Broken Promise (The Denton Family Legacy #1)

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Broken Promise (The Denton Family Legacy #1) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  She hated to admit it, but Jacob Denton was in fact a nice looking man. No, nice looking didn’t even begin to cover it. He was fucking hot, and she hadn’t been with a man in so long. The night where he’d taken her for dinner had been fun, even if she remembered the night with a bit of a shudder. Jacob had made it fun, and after food, he’d taken her home.

  “No, you don’t hate me. You love me.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “I wanted to see that you were all right. I was an awful brother. I left Jacob to take care of you, and I felt bad about it.”

  “You were enjoying your party.”

  “It was a good party.”

  The sound of her bell ringing interrupted them, and she sighed. Her hands were shaking as moved to the door. Gripping the handle, she pulled the door open, and there stood Jacob. He was dressed in a suit, and he looked damn good. It was a black suit with a crisp white shirt peeking out. He looked every part the businessman.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “You look beautiful.”

  No man had ever called her beautiful before.

  “Thank you.”

  “I will see myself out,” Riley said. “I hope you both have a good night.”

  “I’ll be by to pick you up at three tomorrow afternoon. I expect you to be ready.”

  “And I’ll be waiting.”

  Riley winked at her before leaving. Heat filled her cheeks, and she invited Jacob into her small apartment. “It’s not much, but it is home,” she said.

  “I like it.”

  Locking her fingers together, she watched him as he stared at her house. She wasn’t freaking out at all. Complete and total lie. She was freaking out.

  “Thank you.”

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked.

  “Yes. I am.”

  She already had some cash in her back pocket in case she needed it. Grabbing some keys, she headed for the door, and waited for him.

  Jacob looked around her apartment, taking everything in. “You’re nervous about me being in your space?”

  “Not at all.”

  His hands were inside his pants, and she couldn’t help but notice how his suit seemed to bulge over his arms.

  “Don’t you want to get started?” Her pussy was having other ideas, and she wanted to strip naked and put her virgin mattress to some use.

  “Lead the way.”

  Opening her apartment door, she waited for him to exit before closing up. Pocketing her keys, and followed beside him. When they got onto the elevator, she found that she couldn’t look away from him.

  “Do you have any questions about tonight?” he asked.

  “None at all.” She was just going to see how the night went. “Will I be allowed to ask questions as the night goes on?”

  “Yeah, so long as I can ask them of you as well.”

  “Okay, cool.” Questions she could handle. “How old are you?”

  “Thirty-five. You?”

  “Twenty-five, but you knew that already.”

  “I did, but still, I just wanted to make sure that you understood the rules.”

  She took a deep breath. “I get it.”

  The doors pinged open, and they walked out of the doors together. Jacob placed a hand at her back, and she found herself closing her eyes at his touch. Before she fell flat on her face, she pushed those feelings aside. There was no way she intended to fall for this man.

  Within seconds they were inside his car, and Jacob turned to her.

  He leaned over, opening the glove compartment.

  Lou released a little squeal as she watched him grab out a gun, which looked like a Glock.

  “What the hell?”

  “Tonight is going to be dangerous. Do you know how to work a gun?”

  Since she’d left her parents’ house, Riley made sure she could take care of herself. “Yes.”

  “Good. Take it with you tonight. I don’t care where you have to store it, but I want you to keep it on your person.”

  “Can’t you store it?”

  “If shit goes down, you need to be able to get it.”

  “Fuck!” Her heart raced. Fear gripped her.

  “You wanted this, remember? If you just want to have dinner, I can make that happen.”

  “No. I’m good.”

  “You’re crazy. Most women just want an expensive dinner, some jewels, and a good long fuck.”

  “I take it you give them what they want?”

  “Most of the time.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked, taking the gun from his hand, and holding it in her own. She checked to make sure it was safe to put away before placing it back in the glove compartment. There was no way she was traveling with that thing at her back.

  “First stop is the casino. I get the rundown of what I’ve got to do, and then we’ll go and check it out.”

  “Sure, okay, I can handle that.” She rubbed her sweaty palms down her thighs.

  You can do this, Lou.

  “You’re a unique woman.”

  “I don’t think you mean that as a compliment.”

  “I do. You’re memorable.”

  “I like how you’re not trying to pretend to be someone you’re not.”

  He chuckled. “I’m not going to pretend that I’ve not fucked other women. You’ve been with other men. What matters now is what we do with each other.”

  She noticed her gripped the steering wheel tightly. “What do you mean?”

  “This is a date. I’m not going to be seeing other women. I’m not going to be fucking anyone else but you.”

  “I’ve not said I’d fuck you.”

  “You will. It’s inevitable.”

  “Are you really that good?”

  “I’m the best.”

  “Wow, you really have an ego, don’t you?”

  “It’s one I’ve earned, baby.”

  Glancing out of the window, it was only seven, and the sun was slowly setting in the sky. She rolled down the window to allow some air into the car. It was damn hot, and if she’d been at home, she wouldn’t have even bothered getting dressed.

  They passed a rough part of the city, and she saw women of all ages on the street corners already looking for customers for the night.

  “You’re sad, why?” he asked.

  “Do you deal with women like this?” She looked over at him. “Women on the streets?”

  He sighed. “We deal with women, Lou. It’s the oldest trade in the world. We don’t deal with these on the streets, and if I see a pimp mistreating his woman, then I step in.”

  “Do you deal with women? Hurt them if they stop earning enough?”

  “Fuck! No, I don’t. We have men who deal with that shit. We do go to the brothels to make sure everything is good. None of us accept men abusing the women.”

  Lou snorted. “Right? You’re just straight up guys.”

  “We’ll make one of the stops tonight, and you’ll get to see the other side of it. Some of these women, they come to us to earn a living, not the other way around.”

  “You don’t kidnap women? Force them?”

  “Fuck, no! There’s enough women who want to do what they do. We don’t have to fucking force them.”

  “Women actually want to do this?”

  “It’s easy money. Fucking always is, and we have more than enough clients who like to pay.”

  “What kind of clients?” she asked.

  “The kind who don’t want their shit known to the world.”

  “You’re having a lot of faith in me tonight.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m also putting you at risk.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If you tell anyone of what you see tonight, you won’t live for long enough afterward.”

  “You’d kill me?” She figured as much.

  “Got no choice. I’m putting a lot of trust in you as well.”


  “Consider it a hunch.”

  He didn’
t go into detail, and she didn’t press him.

  Chapter Six

  Jacob had done his research on Louisa Moore, and had come to the conclusion that he wouldn’t hold anything back. Lou wasn’t the kind of woman who was thrilled by diamonds and luxury. She liked to get down and dirty. The jobs she’d taken had proven that. He’d even heard she’d been a waitress for a short time, a cleaner after that. Each job showed hard work, and it made him wonder if she was trying to make up for her parents’ complete lack of care.

  Riley wasn’t all that helpful. He spent most of his time avoiding questions about his sister. Fortunately, there was always a paper and internet trail with everyone.

  Pulling into the parking lot of the large casino, Jacob ignored the frenzy outside, and rounded the car to help Lou out of the car.

  “Welcome to Dentons’.”

  “Out of all of the names you could think of?”

  “What can I say? We just love our name.”

  She giggled, and he loved the sound. Taking hold of her hand, they entered the large casino. The sound of the slot machines, the music, and the squeals of success filled his senses. Moving toward the elevator, he saw Bruce, his mother’s guard, at the door.

  “Where’s my mother?” he asked.

  “With your father, and so I don’t get in the way, I stay here watching. Who is this?”

  “This is Louisa Moore. She’s with me.”

  Bruce pressed a button, and the elevator opened.

  Stepping inside, he placed his hand at Lou’s waist, and they entered. Bruce stepped inside with them.

  “Riley’s fight was fantastic,” Bruce said.

  “Thank you.”

  “You should be proud of him.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  She didn’t sound it, and he stroked her stomach moving up just slightly so that he could graze the underside of her breast. She took a deep breath, and he smiled, wondering if she wanted to kick his ass. Staring at their reflections in the shiny metal, he saw her nipples were tight and pressed against her shirt.

  Bruce was paid to be silent, and not to notice anything. Jacob had fucked women with Bruce being present. He was a damn good bodyguard, and loyal as fuck.

  The elevator stopped, and the doors opened.

  “You know the way.”

  Jacob keeping his hand at her waist, they made their way down a long corridor toward his father’s main office. Knocking once, he waited for Maddox’s call to enter. He didn’t have to wait long. Entering the room, he saw his brothers Abel and Gideon were there already. His mother and one of his uncles were also in the office.

  “Hello, Jacob,” Charlotte said, coming toward him. She cupped his cheek, kissing him on either side, before moving toward Louisa. “We haven’t been introduced.”

  “Mom, this is Louisa. Louisa, this is my mom, but everyone calls her Charlotte.”

  “Apart from my kids that is. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Louisa.”

  “It’s Lou. Nearly everyone calls me Lou.” He watched as she shook hands with Charlotte. His mother wasn’t about to let that happen, and pulled Lou in for a hug.

  “He’s brought you up here. That must mean something.”

  “Charlotte, step back,” Maddox said, getting out of his seat, and leaning in front of his desk.

  Jacob had already clocked the gun, and he was so damn angry as he stared at his father.

  “This is not necessary. She’s a Moore,” Charlotte said.

  “It needs to be done.” Maddox stared at Lou as his mother moved away. “You know what we do, right?”

  “I have an idea.”

  Jacob didn’t care what his father said. He wasn’t going to leave his woman’s side.

  Maddox placed the small pistol in his lap, his finger on the trigger ready. Slowly, Jacob moved behind his back, and pulled out the second Glock he kept there. He nudged Lou and placed the gun within her hand.

  His father respected women who could stand up for themselves.

  “I don’t agree with Jacob taking you out tonight. What you see, what you hear, you don’t. If I so much as hear a whisper that you talked to anyone, I will kill you.” Maddox raised his gun and pointed it at her. Jacob tapped her waist, and Lou pointed her own gun at him. Maddox looked surprised, and Jacob only saw it by the slight twitch by his mouth.

  “I understand. I don’t like having a gun pointed at me, Mr. Denton. I find it very uncomfortable.”

  “You wouldn’t even think of firing it.”

  A scream filled the space as Lou moved, and a bullet was fired. Jacob held her tightly, and Maddox looked down at his desk.

  “You missed.”

  “I didn’t miss. I was aiming for that spot. I can shoot you if you want.”

  “You know how to work a gun.”

  Jacob was so damn hot right now. His cock pressed against the front of his pants wanting inside her.

  “My brother doesn’t believe a woman should be made vulnerable. The city is a dangerous place for a woman. He trained me, and I’m a pretty good shot. Want to see?”

  “Fuck no.” Maddox laughed. “I like her. She’s got some spunk inside her.”

  Charlotte moved toward his father and took the gun out of his hands. “Is that any way to treat a future daughter-in-law?”

  “Wait? What? I’m not—this is not that. It’s just a simple date.”

  “No man brings a woman to the family business for a simple date, Lou.” Maddox clapped his hands. “Anyway, let’s get down to business.”

  Lou handed Jacob the gun, and he put the safety in place, putting it in the back of his pants.

  Jacob stayed put with Lou by his side as his father started to talk.

  “I’ve been hearing some troubling news out of our red zone,” Maddox said.

  Jacob tensed up. The red zone was what his father said about their escorts, their brothels.

  “What news?” Abel asked.

  “I got a call today that they’re taking girls off the street. Young girls, underage girls, and forcing them. You know I don’t like that shit. I want it shut down, and dealt with.”

  “I’ll do it,” Jacob said.

  “Good. You’ve got a call to Frank as well. He’s near that district.”

  During the meeting Maddox told them what he needed, giving them all certain jobs, and when it was over, they all relaxed.

  Releasing Lou, Jacob stepped up to his father’s desk. “Who gave you a call?” he asked.

  “One of our women. She said it has gone bad. I’ve not been able to send anyone out there for a few months, and it looks like they think they can do whatever the fuck they want, and I will just leave it. It’s about time that they see I’m not a man to be fucked with.”

  Nodding, Jacob turned back, going to Lou. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  “Yes. With what he said about the red zone, is that, erm, the brothels?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Dad doesn’t agree with forcing women. We’re heading over to give them a surprise visit. You’re going to see some stuff you’re not going to like.”

  They made their way toward the elevator. Abel held the door open for them.

  “Damn, Lou, you’re fucking hot. I’ve never seen a woman hold a gun to my dad, but shit, I’d pay to get my rocks off.”

  “Back off,” Jacob said.

  “Whatever. It’s true then? The possession?”


  He didn’t want her to know what he was talking about.

  “Damn, you’re pussy-whipped.”

  “Fuck off!”

  The elevator opened up. “Stay safe, brothers,” Jacob said.

  “Same to you. Keep checking in,” Gideon said.

  They left the casino and were in the car within seconds.

  “Wow, you don’t exactly linger with each other.”

  “We have work to do. We don’t have time to stay around, chatting or shit. There’re family events for that.” He helped her into the car, rounding the vehicle to cli
mb in beside her.

  “He mentioned Frank’s, where I work?”

  “Yep. It’s owned by the Dentons.”

  “Great. I’ve been working for you all along.”

  “Do you feel like giving the boss some perks?”

  “Nope.” She chuckled. It was the first real humor he’d heard from her, and he liked it. He wanted to keep on hearing it.

  “Buckle up.”

  Turning over the engine, he pulled away from the casino, and was on his way to the red zone.

  “You know, according to the movies and books, most families like yours are into human trafficking.”

  “Again, it’s something that makes us different. Dad couldn’t do it. If the woman wants to sell her shit for him, then he’ll help, keep her safe, and make sure she has a good life. We don’t believe in forcing.”

  “You know that does sound crazy, right?”

  “It doesn’t. Dad couldn’t do it. He’d see women and put Mom’s and Tamsin’s faces to them. It would kill him, and that’s not what we’re about.”

  “So, have you killed people?” she asked. “We’re allowed to ask questions.”

  “Yes, I’ve killed people.”


  Jacob gripped his steering wheel tightly. “Yes. I had no choice. She was in pain, and she begged me to end it for her. I did.” It wasn’t one of his fondest memories, but it was one he’d come to accept.

  “An act of mercy?”

  “Yes. She’d been beaten to a bloody pulp, and she was completely broken. I ended her pain. I later found out that if I hadn’t have killed her, she’d have died anyway. Her body had already started to shut down.”

  “You’re really a contradiction, aren’t you? The whole family. No one can put you into one box and tick bad, can they?”

  Jacob shrugged. “It’s not my job to make everyone’s life easier. We do what we do. Am I saying we’re good people? No, I’m not. I’m saying we do what needs to be done.”

  “Killing people?”

  It was tempting to let her know that Riley had ended lives with his hands for his parents. He decided against it. Jacob had no intention of coming between brother and sister. The last thing he wanted to do was start their relationship in a bad place.

  “Like I said, I wouldn’t say we’re good people. We’re just better than some, and worse than others.” Jacob shrugged. “I deal with it. Now, it’s time for me to ask a question.”


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