my head.

  “When it comes to staff, from now on I’ll think about you in your sexy little thong and those pink gloves with that beautiful mouth wrapped around my cock. That should do the trick,” he laughed as I smiled, snuggling back underneath his arm as he wound it tightly around me.

  We lay silently for a while. I wanted to ask him his thoughts on the letter, but I didn’t want to sour his mood. He seemed okay, playful even, and from my experience with Roman so far, that in itself was pretty unusual. I decided to leave it for now, listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart, and knowing without looking up that he’d already fallen asleep. I crept out of bed, showering quickly, dressing and straightening my appearance before returning to the house. I wasn’t certain whether everyone would be back for dinner, but decided to prepare something anyway. It was a sure fire bet no one else would bother, and from what I’d seen, the house was stocked with enough supplies to rustle up a pasta bake.

  It was a shame I couldn’t utilise the local family run deli that I used for Mr Turnbull’s gatherings. I wasn’t certain if he thought I made it myself. He’d never asked and I’d never said, but they did everything I needed and the instructions were foolproof.

  I hunted around the cupboards, looking for all the ingredients I needed, setting everything up and getting to work. I turned as the kitchen door opened, smiling at Charlie and desperate for this hostility to end as he pulled alongside me at the worktop, watching as I chopped the onions with a teaspoon upside down in my mouth.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, watching me curiously.

  “It’s supposed to stop you crying,” I said, pointing at the onions through blurry eyes.

  “It doesn’t look like its working,” he smiled as I shrugged, taking out the teaspoon and flinging it in the sink.

  “I know,” I smiled back as he laughed, putting the onions in the pan, adding the tomatoes and herbs and cutting the chorizo into small disks. “I thought I’d make pasta in case anyone’s hungry,” I said as he crossed his legs, leaning on the counter.

  “Where’s Roman?” he asked as I continued chopping, avoiding his gaze.

  “He’s taking a nap,” I replied, risking a quick glance before looking away again. He wasn’t hostile, but definitely cooler than usual.

  “Did he read the letter?” I nodded, unsure how much Roman would want me to share with his brothers. “What did it say?”

  “You need to ask Roman about it,” I smiled gently, placing my hand on his arm as he moved away quickly.

  “I really did want to tell you privately, Charlie,” I said, hoping this awkwardness would be short lived.

  “It’s none of my business, Chas. But be careful because one thing is certain. Roman will let you down,” he said curtly as I turned my attention to the pan, looking out of the window as Lucas’s Bentley pulled up beside the fountain and Dexter bounded out, gazing in wonder at the house.

  I wasn’t ready to get into this with Charlie now and went to greet him at the door. He flung himself into my arms and I picked him up, kissing his soft pink cheeks and squeezing him tightly. I’d missed him. He couldn’t stop gasping and staring in awe at the incredible mansion, turning to Lucas as he walked inside, holding my sisters hand.

  “Wow,” Dexter said over and over and I was pleased he was here. A happy influx of new blood would be a welcome relief from the intensity of the weekend, and he would cheer everyone up. He was a funny kid and great company. I smiled at my sister as she looked over at the ingredients on the side, laughing gently.

  “Pasta bake?” she grinned as I nodded.

  “I wasn’t sure if anyone had eaten, so I thought I’d do some just in case. Tyler’s practising with the band and Roman is sleeping,” I said as Lucas glanced across at me.

  “Has he read the letter?” he asked.

  “You’ll have to ask Roman about it, it’s not my place to say. Did you all get one?”

  “Roman was the only one who got an individual letter, but there was one to all of us. He knew he was ill. He was scheduled for surgery on his heart, but didn’t tell anyone. We’re not sure why, but my father wasn’t a stupid man and we have to respect his decision to keep it private. He must have had his reasons for not wanting us to know. I guess at least the fact that he knew, meant he could get everything in order,” Lucas said sadly as I nodded, smiling at Dex who was tugging at his hand.

  “Do you have Scalextric here?” he asked as Lucas shook his head.

  “No, but we have other stuff. That banister rail is awesome for sliding down,” he laughed as Jess gasped.

  “No, Dex, that’s way too dangerous. If you fall off, you’ll break your neck.” She was glowering at Lucas as he shrugged.

  “We used to do it all the time and never fell off,” he smiled as she shook her head.

  With four brothers, all so close in age, I guessed Jess would have to accept that what she found totally dangerous was just run of the mill, boyish fun in this house.

  I filled the huge ceramic dish with pasta as Lucas and Charlie took Dexter for a tour of the place and I could hear him squealing endlessly in delight as Jess walked over. “Have you spoken to Charlie?” she asked as I glanced across at her.

  “Only briefly. He’ll just have to get used to it, it’s done now,” I said as she raised her eyebrows. The last thing I needed was a lecture and felt sure I was about to get one.

  “But you get on so well together, Chas, it would be such a shame for you to fall out over it. You need to try harder. He’s obviously hurting.” I stared at her for a moment. This situation was unusual, not to mention uncalled for.

  “You’ve been with Lucas for a few weeks and now you’re an expert on men?”

  She flushed at my reaction and was suddenly on the back foot. “I didn’t mean...” she started as I put my hand up to cut her off.

  “If anyone doles out lectures on how to behave with the opposite sex, Sis, it’s me. I’ve had enough experience to know that Charlie will come around, and if he doesn’t, he’s not worthy of my friendship.”

  A flash of disappointment flicked across her features. I wasn’t even sure I believed those words myself, but I was damned if I’d stand here and listen to Jess banging on about it.

  “How has Dex been getting on with Mrs Kilbride?” I asked as she smiled brightly. It was a common tactic to get Jess off my back.

  “He loves Lucas’s place. I can’t believe how great he is with Dex and that I was so worried about it. He’s trying really hard and he’s so good to him,” she said as I nodded, stirring the cheese in with the tomatoes and switching on the oven.

  “So you’re not worried anymore?” I asked quietly, knowing that only a couple of weeks ago, she’d had major reservations about letting Lucas into Dexter’s life.

  “It’s a big adjustment for both of us, but I want Lucas in all the ways he wants me, so I have to trust him. I know there’ll be times when things get tough, and you know as well as I do how he doesn’t like to be told ‘no’, but I know he won’t do anything to hurt us deliberately and t
his stuff doesn’t come with a handbook. We’ve just got to take it day by day,” she smiled as I nodded.

  “How long is Dex staying?”

  “Just for tonight. I thought he might cheer everyone up at bit. Things are strained.”

  “No shit,” I laughed, glancing across at her.

  “It’s really early days for them, Chas, and you can see everyone’s tempers are a bit frayed. They’re men and they don’t do the whole emotional thing. I’m worried that they’re bottling it all up. Lucas said if they want to fight, we should stand back and let them. Apparently it’s how they sort most things out,” she said as I raised my eyebrows.

  “Who does he think is going to fight?” I asked, turning to face her as she avoided my gaze and looked at the floor. “Jess,” I pushed.

  “He thinks there’s trouble brewing between Roman and Charlie,” she said as I stared at her hard.

  “Because of me?” I asked as she nodded reluctantly.

  “Do you think I should go?” I asked as she put her hand on my arm, shaking her head. “No, Chas, and neither does Lucas. He just said that if they want to kick the shit out of each other; stand back and let them. They’ll get it out of their system and shake hands afterwards. That’s all,” she said as I shook my head, wondering again what the hell I was doing. My head was all over the place.

  Chapter Eight

  Dexter was racing about the lounge, pretending to be a sports car as I set the table for tea, wondering if I should go and wake Roman, waving as I saw him making his way across the grass from the lodge. He didn’t wave back and looked deep in thought as I called everyone through and let them know there was food if they wanted it.

  Tyler had said goodbye to the band and idled through, grabbing a beer from the fridge and sitting next to Lucas who was at the head of the table. Dex sat next to Jess, and Roman came in and took a seat next to Tyler, this time with no romantic mid-kitchen kisses. I cast him a glance, wondering if he was okay, but it was hard to tell. I placed the huge dish on the table, carving up the bread and telling everyone to help themselves.

  Charlie was the last to arrive, taking a seat beside me, looking just as pensive as he had earlier.

  “Thanks, Chas,” Lucas said, as everyone mumbled their appreciation.

  “You haven’t tasted it yet,” I quipped, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

  “It’s nice, Aunty Chas, you do this every night at home,” Dex said as everyone except Lucas and Jess gazed at me curiously.

  “I know. I have limited culinary experience, kid,” I shrugged, looking out of the window at the sound of wheels on gravel, wondering who it could be.

  Lucas went to answer the door and I glanced at my sister as soon as I heard the soft voice in the hallway. She looked thunderous and from her reaction, I knew instantly who it was. “Take a seat, we’re just having dinner,” Lucas said, showing Roberta inside as she held out a giant lasagne.

  “I wasn’t sure how you boys were coping. Alison told me you’d given her some time off and I know how tragically inept you all are in the kitchen. But I see you’ve got it covered,” she said, eyeballing me and Jess.

  “Thanks, Roberta,” Lucas smiled, taking the dish from her and putting it by the fridge. “We’ll have it tomorrow. Chas has just knocked up a rather impressive pasta bake,” he said, winking at me before putting down his knife and fork and taking my sisters hand in his.

  “You remember my girlfriend Jess. This is her sister Chastity,” he smiled broadly as I looked up to see Roberta’s face contort in shock.

  “Your girlfriend? I thought she was your business partner, Lucas,” she stuttered, trying to regain her composure quickly. It was a valiant, if not totally convincing effort.

  “She’s that too,” he smiled, leaning across to kiss Jess’s cheek as she stared between them, looking as though she’d just been slapped.

  “I like lasagne, lady,” Dex piped up, and from the look of shock on her face, I assumed Roberta hadn’t even noticed him until now.

  “And you are?” she spat as Jess cast her a steely glance and even Tyler raised his eyebrows. It was a hostile way to address a five year old, although Dexter to his credit didn’t seem remotely phased.

  “I’m Dex. Jess is my Mummy,” he said, sounding as cute as a button as his little lisp rolled around the words. I could practically see the mental maths playing out on her features as she glanced again at Lucas with a ‘what the hell are you playing at?’ look on her face. Lucas read it just as clearly as I did.

  “Where’s your Daddy?” she asked quickly as Jess took a sharp intake of breath. This woman was clearly clueless on how to interact with kids. Roman and Charlie looked almost amused.

  “My real Daddy died, but I want Lucas to be my new Daddy,” he said confidently. Jess looked stunned for a second, but for the look on Roberta’s face I wanted to high five him, throwing him a huge grin as Charlie choked on his pasta.

  “What made you say that, Dex?” Jess asked, her tone as sweet as pure cane sugar, but I knew my sister well enough to know that it was an act. If this was something to do with Lucas, he was well and truly in the fucking shit. I tried to stifle my giggle. Dexter glanced at Roman who’d said nothing, looking mildly terrified before turning back to Jess.

  “I heard Lucas talking...” he started as Jess glared at her boyfriend and I turned to Charlie who was trying not to laugh. Lucas shrugged. If he knew what Dexter was referring to, he was playing dumb and I didn’t blame him.

  “He was asking about the pop question,” Dex smiled as we all glanced at Tyler who looked up from shovelling pasta into his mouth, glancing around the table.

  “What?” I don’t know what he means,” Tyler said, laughing and smiling at Dexter who was smiling back, until he caught Roman’s gaze and sank deeper into his chair, moving closer to Lucas.

  Something about Roman Hunter frightened my little nephew and I’d need to sort that out. I hated the thought of him being afraid of anyone; particularly the man who was currently sharing my bed.

  “Charlie knows,” Dexter grinned as Charlie looked at him in surprise.

  “Come and whisper it to me,” he said as Dex jumped off his chair, bounding into Charlie’s lap and cupped his hands to his ear. I grinned at my sister, knowing we were all about to hear this anyway.

  “The pop question. Lucas said to you that one day he might be my Dad, after the pop question.” Dex returned to his seat, smiling at Lucas and Jess before Charlie announced that he had no idea about the conversation Dex was referring to.

  “I can’t remember discussing Tyler and Dex with you, Lucas,” he said, shaking his head in amusement.

  It suddenly dawned on me that the ‘pop’ reference had nothing to do with music or Tyler’s career. I wasn’t sure that mentioning my theory was a particularly good idea, and my sister would go mental. But if I was right, it would put Roberta well and truly in her place. It was worth it just to piss her off.

  “Do you mean Lucas was going to pop the question?” I asked as my sister dropped her knife and fork in stunned shock, but there was someone at the table even more incensed.

  “Jesus Christ, how long have you even been together?” Roberta snapped as Lucas glared at her.

  “Don’t blaspheme in front of my son,” Jess said calmly, but there was an undeniable undercurrent of aggression in my sister’s tone. I blasphemed all the time, as did she. She didn’t like Roberta and was baring her fangs. I wondered for a second whether we were about to witness that infamous temper again, deciding that since I’d raised it, I’d better try and diffuse the situation.

  I didn’t get the chance. Tyler beat me to it.

  “Are you going to propose to Jess?” he asked, beaming broadly. Jess was flushed with embarrassment as Lucas squeezed her hands tightly.

  “This is neither the time nor the place, but since it’s been raised, I expect that I’ll have to put everyone’s mind at rest or I’ll never hear the end of it. I don’t see the point in waiting around. Jess is
everything I want and I know in my heart that will never change. I would ask this beautiful girl to marry me in an instant, but the fact is, that right now she’ll say no,” he said, looking at my sister as she glanced at the floor. Roberta’s eyes were burning into her with something akin to disbelief. She clearly didn’t think my sister had any right to say no to Lucas Hunter.

  “Have you just proposed?” I asked as Lucas laughed.

  “No, Chas, it’s a theoretical proposition, and I can assure you that when I do, it won’t be in front of you lot, and my girlfriend will hopefully look a lot happier than she does right now. I’m sorry, Jess, I didn’t know Dex was listening,” he said softly as she gazed up at him, nodding gently.

  My sister was right. Lucas was intent on moving things forward quickly, much more quickly from the sounds of that conversation. I was delighted for her, but the impact on me would be significant. That was a conversation for another day and I wasn’t so selfish I’d piss on her parade right now. Even if she wasn’t ready for that level of commitment, she must be reassured that Lucas was already willing to offer it. I think in my heart I’d known that when he was so insistent on getting close to Dexter. Men like Lucas Hunter didn’t fuck around with single mothers if they weren’t serious. Turnbull was right; he was a man of morals.

  Roberta looked like she was about to burst into tears and it was almost hard not to feel sorry for her, but she rallied quickly. “So Tyler, when will we see you live in action?” she asked as Tyler grinned broadly.

  “We’re gigging in Manchester in a couple of weeks to support the launch of the new album,” he said as she nodded. She was showing willing, but it was clear she still hadn’t quite got over Lucas’s revelation.

  “I’d like to go to that,” I smiled at Jess, trying to bring her out of her obvious shock as she nodded enthusiastically.

  “You can all have tickets,” he said as Roman faced him.

  “I’m sorry, Ty, I won’t be here.” My heart sank, reinforcing just how temporary this arrangement was.


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