Broken Promise (The Denton Family Legacy #1)

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Broken Promise (The Denton Family Legacy #1) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “You mean, why are we so different?” Riley asked.


  “By the time Lou and I came along, they’d already been dealing with the fights. They weren’t around all that much. We got nannies, cooks, staff to take care of us. They’re awful people, shit parents, but they knew how to pick a decent nanny. Put simply, Jacob, we weren’t raised by our parents.”

  It made a lot of sense to Jacob. “You can tell.”

  “I know our parents, and even our brothers aren’t liked. We’re used to it.”

  “How does Lou handle your fighting?”

  “She doesn’t, not really. We’re brother and sister, twins, but to be honest, we’re really great friends as well. I know, clichéd as shit, but it’s the way it is with us,” Riley said.

  “You taught her how to shoot, and that came in handy.”

  “Yeah, she comes across as this hard ass, but she’s really not. I wanted her to be able to protect herself.”

  Jacob liked Riley, he really did, which was a change for him. Usually he could only stomach his brothers, which was why his guards that his father put on his ass stayed far away. Jacob wasn’t known for playing friendly, and he doubted that he would ever be.

  They were silent for several minutes, and Jacob took a drink of the coffee.

  “So, what happens with the red zone? David is no more, and I heard the brothels have been closed since Wednesday. That’s got to be a shitload of dough wasted,” Riley said.

  “It’s not. Maddox is interviewing potential candidates. If he could, he’d put Bruce inside them, and be done with it.”

  “Bruce? He the guy guarding your mother?”

  “Yep, and Dad’s not about to let him leave my mother. He loves her too damn much.”

  “Speaking of love, how does this whole, ‘Lou is mine’ thing work? Do you just know? Is it a feeling? I don’t want you to fuck her over.”

  Jacob glanced over, not understanding why he was suddenly so chatty. “What the hell is going on with you?”

  “I’m bored, and I figured I may as well check out the guy who wants to be with my baby sister. In case you didn’t know, she’s only a couple of minutes younger than me.” Riley grabbed his coffee, taking a sip. “Lou, she loves with her whole heart.”

  “How do you know that?” he asked.

  “I’ve known my sister since birth. You’ve known her just over a week. Give me a break, I know my fucking sister okay? She talks the talk, but it’s all a cover. She’s sweet, and I tell you what, she’d make one heck of a mom. We were out shopping about a year ago. I wanted to buy something for the woman I was seeing, and I didn’t have a clue what to get her. We’re in the mall, and it’s busy, I mean fucking no space kind of busy. It was insane, and I just wanted to leave. On the way out of the store, there’s this little kid. A girl, and she stood there at the door with her thumb in her mouth, couldn’t be more than three. I don’t remember what she was wearing, or even what she looked like other than the fact she was young. Lou, she crouched down so the girl wasn’t afraid, and started talking to her.” Riley chuckled, but it was more of a disgusted sound than anything else. “People were coming and going, and even though I was moaning, Lou wouldn’t be rushed. She waited until the girl took her hand, and together, they started to hunt every single store to find her mother. For over an hour, Lou was searching for the kid’s mother. Finally, the mother came rushing toward us, sobbing, and hugging her kid. Lou could have simply handed the brat over to security. She didn’t. Once you have Lou’s love, there’s no backing out. She’s all in, and that is never going to change.”

  Jacob liked that. She had a sweet heart.

  “I won’t hurt her.”

  “You better not, otherwise I’m going to kick your ass.”

  For the rest of the night they made their way around three strip clubs, checking over the books, and making sure the business was running smoothly. Maddox had his own reasons for doing things the way he did it. He could just hire a bunch of men to report the business dealings within each venture, but Maddox didn’t trust anyone but his sons. It’s what made the Dentons so damn powerful. No one could predict their next move. They were all over the place, and Jacob was damn thankful for that. He’d never survive in a nine-to-five job, nor could he ever stomach being kept in a box with a computer.

  Once they were done, Jacob headed toward Frank’s strip club. He’d have gladly gone straight to the club, but he needed to deal with his responsibilities first.

  “You just can’t go a long time without seeing her, can you?” Riley asked, chuckling. “I like you.”

  “Riley, we work together, and you’re Lou’s brother, but I will put a bullet in you if you even think to start with all that shit, do you get me?”

  “Get you? I get you. Can’t help but laugh. It’s so fucking funny.”

  Jacob parked the car, and together they headed into the busy strip club. It was the only club in the ten mile radius that was actually doing really well. He knew his father was considering cutting several of the clubs to recoup some money, putting the women in other places.

  Buttoning his jacket, he took a seat at the bar, while Riley collapsed into another one beside him.

  Jacob had already seen Lou. She was near the stage, watching one of the strippers perform.

  Glancing up at the stage, he saw it was Pam, one of the women he’d screwed a long time ago.

  “That’s not going to do well for you, is it?” Ben asked.

  “I’m not going to be keeping any secrets from her. I’m going to tell her the truth.”

  Riley laughed. “I wonder if she’d still be friends with Pam afterward.”

  “She doesn’t have to worry about anyone.” Jacob didn’t have eyes for any other woman.

  “You got any problems with me taking Pam out for a test drive?” Riley asked.

  “Go ahead. She’s not mine.”

  “You’re not even jealous?”


  “You whipped, Jacob?” Ben asked.

  He glared at the barman, and then at his woman’s brother, letting them both know not to mess with him. Jacob watched as Lou made her way toward the bar. She was staring at him, looking somewhat nervous. He’d not seen her since their night together where she’d shot one of the men in the red zone.

  “Hey guys,” she said. She glanced over at Riley and winced. “Are you here to, you know?” She gave a little whistle, which only made all the men fall all over themselves laughing.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “It is, sis. You should see yourself. Yes, I’m here to fuck one of your many friends.” Riley got up from his seat. “How do you think I feel knowing you’re fucking my boss?”

  “I’m not.” Lou’s cheeks heated, and Jacob chuckled. “Don’t even start, you!”

  He grabbed her hand, tugging her close. “There’s something I want to ask you.” Getting to his feet, he nodded toward Ben and Frank as he came out of the back room. Jacob didn’t care what anyone thought as he walked into one of the private rooms. He wasn’t an idiot. He knew what went on inside them as he’d taken a few women back here a time or two before he met Lou.

  “Jacob, I’m not comfortable—”

  He cut her off, pressing a finger against her lips. “I’m not expecting to fuck you, babe. I just want to talk, and I know this is private.”

  Taking a seat, he pulled her so that she was straddling his waist.

  “This is very presumptuous of you, Mr. Denton.”

  Grabbing her ass, he squeezed the plump flesh. “I like you in my arms, babe.”

  “You’re calling me babe a lot. What’s up?”

  “Every Sunday my mom does an entire lavish dinner. I want to take you as my plus one.”

  “You’re inviting me to dinner?” she asked.

  “I am.” He squeezed her ass, and she moaned. Jacob moved his hand down, curving around to cup her pussy. She tensed up, and he simply kept his hand still. “I’m not going to hurt

  “You’re touching me.”

  “You’re not fighting me.”

  “This is not fair.”

  Leaning close to her, he pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’m a Denton. I don’t play fair.”


  “Yes. If it makes you feel any better, Riley will be there. It’s something my dad likes to do. Invite his new employees so he can get a feel for them.”

  “Will he be getting a feel for me?”

  “No. You’re there because I want you to be there.”

  “This is a lot more than a night out working.”

  “You didn’t work with me.”

  She chuckled. “You’re not going to back down, are you?”

  “Would you really want me to?” Jacob wasn’t going to stop. She belonged to him no matter what she said.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, when you do, let me know.” Moving his hands up her back, he sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her in for a kiss. “Let me taste those sweet lips.”


  “What are you doing?” Riley asked.

  Lou wrapped up the plate of brownies that she had made. She’d made several plates of brownies as she didn’t want to go empty handed. “I’ve never been to dinner before. What does a person do?”

  Her brother shrugged. “I don’t know. Eat, drink, compliment the cook.”

  “Ugh, this is insane. I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. I should have told him no.”

  “You were in one of the private rooms for a long time. Do you have anything you want to tell me?”

  “Stop it.”

  “I think you’re being a bitch, making him work that hard for it.”

  “You’re supposed to be my brother. You know, support me in the fact I don’t sleep with the first man who looks my way.”

  Riley sighed, walking toward her and taking a brownie from the top of the pile of the third tray she’d baked. “Lou, I know what you did when we were younger. You don’t think I’ve been worried about you. Our parents, they’re awful people. Jacob—he’s not like our parents. He’s a good person, and I think you need to give him a chance.”

  “You’ve been working with him for a couple of days, and you’re telling me to give him a chance?”

  “Exactly. You should do what I say. I know what I’m doing.” He winked at her to which she rolled her eyes. She loved her brother, but there were times he didn’t take things seriously.

  “I’ll do what I think is best for me.”

  “Good. While you’re doing that, I’m going to keep on nagging you. You’re my sister. I want you happy.”

  “I am happy.”

  “Lou, honey, you spent most of your life trying to piss off our parents. It’s not exactly happiness.”

  She shrugged. What he said wasn’t a lie. Most of her adult life had been about pissing her parents off. Lou refused to do a single thing that they said. They drove her crazy with their constant interference. They only wanted her to further their own agenda.

  Slapping his hand, she finished wrapping the brownies just as someone knocked on her door. She figured it was Jacob, and she let Riley answer the door.

  Jacob entered her apartment, and she watched him, shocked by the change in his appearance. There was no sign of the suits he liked to wear. He wore blue jeans and a black shirt. He looked good, damn good.

  Licking her suddenly dry lips, she did her best to smile at him, and not show her sudden attraction to him.

  “You baked?” Jacob asked.

  “Yeah. Is it okay? It’s only brownies.” She nibbled her lips now as her nerves got the better of her.

  “She’s so nervous,” Riley said. “She’s never been invited to dinner.”

  Jacob chuckled. “You’ve got nothing to be nervous about.”

  “Well, there’s more than enough brownies here to last them a few days.” When she got nervous, she baked. It was a stress reliever for her.

  “They’re going to love it.”

  “They’re good,” Riley said, taking a bite of the one that he held in his hand.

  “I’ll save it until after dinner.” Jacob kept on looking at her, and there was something intense in his look. Lou didn’t know what it was, but it made her anxious.

  No, it didn’t. The look he was giving her went straight to her pussy, and she wanted him badly.

  “Right, I’m going to go and wait in the car.” Riley left her apartment, and she stared at Jacob.

  “How have you been?” she asked.

  She hadn’t seen him since he came to invite her to his parents’ place for dinner. Yes, it had only been a Saturday, but still, she had watched the door waiting for him to visit her.

  What is wrong with you?

  He’s not your guy.

  Lou didn’t even know what they had with each other. Were they a couple? Were they dating? She was confused by what they were doing.

  Jacob stepped up close until he was in front of her. He cupped her face, stroking her cheek. “I’ve missed looking at you.”

  “You saw me the other night.” Her heart fluttered. No man had ever looked at her the way that Jacob was. He looked like he wanted to devour her. He ran his thumb across her bottom lip, and he sighed.

  Before she could say anything, he claimed her lips, pressing her up against the counter in the kitchen. He moved one of his hands to her waist as his other cupped her cheek. Jacob slid his tongue across her lips, and she moaned.

  “Open for me, babe,” he said.

  She couldn’t deny him anything, so she opened her lips and gave him access. His tongue plundered her mouth, and she couldn’t help but moan. Jacob didn’t stop. He took possession of her mouth as if it was his right. Jacob held her like she belonged to him, and instead of being angered by it, she fucking loved it. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she gave herself over to the pleasure of his mouth, his touch, everything.

  He rocked his cock against her, and she gasped at the prominent bulge of his cock.

  “I want to fuck you,” he said.

  Right then, right there, she didn’t have any objection to him taking her.

  She gripped hold of his shoulders, pulling away, to stare into his dark eyes.

  “You’d let me right now, wouldn’t you?”

  Nodding her head, she stared at his chest, trying to compose herself.

  “Are you wet for me, right now?” he asked.

  Lou returned her attention back to him and cupped his cock. “And you’re rock hard for me right now, right?” She squeezed his dick, almost offering him a challenge.

  “Baby, you’re playing with the wrong man. I’m the fucking master of this game.” He didn’t just cup her pussy. He pushed his hand down her denim skirt, inside her parties, and touched her. She tensed up, pressing her thighs together, trying to hide her obvious arousal from him. He wouldn’t let her, so he pushed a finger between the lips of her pussy, stroking over her clit. “You’re soaking wet.”


  “Your lips are telling me to stop, but your pussy is begging for me to continue. What’s it going to be, Lou?”

  “Riley is wait—”

  “He’ll wait. Do you want me to stop?”

  She shook her head.

  “Not good enough, Lou. I need to hear the words from your own lips. Shaking your head is not going to cut it.”

  “Please,” she said. “Don’t make me.”

  “Don’t make you beg?”

  She nodded. Why were words evading her? Lou couldn’t recall a time in her life when she’d not said what she wanted. Jacob, he made her forget herself. He surrounded her, and she liked it.

  “For me to take you, you’re going to have to beg.” He pulled his hand out of her pants and sucked his fingers. “It’s time for us to go to dinner.”

  He picked up two trays of brownies and headed toward the door.

  “That’s it? Is this what it’s about? You want to tease me just to show me you can ha
ve anyone.”

  “I’ve never said anything like that to you.”

  “What’s this about then?” she asked. “Are you just having fun? I know about Pam. She told me all about you.” Lou watched him tense.

  “You’ve spoken to Pam?”

  “She saw us coming out of the private rooms, and told me not to even think of falling for you. You’re not the kind of guy who gives himself. You’re a fuck them and leave them kind of person. Is that what you’re wanting? To fuck me?”

  I shouldn’t care.

  Lou did. She did care so damn much it hurt.

  Jacob moved toward her, placing the trays back on the counter. “Don’t listen to anyone else. Yes, I fucked Pam, and I walked away. She was nothing more than a willing pussy for me to use for the night. I’ve fucked a great many women, and I’m not going to pretend I haven’t. There have been a lot of women.”

  “And what? I’m special?”

  “You don’t even have a clue how special you are to me.” He captured her chin, holding her in place. “It’s okay. I can wait until you see what’s going to happen between us. We’re going to fuck, and it’s going to be so good you’re going to think of nothing but my cock inside you, and I’m going to give it to you every single way I can. Until then, don’t be jealous. You’re the only woman who has made it to my parents’ place. Yes, you are special.” Once again he kissed her lips, and she didn’t want his kiss to end. He broke away, grabbing the brownies. “Let’s go.”

  Chapter Eight

  Abel had brought a date with him, and they were all grilling him. Jacob was surprised as they never took women, or their easy fucks, to their parents’ house for dinner. Lou was with his mother as he’d introduced the two when he first entered. The brownies had been taken straight to the kitchen to keep them out of his hands.

  “Is she the one?” Gideon asked.

  “Nah, there’s no way she’s the one. She looked like a schoolteacher,” Landon said.

  “What the fuck is the problem? I brought a woman. Why does there have to be anything?” Abel asked.

  “You do know that our parents believe we’ll only bring ‘the one’ back home?” Jacob asked.

  “Like you? How is your dating going with Lou?”


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