Paysandu 12, 219
Paysandu Cricket Club 8
Peçanha, Nilo 35
Peixoto, Afrânio 24
and 1950 World Cup 91
in 1950s/60s 99–104, 105
appearance in 1979 film 135–6
appointed Extraordinary Minister of Sport 176
the Beautiful Game xii
and Botafogo against Santos in 1964 131
contract up in 1972 132
in films 117
flown to Brasília 133
on a global tour 120
law of 200
and poetry xx
retirement of 144, 211
robbed at gunpoint (2008) 218–19
spellbinding talents of 97
World Cup 1966 130
World Cup 1970 137, 139
Peñarol 102
Pepe 203
Pereira, João 14
Pereira, Waldyr 95, 99, 125, 216
Pereira de Carvalho, Edílson 213
Pereira Passos, Francisco 6, 40
Pessoa, Epitácio 30, 40, 51
Pinheiro, Daniela 210
Pixinguinha 31
Plano Real programme 163, 165
players’ rights 107
Pliny FC 21
PMDB 125
Portinari, Cândido xx, 56, 84
Portuguesa 20, 184, 213
Pound, Ezra 33–4
‘Pra Frente, Brasil’ (song) 138
Preguinho see Neto, João
Prestes, Júlio (Julinho) 50, 77
Prestes, Luís 88
Prestes, Maia, Francisco 66
Primeiro Comando da Capital 218
Pro Vercelli 20, 28
Quadros, Jânio 119–20
Queiroz, Agnelo 197–8
Queiroz, Rachel de 86
Quilombo (film) 3
racism 24, 30, 39–40, 49, 196, 214–16
radio 34, 46, 60, 74–6, 111, 133
Ramalho, Muricy 212
Ramos, Graciliano 25, 27–8, 88
Ramos, Lourival 79
Rashid 209
Rebelo, Aldo 168, 247
Rebelo commission 168
Rebello Junior, Manoel Bittencourt 75
Red Star xiii
Rede Globo TV station 134, 144, 153
Reinaldo 128, 149
religion 181–3
Ribeiro, Alex Dias 181
Ribeiro, João Ubaldo 207
Ribeiro de Andrada, Antônio Carlos 77
Rimet, Jules 91
Rio 40 Graus (film) 116
Rio, João do 13
Rio carnival 72–3
Rio Cricket and Athletic Association 8
Rio Cricket Club 8
Rio Football Units 185
Rio Grande do Sul 54
Rio State Football Federation 214
Rivaldo 166
Robb, Peter 83
Robinho 211–12, 218
Roca, Julio 28–9
Rodrigues, Jair 114
Rodrigues, Nelson 86, 91–2, 101, 110–112, 117
Rodrigues, Washington xx
Rogério 218
Rojas, Eladio 101
Ronaldinho 208, 211
Ronaldo 167, 169, 215
Rosa, Noel 78–9
Rosalina, Dulce 109, 134–5
Rous, Sir Stanley 144
Rousseff, Dilma 193, 201, 225, 232–3, 241, 243
rowing 5
Ryswick, Jacques de 108
Saldanha, João xx, 112, 137
Salgado, Plínio 58–9, 227
Salles, João Moreira 178
Sampaio, Oswaldo 115
San José, 220–21
Sánchez, Andrés 212
Santa Cruz FC 141–2, 211
Santana, Telê 124
Santos 18, 50, 102, 121, 131–2, 143–4, 211–12
Santos, Manuel Francisco dos see Garrincha
Santos, Nelson Pereira dos 116
Santos, Nílton 95, 99, 103, 125
Santos, Silvino 41–2
São Caetano 189
São Cristóvão 17–18, 48, 71, 106
São Paulo AC 7
São Paulo FC 65, 76, 140, 207
São Paulo Football Federation 217
São Paulo Railway Team 7
Sarmento de Beires, José Manuel 50
Sarney, José 129, 154
SC Corinthians 19
SC Football 21
SC Germânia (later Pinheiros) 8, 29
SC (Sporting Club) Internacional 7–8
Scolari, Luiz Felipe 169
Segundo Tempo 201
Seleção, national team
charges at international friendlies xi
demands of the Primeiro Comando da Capital 218
friendly against China in 2003 198
and military control 145
mobilized in pursuit of progressive social policy 201
protests and demonstrations in 2013 242–3
and Sarney’s insistence in 1986 129
still victories to be won on the field 249
success against France in 1992 162
success of in 1950s/60s 105
use as an instrument of soft power 196
and the World Cup xiv, 100, 130, 138, 163, 166–8, 183
Sequeira, Amadeu Rodrigues 106
Serpa, Ivan xx, 114
Serpa, Vitor 21
Severo, Ricardo 49
Silva, Edmundo dos Santos 173–4
Silva, Leônidas da 54, 69, 73–4, 81–2
Silva, Orlando 201
Silva, Wendel Venâncio da 205
slavery xvi, xviii, 4, 83–5
Sobrenatural de Almeida 112
Sócrates 148, 151, 153–5
South American Football Championship
1919 39
1922 43, 144
Souto, Eduardo 77
Soviet Union 125–6
Sport and the Decline of Brazilian Youth (Sussekind de Mendonça) 25
Sport Club Recife 22, 210–211
stadiums see Estádio
strikes 150
Subterrâneos do Futebol (film) 117–18, 179
Supporters’ Charter 2003 199–200
Sussekind de Mendonça, Carlos 25
Syrio 20
Tarzan see Nascimento, Otacílio Batista do
AA Palmeiras 8, 65
AC Bauru 102
América 11–12, 21, 48–9, 131, 211
Andaraí 48, 181
Argentinians 68
Atletas de Cristo exhibition team 182
Atlético Mineiro 21, 129, 149, 181, 211
Atlético Paranaense 219, 247–8
Bangu AC 18–19, 48, 107, 131
Benfica 102
Bonsucesso 106
Botafogo 12, 48, 120, 130, 131, 148, 156–7, 175, 205, 219–20
Brazil XIs 28
CA Paulistano 8, 10, 29, 47, 65–6
Catete Football Club 77
Ceará 211
Centro Sportivo Alagoano 161
Columbus 21
Corinthians see Corinthians
Corinthians FC 146
Coritiba 61
Criciúma 219
Cruzeiro 61, 211
Deportivo Cali 187
Desportivo Brasil 204
Exeter City, 1914 1, 28
Flamengo see Flamengo
Fluminense see Fluminense
Fortaleza 211
Gama 175
Gas Team 7
Grêmio 20–21, 49, 128, 153, 169, 186–7, 220
Guarani 219
Hespanha 20
Internacional 175
Ituano 204
Juventude 184, 215
Madureira 120
Náutico 22, 211, 246
Olaria 131
Palestra Itália (later Palmeiras) 20, 46, 65, 81, 88, 169, 187–8, 204, 220
Paysandu 12, 219
Peñarol 102
Peru 131
Pliny FC 21
Portuguesa 20, 184,
Pro Vercelli 20, 28
San José 220–21
Santa Cruz FC 141–2, 211
Santos 18, 50, 102, 131–2, 143–4, 211–12
São Caetano 189
São Cristóvão 17–18, 48, 71, 106
São Paulo AC 7
São Paulo FC 65, 76, 140, 207
São Paulo Railway Team 7
SC Corinthians 19
SC Football 21
SC Germânia (later Pinheiros) 8, 29
SC (Sporting Club) Internacional 7–8
Seleção, national team see Seleção, national team
Sport Club Recife 22, 210–211
Syrio 20
Torino 20, 28, 52
Vasco da Gama see Vasco da Gama
Vespucci 21
Vila Hilda FC 146
Yale Athletic Club 21
Teixeira, Ricardo 164, 168, 170–71, 197–9, 209–210, 226–7, 232
television 110–111, 132–4, 137, 210
Terra Encantada (film) 41–2
Timemania lottery 200, 205
Tinga 215
Tonico e Tinoco 115
Torcida Jovem do Flamengo 134
Torcida Organizada do Vasco (TOV) 71, 109, 134
torcidas organizadas 107–9, 130, 184, 187, 201, 208, 220–21, 247–8
Torelly, Apparício Fernando de Brinkerhoff 14, 22, 252n.16
Torino 20, 28, 52
Tostão 106, 131, 148
Tostão – A Fera de Ouro (film) 135, 140
Tozzi, Claudio xx, 114
Tozzi, Humberto 95
trade unions 19
Traffic 204
Trans-Amazonian Highway 140
transfers 201–4, 206
tricampeonato, the 15
Tropicália movement 136
Tuma, Nicolau 46, 54, 74–5
Tupi 220
‘Um Zero’ (Pixinguinha) 31
Umbabarauma (Ben) 136
Unger, Roberto x
Valcke, Jérôme 245
Varela, Obdulio 91
Vargas, Getúlio (Getulinho)
armed rebellion in 1932 54
banned women’s football 146
becomes president 51–2, 94
continuing rule of 57–8, 61–4
defeat and death 95–6, 119
and the Escolas de Samba 73
fascist affectations of 87–8
and films 79–80
the gaucho 77
and São Paulo 66
Vargas Neto 71, 89
Vasco da Gama
in the 1920s 47–50
2013 season 247–8
and Argentinian goalkeeper Andrada 132
building of a club chapel 180
and Citro Aranha 61
creation in 1898 18
debt mountain 207
and Edmundo 183–4
and Eurico Miranda 174
and films 117
just one club 64
lack of success post-2000 212
new fan group in 1942 71
played São Caetano in 2000 189
played in West Africa in 1964 120
Santos/Lima issue in 1965 131
a tour of Iberia in 1930 53
Veloso, Caetano ix, 136
Veneno Remédio (Wisnik) 208
Vespucci 21
Viana, Eduardo 176, 214
Vila Hilda FC 146
Villa-Lobos, Heitor 36, 62
Vinegar Revolution/Brazilian Spring 225
Viola, Paulinho da 209
Vitória cricket club 22
Volta Redonda 67
vuvuzelas 233
Wagner, Lúcio 203
Wendel Venâncio da Silva affair 205
Wisnik, José Miguel xxi, 207–8
Wladimir 151
women’s football 146–7, 216–18
Woolf, Virginia 33
Workers’ Support Fund 228
World Cup
1930 51
1934 81
1938 xii, 81–2, 102
1950 72, 87–92, 94, 97
1954 95
1958 98, 99–102, 114–15, 118, 136
1962 111–14, 118, 136
1966 126, 130, 134
1970 123–4, 126, 135, 137–9, 216
1974 144
1978 128, 139, 145
1982 153–5
1986 128–9, 155–6, 166
1990 162–4
1994 166, 182–3
1998 166, 168
2002 169
2006 171, 193, 231
2010 231
2014 196, 198, 217, 223–7, 226–7, 227–39, 231–7, 248
establishment of xiii
those never qualified xi–xii
Zagallo, Mário 125, 137, 148
Zago 215
Zanini, Telmo 216
Zezinho 131
Zico 153–4, 176
Zico Law 1993 176, 200
zinucati (ball game) 43
David Goldblatt was born in London in 1965 and lives in Bristol. He shares his affections between Tottenham Hotspur and Bristol Rovers. In 2006 he published The Ball is Round: A Global History of Football. Since then he has made sport documentaries for BBC Radio, reviewed sports books for the TLS and the Guardian, taught the sociology of sport at Bristol University, the International Centre for Sports History and Culture, De Montfort University, Leicester and Pitzer College, Los Angeles, and gone swimming.
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