Lakeside Hospital Box Set

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Lakeside Hospital Box Set Page 16

by Cara Malone

  Alex let out a moan as her body shook and her belly trembled and Megan teased a long, intense orgasm out of her. Alex tangled her fingers into Megan’s hair as she kept moving her tongue, closing her lips around Alex until finally she drew her thighs together against Megan’s head, left out one last whimper, and went limp on the couch.

  Megan crawled up to meet her and she wrapped her arms around Alex, holding her tight and protecting her against any draft that might chill her.

  Chapter Thirty

  Alex took a moment to catch her breath, this orgasm even more intense than the ones Megan had given her the first time they were together. She threw her arms around Megan and they laid together in a tight embrace for a few minutes until her energy returned.

  She nuzzled into Megan’s body, her face finding the crook of her neck, and she kissed her as Megan asked, “What are you doing?”

  Alex slid her hands down Megan’s stomach and beneath the waistband of her leggings, finding wetness and desire there. She murmured into Megan’s neck, “What does it feel like?”

  “It feels great,” Megan said, her hand going down and covering Alex’s as she pressed her palm more firmly against her and her hips answered back.

  The move sent a second shiver of desire through Alex and she felt hungry, like she could spend the whole night making up for the year in which she’d felt nothing at all. She was ready for Megan’s touch again already

  She slid one finger through the wetness between Megan’s thighs and parted her legs to allow their hips to join. Megan rolled her hips in rhythmic movements against Alex’s palm and she sat up, climbing on top of Megan to kiss her, touch her, and take control.

  She slipped her tongue into Megan’s mouth, tasting herself on Megan’s lips as her hand glided back and forth between her legs. Megan moaned and put her hands on Alex’s hips, squeezing the ample flesh there and increasing her desire as Alex began to move her hips to match the rhythm of Megan’s own.

  They were moaning and moving together, their breathing intensified, and Alex yanked Megan’s leggings down over her hips, taking her panties with them in one motion. She slid off the couch, coming to her knees and pulling Megan into a sitting position as she desperately sought her out. Alex pushed Megan’s knees wide and yanked her hips to the edge of the couch cushion, and then she brought her head down to meet her trembling flesh.

  She slid one finger inside of her and Megan put her hand on Alex’s head, her fingers winding into her hair as she gave in to the sensations Alex was causing, allowing her body to tip over into a climax that left her shaking and bucking her hips against Alex’s hand.

  Then Megan reached for Alex, pulling her back onto the couch with a kiss. She grabbed a thick knitted blanket off the back of the couch and wrapped it around both of them, then snuggled into Alex with her arms wrapped around her waist to ward off the cold.

  Alex woke up early the next morning, her arms wrapped contently around Megan. The knit blanket they’d fallen asleep under was warm, and the apartment felt peaceful and comfortable.

  Megan began to stir beneath her, her breath warm against Alex’s skin, and when she roused from her sleep she looked up at her with those big emerald eyes and smiled. It was a beautiful sight.

  “Good morning,” she said.

  “Morning,” Alex answered, giving Megan a tight squeeze and then releasing her to throw her arms overhead in a big stretch. She felt a little stiff from spending the night on the couch, but it was well worth it. “What time do you think it is?”

  “Early,” Megan said. “It’s not quite daylight outside yet.”

  She kissed Alex, gathering her up in her arms as she did it, and then she bent over the edge of the couch to find her sweater. She pulled it on, along with her panties, and got up. Alex whimpered at her absence, suddenly feeling a little bit cold, so she pulled the blanket tighter around her. Megan took their coffee mugs to the sink and dumped out the icy remnants, and while she was loading the mugs into the dishwasher, Alex wrapped the blanket around her and got up, too.

  She went over to the window and looked outside, where the street was completely blanketed in fluffy white snow. Her car had at least two inches on it and she wondered if her mother was up yet. She hadn’t expected to stay, and she hadn’t spent the night away from home since her father died. She felt a little guilty about it, especially since her mom didn’t even have a television to keep her company anymore.

  “I should go,” she said as Megan came over to join her.

  “Really?” Megan asked sadly.

  “Yeah,” Alex said. “My mom’s probably worried about me.”

  “Okay,” Megan said, but she wrapped her arms around Alex, sliding her hands beneath the layers of the blanket to connect with her. Then she asked, “What do the two of you do for Thanksgiving?”

  “I don’t know,” Alex said. “Last year we weren’t in the mood to celebrate so we just ate frozen lasagna and my mom bought a cordless vacuum that she never took out of the box.”

  Megan looked saddened by this, and Alex realized how pathetic it sounded. She laughed and tried to lighten the mood.

  “That was only a few months after my dad died,” she said. “This year we can probably do better for ourselves. I was thinking of making my dad’s favorite cookies—they’re kind of involved, so that should keep us busy for a while.”

  “Okay, I just had a crazy idea,” Megan said. “Feel free to turn it down, but why don’t you and your mom come over to my family’s house for Thanksgiving dinner instead? You could bring the cookie ingredients with you and we can all make them together.”

  “I wouldn’t want to impose,” Alex said.

  “You’re not imposing,” Megan insisted. “I don’t ever want you to leave my side again… If you and your mom are up for it, I would love to have you there.”

  “I think I can convince her,” Alex said. “Are you sure it’s not an imposition? Thanksgiving is only a couple days away and I wouldn’t want your mom to have to feed two more mouths on such short notice.”

  “Are you kidding?” Megan asked. “You don’t know my mom yet, but when you meet her you’ll see that having two more mouths to feed is going to be the best thing about her Thanksgiving holiday.”

  “Okay,” Alex said, smiling at Megan. “Let’s do it.”

  “Awesome,” Megan said with a grin. “So can you stay a little longer? I finally don’t have homework to catch up on, and I want nothing more than to keep you in my arms for as long as possible.”

  Alex broke into a wide grin and kissed her, then said, “Yeah, I can stay. I just need to text my mom to let her know I’m not dead.”

  She went over to her coat on the hook by the door and fished her phone out of her pocket, and when she was done, Megan came over and wrapped her arms around her again, kissing the crook of her neck. She said, “I think I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  “Okay,” Alex said, but when Megan unwrapped her arms, she took Alex by the hand and started to pull her down the hall. She asked, curious, “What?”

  “Come on,” Megan said with a wink. “I said I didn’t want to let you go.”

  “Okay,” Alex answered, catching on. She let Megan lead her down the hall and into the bathroom. Alex let out a happy laugh as Megan threw the blanket off Alex’s shoulders and tossed it into the hallway before she swung the bathroom door shut.


  Thanksgiving was a success, and just as Megan had predicted, her mother was more than happy to accommodate her last-minute guests. She welcomed Alex and her mother with open arms, pulling them into a friendly embrace as soon as they came through the door, and the four of them spent most of the morning preparing the meal.

  Alex’s mom stepped right in and started peeling and cutting potatoes, and Megan stood next to Alex at the island as Alex unloaded a shopping bag full of ingredients for her tea biscuits.

  “Orange juice, strawberry jam, raisins,” Megan listed as she helped Alex lay everything out on th
e counter. “What on earth are these things?”

  “You’ve never had them before?” Alex asked. “They’re fantastic.”

  “Her father’s favorite,” Alex’s mom, Dana, volunteered before turning her attention back to the potatoes. She was chatting with Megan’s mom as she worked, asking her about the different kitchen gadgets she had and telling her which ones she liked the best from the Home Shopping Network collection, and she looked to be assimilating into the Callahan family well.

  “So what are we making, exactly?” Megan asked, turning her attention back to Alex and bumping her hip against her teasingly.

  “Russian tea biscuits,” Alex reminded her. “It’s kind of like a scone filled with jam, raisins, and walnuts.”

  “And they’re tasty?”

  “Incredibly,” Alex said, reaching for one of the mixing bowls Megan’s mom had set out for them. “Trust me.”

  “I do,” Megan said, sliding her arm around Alex’s wrist. “How can I help?”

  “Get a room,” Megan’s brother, Finn, said as he came into the kitchen with a roll of his eyes. Megan stuck her tongue out at him and didn’t move her arm from where it rested around Alex’s waist. He grabbed a soda out of the refrigerator and then returned to his customary place in front of the television with his dad, switching between three or four different football games all day long.

  It turned out that Alex was right about the tea biscuits. They worked all morning on making the dough, layering in the filing and baking them, and the cookies came out of the oven piping hot and making the whole house smell like the cinnamon that they’d sprinkled on top of each cookie. Megan stole one off the plate before they even sat down for dinner, and it was one of the best baked goods she’d ever tasted.

  “Oh my god,” she said around a mouth full of heaven. “That’s incredible.”

  “I told you,” Alex said with a grin.

  Everyone else couldn’t help noticing Megan’s oversized reaction to the cookies and they all grabbed one hot out of the oven, and the whole family stood around the kitchen island eating Russian tea biscuits and making groans of pleasure in Alex’s general direction.

  “That’s damn good,” Megan’s dad said, and her mother asked Alex for the recipe.

  “It’s too bad they’re a pain in the butt to make,” she said with a wink at Megan. “I only make them once a year.”

  “Well then you’re going to have to come every year,” Finn said, and Megan and Alex both laughed.

  “That’s what I was hoping for,” Megan said, leaning over to give Alex a quick peck on the cheek.

  After dinner, everyone was gathered in the family room and Megan’s mom was passing around cups of hot cocoa with candy canes in them. Alex settled into the loveseat beside the fireplace with Megan, snuggling into her as they all watched Megan’s father build the fire.

  He piled dry wood from the hearth inside the fireplace and crumbled newspapers into long tubes to use as kindling, and it reminded Alex of going camping when she was a kid. Her dad always built a fire the same way. She sipped her hot cocoa, and Megan hooked her candy cane with her finger, swirling it in the hot liquid as Alex objected.

  “What?” Megan asked, taking the candy cane out of Alex’s cup and licking the hot cocoa off its molten tip.

  “That one’s mine,” Alex objected with a smile. “Get your own candy cane.”

  “What’s mine is yours, baby,” Megan said, but she put the candy cane back in Alex’s mug.

  “Gross,” Finn said from the couch across from them. He had been watching the entire display and he wrinkled his nose at two of them.

  “You’re gross,” Megan said with a laugh, and the fire crackled to life as her dad set fire to the newspaper and stuffed it beneath the wood to begin burning.

  They spent the evening sitting around the fire, talking, and Megan’s parents made sure to include Alex’s mom, asking her questions about the jobs she was applying for and encouraging her to make herself at home. The evening wore on and it grew dark outside, the light dusting of snow on the ground giving the back yard a romantic glow as they all snuggled up in front of the warm fire.

  Alex became aware of the hour – it was getting late and she and her mother couldn’t stay here all night. She knew her mom would probably want to leave soon in order to get out of the Callahans’ hair. Besides, this was her first real day out of the house in quite a while and she was probably tired. Alex had one last thing to do here before they left, though.

  She drained her hot cocoa cup, and before Megan’s mother could offer her a refill, she stood up and went into the kitchen to deposit her cup in the sink. Megan followed her just as Alex hoped, and she caught Megan in and embrace while they were alone in the dark kitchen.

  “What’s up?” Megan asked her with her hands on Alex’s hips and her lips just a few inches away. She was intoxicating and Alex knew exactly how she wanted the day to end.

  “Show me your bedroom,” she said, and Megan right raise an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes and said, “It’s not like that. I just want to see where you spent your time as a kid.”

  “Okay,” Megan said. She took Alex’s hand and led her over to a door at the back of the kitchen that opened on a stairwell Alex hadn’t known was there. They went up the softly creaking steps and Alex could feel the heat beginning to rise in her cheeks in anticipation of being alone with Megan again.

  The second floor was large, a number of doors leading off both sides of a long hallway. Megan let her to the first door on the right and opened it, stepping aside as Alex went in and Megan reached around the door frame to switch on the light.

  The room was smaller than Alex would have guessed, but still a decent size and filled with the trappings of Megan’s former life. The sorority letters pinned to one wall and the cheerleader’s pom-poms sitting on top of a bookshelf seemed like they belonged to some other girl.

  Alex turned around and gave Megan a skeptical look. “You really were a sorority girl.”

  “Did you think I was lying?” Megan asked.

  “No,” Alex said. “I just couldn’t picture it.”

  “You want me to put on my cheerleader uniform?” Megan asked teasingly as she came into the room.

  Alex backed up against the twin bed in the center of the room with its frilly pink comforter and drew Megan closer to her. “I would love that, but I don’t think we have time for dress up.”

  She took Megan’s hand and pulled her along as she free-fell backwards onto the bed. Megan landed on top of her, catching herself as best she could, then she gave Alex a skeptical look. “Now who’s a liar? I thought you just wanted to see my room.”

  “I want to see you in your room,” Alex said. “And I want a second shot at whatever it was you wanted to do with me in that call room all those months ago.”

  Megan grinned and lifted herself off Alex, and for second Alex thought that she was rejecting the idea. Instead, she padded quickly across the room and shut her door quietly before turning back to Alex.

  “Is that so?” she asked, walking seductively back to her and letting her hips sway as she approached. She pulled her sweater over her head, letting it fall to the floor as her hands went to the clasp of her bra. She took that off too, tossing it aside.

  Alex laughed at this exaggerated strip tease and Megan pounced onto the bed, clapping her hand over Alex’s mouth and whispering, “We have to be quiet. These walls are thin.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Alex said, her hand going to Megan’s jeans as Megan kissed her deeply. “And we’ll have to be quick or they’ll catch us.”

  Megan made a snarky comment about how sexy it was to be told to be fast and quiet, but she obliged Alex’s request. She slid her hand under the hem of Alex’s skirt, finding warmth between her thighs and rubbing her fingers up and down over the silk of her stockings. Alex’s breathing grew heavier as her body gave way to Megan’s touch. She felt herself getting wetter as Megan’s hand moved between Alex’s thighs, and she thr
ew her arms around Megan’s neck, pulling her close and using Megan’s mouth to muffle the moans of pleasure she was teasing out of her.

  Alex kissed her ravenously, wanting to feel her body against her own, and she held Megan as closely as she could. She grabbed her waist and squeezed her hips, hungry for the physical feeling of love that she’d lost touch of for so long. She needed Megan, and she needed her to feel the same way in return.

  She reached for the buttons of Megan’s jeans, undoing them quickly and then pushing the material down just far enough to allow her to get closer to Megan. Their thighs intertwined and Alex felt Megan’s breath hitch the moment she hooked aside her panties and her hand made contact with her wetness.

  They made love quickly and urgently, reaching for each other and for a moment, Alex lost track of everything except the sensations, the waves of pleasure and the swell of love in her chest. Then she felt her body tipping over the edge, melting into convulsions of pleasure as she climaxed and brought Megan into her own orgasm moments later.

  They didn’t have time to lay together and enjoy the afterglow. Megan gave Alex a quick kiss, then stood up and pulled her jeans back on. She smiled at Alex as she watched her get dressed, straightening her skirt in the mirror above Megan’s dresser and trying in vein to fan away the flush in her cheeks.

  “You’re beautiful,” Megan said, coming up behind Alex and encircling her in her arms. She kissed Alex on the neck, then led her back downstairs.

  Their mothers were laughing and chatting together in the kitchen by now, Megan’s father having fallen asleep in front of the comfort of the fire, and Finn was the only one who seemed to notice their conspicuous absence. He smirked, but said nothing, and Megan’s mother got up to fetch them both a fresh cup of cocoa.


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