The Godling Chronicles:Book 05 - Madness of the Fallen

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The Godling Chronicles:Book 05 - Madness of the Fallen Page 4

by Brian D. Anderson

  While crossing the ice, Gewey allowed himself to feel the life emanating from the Goodbranch. He had found himself doing such things more frequently of late. The rhythm and warmth of the world's essence kept his heart human every bit as much as his love for Kaylia and their unborn child. Each morning since they’d rejoined Linis and the others he would take a few minutes to listen to the song of life that echoed in every corner of the world around him.

  When Lee had first taught him how to listen to the sounds of the earth, he’d been amazed at the sheer beauty of its perfection. Now, he did much more than merely hear the sounds: he was able to become a part of them. The earth took him unto its bosom and made itself one with his own spirit. It was at these times, when the storm raging within his soul was threatening to consume him, that he was able to find peace and calm once again.

  It was nearly dawn by the time they reached the encampment. The elves were already preparing the morning meal. Considering the blistering heat of their desert home, Gewey was amazed by the way they managed to handle the cold. The snow was a constant source of wonder for them, and they never seemed to tire of it. Snowballs constantly flew through the air as they played like children – laughing merrily while they traveled.

  Linis excused himself and headed off to report what they had discovered to Bevaris and the Sand Masters. Gewey had no interest in such matters, choosing to defer to the judgment of others when it came to planning. The power of Darshan would see them through, whatever route they took. He no longer saw their journey as a challenge. He cast a glance north. His challenge was yet to come.

  It hadn’t really surprised him to find that Angrääl was falling back as they marched. Why engage him? Even a god could not be everywhere at once. It would be a simple matter to retake lost ground once he and the elves had gone.

  Helenia was the only city along the Goodbranch River not under direct control of the Reborn King, and without trade, the city would soon starve. Lee had remarked many times on the brilliance of the enemy campaign. Angrääl had conquered almost all of the central kingdoms without a single pitched battle being fought. The east was cowering and fearful of being attacked. Now, only the west stood against them.

  Gewey’s thoughts turned to Aaliyah and Nehrutu. He could feel that Aaliyah still lived, but that her heart was heavy. He had considered reaching out to her through the bond they shared, but Kaylia warned him against it. She feared that the turmoil in his heart would distress Aaliyah. And if the war had escalated, she would not need such distractions.

  As Gewey approached his tent, he cleared his head and focused his attention instead on his bond with Kaylia. She was still asleep and in the midst of a troubling dream. He crept silently inside and changed into a pair of soft cotton trousers and shirt. Kaylia was lying on their bedroll, a thick wool blanket wrapped tightly around her.

  Gewey noticed the foggy mist of his breath and at once warmed the air inside. For a moment he stood over his unorem, watching her sleep. He never tired of her beauty. He lay down and allowed his spirit to drift to her, but before they became as one, Kaylia stirred and threw her arm over his chest.

  Gewey pulled her close and kissed her forehead. “Dawn is still an hour away.”

  “Good,” she muttered drowsily. “They will come for us when they need you.”

  Gewey smiled and allowed his body to relax. His spirit may be that of a god, but his human body still needed rest – and lately he had gotten very little. Even a couple of hours would do him good. In less than a minute he was in a deep, peaceful slumber. Kaylia was eagerly awaiting him in the world of dreams.

  More than three hours passed before a timid voice called for them to wake. Gewey stretched and yawned. Kaylia scowled, unhappy that they were being forced to leave the shared dream.

  “Lee must have returned,” she said, once they were dressed.

  “Where did he go?” asked Gewey.

  “Sharpstone,” she replied. “He left not long after you and Linis.”

  This got his attention. News about home dragged up mixed emotions. Some of his own people had fought on the side of Angrääl near Skalhalis…fought and likely died. And though he was confident no one there would know anything about his involvement in the war - and they certainly had no idea that he was Darshan - facing the mothers of men and boys whom he had called friends would not be easy.

  Kaylia caught his arm just as he was about to leave and motioned to the ground where two bowls of steaming porridge had been left for them.

  Gewey grunted, but did not argue. He took the repast and shared a few minutes of quiet with Kaylia as they ate. Just as they were finishing, familiar sounds of good cheer drifted inside the tent. These were coming from the desert elves, who treated each new day like a blessing. Taking his last mouthful, Gewey closed his eyes and allowed the laughter to lift his spirits.

  The sun nearly blinded them when they first left the tent, its brightness made more intense by the reflection off the fallen snow. Shouts of greeting rang out from numerous directions as they wound their way to the north end of the camp where Lyrial and the Sand Masters had set up their quarters.

  Everyone was already gathered around a small cooking fire. Lyrial, Weila, Nahali, Dina, Linis, Millet, Lee, and Jacob were all just finishing their breakfast. Bevaris and Tristan stood a few feet away, each of them holding a bow and carefully examining it as two elves explained its construction.

  Dina shot Gewey a troubled glance as he and Kaylia sat down. Her bond with Linis would have made it unnecessary for her unorem to tell her what had taken place the night before.

  Gewey nodded to the assembled group and smiled. “I take it we’re not marching today.”

  “Normally it would take at least two full days for us all to cross the river,” said Lee. “But Linis tells me that you can create a bridge. In that case, I thought you might want to see Sharpstone while you have the chance.”

  Gewey’s mouth twisted into a frown. “You halted the march for me?”

  “The march continues because of you, Darshan,” interjected Lyrial. “And even a god cannot know what the future holds. I would not have you meet your destiny without seeing the place you call home when it is so close by.”

  “Bevaris and I scouted the town last night,” said Lee. “It seems Angrääl did not destroy it as I feared they would. But they didn’t leave it untouched either.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Gewey. His stomach knotted.

  Lee’s jaw tightened. “We found Mayor Freidly’s body hanging on a post in the market square. How many others have been killed, I don’t know. But the body had been up there for quite some time, which means people were afraid to touch it. That.... or there is no one left to bury him.”

  “Didn’t you see or hear anyone?” asked Gewey. His anger was renewed.

  “I didn’t have time to look for anything other than signs of Angrääl soldiers,” replied Lee.

  Gewey shot him an accusing stare. With his half-man senses, surely he could have….

  Kaylia reached out and squeezed his hand. He relaxed and sighed.

  “I wish I could have found out more,” Lee continued. “But – ”

  “I’ll find out what has happened,” Gewey cut in.

  “I had a feeling you’d say that,” remarked Lee. “But unless you want the people of Sharpstone to know you as Darshan, you should wait until tonight.”

  “I’ll scout the surrounding area,” offered Linis. “If there are enemies about, they may be waiting for you to return.”

  “If they are fool enough to attack me,” growled Gewey. “Then let them come.”

  “Is that how you want the people of your home to remember you?” scolded Dina. “A vengeful god? How do you think they’ll react if they witness the terrible things you can do? Do you want them to fear you as well?” Her voice bore unmistakable anger – probably because of what he had done to the soldiers while with Linis, Gewey guessed.

  “She’s right,” added Kaylia. “If you ever inte
nd for us to live there, Darshan must never show his face in Sharpstone.”

  “We can go to your farm first,” said Lee. “That, I do know for sure has been abandoned. Then we’ll enter the town after nightfall.”

  “I will come as well,” said Linis. Dina glared at him angrily, but he ignored her unspoken plea for him to stay behind.

  “And what should we do in the meantime?” asked Lyrial.

  “Stay here,” said Lee. “There are no enemies nearby. We will return by tomorrow morning and make our crossing.”

  Gewey rose to his feet without another word and returned to his tent. Kaylia followed a few minutes later. While he rummaged through his pack for a black shirt and pants, she sat on the bedroll and scrutinized him for several moments.

  “Lee did what he could,” she finally said. “He needed to return in time to tell you what he had found.”

  Gewey didn’t bother looking up. “Lee fled out of fear.” Disgust seeped into his voice. “He didn’t want the enemy to catch him alone and far from aid. He could have easily discovered the fate of the townsfolk and still made it back here before the sun was high.”

  “And if that is so?” shot back Kaylia. “If he felt fear, does that make him a coward? Does it make him less of the man you once knew and admired?”

  Gewey paused, unable to respond. He knew she was right. He knew his anger was undeserved. Lee had always acted with courage and honor. If he had felt fear, he was the type of man who would have pushed it aside.

  “You walk the earth without an equal,” she continued. “I am the only one who can even fathom the extent of your power. Most think you are invincible. But they are not gods themselves, and they are vulnerable. You cannot judge them by your own standards.”

  “I know,” he said in a whisper. “Sometimes, it’s more than I can bear. The idea that I might fail to protect those I love in spite of my strength is agony.” He fastened his sword to his belt and sighed. “I suppose I just miss Lee being the strong one. When I first met him he was a mysterious stranger. Then he became an all-powerful teacher and guardian.” He held out his hand to Kaylia. “Now, he is just another person I am charged to protect.”

  Kaylia allowed Gewey to help her to her feet. “He is much more than that.”

  Gewey forced a smile. “Yes, he is. And if my heart was not in such constant turmoil, I would never forget it.” He put on a black hooded cloak. “Perhaps seeing my home will lift my spirits and remind me of who I really am.”

  “That the enemy did not destroy the town is promising,” said Kaylia.

  “And a bit disturbing,” he added darkly.

  After finishing their preparations, they rejoined Lee and Linis. Millet and Jacob sat nearby, both with sour expressions. Weila and Lyrial were talking with a small group of elves a short distance away.

  “I take it Millet will not be coming,” said Gewey.

  “It’s too dangerous,” replied Lee. “And as Jacob has taken on the role of Millet’s protector, he will be staying behind too.”

  “We, on the other hand, will be coming,” called Lyrial as she and Weila approached. “I would not miss an opportunity to see the home of Darshan.”

  Gewey gave her a lopsided smile. “I’m afraid you’ll only see the home of a farm boy named Gewey Stedding.”

  Lyrial grinned. “That will be enough.”

  The air was bitter cold as they started out, with the wind reaching its icy fingers beneath their cloaks. But Gewey didn’t mind. The familiar landscape was putting a smile on his face and a spring in his step.

  The sun was waning as his farm came into view. Gewey reached out with his senses. No one was inside or anywhere nearby. Still, they approached cautiously.

  The barn door was flung wide open and Gewey could see that all of his farming equipment was still there. Snow covered the house porch, its surface blemished only by the footprints left by Lee the night before.

  “A simple life,” remarked Weila approvingly.

  Kaylia took hold of Gewey’s hand. She could feel his excitement, but it was mixed with anxiety.

  Slowly he pushed open the front door and peeked inside. Only his heightened vision allowed him to see through the darkness. He scanned the main room where the dining table was still in its usual place. On the far side, facing the hearth, was his mother’s rocking chair: the very same chair he had seen Kaylia sitting in while holding their infant child during his vision of the future. His father’s chair was just beside it, though this was turned toward the door.

  While taking a tentative step inside, Gewey felt an odd sensation wash over him. Though nothing was out of place, he could tell that other people had been staying here, and the thought of this was oddly disturbing.

  He walked to the hearth and tossed in a cord of wood that had been left behind. Within seconds it was burning brightly, casting shadows that danced across the wall. Lee set about lighting the lanterns, while the others simply stood quietly near to the door.

  “I told you there wasn’t much to see,” said Gewey. As the words came out, he felt suddenly embarrassed for Kaylia to see how poorly he had lived.

  “I love it,” she whispered into his ear, sensing his feelings. “It’s just as I imagined. A good place to raise a family.”

  Gewey could hear the sincerity in her words. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

  After searching the cupboards and finding a wedge of cheese and a bottle of sweet wine, Gewey invited the others to sit at the table. He then went to the rear of the house and examined his bedroom, grunting with disapproval when he saw that the bed had been left unmade by its previous occupant. He opened the chest at the foot of the bed and began rummaging through his old clothing. Exactly why he was doing this was unclear, other than perhaps by touching his old things, this would somehow help him to reclaim his home.

  When Gewey returned to the others, Lyrial asked him to tell of his life at the farm. He happily obliged, soaking in the surroundings of a home he’d often wondered if he would ever see again.

  “I pity you,” said Lyrial after a time. “To leave such peace and contentment behind for war…” She shook her head.

  Gewey shrugged. “Let us hope that the war will be over soon.”

  All nodded in agreement. Just then, the sound of hoof beats had everyone on their feet and reaching for their weapons.

  Lee rushed to the door. A single horse was approaching from the west at full speed, its rider a young man no older than twenty. He was clad, not in the armor of a soldier, but in rough clothing suited to a farmer. Lee motioned for the others to stay inside.

  The rider came to a halt just in front of the house and leapt from the saddle.

  “State your business,” commanded Lee.

  “My Lord,” said the man with a quick bow, “I was ordered to deliver this message to someone named Gewey Stedding. Is he here?”

  “Who sent you?” demanded Lee, his face grim.

  The man’s eyes were filled with fear. “I don’t know who he is. But he travels with the Reborn King’s soldiers south of Gath.” He held out a piece of parchment. “Please, sir. If he’s here, I must deliver this to him. I wouldn’t want to cross the fellow who gave it to me. He’s not…not natural, if you catch my meanin’.”

  Lee scrutinized the man for a long moment before taking the parchment. “You can tell him it was delivered.”

  “Beggin’ your pardon,” he replied nervously. “But I ain’t going back there.”

  Without another word, he jumped back into the saddle and spurred his horse east.

  Lee watched until the rider had disappeared before going back inside.

  “So they know that I’m here,” said Gewey, taking the parchment from Lee.

  There was silence as he read it. When he was done, he laid it out on the table and sneered.


  By order of my master, your home and village has been left untouched. He hopes this will serve to remind you that this war need not endure. He bids you join
him in Angrääl to discuss the future of the peoples of the world. The suffering can come to an end if only you see the wisdom of his words.

  This shall be your final opportunity to do so. If you choose to continue your march west you shall not see your home again. All will burn and none shall live.

  I, for one, hope you ignore the generous offer of the Reborn King so that we can meet again. It seems like it has been so very long since we first met in the desert. Word has reached me that you were able to save the elf I poisoned. A wretched waste of power.

  I hope this letter reaches you well, and that the scared little rabbit I charged with its delivery hasn’t fled before he sees that you have it.

  Until we meet again,


  “I would very much like to meet this creature again,” seethed Gewey. The vision of Aaliyah’s life draining from her body because of the Vrykol’s poison was still fresh in his mind.

  “It seeks to enrage you and make you act foolishly,” said Lyrial.

  “If any Vrykol comes near,” said Gewey ominously. “I will rip their spirits to shreds. This one is no different than the others, regardless of its appearance.”

  “We should be on our guard, nonetheless,” said Linis. “Until we know its motives, we must assume Angrääl means to prevent our march west.”

  “Do you think he plans to attack?” asked Weila.

  Gewey tightened his jaw. “Whatever his plan is, it will be focused on me. My fall is the key to Angrääl’s victory.”

  “Well, there’s nothing we can do about it for now,” Lee stated flatly. “We should move on to Sharpstone.”

  Gewey nodded in agreement. “Yes. Let’s find out how untouched it is.”

  They filed out and headed for the road leading into the village. Gewey took a lingering final look at his farm and then focused his mind.

  The village was pitch black; not a single lantern shone in any window. Aside from the wind, there was no sound at all. Gewey stopped in the middle of the main avenue and filled himself with the flow. Nothing. There was absolutely no one dwelling in Sharpstone. He slid his sword from its scabbard. The others did the same.


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