CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1)

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CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1) Page 6

by Delaney, Clair

  I chuckle hard, still myself and take the shot in one.

  “I’ve ordered the taxi.” Rob advises. Damn it! I forgot to do that, where’s my head at? I think I know the answer to that, I immediately shut down that line of thinking.

  “Great.” I reply, still shivering from the tequila hit.

  “Right, ready?” Rob asks.

  “Yep, got bag, got keys.” I say shaking them in the air.

  “Condoms?” He snorts. I look up and see he has a ridiculous grin spread across his face.

  “Rob!” I slap him lightly around his bicep with my little carry bag.

  Then I check everything is as it should be and walk outside. Rob follows me out, and as I lock the patio door I can feel the slight buzz of alcohol kicking in – Whoa tequila!

  I turn and link my arm in Rob’s and we walk back along the Concourse towards the gym. It’s been a tradition every since we became friends. Sometimes, when I see people looking at us, I’m sure they think we look like a couple in love, well, that is until Rob does something totally gay with his hands or his body movements.

  As we reach the Gym car park, we see Will leaving for the evening and wave to him as he gets in his car. A black cab pulls up, Rob gives him his name and opens the door for me, just as I’m about to get in, I’m momentarily spooked again when I think I hear the grumble of that V8 of Mr Moguls.

  I quickly search the multi-storey car park opposite us, and the roads, but there’s no sign of him. I suddenly feel really glum – I’m about to question why, but I don't want to go down that road because I think I know the answer – Pandora’s box Coral, don't open it!

  I nod in agreement with myself, and step inside the taxi.

  As we make our way west on the A259, I watch all the people out and about enjoying the warm summer evening, the sun sparkling against the sea, the boats lazily bobbing about out on the ocean. I suddenly get that warm holiday glow flow through me, I just can't get used to the lovely weather we are having. I usually freeze with the slightest of breezes, but tonight - I don’t even have a coat, which makes me feel even more summery.

  “Can I ask you something?” Rob asks interrupting my mellow thoughts.

  “Sure.” I turn and smile at him.

  “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

  I immediately feel defensive. “Shoot.” I say it can't be that bad, right?

  “It’s just something I’ve always wondered about you?” He turns and looks at me, his eyes wary.

  “What do you want to know Rob?” I ask a little defensively.

  “’s never wear skirts or dresses and I think you’d look really pretty.” He says. I am silent. “And you have great legs,” he adds.

  I snort with laughter at that one. “I don’t think so, chunky legs maybe.”

  Rob rolls his eyes at me. “You have really great muscle definition Coral, they are not chunky.” He scolds.

  I shake my head in disagreement.

  Rob huffs at me. “What is it with women nowadays and self-esteem?”

  “Maybe it’s all the tall, skinny, fake looking models plastered all over magazines and billboards?” I blurt out.

  “That’s not the everyday woman and blokes know that, well, real blokes do. Take Sam for example.” Huh?

  “Who?” I ask.

  “Sam, one of the painters I use. His woman is all curves, she’s got to be at least a size eighteen, and she’s got boobs the size of melons.” He says, his hands held out explaining how big they really must be, I chuckle loudly. “Real men don’t want match stick women.” He adds.

  I raise my eyebrows at him and grin widely. I love Rob when he’s being like this, he raises my self-esteem, makes me feel normal.

  “So…?” He drawls, waiting for my answer.

  I feel myself lock up, inside and out. How do I tell him some fucking pervert changed all that for me? That I can't physically put a dress or skirt on without feeling utterly vulnerable, and shaking from head to toe.

  “Um...well I...just...” I shake my head unable to answer him.

  “It’s ok.” Rob takes my hands and squeezes it tight. “You don’t have to answer. I can see it makes you uncomfortable.” I squeeze his hand back and stare out the window, trying my best not to remember the past, what they did to me…

  As we reach the roundabout and take a right onto the A23. I turn to my right peeking at Steine Gardens, there are so many people out and about tonight, having evening picnics, walking with their dogs, it’s just lovely. We continue along the A23 then turn left onto Church street, the bars, pubs and cafés are alive with people sitting outside having a good time, getting as much of the English summer as they can. Then we turn right onto Jubilee Street, my excitement for the coming evening escalates, I’m practically jigging up and down with excitement.

  Finally, we pull up outside Las Iguanas, as Rob pays the driver I look up at the cream coloured building, it’s all lit up and looking pretty inside, drawing in passers-by with its warmth. Initially it’s a South American contemporary restaurant, with a mouth-watering menu consisting of a mix of Latin American, Indian, Spanish, Portuguese and African influences. I always have such a hard time choosing what I want, it all looks so yummy.

  As I step out the taxi, Rob takes hold of my hand, and we walk through the doors. Whoa! The smell of the food as you walk through sets your taste buds on fire, smells so good! And it really does feel as though you are being transported to Rio.

  We are instantly greeted by the seating hostess. “Hi.” She beams.

  “Evening.” We both reply and smile.

  “I’m Shelly. Just a table for two?”

  “Yes.” Yet again, we answer at the same time, and turn to chuckle at each other.

  As we follow Shelly to our table, Latin music fills the air; it makes me want to do some salsa dancing. I’ve actually been thinking about doing that for a while now - something else to fill up my lonely evenings - I wonder whether I should ask Rob to go with me? Then I think it’s just taking up more of his time away from Carlos, and I really shouldn’t be doing that at the moment, so I put it on the back-burner for now.

  “There you go.” Shelly shows us to our seats and hands our menus to us. “Your waitress tonight will be Chloe, she’ll be with you shortly.” She adds and leaves us to it.

  I open my menu, but I can't help looking around the restaurant, I love this place, its atmosphere. The interior is all soft glowing red and orange lighting, with dark wooden flooring contrasted by cream and red walls, crisp white tablecloths, and plush seats with small palm trees dotted here and there.

  Moments later a young girl appears. “Hi, I'm Chloe your waitress tonight. Can I get you guys a drink while you browse?” She asks.

  “Definitely.” I answer dryly.

  Chloe checks her watch. “You can still order happy hour, if you do it in the next five minutes.” She says with a wicked glint in her eyes.

  Rob and I turn to each other, the last time we did that we were both as pissed as farts by the time we left. “Oh to hell with it, let’s get hammered!” He says.

  I shake my head and laugh at him.

  “Great, what would you guys like?” Chloe asks.

  “Pitcher or glass?” Rob asks me.

  “Pitcher,” I answer, knowing what I’m about to do is a bad idea - I don't do hangovers and work the next day - But tonight, I need to let off steam.

  “What do you fancy?” He asks, he’s such a gent.

  “You choose.” I say, unable to wrap my head around the choice. Rob peruses the cocktail menu for a moment then makes his choice.

  “We’ll have a pitcher of the Iguana Cosmo.” I quickly read through what it is; Absolut Berry Acai flavoured Vodka, triple sec & pomegranate juice with a squeeze of lime and a dash of grenadine.

  “Coming right up,” Chloe smiles and walks away.

  I look up at Rob with wide, affectionate eyes for my best friend because he’s chosen one without any kind of
soda; he knows I don’t drink that stuff.

  I bump my shoulder against him. “Thanks.” I grin.

  “What for?” he chuckles.

  “Picking one without soda?” I exclaim.

  Rob rolls his eyes at me. “Hurry up and chose your food,” he orders. “Or we’ll be here till midnight,” he adds dryly.

  I chuckle and start perusing the menu, it all looks delicious. Chloe quickly returns with our first pitcher and two glasses. Rob pours a glass for us both and hands one to me.

  “Cheers,” he says raising his glass.

  “Cheers,” I reply and we clink glasses.

  I tentatively sip the cocktail; it’s not one I’ve tried before. My taste-buds suddenly come alive with the sweet flavoured vodka and the tanginess of the lime.

  “Mmm....delicious,” Rob beams. I nod in approval and take two more gulps. I want the alcohol to start swishing round my system, I want it to relax me and make me forget today.


  TEN MINUTES INTO LOOKING AT THE MENU, I still can't decide what to order, and Chloe has come back twice to ask if we’re ready. I know Rob is getting frustrated with me, but every time I think I’ve made a decision, I keep thinking of Mr Mogul and the way I felt when our eyes locked, and each time I do, my stomach does a backward flip making my appetite completely vanish.

  Chloe appears again. I sigh inwardly and look up at Rob, Chloe starts chuckling to herself, evidently finding us amusing.

  “Shall I come back?” She asks smiling at Rob.

  “Do you know what you want?” Rob asks sharply. I shake my head feeling guilty for not making a decision. “Oh for god’s sake woman!” Rob looks up at Chloe. “Right, we’ll both have the Chicken Breast Fajitas,” he orders.

  “Sure.” She smiles and walks away.

  “Hey, I wanted a salad.” I argue.

  He shakes his head at me. “You need more than salad if you’re drinking,” he admonishes.

  I shrug, I guess he’s right.

  “So?” Rob beams and turns around to face me.

  “What?” I ask slightly bemused and take a long draft of my cocktail.

  Rob cocks one eyebrow up and gives me a look that says you wanted to come here tonight? I look into his wise eyes, being five years older than me I have always felt as though he’s my older brother, protecting me in whatever way he can.

  “Oh....that!” I answer, suddenly feeling deflated.

  “I can't believe Joyce is selling up, so suddenly as well?” He says drinking more of his cocktail.

  “ totally sucks.” I answer gloomily. Then I give him a brief summary of my talk with Joyce, he’s listening intently. “Joyce knows I’ve never wanted a male boss....” I add drifting off, thinking about Mr Mogul’s eyes again.

  “Hello?” Rob moves his hand back and forth in front of my face trying to bring me back into the here and now.

  “Sorry...” I mumble.

  “Well, her leaving isn’t going to change by the sounds of it,” he tells me. “You’ve just got to suck it up and do your best. If it doesn’t work out, you’ll soon find another position somewhere else.”

  “Really?” I squeak, taking another long drink. “With the economy the way it is, companies aren’t really hiring, and I love where I work, I like not having to commute and I like that it’s so close to home. I like...well everything about it, working on my own...and Joyce has been wonderful to me. Now that’s all going to change, and I don’t do well with change.” I grumble, feeling my stomach start to tighten, Rob takes hold of my hand.

  “Coral, you’re a smart young woman, you’ll figure it out. I know you will.” He softly says.

  I shake my head in disagreement. “I don’t even know who I’ll be working for? I mean, I know Joyce said I keep my job, but what if I’m stuffed into the main secretarial area? Or worse, I get a slimy male boss. I’d hate that, I know I will, and we both know what a bunch of women are like when they are put into a room together,” I spit. “Constantly bitching about one another,” I add my hand flying in the air, my voice getting more high pitched as I rant on - I’m really not a people person.

  Rob sighs heavily and tops up our cocktails. “Look, you don’t even know if that’s going to happen do you?”

  “No but’ - “So, right now you are unnecessarily worrying about things that haven’t even happened yet.” I drink more of my cocktail as I digest this information. “You might stay where you are and get another female boss for all you know, problem solved. You’ve got to stop panicking about stuff that hasn’t even happened yet Coral, you’ll give yourself a hernia.”

  I sigh again. “I guess...” I answer and take another long drink.

  “Ok, so now that’s out of the way, you want to tell me what’s really going on?” I take a deep breath and another drink of my cocktail, at this rate I’ll be too pissed to eat.

  “Is it this guy?” He asks softly, I close my eyes and nod freely. “Ok, so what about him?” I shrug unable to find the words I want to say. “Oh...he’s really got under your skin!” Rob wisely surmises.

  I stare back at him with wide eyes - How the hell does he know that?

  “How do you’ - “Your off your food, your day-dreaming, I’d say you got it pretty bad.” He chuckles.

  My stomach rolls just thinking about it, I suddenly feel really queasy.

  “Hey,” Rob checks me. “You ok?”

  “I don’t want to like him.” I spit.

  “Tough.” He answers unsympathetically.

  “Well thanks.” I snap sarcastically.

  “Coral!” He admonishes.

  “Sorry.” I squeak, feeling guilty for snapping at him. “I just...he’s...the moment I saw him Rob, I just thought wow, and then he turns and locks eyes with me and this weird feeling.” I rub my stomach remembering how it made me feel and drift off again reliving the moment.

  “Sounds like you’ve fallen bad for him.” Rob suggests.

  “No,” I answer petulantly. “I can't, he’s my soon to be boss,” I hiss.

  “So?” Ro scoffs.

  “You know he stalked me today?” I say trying to change the subject.

  “What?” Rob almost spit’s his drink out. I tell him about the car, about Tristan stopping and talking to me, then the fact that I thought I’d seen him in the gym. I brush my hand over my ribs remembering, it still hurts.

  “What?” Rob asks. I pull up my camisole, and there’s a slight bruise the size of a small breakfast bowl against my ribs.

  “Ouch!” Rob exclaims.

  “Yeah,” I grumble. “Got that when I thought I saw him walking past’ - “Oh Shit!” Rob gasps interrupting me. I look up and see that he is staring at the front of the restaurant.

  My eyes inadvertently follow his, and who should be walking into the Restaurant but Mr Mogul himself, with Joyce on his one arm and leggy blonde on the other.

  “Bollocks!” I hiss, a little too loudly.

  The couple on a date sitting near us turn and look at me, I mouth ‘sorry’ as an apology and smile weakly at them. They don't look very impressed but both turn away from me.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” I hiss, trying to hide behind the palm tree that’s a couple of tables away.

  “Eating a meal by the looks of it,” Rob answers dryly, looking totally relaxed as he drinks more of his cocktail.

  “Oh ha fucking ha!” I snap. “Why hasn’t he gone home? I’m sure his business is all done here.” I blurt. Picking up my cocktail, I down the rest of the glass in one go. Which was not a good idea - I think I have brain freeze.

  “Wow, Coral...I see what you mean...” I look up and see Rob is mesmerised as he watches Tristan walk across the restaurant – Holy crap!

  “Rob!” I admonish, staring at the side of his face but he doesn’t turn and look at me. I sigh inwardly and stare down at the table trying to gather myself together.

  “Uh-Oh!” Rob whispers sniggering to himself.

  “What now?” I snap, f
eeling totally harassed and agitated. I look up and see Rob waving, then I look across the room and see Joyce waving back – Fuckety fuck-fuck!

  “Wave Coral,” Rob says, smiling broadly. Ah Crap! I wave back, plastering a fake smile on my face. Then Joyce turns and starts talking to Tristan, pointing over to us as she does.

  “Please don’t come over here.” I whisper in desperation, closing my eyes as I do.

  “Alright guys.” I open my eyes and see Chloe stood in front of us with our meals, then she places them down.

  “Thank you.” Rob beams in appreciation. “I could eat a horse,” he adds licking his lips.

  I stare down at my plate, my appetite completely vanished and watch Rob make his first fajita up.

  “Are they coming over?” I whisper, hearing the tremble in my own voice.

  Rob turns and looks at me, concern written all over his face. “You want to go, just say the word,” he says in-between mouthfuls. “We can get a pizza on the way home,” he adds.

  I try to act nonchalant, but my head is buzzing with alcohol and irritation.

  “No, no. It’s ok...I just...” I close my eyes to assess how I’m really feeling – all my fears kick in, and I know leaving is exactly what I want to do. In-fact, I would quite happily run full pelt out of this restaurant, leaving Rob behind. But deep down inside, I know I can't keep running from situations in life that I find threatening, this is what George and I have been working on for a while now. I sigh inwardly, trying to block out all negative emotions and begin rolling up my first fajita.

  Just as I’m about to take my first bite, I look up and see a man’s body standing right in front of the table where I’m eating, and I know instinctively it’s Tristan’s. He has the same suit trousers on, the ones that make his legs look long and lean.

  I swallow hard, and drop my fajita onto the plate.

  As my eyes drift up, I see he has discarded his suit jacket, red tie, and waistcoat from earlier today. The crisp, light blue shirt he’s wearing looks clean on, and he’s rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. As I search higher, I hear my breath catch in my throat. Tristan has the top three buttons of his shirt undone, revealing a little of his toned chest, and as far as I can see there’s not a single chest hair – My biggest trigger!


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