Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)

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Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series) Page 15

by L. J. Dee

  “Thirty minutes,” he said as a long pause ensued. “Yeah, I know you’re a busy man, but so am I,” he winked as I laughed. “If you’re in a hurry, land the chopper at the estate. Usual place, I’ll be there to meet you,” he said, hanging up the phone.

  “You’re not leaving are you?” I gasped as he shook his head.

  “No, I just need to collect some papers, baby,” he said, leaning to kiss me hard on the mouth.

  “From someone in a helicopter?” I asked but he didn’t answer, pulling on his jeans and T-shirt, followed by a pair of socks and thick black boots before he turned to stare at me.

  “Tell no one about this,” he said, staring firmly into my eyes as I raised my eyebrows.

  “I’m pretty sure they’ll hear the chopper,” I smiled, tilting my head.

  “They won’t. Say nothing. I mean it,” he said sounding suddenly serious and in a desperate rush.

  I couldn’t resist. “Yes, Daddy,” I pouted, hearing his low sexy chuckle until the front door closed, watching him sprint quickly across the lawns. In seconds he was out of sight. How very James Bond of him. I wanted to follow, but I simply had no energy.

  I lay back on the bed, pulling the covers tightly and smiling to myself. That had been wonderful and now I was starving, wondering if anyone would bother to make dinner, thinking they probably wouldn’t. I needed more than cherry ice cream, so I got myself ready, made my way to the house and warmed Roberta’s lasagne in the oven.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Are you daydreaming about the resident Hunter bad boy?” Jess quipped, catching my reflection in the mirror as I teased her hair into soft, bouncy curls.

  “You got me!” I grinned as she shook her head. “Stay still or half your scalp will be stuck to these straightening irons,” I scolded as she laughed gently.

  “Don’t get too involved, Chas,” she said in a concerned whisper as she held my gaze.

  “I’m not, it’s just that he’s.....,” I couldn’t finish that sentence. After this afternoon there were no words.

  “That’s what I’m worried about. So is Lucas, and Charlie,” she said; which really got my back up.

  “So you’ve all been talking about me then?” I snapped as she evaded eye contact.

  “It’s not like that, Chas. They’re just worried and so am I. This isn’t like a one night stand. You’ve spent a lot of time together this weekend, and you’re obviously getting close to him. According to Charlie he’s all kinds of unreliable,” she said as I rolled my eyes.

  “Of course we’re close. We’re fucking every two minutes and FYI, it’s pretty incredible, but I don’t need anyone to tell me he isn’t a keeper. No one is more shocked than me at how this weekend has turned out. The last thing I expected was to be fucked into oblivion, well not by Roman anyway,” I said, wishing I hadn’t.

  “You thought something might happen with Charlie, didn’t you?” she asked as I stared at the piece of hair I was curling, turning as the door to the bathroom opened and Lucas walked in. It was perfect timing....or not.

  “Ow,” Jess screeched as I mumbled an apology for burning her head, staring in pure unadulterated wonder at the vision before me.

  He was standing, holding a small white towel in place to cover his modesty, his dark hair slicked back with the water from his shower and beads of moisture settled on a deep tanned body so toned and masculine that I couldn’t look away. This was getting embarrassing, but there was nothing I could do. They were like Greek gods, all of them, and Lucas Hunter was no exception. I lifted my eyes from the bulge behind his towel as he coughed slightly to get my attention.

  “Sorry, ladies, I didn’t mean to interrupt, I forgot my shirt,” he said, picking up a hanger with a black Armani dress shirt as I continued to stare.

  “Don’t apologise, Lucas,” I said, my voice at least an octave higher as my sister smacked my arm and I burst out laughing.

  “Is Charlie still with Scarlett?” Jess asked as I frowned deeply.

  “What’s he doing over there? I thought he was coming out with us,” I said, the disappointment stretching through every syllable.

  “Who knows? If he’s not over there, she’s calling him every two minutes expecting him to drop everything,” he said, his voice laced with annoyance.

  “She wanted to come tonight,” Jess said, catching my gaze in the mirror. Oh Great. This was supposed to be a night out to relieve the tension and pent up emotions in this house, not bloody well add to them.

  “Is she coming?” I asked, looking at Lucas.

  “No fucking way. I can’t believe he’s back with her. Jesus, Chas, why couldn’t you just have picked my other brother,” he said, shaking his head and blowing out a huge angry breath as I caught my sister’s gaze. She shrugged, in an ‘I agree with Lucas’ kind of way and I couldn’t believe it.

  He might be hot as hell, but he was hearing this, almost naked or not. And so was she. “Excuse me, guys, but I am not taking the blame for Charlie being back with Scarlett. That was his decision and no one else’s,” I said firmly as Jess interrupted.

  “Yeah, but we just thought, you and Charlie....” she started, but I didn’t give her the chance to finish.

  “Me and Charlie what? If I remember correctly, Jess, you were the one who told me to stay away from Charlie, not to complicate things for you and Lucas or make life difficult. And you...” I said, pointing my finger at Lucas, “Had the exact same conversation with your brother. So don’t try and pin this on me.”

  Lucas stared at me hard. “Point taken and it’s irrelevant now anyway. You’re screwing Roman. Just be careful there, Chas, I don’t want to see you get hurt.” His words stung, but the kindness in his voice all but evaporated any anger that was lingering there. I glanced across at our beautiful dresses and shoes, deciding the last thing I needed was a fight with Lucas. He was irritatingly direct, but he was also usually right and unswervingly kind to my sister, to Dex, and to me.

  “I won’t. I know what this is,” I said as he retreated to the bathroom, stopping and turning just before he went back inside.

  “Did you ask Roman to make your Facebook page disappear?” he asked. He knew the answer from the look on my face, nodding once and disappearing into the bathroom as I swallowed hard. Jeez, he’d already tried to trace those messages and I could only be grateful that Roman had been even quicker.

  I looked down at my sister, taking another piece of hair and resisting the urge to fry it into oblivion. “Do you really want to find him?” I asked as she looked at me sheepishly.

  “I just wanted Lucas to establish if his story checked out. He said his P.I could make discreet enquiries without him ever having to know. I wouldn’t have done anything about it without discussing it with you, Chas, but if he is telling the truth about having amnesia, I thought maybe he deserved a chance. He said it would be easy, but the P.I called this morning. Apparently, hacking deleted accounts is pretty straightforward if you know what you’re doing, but yours is buried so deep, even he couldn’t find it.”

  I knew that Lucas had the means to track him down if he wanted to. “Are you determined to do this, Jess?” I asked as she looked up at me, deep chocolate eyes brimming with sincerity.

  “I guess the fact that you asked Roman to go to those lengths means you really don’t want me to. You’re more important to me than he will ever be, Chas, and I’ll drop it if it means this much to you.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled. “If you find out his claims are true and want to give him a chance, you’re inviting him back into both our lives, Jess and I really want nothing to do with him. He’s dead to me, whatever his story. He left.”

  We were silent for a moment. I knew this news had knocked her for six. I was still convinced it was a prankster and was happy in my ignorance. Perhaps I should have told her, but for now at least, it was over. Things were getting too heavy again and I needed to lighten this up. Nights out with my sister were as rare as rocking horse shit and I was really lookin
g forward to it.

  “Did you really think me and Charlie might hook up this weekend?” I asked as she laughed.

  “You’re in a relationship with him already, aside from the sex. When I watch the two of you together you look like such a good fit. He’s so protective of you, Chas, and the way you look at each other sometimes... well let’s just say it’s pretty hot. I just thought....” she trailed off. She was right, but the conversation was making my gut churn in a way I couldn’t explain and I wished I’d never raised it. Lucas was right. There was no point dragging through it all now. I was screwing Roman and that bridge was burnt.

  “Lucas looks good in a towel, Sis,” I smiled, changing the subject and turning her around to start her make-up.

  “He looks even better without,” she laughed biting her lip.

  “I bet. They are seriously hot, all of them,” I said and I meant it. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me, but one taste of Hunter cock and I was like a rampant insatiable sex fiend.

  “I know. Have you seen Tyler walking around with no top on? Lucas saw me looking and got really pissed off,” she giggled as I laughed.

  “You can’t help but look, though. It’s like living in a Calvin Klein commercial, twenty four seven. On top of that, they wander around bare-chested and in the smallest towels. Where do they get their looks from, Mum or Dad?” I asked, finishing her eye shadow.

  “The eyes are their mothers. God, she was beautiful, Chas. Lucas showed me some photographs and she was one of those women who looked as incredible in a pair of dungarees and Wellington boots, digging up a garden, as she did in an evening gown. She had a warmth and innocence about her; you could see it in the pictures. She wasn’t posing or preening, just having fun with her boys. She was blonde, like Charlie. The dark hair comes from Silus. He was really attractive in his day. Lucas is probably the closest likeness,” she said as I flashed my eyebrows at her.

  “How did the mother die? I asked, brushing a light sweep of blush across the apples of her cheeks, highlighting those incredible cheekbones.

  “Car crash,” she whispered. “She swerved to avoid a deer in the road and hit a tree. Apparently she was killed outright,” she said as my hands flew to my mouth and I gasped in horror.

  “Oh my God, and there was me, prattling on about swerving to avoid a ferret and moaning about landing in a ditch when I arrived. Jesus, how insensitive was that?” I said, as a wave of guilt washed over me and Jess put her hand on my arm.

  “You weren’t to know, Chas, and you cheered everyone up. Believe me. It was getting a bit fraught before you arrived. There were loads of hangers on who kept trying to discuss business with Lucas and Charlie. It was unbelievable. There’s a time and a place, and their father’s funeral was not it. I got a glimpse into the kind of pressure these boys are under and it’s intense. Lucas says the sharks are circling now Silus is gone.”

  “Well you better get used to it, Sis. You’re one half of Evangelista and Hunter now, in more ways than one,” I grinned as she smiled, turning back towards the mirror and gasping at her reflection.

  “I look great. Why don’t you do my make-up more often, Chas?” she laughed as I smiled at her reflection.

  “Because until recently you’ve never bloody gone out anywhere!”

  We finished getting ready, surveying ourselves in the mirror and smiling broadly. Germaine had been right about the dresses, but now with our hair and make-up done to perfection and the full ensemble pieced together, we looked incredible. “I used to think I didn’t fit on Lucas’s arm, but I won’t feel like that tonight,” Jess said, beaming at me.

  “You always fit on his arm, and you are supermodel chic, Sis. You look gorgeous,” I grinned as she twirled for good measure.

  “So do you. Roman is gonna freak when he sees that dress. I bet Charlie does too,” she laughed as we grabbed our bags.

  “Don’t start that again,” I scowled as we made our way downstairs to join the boys in the kitchen.

  They all stopped and stared at us, mouths open and eyes wide and I felt like a million dollars. “Wow,” Charlie smiled as I looked around, grateful that his girlfriend hadn’t decided to push back and join us anyway.

  “Wow indeed,” Lucas smiled, sidling over to Jess and pulling her under his arm. They all looked stunning, casually smart in shirts, jeans and those incredible handmade shoes, with the exception of Tyler who looked like he’d made no effort whatsoever in ripped denim and a worn T-shirt. He was rocking the effortlessly cool celebrity singer look and was no less delicious for it.

  Roman was just staring at me, taking in every inch and saying nothing as Lucas and Jess walked out to the waiting car. Tyler followed with Charlie as Roman finally approached me. “You are going to be the death of me, Chastity Evangelista,” he whispered, my skin shuddering deliciously as he trailed a soft finger down my tingling spine. “You look magnificent, baby,” he smiled, brushing his lips against mine before locking up the house and sliding into the car beside me.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The club was incredible and Roman was right, the VIP section was certainly something to see, impeccably designed and decorated in deep plums with low lighting and smoky mirrors. It was seductive and classy with high end furnishings and a bar that curved the entire length of the diamond encrusted dance floor. The lights from the small flecks bounced across the walls, and I’d remember this place for future events. It was unusual and distinctive and a waitress in a tasteful cocktail dress had delivered Cristal on ice before we’d even taken our seats.

  Apparently tonight was quiet, which only reinforced the fact that this must be one of London’s more happening new venues. The club below was bouncing with bodies and from our prime spot, with an incredible view of everything, it looked as though Roman’s friend was keen to impress. Either that or he wanted the association with Tyler Hunter, whose new found celebrity was already getting him some serious attention. As the other lone male in the group, so was Charlie.

  Roman grabbed my hand and my glass, leading me to the bar where a giant of a man was leaning casually against the curved, polished wood in a five thousand pound suit, grinning broadly. He was built like Roman and there was an air about him that suggested military. I couldn’t place exactly what it was, but it seemed to me as obvious as the nose that was broken across his face.

  Roman released my hand as the two embraced like brothers, warm smiles reflecting a bond that was close and genuine. “A.K. meet Chastity Evangelista,” Roman said as he flashed his eyebrows, casting his friend a quick glance before taking my outstretched hand.

  “Pleased to meet you, A.K?” I said, betraying my curiosity at the odd name as he laughed.

  “Does she have security clearance,” he grinned at Roman as he nodded, leaning in to whisper to me, “Weapon of choice.” I knew it.

  Roman spoke quietly to his friend. I couldn’t make out the words, trying to get a better glimpse of whatever he was taking from A.K. and I wondered what the hell that was all about. I couldn’t see what it was, hoping that they wouldn’t continue to exclude me from the conversation. I decided to take matters into my own hands.

  “So how do you two know each other then?” I asked as Roman laughed.

  “A gentleman never tells, babe,” he smiled.

  “Well you’re no gent, so that rules you out of that particular get out clause. Now spill,” I smiled as A.K. laughed.

  “It looks like you might have met your match, brother,” he grinned as Roman nodded.

  “Damn right. We met in Afghanistan. A.K. was trying to tickle the Taliban into submission and I had to save his arse,” Roman laughed as A.K. shook his head.

  “Not quite how I remember it. That shrapnel clearly did more damage than I thought.”

  “Be careful,” Roman growled with a distinct humour in his voice as A.K. glanced across at our booth.

  “How’s the young one doing?” he asked as I turned to see Tyler with three women, all of whom looked like they were ready to p

  “He’s making the most of his new found celebrity status, as you can see.”

  “I wonder which one of those he’ll take home. If he’s anything like his brother, he’ll take all of them. I never met another man who can get three beautiful women naked in his room in ten minutes flat, without so much as buying them a drink,” he laughed as Roman glowered at him.

  ‘Okaaaay’ I thought, not particularly wanting to hear about Roman’s past conquests, looking towards the booth as Charlie caught my eye, smiling as he rose and walked towards us.

  “It’s a nice place, isn’t it, Chas?” he asked, clearly trying for a neutral conversation, but I was grateful of the distraction.

  “It’s beautiful,” I replied, seeing A.K. move away in my peripheral vision, caught in a rather awkward moment, sandwiched between Charlie and Roman. I sipped my champagne and groaned audibly as I looked up to see none other than Brad Johnson striding towards me and looking none too happy.

  “Charlie,” he nodded, glancing briefly at Roman before setting his gaze firmly on me. “Aren’t you just the funny little prick tease?” he said, staring at me as I felt the two men tense beside me. Jesus, any more aggravation was the last thing we needed.

  “Yeah, I think I am,” I quipped, taking another sip on my drink as Brad put his hand on my arm. Oh no, bad move.

  “The leap year trick was a cute little stunt, Chas, but you do know that eventually you’ll be down on your knees and my victory will be all the sweeter for it,” he grinned as I closed my eyes and in a split second it had happened. I didn’t even feel him move, but I heard his fist connect, recoiling backwards.

  Brad regained his balance, striking back as Roman ducked, before another five bodies were on him and Charlie was in there. There were fists flying, the cracking sound of knuckles on bone, a mass of limbs, flesh, blood and noise as Tyler ran, catching Brads friend with a banging uppercut that sent him stumbling. “For fucks sake,” I heard Lucas mutter beside me, wading into the group. I wondered for a second whether he was there to break it up, until I saw him take a punch, landing three back and deciding he wasn’t.


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