She Walks In Moonlight (Second Chances Romance Book 1)

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She Walks In Moonlight (Second Chances Romance Book 1) Page 11

by Jennifer Silverwood

Mrs. King came to me and placed her hand on my arm. “I heard Anya tell you about Sasha. Poor boy hasn’t been down all morning. I think it might be a good idea if you talked with him.”

  “Not so sure he wants to hear from me right now.”

  “He may not know it, but he needs you right now, honey.”

  When Mama King gave an order, I obeyed—that was all. Arguments were null and void against the combination of her wrath and wisdom. Part of me was still preoccupied with the fact that Adam was doing dishes in my kitchen sink. And I would have much rather checked on Peter and Hailey to hound them about the doctor’s appointment than face my nephew, which was why I spent a full minute psyching myself into knocking on his bedroom door.

  Sasha didn’t answer my knock at first. I pressed my ear to the wood and tried in vain to listen. I took in a deep breath and knocked again.

  “Hey, Sasha? It’s Aunt Dani.” I laughed to myself. “Course it’s Aunt Dani. He’s not stupid,” I added under my breath. “So, everyone is worried about you. Your papa wants to talk to you and your sister.” The silence stretched so long after that, I thought he might still be sleeping if he wasn’t mixing chemicals with his science kit.

  “Go away.” His voice was closer to the door than I’d thought it would be.

  “Sasha? You know you can’t hide in your room forever. Eventually, you have to come out.” I leaned my forehead against his door and pressed my fingertips against the wood.

  “I’m still mad at you. You lied to me. I know Papa was sick yesterday.”

  “Your papa wanted to talk to you first. I’m sorry I lied.” The door opened, and I almost fell on top of my nephew. I stood in shock for a second. “Hey, kiddo.” My smile fell when I saw the red rings around his eyes. He had been crying, and I wondered how much he was aware of after all.

  He sniffed and rubbed his nose against the sleeve of his shirt. “Where’s Papa?”

  “He’s in his room with Hailey. Anya’s painting in the kitchen. Want to wait with her in there? Mrs. King might make you a snack if you already ate breakfast.”

  He held his belly when it growled at both of us. “Guess I am hungry.”

  I reached to mess with his hair, but he walked ahead of me and down the stairs. I sighed as I followed him. “Not forgiven yet, Pavlova.”

  The kitchen held a most remarkable sight. Adam King was hunched over the dining table with his hand covering Anya’s, and together, they painted a smooth line from a bright-yellow dot near the center of the page. Even Sasha seemed interested as he watched from Adam’s other side.

  “Hey, Adam.” Sasha took the chair beside his.

  “Hey, little man.” Adam greeted him with a genuine smile while he helped Anya clean her brush and start with a new color. My chest felt tight, and I turned away. How did he go from asking me to stay out of his life to this?

  Mrs. King handed me a glass of what looked like fresh lemonade. The woman was a true Southern miracle. “Take this to your brother, honey. I think he will want to see you before the kids.”

  “Thanks for everything you’ve done, Mrs. King. You didn’t have to.”

  “Nonsense, you and your brother are part of our family, no matter what anyone else says. I stand my ground on that.”

  I wasn’t a touchy-feely person, but I fought the strongest urge to hug her then. Instead, I took Mrs. King’s lemonade to Peter’s room. I hesitated in the doorway, half expecting that horrible, sickly smell from yesterday to permeate the air. I shut the door behind me and stepped farther in. The room smelled like antiseptic still, but the sickness was gone, at least the smell of it.

  Hailey was leaning over Peter in the bed, and my heart clenched again when she brushed her lips over his cheek. It made the last of my old hate for her evaporate at the same time I put aside the last of my doubts about her feelings for Peter.

  Hailey smiled up at me before returning her focus to Peter. She whispered something to him, and he nodded. I was happy when she left the room, this time because I wanted a moment alone with my brother.

  “From Mrs. King,” I said as I offered the glass. Peter smiled and shook his head, so I set it on his bedside table for later.

  I sat beside him and took his hand in mine and tried not to cry at the sight of him. He looked as though he had lost weight overnight; he looked worse than I had seen him yet.

  “You look like hell,” I said.

  Peter smiled. “I feel like it.”

  “I got Sasha to come downstairs. It’s my fault he stayed up there so long, really. I didn’t know what to tell him yesterday, and he got upset.”

  “It’s okay, baby girl. You were right. I wanted to tell the kids myself. I should have told them sooner. That was stupid on my part.”

  “You weren’t ready yet, that’s all.”

  Peter sighed. “You were right to call Hailey yesterday. Thanks for taking care of me the way you did. I’m really proud of you.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “I didn’t know what I was doing, not really. That’s why I called her. Figured she was the next best thing to a hospital. What did the doctor say?”

  Peter grimaced. “They want to do more tests, but it looks like the cancer is more aggressive than they thought.”

  “What aren’t you saying?”

  “We are still going to try chemo. I wanted to avoid it as long as possible, but now we don’t have a choice. Doc seems to think we might have a chance with the chemo.”

  I squeezed his hand. “We do have a chance, Petey. You’re stronger than Papa was, I just know it.”

  His fingers twitched as if he was trying to squeeze back. “I’m so glad you’re here, baby girl. I wish I could promise you things will get better. They’ll get a lot worse before the end.”

  “I’m not giving up on you, and neither are the kids, or Hailey.”

  Peter smiled. “Doc put me on strict bed rest for the rest of the week, so I’m afraid I won’t make it in to work. Think you could go and make excuses for me? Hailey won’t let me use the phone, either.”

  “What a bitch,” I said with a smile so he’d know I was mostly teasing. “Are you going to tell the kids now?”

  He nodded. “Hailey went to get them. Could you stick around for this? I think I understand why Papa made me tell you instead of facing you himself.”

  I winced at the unpleasant memory. “I’m not gonna leave you.”

  “I know,” Peter said.

  What he couldn’t say was the possibility we were both choosing to ignore, that he might leave me.

  The kids took Peter’s news about as well as I once had. Anya was frightened and cried in Peter’s arms. Sasha scowled at the floor with his arms crossed and refused to acknowledge the rest of us. I could relate to Sasha. I was angry too because it wasn’t fair.

  I clawed at the bottom of my shirt to fight back my urge to flee. I was convinced if I didn’t leave the room soon, though, I would either break down like Anya or throw Peter’s bedside lamp across the room.

  Peter shared a glance with me over Anya’s shoulder, and we both looked at Sasha.

  “Hey, kid, let’s go outside a minute,” I said.

  He turned his scowl up at me but let me lead him by the shoulder out of the room. Anya’s sobs followed us.

  The Kings were in the kitchen, even Adam. Our eyes met the moment Sasha and I came into the room.

  “They need a minute back there.”

  My nephew shuffled on his feet, and I looked back at Adam, helpless. I didn’t expect him to uncross his legs and walk up to us. “Hey, little man, want to get out of here for a little while?”

  “Where?” Sasha grumbled.

  Adam shrugged. “Wherever you want.”

  “I want ice cream.”

  Adam’s eyes found mine. “Fair enough. Ready to go, Aunt Dani?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Sure thing, soldier.” I chuckled when Adam’s expression darkened.


  One Step Closer

  This is how I found myself
spending the afternoon with Adam King. Turns out he was a genius for thinking of bringing Sasha along. After ice cream, we had to drop Adam back off at the garage, and I decided to kill two birds with one stone. Leach was running things today, and I spoke with him while Adam got ready for his shift upstairs.

  Being in the garage again felt right and natural, like for a little while, we could pretend there was no cancer hovering over our family’s head. Sasha hovered close to me with wide eyes and stared at Leach when the big, bearded man tried to ruffle his hair. I was starting to wonder how often Peter brought the kids to work with the way my nephew took everything in.

  Leach had crossed his arms over his chest and kept his head down while I relayed Peter’s message. “He’s on bed rest for the rest of the week.”

  “Good thing Hailey’s with him. Otherwise you know he’d try to drive up here.”

  A small part of the petty child in me wanted to disagree, but I was glad to have Hailey King around too these days. “Maybe after this week, he can come up once a week or something. We’ll have to see what the doctor says. You okay handling things in the meantime?”

  “Oh yeah,” he said with a roll of his shoulders. “Between me and Adam, I think we can handle the moron twins.” Something heavy clanged against the garage floor, and Leach sighed. “One moment, please.”

  He opened the garage door and leaned his head in to shout, “You two better not be shitting around!”

  “Sorry, Leach!” one of the new guys hollered back.

  “Don’t be sorry! Use your damn brains!” He shut the door and turned back to me with a pleasant smile. “You were saying?”

  I laughed and glanced over at Sasha, who was still sitting at Peter’s desk and finishing off the last of his ice cream cone. “Thanks for understanding. And hey, you know who to call if you need help with the books, right?”

  “Bet your sweet ass I do,” he said. “Are you okay?”

  “Don’t worry about me. I want to know if you’re ready for your date this week.”

  Leach’s pale skin immediately turned beet red. Before he could answer, Adam came through the back door, dressed in his work coveralls.

  “What did I miss?” he asked as he took in Leach’s red face and my grin.

  Leach feigned anger. “None of your damned business, King. Get your ass out there already, will you?”

  Adam met my eye, and the corner of his mouth turned up. I giggled, giggled like a schoolgirl.

  Hang on to your panties, Pavlova.

  After Adam clocked in, he insisted on taking Sasha with him into the main garage. “If that’s all right with you, Aunt Dani?” he asked in that damned irresistible deep voice.

  “Sure. You don’t mind, Leach?” My brother’s oldest friend shook his head and waved them on.

  I watched from the office door while Adam pointed out different parts and tools to my nephew. Sasha looked and didn’t touch, but I could tell the little Einstein was soaking it all in.

  Leach answered a short phone call, and I didn’t even notice when it ended and he came to stand behind me until he spoke. “So, what’s the deal with you and King?”

  I jumped. “What? What are you talking about?”

  Leach leveled a knowing look at me. “Last time you two were in here, you were shitting bricks, and now you’re acting like he’s got the moon hanging out of his ass. What changed?”

  “His family helped us out when Peter got sick, and I don’t know… he’s been there today for us. Peter just told the kids, and it was Adam’s idea to get out of the house a while.”

  “Hmm…” Leach watched Sasha point and ask Adam questions. “I guess you know Peter helped King out a lot the last couple of years. He was in a bad place when he got back, totally different from the kid who used to follow you around everywhere. Funny thing is, all the time he’s been back home, I’ve never seen King act like he does around you.”

  Taylor spilled oil on the garage floor, and Leach cursed before walking inside. “Damn it, kid!”

  Austin held his black-stained hands up. “Wasn’t me this time, Leach!”

  Watching Sasha with Adam did more than give me warm fuzzies; it made me consider things I hadn’t let myself consider. For so long, I had assumed a certain type of life wasn’t for me. I’d missed my chance when I left for Petersburg ten years ago. Now I was considering the party at the Brewers’ tonight. Would it really be so bad to go with him? It didn’t have to mean anything, right?

  The commotion in the garage came to an abrupt standstill when a petite woman walked in their midst. She was so familiar, with her waist-length brown hair and tanned skin. A thick Southern accent followed. “Hey, y’all, I’m here to pick up my mom’s car.”

  Leach stood frozen for a moment until Austin pushed his shoulder. Leach turned to scowl at the newbie before straightening and walking up to their visitor. “Hey, you must be Amber McSpadden? Sandy said you might show up. Come over this way, and you can fill out the papers.”

  I covered my mouth to keep from laughing aloud. This was too good. Even Sasha and Adam were watching from the back of the garage. Leach towered over Amber. Not only was he taller but also broader and pale to her sun-kissed skin. Now his white skin was somewhere between beet and blood red as he escorted her to the office.

  Amber smiled brightly when they came up to me. I held up a hand in a small wave.

  “Hey! I’m Amber. You from around here? You look so dang familiar…”

  I shook her hand and smiled back. “Danica Pavlova.”

  Understanding dawned in Amber’s green eyes. “That’s right. You were just a kid when I left for school. I heard you moved back to Europe somewhere.”

  “Yep, finished school in Russia.”

  “Cool beans! Hey, Leach, ain’t it? You got those papers?”

  I stepped back to let her go stand at Leach’s side and watch him fumble with his papers. She grinned up at him as though she knew exactly what kind of effect she had on him.

  Boy, is he in trouble.

  I entered the garage to give them a moment. Sasha looked up at me with bright eyes. Adam’s plan had worked for the time being, I was happy to see.

  “Dani, Adam’s been showing me the different parts of an engine!”

  “That’s so cool, buddy,” I said.

  Adam turned over a socket wrench with restless hands.

  “Could we come back tomorrow?” Sasha asked.

  “For a little bit, if it’s okay with Adam.”

  Adam nodded when Sasha turned his question to him. “Sure, little man, you can come anytime.”

  “We should probably head back home. It’ll be time for supper pretty soon.” I forced myself to meet Adam’s eye. “Thanks for letting him shadow you.”


  Sasha grumbled, but his good mood was strong enough that he didn’t throw any death glares my way. We had almost made it to the office when a large hand wrapped around my wrist and held me back. I turned to face the full force of Adam’s gray-blue eyes and sucked in the air between us.

  He opened his mouth but glanced down first before asking, “So you’ll come with me tonight?”

  I shook my head. “Sorry. I really should hang with the kids, I think.”

  Adam frowned. He let me go, but I recognized the unspoken challenge in his beautiful eyes.

  Sasha’s good mood lasted until we ate the chicken and dumplings Mrs. King had fixed for supper. Before then, he regaled Anya and anyone who would listen all about the garage and what Adam had shown him. Clearly, he had a new hero. But after Peter joined us, Sasha clammed up and wasted no time escaping the table. My nephew acknowledged me enough to listen when I told him to put on pajamas and brush his teeth.

  Peter listened to Anya’s silly stories a little while longer, but I could tell he was hurt. I took Anya in my arms when her speech began to slur and her head started to nod against my brother’s chest.

  By the time I came downstairs again, Hailey had put Peter back on bed rest and
come back to the kitchen table. Mrs. King, in her magical method, had managed to clear the table, do dishes, and pour us each a glass of wine I didn’t know my brother had been hiding in the pantry.

  Mrs. King brought up the elephant in the room first. “So, how are we going to handle this, ladies?”

  “You both have already done enough,” I protested.

  Hailey took a hefty dose of her wine. “I’ve been meaning to take off work for a while now. I have enough time saved up; it wouldn’t hurt.”

  Mrs. King hummed her approval. “I think I could convince the hospital to pay you for home care. Peter is a patient, technically.”

  Hailey smiled at her mother, and I pushed aside my jealousy.

  “Danica.” Mrs. King turned her attention to me. “Do we need to drive the kids to school in the morning? I could drop them off before my shift.”

  “No need, they usually take the bus… shit. I need to pack their lunches.” I set my glass down and pushed my chair back.

  Mrs. King smiled. “Already taken care of, honey. Now, how about after school? Will you be able to pick them up?”

  Again, I had to wonder why they were trying so hard. I didn’t understand why they cared. “Thanks, but I’m not planning on going anywhere tomorrow.”

  Mrs. King nodded. “Well, I think that covers it for now, ladies.”

  I started to speak, to ask the question burning at the back of my throat. Instead, I turned to answer a knock on the back door. I frowned when I pushed open the curtain and found Adam King waiting on the other side.

  I cracked open the door. “What the hell are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?” I looked him up and down, dismayed to find him dressed in boots, fresh jeans, and a collared shirt. He looked good enough to eat, despite all the grease stains on his bare arms.

  I shook my head. “Do you ever take a shower?”

  “Danica, who is it?” Mrs. King asked from behind me.

  Adam grinned at my comment and glanced over my shoulder. “Hey, Mom, just came by to pick her up for the Brewers’ party.”

  “Oh, of course! Here we’ve been, chatting away like hens. Danica, you should have told me you had somewhere to be,” Mrs. King gushed.


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