Tempting Research

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Tempting Research Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  The woman was an erotic writer, she thought about sex for a living and she was looking to experience the cougar inside her.

  He was more than happy to oblige. He held her face between his hands. She was so beautiful all the other women he’d had paled in comparison to this woman.

  “Why should I stop?” he asked the question again.

  “Do you really want to do this?” she asked him.

  It had been something he’d been fantasizing about for the longest time, the only thing he looked forward too.

  “You have no idea how much I want to do this.”

  She smiled. She had the cutest smile.

  Jack felt like such a jerk. She must have men with better lines. It wasn’t a line, he truly believed she had an amazing smile. He was babbling.

  He could see the indecision waring with her. He leaned down and cupped her head, he pressed a kiss to her lips. A demanding kiss. A kiss to show her how much he wanted her.

  “I want you so bad. I was going to ask you today on a date,” he confessed.

  She gasped.

  “You barely know me.”

  Jack shrugged. “Doesn’t change how much I want you.”

  He would let her believe he was doing this for her research but in truth he was doing this because he wanted to spend time with the woman plaguing his every waking thought.

  Melissa was fighting with herself. Should she take him up on the offer or leave it? He looked so sincere. She really needed someone who was willing to help her with her research and with her deadline fast approaching and the fact she hadn’t met anyone else who could give her some life experiences. This could be her time to get her research but from her own experience.

  He was a good-looking man. He was twenty-four years old and an adult. He looked like he knew what he was doing.

  “Are you sure about this? I mean if you have a girlfriend or something, I don’t want you to feel any pressure. I promise I wouldn’t complain or anything about your job.”

  Jack pressed a finger against her lips.

  “Do I look like the kind of guy who would feel pressure about helping a sexy woman?” He gave her a cocky, devilish smile.

  Laughing Melissa shook her head.

  They both jumped as someone knocked on the door.

  Melissa glanced at the door and then at her naked state. Wait, she was supposed to be naked. She glanced over at Jack. He was naked.

  “Get dressed,” she whispered trying to instill all of her sense of urgency in her words.

  She hopped on the bed, arranging her towel so she looked like a woman who was getting a back rub and not a woman who was propositioning a younger man.

  Within seconds he was dressed, oil on his hands and pressing those sinful hands against the tightness of her muscles.

  “Relax. Otherwise, they won’t think I’m doing my job properly.”

  She tried to calm down. She must have managed it because he called for the person to enter. She was shocked. The door was unlocked. At any time during that conversation anyone could have entered.

  The relaxation he needed came when she breathed a sigh of relief. They hadn’t been caught.

  “Hey Jack, I’m off, oh, I thought your last customer finished at twelve?”

  Melissa could hear the other man. Had it really been forty five minutes?

  “My last customer. She came a bit late.”

  She hated being talked about while she was there.

  “Right, erm, we’re going to the beach later if you want to come?” His friend sounded distracted.

  “No, I’m good. Got other plans for this weekend.” His hands stopped on her flesh.

  “Okay, erm...” He was saying that a lot. “Jack, you might want to bring the towel down a bit further.” Melissa wondered what the hell that was supposed to mean. Was that code for something?

  The door shut and Jack pushed the towel down over her butt.

  She gasped as his friends words suddenly dawned.

  “Oh my god,” she gasped, embarrassed.

  He leaned down and gently whispered, “next time I would suggest keeping your legs closed.”

  Melissa blushed.

  Of all the things that could happen. She had given his best friend a great shot of her private parts. She was an erotic writer. She didn’t know what upset her the most. The fact that she referred to genitals as private parts or his best friend seemed to like what he was looking at?

  He could have mentioned it at the beginning when he first came in.

  It seemed today was the day to be ogled by younger men. It could be far worse.

  Chapter Three

  Melissa sat waiting while Jack read through her manuscript. This was the first time she had allowed anyone to read her work. Especially unedited.

  She brought out tea and biscuits. Sat and watched as he flicked through the pages on the screen. When he seemed to be taking his time, she got up and cleaned something that really didn’t need cleaning but she did it anyway.

  About two hours later he sat back and stared at her.

  He kept staring at her.

  “Well?” she asked him.

  “You’re a great writer.” That was it. Two hour’s worth of reading and he told her she was a great writer.

  “That’s it?”

  “You’ve never been with a younger man, have you?”

  Melissa blushed.

  “W-well. Erm, no. Could you tell?” She bit her lip.

  Jack looked around her apartment. “Yes, you can.”

  “How?” she asked him. He could hear the anger at his words.

  Sighing, he stood moving around her apartment. Looking at the pictures and trinkets, she’d collected over the years. A couple of book covers, she obviously liked. He could tell she took her writing very seriously, but would she take him seriously?

  “You’re forcing them together. At the end of the day, we’re like other men, older and younger.” He stopped to pick up a picture of her, she was smiling with a group of people and it looked like she was at a conference.

  “If you guys are all the same, then why is it some women swear by younger men or toy boys?”

  He put the picture down and moved around her space.

  “The same way us men go after cougars. Sometimes, younger men are freer in their sexuality where as older men are comfortable in their ability and are not willing to try new stuff.” He stopped picking up a notebook. “The desire for the cougar, well, for me. Is a woman who is willing to have a younger guy must be really confident in bed? She could take charge and have me and not care. Take her pleasure and in turn I’ll be having the time of my life.”

  He turned to her. She seemed to be really interested in what he had to say.

  “Have you had a cougar before?”

  He smiled. “My first time was with a cougar.”

  Melissa chuckled. She could just imagine a younger Jack with a sexy older woman.

  “You don’t seem young.”

  Jack shrugged. He had always been more serious than his friends. It was fun to get drunk and laid but there had to be more to life than that.

  “Maybe you should try it on me?” he suggested.

  “Try what on you?”

  He came and stood in front of her, taking hold of her hands he brought her to her feet.

  “The scene, you have your masseuse and younger man. You have your older woman. The apartment. Work the scene in your book. Become the woman, who’d been traded in. Become her. Forget about yourself. This is your book. Your life. Work it.”

  Melissa stared at him skeptically. She’d never tried writing from experience. She was a creative writer. She used her imagination.

  “What have you got to lose? You obviously hit a snag, your publishers will be pissed if you don’t get it done and with this economical climate do you really need the reputation of being someone who doesn’t deliver?” He argued out his points and with everyone he made, she couldn’t think of any other reason to not do it.

bsp; Taking a deep breath, Melissa turned away and thought about her character. Every emotion she wrote about she absorbed it in.

  Walking around her apartment with her eyes closed, she’d memorized it late at night. She was stood by her alcohol station.

  This was it.

  She opened her eyes.

  “So tell me, what has made you become a masseuse?” She poured a generous shot of brandy into a glass.

  “I’m good with my hands.”

  “I bet you are.” Melissa was shocked with how easy it was for her to get into the role of her main character.

  “I’m sure you’ll find out how good I can be very soon.”

  She let out a chuckle, coming over to him and passed him his brandy. “To new beginnings?”

  “And even newer experiences,” he added. They clinked their glasses. Melissa sipped hers while Jack threw his right back.

  He handed her back the glass.

  “Another?” she asked him.

  He moved closer. “There is something else, I’d like better.” Melissa craned her neck to see him. He really was gorgeous.

  She opened her arms inviting him closer, taking another sip of her drink. “What else would you like?”She could hear her teasing and she couldn’t help it. Everything she was doing felt natural. Nothing forced. The sexual tension was present but she had to acknowledge it had been present there for weeks. It was why she’d never initiated a conversation. She enjoyed the tension, the way it ran through her heating her body with the mystery and unexpected. Talking can ruin it, especially if the person didn’t know what they were doing.

  This gave an edge of fantasy to her reality. It allowed her to pretend to be her character, when in truth it was how she wanted to be. To have this confidence, to be able to look at him and show her blatant need.

  He moved in pressing her against the wall where she stood. She felt the press as she took a step back. She gasped as her head tapped the wall. He was so close.

  “If I tell you what I like, will you tell me your secrets?” His hands rested on either side of head.

  She brought the brandy up to her lips, to take a sip. He took the glass off her and swallowed the contents.

  “That’s not very fair. You had yours.” She pouted, seeing the amber liquid glistening on his lips. “I suppose I should just steal it back.

  Her tongue licked his lips, tasting him on her tongue. She moaned.

  “It tastes even better from here,” she told him.

  He growled as his hands grasped her hair and slammed his lips down on hers. It was lust. Pure lust. She was feeling from him.

  Her hands rested on the wall. She allowed him to touch her. His other hand pressed against her breast.

  She cried out. He’d seen her naked, touched her naked breasts but this felt more intimate.

  “I like everything about you.” He kissed the corner of her lips. “I’ve wanted to fuck you for weeks. I think you’re hot and sexy and my cock is aching so damn bad for you.”

  Melissa felt foggy. He was invading her body, making her confused and unsure of what she was supposed to do.

  She wanted him. She could feel her body melting against him.

  “Tell me what you like?” he whispered against her throat. She gasped as his teeth bit down on her neck.

  She shuddered against him.

  “I like what you’re doing to me.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  She swallowed against the danger.

  “You’re her, remember.”

  She nodded.

  “Unbutton my blouse,” she instructed. She felt better when she saw he was as affected by this as she was. His hands were shaking. It took him some time but he managed to get the buttons open.

  “You look amazing,” he told her. His hand cupped her breast through her bra.

  “Stop. I didn’t say you could touch.” His hands left her immediately.

  She needed to get out of this space. She cupped his cock and moved out of his way until she was out in the open.

  “I have to say I’m a little disappointed. I thought your hands could do better,” she complained. She went for the zip of her skirt and pushed it past her thighs. She may be thirty years plus, but with no children and herself to keep company, she’d kept herself in good shape.

  Melissa knew she looked good. The black thong was cut high on the thigh, her bra spilling the tops of her breasts out. The teasing red nipples poking out.

  She reached up and removed the clip keeping her bun up. She brought her hair out until it fanned out.

  Melissa knew she was every young guy’s sexual fantasy. The only thing missing was the killer heel.

  She was a real woman, not fantasy. If she was in heels, she would be dead by the time she walked the short distance to where he stood.

  “You’re perfect.” His compliments were really working wonders on her ego.

  “Wish I could say the same.”

  One of his eyebrows rose.

  “The least you could do is remove the clothing.”

  She felt powerful. He removed his shirt and now she had the time to admire his body. She liked what she saw.

  If she could, she would have whistled. The guy was packing some serious muscle. Tanned, muscled and he wanted her. What had she done, to be this lucky on this day?

  She didn’t care. She was going to live this moment to the fullest.

  He was wearing running track suite bottoms, she watched as he loosened the string and they joined his shirt and trainers on the floor.

  He stood in boxer shorts, his dick clearly outlined even though they were black.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked her.

  Melissa leaned round the back and rid her body of the confines of the bra. Her breasts tumbled out. Big and natural. Nothing fake or surgical about her.

  Her nipples were hard because she was turned on.

  She heard him hiss. She smiled.

  “I think it's only fair, you have nothing on top, I shouldn’t either.”

  His hands went to the top of his pants. “In that case.” He dropped them down his body.

  It was time for her to look at him, to see if he would get her approval. His cock stood naked, long and thick for her. He was well packaged in that department.

  She looked her fill. Absorbing every part of him to memory. The character within them melted away and all that was left was this intense, natural sexual attraction that was real. They could touch, feel and taste each other.

  She hooked her fingers inside the string of her thong, turned to show him her butt and wriggled her ass slowly, teasing and tempting him, as little by little she exposed herself to his eyes.

  She heard him moan seconds after she peeled the thong past her slit. She was wet, swollen and juicy. It was all for him.

  “Do you like what you see?” she asked him.

  He moved closer to her. “You have no idea how much I like.”

  She looked at his dick, she could see how swollen the head was and even in the small amount of light the tip was leaking his pre-cum. She licked her lips.

  “Fuck, don’t do that,” he growled, fisting his shaft. He did it hard and fast. Melissa turned abruptly to him stopping him with a hand over his.

  “Not so hard,” she crooned. She took over, moving his hand out of the way. She touched his cock for the first time. He was hard and smooth and so eager. He tried to thrust in her hands fast but she stopped him with a hand on his hip. “Calm down and take it slow.”

  She showed him with her hand, working his shaft slow. Prolonging the pleasure.

  “It feels so damn good.”

  “It is supposed to feel this good. Don’t go fast, enjoy it and make it last.” She guided him through it. When he looked like it was too much she would stop.

  He reached out and touched her breasts, circling her small red nipples until they puckered.

  “Kiss them,” she instructed lifting her chest for him to have easy access.

; His hot tongue circled the peak, she stared down and watched as he teased her body. She loved to watch and now was no different. It was so erotic to see and to feel all the excitement.


  She cried out as his teeth nipped her sensitive bud.

  She wanted to feel those sinful lips between her legs.

  “You ever gone down on a woman, Jack?” she asked in between pants of pleasure.

  He stopped and looked at her. She felt his finger slip through her slit feeling her wetness.

  “Yes I have.”

  His fingers found her clit and quickly he worked her button. She stopped him. So far it would seem the younger man is more eager to get it done than to prolong.

  “Slow down.” Taking his hand she moved to her sofa, lying so her ass was on the edge. Jack knelt down before her. Placing his hands on her thighs as he opened her up.

  He gasped.

  She was perfect.

  He ran his fingers through the fine whispers of hair covering her mound. Her smell came to him. She was soft and delicate. For the first time his mouth was watering. She would taste so damn good.

  He wanted to give her pleasure. He wanted her screaming his name.

  Deep down, he knew they were past the characters. This was them. He opened her wider to make more room, his hand going underneath to cup her butt and bring her to the right position. He wanted her open to him.

  He could see her clit peeking out at him begging him for attention. It was beautiful and calling for his tongue. He pressed the tip against that small pearl of sensation and she instantly bucked off the sofa. He pressed a hand to her stomach to keep her calm and steady.

  Using his other hand, he slipped his finger inside her pussy. Her walls were tight, wet and hot. He groaned as he felt her grasping his large finger. His tongue worked her button. She was screaming in no time.

  Jack wondered if he was the first man in a while. She was so close. Each touch had her gasping and thrusting closer to him.

  “More,” she moaned as he thrust a second finger inside her. She was squeezing him tight.

  Moving his other hand away from her, he rested it on her thigh, tightening it around the muscle.

  As he moved his fingers out of her channel, he replaced it with his tongue, thrusting inside her, tasting her juicy essence.


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