CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1)

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CORAL (A Romance Trilogy, Book 1) Page 10

by Delaney, Clair

“You have my word,” he says his expression intense. “Please, tell me Coral, it won't go any further,” he adds.

  I don't know why, because I don't trust people I don't know, but something about him is making me believe that I can share this with him, and it won't go any further.

  I sigh heavily and begin. “ you know how old Joe is?”

  “No.” He states clearly.

  “Twenty nine.” He raises his eyebrows at me in shock. “I know she doesn’t look it at all.” I say.

  “No, she looks like she’s still in her teens,” he says, I nod in agreement. “I know.”

  “And?” he prompts.

  I take another deep breathe, it’s so hard divulging other peoples secrets, and begin. “Joe married her sweetheart from school. They have two kids, a nine year old boy, and a five year old girl. Her husband Matt, he worked in finance. He earned good money, enough so that Joe could be a stay at home Mom...” I stop and take a deep breath. “Shortly after the crash he lost his job, he went to interview after interview, he knocked on doors, did everything he could to get another placement, no-one was hiring. I guess you could say it took away his pride. Men like to be the providers, bring the money home, right?” Tristan doesn’t agree or disagree. “He didn’t want Joe to work, stupid I know, so in the end he had no choice but to sign on. That’s when things got really ugly...” I say not really wanting to continue.

  “And?” Tristan asks his expression darkening.

  “He developed a drinking habit, things got really bad. To cut a long story short, the neighbours called the police. He wasn’t getting violent with Joe, but they had screaming rows that would wake up the whole cul-de-sac they lived in. Social services got involved and took the kids away.” I look away from him and swallow hard. The haunting, vivid memories are still so clear of being carted away from my mother; I don't think they’ll ever go away.

  “Coral.” Tristan touches my arm bringing me back to him. “What happened?”

  “He committed suicide,” I whisper. “Left a note, chucked himself off the pier, his body washed up on the beach.” Tristan’s eyes widen in shock. “She needs this job Tristan. If she keeps it for a year, shows social she can provide for her kids, that she’s stable, she gets them back. That’s all she wants, she only has two months left and they go home to their mother, where they’re supposed to be.” I look up at Tristan my eyes pleading with his.

  “How is it you know this?” He asks grimly.

  “I found her crying in the ladies, I guess she was missing her kids, I took her to lunch she told me everything, I felt sorry for her.” I say knowing exactly how those kids are feeling. “Look, I know she’s a bit...well, she’s not razor sharp, I’ll give you that but’ – “She’ll keep her job,” he says interrupting me. “You have my word,” he adds his cheeks puffing out as though he’s been holding his breath the whole time.

  My mouth gapes open in shock. “Really?” I squeak. “Just like that?”

  “Yes,” he states firmly. “Can I eat now please?”

  “You’re asking me for permission?” I laugh nervously.

  “No.” He chuckles.

  I shake my head at him I can't work him out at all...I start walking again, feeling good that Joe will keep her job, get her kids back.

  Tristan is back at my side again. “Do you always walk so quickly?” He asks staring straight ahead, his hands in his pockets, his height towering over me.

  “Yes.” I answer trying not to look at how good he looks when he walks.

  “Why?” What? Why is he asking?

  “Because I always have a purpose, I always have somewhere to be.” I answer quietly.

  “Ah,” I look across at him, I see a private smile playing across his lips, bastard!

  “What?” I snap – Careful Coral, new boss remember!

  “Nothing...” he laughs, still staring ahead. I feel the need to cross my arms, as I always do when someone has ruffled my feathers. But I can't as I’m holding my god damn Cappuccino.

  “I’m supposed to be meeting a friend for lunch.” I blurt out of nowhere.

  “What time?” He asks.

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t know what time I would be’ – “Can you cancel it?” He asks interrupting me.

  “No!” I bark answering more smartly than I intended to. Then I think it’s only Tuesday, I’ve got three more working days to find a present for Lily, and Rob will probably be like a bear with a sore head today anyway.

  I stop walking, he follows suit. “Yes.” I sigh. “I can cancel it.”

  He frowns deeply at me, almost as though he’s looking straight through me again. “Is it important?” He asks, he looks so intense.

  I swallow hard then take a drink of my Cappuccino. “Just shopping,” I say. “It’s my niece’s birthday.” Why am I telling him this?

  “And when is that?” He asks.

  “Um...Saturday. Why?” I ask cocking my head to the side, trying to read him.

  “Then we will shop today.” He says resolutely.

  “What?...No! I need to’ – “You’re seriously saying no to me again?” He interrupts, emphasising the word ‘no’ again. Jesus Christ! I am far too hung-over for this!

  “Mr Freeman!’ – “Tristan,” he interrupts. For the love of God!

  “Tristan,” I rephrase, trying to keep my cool. “I’d rather do it on my own, I could be ages. I’m not even sure what I’m getting her? Besides, I don’t see how we’re supposed to fit it in as-well as house hunting?” I question.

  “Good point,” he says looking amused again. “Now can I please get some food inside me?”

  I nod silently at him, he gestures for me to walk on and steps easily beside me...


  AS WE REACH MUNCHIES, I inhale deeply – the strong smell of bacon, toast and coffee waft through my nose. Delicious – I love the smell of fresh coffee. There are a few tables and chairs outside, the canopy above protecting them from the blazing sun, but it makes no difference. It’s so damn hot already.

  “Would you like to sit outside or inside?” Tristan asks.

  “They have air conditioning inside.” I answer.

  Pulling the door open for me, he gestures for me to go first; he is very courteous and polite. I walk inside the small café. It’s very minimal and everything is white. The walls, floor, tables and chairs, guess it makes it easier to keep clean. As we walk up to the counter, my head starts to bang again and I feel dog tired. Maybe it’s the heat sapping my energy?

  “Coral, can I get you anything?” He politely asks.

  I shake my head at him and sit down at a free table. Opening my handbag, I pull out my scrunched up takeout bag, and throw it with accurate precision at the open bin behind me.

  “Nice throw.” He compliments.

  I turn around, and see he’s sat opposite me with a fresh coffee. “Netball team.” I answer artlessly. Finding my Nurofen out of my bag, I pop one out of the packet.

  Just as I’m about to swallow it with my Cappuccino, I see Tristan smirk again. “What?” I say feeling frustrated. Why does he keep smiling at me like that?

  “Hangover?” He quizzes.

  I narrow my eyes at him. I hate the fact that he knows that’s what I have! So I ignore him, take a deep breath, open my throat, and swallow the tablet.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.” His grins widens, his dimples deepening. Then he picks up his spoon and stirs his coffee, then taking me by surprise, he starts chuckling to himself. I can't help staring at him, his smile is simply glorious. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone’s face look so lovely when they smile.

  “Do you make a habit of it?” He asks, his smile instantly fading, his eyebrows scrunching together.

  “Sorry?” I ask a little bewildered.

  “Drinking, when you're working the next day?” I instantly panic. I don’t want him to think this is what I’m like.

  “Tristan...I’ve only ever been hung-over at work what...two, thre
e times in the fifteen years I have worked for Joyce.” I stare at him scrutinizing me. “I hate it, I like having a clear head,” I add.

  “Not good with hangovers,” he sniggers.

  Against my wishes, I feel a smile begin to form. “No, I’m like a grizzly bear just come out of hibernation,” I giggle back.

  “I’ll try to remember that,” he chortles. “But I have to ask why?”

  The laughter in me instantly dies a death. “Why what?” I bite.

  “Why did you get drunk last night?” I sigh, feeling frustrated.

  “Because I’d been told the company was being sold, and that Joyce is leaving, and...” I stop right there.

  “And having a new boss?” He says, finishing my sentence for me. I know he’s digging to see if he’s affected me.

  “I....” I shake my head at him and glance down at the table. “I’m not that great with people Tristan, you might want to consider that.”

  He nods once and stares down at his coffee. Shit! Did I really just tell him that?

  We both look up at the same time, our eyes lock for a split second, he shoots his eyes back down to his coffee, he doesn’t want me to catch him staring at me, and if I knew him better I’d say he’s nervous, but so am I, which is making me feel really uncomfortable. I just want to get this day over with, so I can go home and curl up into a ball feeling sorry for myself. He suddenly looks up, his gaze holding mine. I can tell he’s trying to work me out - Why can't I look away?

  “Do I make you nervous?” He softly asks.

  I sigh inwardly. I really don’t want to be going down this road with him. I manage to pull my gaze away from his and stare down at the table, but for some unknown reason my mouth runs away with me again.

  “All men make me nervous,” I whisper. I hear his sharp intake of breathe, and close my eyes, gritting my teeth at myself. Why the fuck did I just say that out loud?

  I purse my lips in a vain attempt to stop them from blurting anything else out about myself. But I have to question - Why did I tell him that? No one knows that about me except for George. Now I am really, really, angry with myself for sharing that with him, because I know I’ve just opened a can of worms. I shake my head at myself in frustration. I can’t believe I just said that, I really don’t function properly the day after a heavy night.

  I look up at him, wondering what he’s thinking, but he seems miles away. His eyebrows are creased together as he stares down at his coffee, then he suddenly looks up and our eyes meet, he opens his mouth to speak, but I’m saved from his question by my mobile buzzing. I plunge my hand into my bag – Coral, you need to get this day over and done with and get Tristan bloody Freeman out of your life!

  Locating my mobile, I press answer without even looking at who it is. “Coral Stevens,” I bite.

  “I love you.” Rob’s croaky voice shouts. I think Tristan heard, because he suddenly looks crestfallen. “So much, do you know that?” Rob adds.

  “Stop shouting,” I chuckle.

  “But I do,” Rob croaks again.

  “Why?” I snigger.

  “You bought me breakfast,” he sighs happily. “My stomach is so grateful,” he groans.

  “I’m happy that you’re happy,” I say feeling melancholy again.

  “Ok, what’s up?” He sounds so perky compared to me.

  “Nothing, but I’m going to have to bail today...can we do lunch tomorrow instead?” I ask.

  “Why, what’s happened?” His voice is immediately concerned.

  “Um...I can't really talk,” I gripe.

  “ he there?” Rob teases.

  “I have to go,” I say, feeling panicky and shaky.

  Rob starts howling with laughter – Bastard!

  “I mean it,” I snap. He keeps on chuckling so I hang up on him. I smile tentatively at Tristan and put my phone back into my handbag.

  “Was that your boyfriend?” He asks all traces of humour gone. I squirm slightly, feeling uncomfortable that he has just asked that question. I’m about to answer him when his breakfast is placed in front of him.

  “One bacon egg and mushroom muffin,” the woman says who served me earlier. She lingers for a second, smiling down at Tristan. “Can I get you anything else?” She asks batting her lashes at him, swaying her hips closer to his lovely, strong, broad shoulders. I feel like slapping her down, I could be his girlfriend for all she knows yet she’s blatantly flirting – I can't help raising my eyebrows at the audacity of the woman.

  “No, thank you.” He answers politely, keeping his eyes locked on me. She shrugs and walks back over to the counter. Tristan stares down at his muffin and takes a sip of his coffee; so much for being hungry.

  “Boyfriend?” He asks again not looking at me, his face contorted like he’s in pain.

  “No.” I snap, and cross my arms - Not that it’s any of his business!

  His wide grin returns and he happily takes a bite of his muffin. I am trying not to watch, but I have never seen anyone take their time with their food as Tristan does, he seems to be really relishing it, savouring each mouthful. I can't help wondering if that’s what he would be like as a lover? Taking his time with each move, each body part...Coral! - Whoa! Where did that come from? I shut the door on those thoughts and try to concentrate on something else. The radio playing in the background catches my attention. 'Use Somebody by Kings of Leon starts playing, so I softly sing along.

  “So you don’t want me to shop with you today?” He questions interrupting my humming, but I don’t get a chance to answer him. “You like Kings of Leon?” He asks.

  “Um...yeah,” I try to hide my smile, and I don’t know why I tell him, but I do. “This is my favourite song of theirs.”

  “Mine too,” he answers frowning down at his muffin. “So no shopping?” he repeats.

  I stare back at him, drowning out the tune. “No,” I answer. “I was meant to be shopping with Rob.” I unintentionally blurt out.

  “That’s who was on the phone?” He asks still taking his time, each sip of coffee elegantly consumed.

  “Yes,” I huff, feeling annoyed he caught me out.

  “And the guy this morning, was that your boyfriend?” I cock my head to the side and narrow my eyes at him. He was spying on me?

  “That’s none of your concern,” I snap.

  “Yes actually, it is.” He argues.

  “How so?” I swallow nervously, I don't like where this is going.

  “I like to know the personal situations of all my staff Coral.” He gazes at me for a moment before popping the last tiny amount of muffin left into his mouth.

  “Why?” I question.

  He finishes chewing and takes a sip of coffee, smiling at me as he does. “Because it’s important,” he answers artlessly, taking another sip of his coffee.

  “Why is it?” I push wanting an answer.

  Tristan sighs, leans back in his chair and crosses his legs, assessing whether or not he should tell me. “I like to know my staff. I like to know who’s married, single, got kids, what kind of lifestyles they live.”

  “Why?” He’s still not answered my question.

  “I like to look after my staff Coral. When it’s their birthday, I send a card. If they are getting married, I send a gift. I like to get involved, it’s very important to me, you want a good team you have to show them you’re interested not only in their work, but their home life too.” I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

  “John and Joyce were never like that and everyone seemed happy enough,” I scoff defiantly.

  “Maybe, maybe not,” Tristan retorts.

  “I still don’t see what difference it makes,” I argue, spinning my empty Cappuccino cup in my hand . And I think that’s it, that I’ve won as Tristan is silent, but it only lasts a couple of seconds.

  “A couple of years ago,” he says bringing my attention back to him. “I had a member of staff with an excellent resume. She was punctual, had a smart appearance, she cared about her job and ha
d a great work ethic. At the time, she was only twenty-two and had been working for me for a couple of years. Then, out of nowhere she started coming in late, her work became shabby and most days she looked like death warmed up. Now, I could have pulled her in and given her a verbal warning, but that’s not how I work. Like I said...or I’m trying to say, I actually care about their happiness.” He admits looking slightly abashed.

  “Oh...So what happened to the girl?” I ask totally taken in with his story. Tristan leans closer to me, I lean closer too, we are only a few inches apart.

  “Turns out her partner had left her, completely screwed her over. She couldn’t afford the rent on the flat they had, and there was four months left on the agreement. She had no savings to put a deposit down for a more affordable place, so she was getting more and more into debt as the weeks went by. She had no help from her family, so in her despair, she started drinking.”

  “Oh…so I take it you didn’t sack her?” I ask gripped by where the story’s going.

  “No. I upped her wages, she was due a rise. Paid off the balance on the agreement and secured her a more affordable apartment.” He answers as though it’s the most natural thing in the world for him to have done.

  I swallow hard, this guy is an angel.

  “And she’s ok now?” I ask croakily, feeling slightly shocked and warming more to Tristan as the seconds tick by.

  “Karen is now my P.A in Leeds, she just needed a little help, and I like giving good jobs to good people who deserve it.” He says sincerely.

  “Tristan, there aren’t many bosses that would do something like that...” I stop talking wondering why the hell he would do that. “Why are you like that?” I ask incredulously.

  He grimaces briefly, as though he’s remembering something painful. “I just am.” He answers thoughtfully. I suddenly understand why he reacted the way he did about Joe.

  I look away and stare out the window. Either way, my private life is not the kind of territory I should have to go into with him. I’m very private like that. I don’t want him to know the status of my non-existent love-life. It has nothing to do with him.

  “Well as far as I’m concerned Tristan, as long as I give 100% at my job it’s no-one’s concern what I do in my spare time – or who I’m seeing.” I add feeling exposed and vulnerable that he would want to know any of this.


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