The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps

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The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps Page 6

by Maggie Carpenter

  “You’re here,” he said earnestly, “because I need to ask you about, uh, what happened at the show ground. I want to understand why you were so upset with me, and you’re here because there’s somethin’ I need to tell you.”

  “So…not much then,” she quipped.


  Matt was taken aback. He’d had to psyche up to call her, he’d had to psyche up when he’d heard Jeanette page him, and when he’d walked into the reception room and seen her bottom so perfectly encased in her thin white slacks, he’d had beg his friend in his trousers to please, please, go back to sleep.

  When he’d sat her down at the glass top, patio table, he’d taken a very deep breath to psyche up for the conversation, and after all that, she’d punched him with a comeback line. The last thing he’d expected was a joke, and he had no idea how to respond.

  “What’s the matter?” she frowned. “You look kind of, pale.”

  “Nothin’, there’s nothin’ the matter,” he said quickly.

  “Which do you want to talk about first? Why I was mad at you, or what you have to tell me?”

  “Uh, the first thing, I mean, what you just said, why you were so upset,” and why am I babblin’ like a blitherin’ idiot?

  “Why do you think?” she shot back.

  “If I knew, I wouldn’t be askin’,” he replied trying to curb his impatience.

  “It’s kind of insulting when a girl knows a guy, and is around him for years, and a short amount of time goes by and he doesn’t even remember her,” she declared not wanting the anger to return but feeling it as she spoke. “On top of that, he only wants to talk to her because she’s cute, not because she might have something to say or be interesting.”

  “You’ve got to be kiddin’ me?” he exclaimed. “People are attracted to other people for all kinds of reasons, but physical attraction is a big part of that. If you didn’t find a guy physically attractive, would you go out with him? Would you?” he demanded.

  Dusty squirmed in her seat. He had a point.

  “I’ll take that as a no,” he said firmly. “As far as rememberin’ you, good grief, girl, you were a just a high-school kid, with braces and glasses, not that there’s anything wrong with that,” he added quickly, “but how the hell would I recognize you now? Besides, back then I was in college, and when I wasn’t studyin’ I was workin’ here. I only saw you when I’d zip into the cafe for a coffee run, and I tried real hard to make friends, but you were always so skittish. I’d barely say two words and you’d run off.”

  She stared at him. Not only was he making sense, she did recall being too shy to stick around when he’d start a conversation. She simply couldn’t handle it.

  That’s true. That’s all true. I sure as hell looked different, that’s for sure. He didn’t though. He looks just the same. Those brown eyes that totally melted me back then, and his lips, so thick for a guy, and his shoulders, so wide. Oh man, I want him to kiss me so bad.

  “That hissy fit you threw at me yesterday,” he continued. “you were actin’ like a real brat.”

  “Maybe. You might be right,” she mumbled.

  “It was completely out of line. You should be spanked.”

  An instant heat sent her pussy drooling, and a hot burn across her face. Dropping her eyes she stared at her hands. One part of her wanted to run from the table, the other part of her wanted throw herself into his arms.

  “Hello,” he said, “anyone home?” I think I might have been right about you. Did someone spank you yesterday? Who the hell would’ve done that? Is there a man in your life who put you over his knee? Damn, I didn’t even consider you might be attached. What kinda dummy am I?

  “I don’t know what to say,” she mumbled.

  “Dusty, before we go any further, do you have a boyfriend?”

  “What? No!” she said darting her eyes at him, then dropped them away just as quickly when she realized her reply had been too hasty.

  “That’s the next thing I wanna talk about,” he said slowly, and if you don’t have a boyfriend, who spanked you? Maybe I’m wrong, maybe nobody did. That reaction though, that’s the reaction of a girl who likes to be taken in hand.

  “Dusty, I’m real attracted to you, and I’d like to take you out, but I don’t want you to think that’s why I made my offer to sponsor you. Those are two separate things. You’ll have a contract, everythin’ will be above board, and if we do go out I don’t want it to be a secret. I don’t want any kinda weirdness. If you don’t wanna go out with me, no problem, the offer still stands. It has no strings.”

  In spite of the blush across her face, Dusty had lifted her eyes halfway through his speech. A pulse had begun hammering in her temples and she could barely breathe.

  “What do you say? Can I take you to dinner?”

  “Uh-huh, sure,” she managed. “I’d like that.”

  Leaning forward, he wrapped his fingers around her long, silky hair, and moved his lips to her ear.

  “I’m gonna kiss you, then I’m gonna hug you, then I’m gonna spank you,” he whispered. “You don’t have a problem with any of that, do you?”

  It was a roll of the dice. If he’d guessed wrong, she could recoil, pull back and call him crazy, but if he’d guessed right, she would turn to melted butter.

  “S-spank me?” she breathed.

  “Yep, just a bit, for that tantrum you threw,” he said softly, silently saying a prayer of thanks that she was still sitting there and hadn’t slapped his face. “We’ve gotta start off on the right foot, and hissy fits, they don’t fly with me, and I’m gonna make that clear from the start.”

  “But, uh, here?” she stammered.

  Ignoring her question he moved his lips to her neck, nuzzled for a moment, inhaling her soft rose scent, then traveled them to her mouth, softly insisting she return his kiss.

  Dusty was dissolving into her chair. Her heart was pounding like a hammer driving home a long, thick nail, her stomach was churning, and she was filled with a passion she’d never felt. His lips were warm and moist, and he was leisurely moving them across hers, fueling a wet, heavy hunger between her legs. As he broke away she heard herself utter a small cry of disappointment, and when he rose from his chair, pulling her into his arms, she sank against him, barely able to stand without his support.

  “Girl, you are so gorgeous,” he growled engulfing her in a tight, enveloping hug. “Now I’m gonna spank you, standing here, just like this.”

  A thousand butterflies burst to life, and as he held her tightly with one arm, his free hand roamed over her seat. She squeezed her eyes shut as he landed his first swat, and when he delivered the second she thrust her pelvis forward. Suddenly his cock was pressing against her, and she dug her fingers into his back as the third swat made her gasp.

  “Just a few more,” he mumbled, “a bit harder.”

  The thin cotton of her white slacks provided little protection, and when his hot hand slapped a flurry of stinging smacks, she clutched his shirt and buried her head in his shoulder.

  “There, that should do it,” he sighed. “You gonna be a good girl now? No more tantrums?”

  “No,” she whispered, “no more tantrums.”

  He tried to push her back to kiss her again, but she refused to leave his arms.

  “I can’t, I can’t look at you,” she muttered.

  “Sure you can. You’re gonna have to at some point.”

  “I’m so embarrassed. I can’t believe I let you do that.”

  “We both know you wanted me to,” he said softly.

  Slowly lifting her head, she looked into his eyes.

  “I think there’s something wrong with me,” she murmured.

  “I think there’s something right with you,” he smiled.

  “I want to tell you…uh…” she paused, searching for the words.

  “Go on.”

  “I, uh, I had such a crush on you back then, that’s why I was so upset that you didn’t remember me.”

  “Dusty,” he crooned, “think about it. It’s just as well I was busy, and you didn’t look like you do now.”

  “I don’t understand. Why would you say that?”

  “Because I’d be in jail, that’s why. There’s such a thing as a legal age.”

  “Oh, yeah, I guess you’re right. That never occurred to me.”

  “Okay, Miss Hot Pink Chaps, I think I’d better send you on your way or I won’t be able to let you go,” he sighed. “I’ll be at your house at two-o’clock, and we’ll see about gettin’ you squared away.”

  “Patrick’s going to try to make it. I hope that’s okay.”

  “That’s better than okay. I was gonna ask you to call him and see if he could join us. Come on, Jinx, let’s see this lovely lady out.”

  Jumping off his lounger, Jinx trotted past them to the door.

  “My butt hurts,” she grumbled as Matt opened the door and she followed Jinx inside.

  “Good, it’s supposed to.”

  “I still can’t believe you did that, and I still can’t believe I let you.”

  “I have a feelin’ it won’t be the last time,” he remarked as they left his office and started down the hallway, and I can’t wait to have you bare-assed over my knee.

  “Don’t say that,” she said over her shoulder. I’m lying. I can’t wait for it to happen again. I can’t wait to be naked over your knee. Ooh, this is the best feeling in the whole world.


  It was a few minutes before Matt’s scheduled arrival, and Dusty had just finished grooming Licorice. His black coat glowed in the sun, and his thick mane and tail had a glossy sheen from the conditioner she’d used. He looked every bit the show champion that he was.

  Leaving him to graze, she wandered back into the house and started some coffee, then opening a packet of ready-to-bake chocolate chip cookie dough, she sliced off the sections, laid them on a baking tray, and popped them in the oven.

  She was in jeans and a T-shirt, but the shirt was covered in grime from grooming Licorice, so she hurried to her room to switch tops. As she pulled it off and searched for another, she smiled as she felt the tenderness in her backside.

  “Two spankings in as many days,” she muttered, “but they felt so different. The way Matt was holding me while he whacked my butt was so frickin’ sexy.”

  Hearing the sound of a car pulling into the driveway she quickly grabbed a plain pink T-shirt, pulling it on as she hurried down the hallway to the front door. The bell chimed just as she was about to open it.

  “Hi,” she smiled, wishing she’d had time to brush her hair and put on some fresh makeup.

  To her delight Matt kissed her on the cheek, then stepped back to introduce the man standing behind him.

  “This is Kevin. Kevin, this is Dusty Anderson.”

  “Real nice to meet you,” he smiled extending his hand.

  He looked to be in his sixties, and when Dusty shook his hand she was shocked at the smoothness of his palm.

  “Hi, Kevin, please come in. I have some fresh coffee and some chocolate chip cookies baking.”

  “Mmm, I can smell ‘em,” he grinned.

  “I have Jinx in the truck,” Matt said. “I wasn’t sure if it would be okay to bring him in the house.”

  “Sure, of course,” she nodded.

  Matt returned to his truck, and Jinx jumped from the cab and bounded up to Dusty.

  “Hey big guy,” she grinned. “Come in and have a sniff.”

  Dropping his nose to the ground, Jinx walked in past her, but stopped short of running further into the house. Dusty led them through to the kitchen and across to the glass slider that would take them outside.

  “That is one fine lookin’ horse,” Kevin declared as she slid open the door.

  “He’s a honey,” she smiled as they stepped on to the patio, Jinx running ahead to explore. “Kevin, forgive me, but can I ask why your hands are so soft?”

  “I get asked that a lot,” he laughed. “I’m always rubbing oils and conditioners into the leather, and over the years it’s given me real soft hands. The ends of my fingers though, they’ve got callouses, see?”

  He stretched out his hand, and she could see the years of work etched into his fingertips.

  “Wow. Do you know how many saddles you’ve made?”

  “Nope, I lost count ages ago, probably before you were born,” he chuckled. “Let’s go take a look at your boy.”

  Matt had stood back as Kevin and Dusty talked. He wanted to watch her, the way she moved, how she tilted her head when she asked about something, and he couldn’t help scrutinizing her body.

  The promise of what was hidden beneath her clothes was enough to send a rush of fever to his loins, and when finished his study with a last look at her bottom, round and perfect in her light blue jeans, he felt the familiar stirring in his cock.

  I hope that butt’s still tender. You’ve got that sparkle in your eye. I’ll bet it is.

  As they walked outside, Dusty grabbed some carrots from the bucket kept on the patio, then led them into the paddock. Licorice lifted his head, curious about his visitors.

  “Here,” she said offering Matt and Kevin the treats. “Licorice would give up all his blue ribbons for a carrot.”

  She watched Kevin’s trained eye roam over her horse as the big black gelding walked towards them, and when Licorice had happily gobbled up the treats, Kevin began to move around him, running his hands over his body.

  “His right shoulder’s a bit more developed than the left,” Kevin remarked taking a quick moment to glance between his front legs, “but that’s not unusual.”

  “What’s that from?” Dusty asked.

  “Could be your saddle’s been tweaking him a bit, not givin’ him the freedom of movement there so he favors the right side. Horse’s can fool a rider into doin’ it his way, but like I said, it’s not uncommon. Is there a back gate? I’ve gotta bring my tools in.”

  “Yes, right over there,” she replied pointing to a gate that led from the backyard into the driveway.

  “Matt? You wanna give me a hand?”

  “Yep, sure thing,” Matt nodded.

  “I’ll get the cookies out of the oven before they burn,” Dusty smiled.

  “You can bring ‘em out pipin’ hot. I like things that way,” Matt winked.

  Dusty felt herself blush, and not having a comeback she turned away and led them back to the gate. Licorice followed, and Dusty stopped to give him a hug.

  “You’re going to be so happy in your new saddle,” she said softly. “I love you so much. You’re the best horse ever.”

  Walking into the house, she didn’t see the worried look that passed between the two men as they headed out to the driveway.

  Matt and Kevin had arrived in separate vehicles. Kevin’s van was outfitted with the equipment needed for his work, and Matt had driven his truck so he could stay after the fitting was completed. Kevin opened the side door of his van, then sat on the small amount of floor space available in front of a slide-out bench.

  “Yep, that’s him,” Kevin sighed. “That’s Black Lightenin’.”

  “Damn,” Matt grimaced. “You’re sure?”

  “The owner flew me back east just to fit him. It was right before your dad started feelin’ poorly.”

  “Whatta we do?”

  “I reckon you’ve gotta have a pow-wow with your dad, this Patrick fella, and Dusty and her folks. I’m just a simple guy, but if he was abandoned, and it sure seems like he was, if anyone tried to stake a claim they’d have a tough job.”

  “That’s what I think, but to put Dusty through such a nightmare. She’ll be heartsick,” Matt frowned, “and she’s got the State Finals comin’ up.”

  “Maybe you can handle this without her knowin’, but if she wins at the State level and goes to the nationals, someone will surely recognize him.”

  “I have to find out how he ended up in that backyard.”

  “Yep,” Kevin nodd
ed, “you do. We should still have his file. Maybe there’ll be somethin’ there to give you a startin’ point.”

  “It won’t be easy findin’ out what happened without rustlin’ the bushes,” Matt remarked.

  “Nope. Best talk this out with your dad, and I’ve got some contacts back east that might know somethin’ without causin’ a ruckus.”

  “How the hell did he end up here, all the way from New York?’

  “Beats me,” Kevin said shaking his head. “Let’s get him fitted, and I’ll make some calls when I get back.”

  Dusty had piled the steaming cookies on to a plate and left them on the counter to cool, and was back in the paddock with Licorice when Kevin and Matt returned.

  Using equipment that Dusty thought looked like something NASA had developed for the space program, Kevin ran a thermal imagining device across the gelding’s body, and measured him with what appeared to be a steel replica of a horse’s spinal column, all the while making copious notes. He’d just put down his pen and notebook when Patrick entered through the back gate.

  “Sorry I’m late, I got held up at the show,” he apologized.

  “Hi, Patrick,” Dusty called. “This is Kevin, and of course you know Matt.”

  “Your timin’s perfect,” Kevin declared. “I was just gonna show Dusty where her saddle doesn’t fit, and no amount of paddin’ can make a saddle fit where it don’t.”

  “I know that,” Patrick nodded. “We can only try. Please, show us what you found.”

  “Licorice has inflammation in both shoulders, but it’s worse on the left, and some back soreness. I think his current saddle is too long. It’s puttin’ pressure where it shouldn’t. I reckon you’ll see an uptick in his performance once he’s in his new saddle.”

  “You’re kidding?” Dusty exclaimed. “Oh, Licorice, baby, I’m sorry.”

  “Hey, it’s common,” Matt remarked, “and I’ve seen a whole lot worse.”

  “I’ve got a few saddles with me,” Kevin continued, “and one of them will see you through till yours is done, but don’t go puttin’ your old one on him again. Sell it, donate it, whatever.”

  “My gosh, no, I won’t,” Dusty promised. “I’ll take it to the consignment store tomorrow.”


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