The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps

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The Cowboy and the Girl in the Hot Pink Chaps Page 17

by Maggie Carpenter

  Dusty had managed to unlock the gate and had burst on to the street. As she frantically looked around for Licorice, several agents scurried past her and into the backyard in pursuit of the runaway criminal.

  “Where’s my horse?” she yelled.

  “By the trailer, now get away from the fence.”

  She had no idea who had called back to her, but staring down street she saw Licorice standing next to a trailer eating from a hay net. There were two men with him, one of whom she assumed was Rod Clarke.

  “Oh, thank, God,” she cried.

  Fighting the tears and with her heart pounding, she broke into a run.

  “You must be Dusty,” Rod smiled as she reached them. “Hi, I’m Rod Clarke.”

  “Hi,” she panted, “thank you so much. Licorice, sweetheart, are you okay?”

  “There was a lotta commotion,” Rod said, “and I thought it best to just get him outta there. He’s fine but you’re not. Catch your breath. It’s almost over.”

  “Yes,” the stranger said smiling at her. “Catch your breath. The only place your horse is going is back to his paddock.”


  Slim Jim had reached the first gate, but as he stopped to open it he heard a noise. Spinning around he saw Matt’s black and white dog galloping towards him, and the border collie didn’t look like he was there to play fetch.

  “Fuck me,” he grumbled, and unable to flip up the latch he frantically tried to get a foothold so he could climb over.

  Scaling the gate was an almost impossible task. Before he was even half way up Jinx had reached him, snarling and barking, and Slim Jim made a fatal mistake; he kicked out.

  The threatening foot missed Jinx’s head by inches, but as Jim pulled it back Jinx caught his ankle in his jaws. As he sank in his teeth, Jim let out a shriek of pain and fell to the ground.

  “Get off me, get off me,” Jim howled, his legs and arms flailing in vain.

  “Back, Jinx, back,” Matt called jogging up to them.

  “Fuck, get him away,” Jim screamed.

  “Jinx, back!” Matt commanded again grabbing his collar and pulling him off the horrified man.

  Still growling, Jinx dropped Jim’s leg and laid down.

  “Stay,” Matt said firmly.

  Looking back he saw the agents were still a distance behind him, and taking a breath he leaned down, grabbed Slim Jim by the collar, and punched him squarely in the nose.

  “That’s from Dusty,” he growled, then punching him a second time in the gut, he added, “and that’s from me.”


  Jim Lewis was soon surrounded by agents, one of whom handcuffed him, pulled him to his feet, and began to read him his rights.

  Matt was standing back holding Jinx, and as he looked towards the house he saw Dusty leading Licorice in through the gate, accompanied by a man he didn’t know. As he began to head off, one of the agents approached him.

  “Agent Stafford,” the man announced. “Your dog’s a hero. With all this brush out here Lewis could have given us the slip,” then with a grin he added, “too bad he hit his face on that gate when he fell off.”

  “Thanks,” Matt grinned back. “Yep, Jinx can be a rascal but he’s a great dog. Can I get back to the house? I see my girl is bringin’ her horse in.”

  “Sure,” the agent nodded. “Just wanted to say thanks.”

  Matt started back with Jinx trotting along by his side, but when Jinx saw Dusty he bounded ahead. Just as eager, Matt broke into a jog, but before he could reach her a balding, forty-something man with a serious face intercepted him.

  “Excuse me. Matt Montgomery? I’m Special Agent Gary Fisher.”

  “Agent Fisher, it’s good to meet you in person,” Matt said stopping to shake his hand. “I was gonna search you out. Thanks for makin’ all this happen.”

  “I’m the one who should be thanking you. Like I told you on the phone, we’ve been after this guy for years. When you called we couldn’t believe our luck.”

  “If you’re gonna be in town a while I’d love to meet up,” Matt said, “but right now I have to go and see my girl over there.”

  “Yes, of course. John Draper has my number. The three of us will get together.”

  “Great. Thanks again,” Matt said, and hurried across to Dusty.

  “I’m so glad this is all over,” she said as he reached her and gave her a hug. “Will you walk with Licorice and me. I need to get him back in his paddock.”

  “You bet,” he smiled. “Where was he?”

  “Rod had him, with John here.”

  “I’m John Draper,” the attractive man said extending his hand.

  “John, I thought that might be you,” Matt smiled shaking his hand. “Great to meet you. I’m so glad you could fly out here for this.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed it,” he said gravely as they began walking. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you called. Seeing Lightening again, it’s unreal. I didn’t ride much but I loved all my horses, and Lightening was very special to me. I’m just so glad you tracked me down. Seeing him here, seeing how well he’s been taken care of, it’s like a miracle.”

  “Matt, why did they have to wait for Slim Jim to lead Licorice out into the street?” Dusty asked.

  “I have no idea,” he replied. “Whatever their reasons I’m sure they know what they’re doing, but Jinx is the hero of the day.”

  “He is?” Dusty grinned.

  “Yep, when Slim Jim bolted back through the gate and took off through the field, it was Jinx who caught up with him.”

  “Ouch,” she laughed.

  “Ouch is right,” Matt chuckled. “Jim was climbing over the gate, and when he fell off he broke his nose somehow.”

  “Is that right?” John said raising his eyebrows. “Excellent.”

  “Yep, I thought so,” Matt replied. “I’m not sure why, but his nose hittin’ the gate seems to have made my knuckles a bit sore.”

  “I wish I could say that,” John remarked.

  “I have two heroes,” Dusty laughed. “How great is that?”

  “Dusty,” John began his voice becoming serious, “I haven’t had a chance to tell you this, but I have a Bill of Sale in my pocket, so once Licorice is safely back in his paddock, you give me a dollar and we can make it official. This big, beautiful, black gelding will be one-hundred percent yours.”

  “Oh, my gosh, thank you so much. Licorice means the world to me. You can come and visit him any time you want. Why don’t you come to the State Finals and watch us?”

  “Maybe I’ll do that,” he smiled. “I’d love to see him in action again.”

  They had reached the edge of the paddock, and were about to pass the agents taking Jim Lewis back to the street.

  “Excuse me,” John said breaking away, “I need to have a word with this scumbag.”

  Dusty led Licorice into his paddock and let him loose, and having hidden from all the ruckus, Itsy and Bitsy appeared from behind some bushes. Bleating up a storm they walked over to join him.

  “Another happy reunion,” Matt smiled putting his arm around her.

  “That isn’t,” she remarked nodding towards John Draper and Slim Jim. “I want to hear this.”

  With Matt holding Jinx as a precaution, they moved across and stood a few feet away.

  “Four and half years,” Draper growled. “You stole my horse, my reputation and my business. It took me a long time to clean up the mess, but I knew this day would come, and somehow I knew it would be Lightening that would make it happen. I never thought I’d say this, but it’s good seeing you again, especially under these circumstances, oh, and one more thing, may you rot in the fires of hell.”


  As they watched the agents lead Jim Lewis away, Matt saw Dusty’s father striding towards them, and as he approached he extended his hand.

  “I know I said this on the phone, but Matt, thank you, thank you for looking after this girl of mine.�

  “I’m glad it all worked out,” Matt replied. I’ve gotta tell you, we owe this all to my dad. He’s the one who knew Jim Lewis was gonna pull a fast one. All the credit goes to him.”

  “And Jinxy,” Dusty chimed in.

  “And Jinxy,” Tom chuckled. “That’s quite a dog, and you must be John Draper,” he continued. “Thank you for coming out here and clearing up this whole ownership thing with Dusty’s horse. We appreciate it very much.”

  “Like I told Dusty here, it’s wonderful to have found Lightening, or rather Licorice, in such a good home. He looks better than ever.”

  “I think it’s time we went back to the house and caught our breath,” Matt suggested. “How about we go and have some coffee? I sure could use some.”

  “So could I,” Tom declared, “and some of that pound cake my wife made this morning. Do you think the agents will be leaving soon? I don’t want to appear rude.”

  “It looks like they’re finishing things up right now,” John remarked.

  “I definitely need to sit down,” Dusty sighed. “Please, let’s go back.”

  As they walked towards the house, Matt took hold of Dusty’s arm and held her back, letting John and Tom walk ahead.

  “What is it?” she asked. “Is something wrong?”

  “No,” he muttered, “it’s just…I know you’re gonna be with your mom and dad tonight, and I can’t wait another minute to tell you this. The thing is…”

  “You look all worried again,” she frowned. “Is this what you were thinking about this morning when we left your house? Why you were so preoccupied?”

  “Yep, it is,” he mumbled shuffling his feet.

  “What is it, are you ill?”

  “In a way, no, not…Lord, I’m not doin’ this real well.”

  “Just tell me, Matt, what are you trying to say?”

  “What I’m tryin’ to tell you,” he murmured taking her hands, “and this is the first time I’ve ever said this, you need to know that.”

  “You’re kind of freaking me out a bit here.”

  “Dot, Dusty, whatever you wanna call yourself, I’m, uh, I’ve, uh, I’m in love with you, dammit. Dusty, I love you, I love you like crazy.”

  Tom and John had just reached the patio when they heard Dusty squeal. Panicked, Tom spun around, then dropped his shoulders with relief. Matt had lifted Dusty up off the ground in a bear hug.

  “I think your daughter just got some more good news,” John grinned.

  “Looks like it,” he said wistfully. “Seems like yesterday she was a skinny kid with braces and glasses. I blinked, and my Dot became Dusty, a lovely young woman, and now it looks like she’s found herself a man.”

  “A good one,” John said slapping him on the back. “At least he’s a good one.”


  One Month Later

  Standing in Matt’s bedroom, Dusty gazed out at the still lake and slumped her shoulders.

  What am I going to do? What can I say to make everything all right?

  “I think it’s about time you told me what’s goin’ on with you,” Matt said as he walked up behind her.

  “I didn’t hear you come in,” she said softly. “I love it up here. It’s so peaceful.”

  “That’s not an answer,” he said putting his arms around her and kissing her neck.

  “Just stuff,” she sighed.

  Turning her around, he took her hand and led her to the bed.

  “Drop the jeans,” he said firmly.

  “What? Why?” she protested crinkling her brow.

  “You heard me. Drop the jeans, or would you prefer I ask you to put on your hot pink chaps?”

  Donning the chaps meant the hairbrush, so grimacing, she pushed the jeans down her legs and tossed them aside.

  “Over my knee,” he directed as he sat on the edge of the mattress.

  As she crawled across his lap and settled into position, she closed her eyes and moaned.

  “This isn’t necessary,” she muttered.

  “I’m gonna warm your backside, and then you’re gonna tell me why you’ve had a bee in your bonnet for the last few days.”

  “You don’t have to, I’ll just tell-OW”

  “Good, I’m glad you’re already seein’ sense,” he said interrupting her with a slap. “Now I’m gonna spank you because you need it anyway. You need to calm down.”

  “OW! OW!” she wriggled as his hand continued to spank.

  “Let’s lose these,” he mumbled sliding her white lace panties down her legs.

  As his hand started up again, smacking from one cheek to the other in a steady stream of stinging swats, in spite of her squirming protests, Dusty could feel the tension start to leave her body.

  “If you ever need this, all you’ve gotta do is ask,” he declared finishing with a flourish.

  “OW, OW, OW!”

  “Come on, come and lay down with me,” he said pulling her on to the bed with him.

  “Ouch,” she grumbled, “that hurt.”

  “Uh-huh, but not as much as you’re claimin’,” he said engulfing her in his arms. “Time to spill the beans.”

  “It’s about the nationals,” she whispered.

  “What about them? You’re all ready to go, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am.”


  “Winning the State Finals was thrilling, I mean, I couldn’t believe it. It was so great to have John Draper there, and it was the perfect end to everything that happened.”

  “I’m hearin’ a but,” Matt said hugging her tightly, already guessing what was coming.

  “I have absolutely no desire to go to the nationals, and everyone is expecting me to. Dad would be so disappointed. Patrick, oh, my gosh, Patrick would be really upset, and you, I’d be letting you down.”

  “Whoa, what are you talkin’ about? Why would you be lettin’ me down?”

  “Silver Streak. I’d be letting Silver Streak down,” she groaned.

  “Let’s start with why you don’t wanna go.”

  “I don’t want to put Licorice in a long haul trailer, and have him travel halfway across the country in the middle of winter, just so I can show. Anything could happen, and I don’t want to join the pro-rodeo circuit, so what’s the point? Why put him at risk and go to all that trouble and expense when I don’t really care about it?”

  “Dusty, if you don’t wanna go, just tell everyone. If you really feel this strongly about it, your heart won’t be in it anyway, and you won’t do well.”

  “No, I won’t. I’d much rather be here having a wonderful Christmas. Dad’s finally home with mom, I’m with you, and we have so much to celebrate this year.”

  “That’s it then,” he said decisively, “you’re not goin’, and believe me, everyone will understand. Just tell them what you told me. Now the other thing.”

  “What other thing?”

  “The other thing that’s on your mind.”

  “Are you psychic?”

  “Tell me,” he insisted.

  “It seems like you already know,” she whispered.

  “I’ll repeat, do you want to get your chaps?”


  “Up to you.”

  “Okay, fine. I’m totally excited that you want me to move in with you. I am.”

  “So what’s the problem?”

  “The problem is…I’m sorry, but I can’t stand the thought of Licorice being boarded somewhere, and not being able to step outside and give him a carrot, or jump on and ride him. I’m sorry, Matt, it’s so hard. I want you both. I need you both.”

  “Was that so hard?”

  “Yes, it was, and it is,” she moaned.

  “I get it. I told you a while back I’d love to have my horse at my house, and you and Licorice, you belong together. Well, hon, I have found a solution.”

  “You have?”

  “Yep. I was gonna tell you about this tonight, over dinner. I’ve just been waitin’ until I knew we were se
t, and today I got the nod.”

  “Tell me.”

  “At first I was thinkin’ I’d buy the Lewis’s place, but it needs so much work, and the thought of livin’ there, all that bad energy, sound’s kinda crazy but-”

  “I totally agree,” Dusty said earnestly. “It’s a great piece of property but it would be too weird.”

  “Yep, too weird.”

  “So, you have another idea?”

  “I do. I’m swapping houses with mom and dad. They’ve been wantin’ to downsize for ages, and this place is perfect for them.”


  “You can’t see it, but they got about five acres. We can build a couple of shelters in that huge back area with no problem, and I can bring Jackson up. Then, if we could borrow Itsy and Bitsy, they could clear up all that brush behind the fence line. It’s completely flat back there. Like I said, you just can’t see it.”

  “Matt, this is fantastic,” she squealed.

  “There’s plenty of room to put in a ring, and we can slowly turn it into that rehab place you’ve always wanted. Just a few horses at a time though,” he said firmly. “It’ll be a lotta work.”

  “I can’t believe it! This is perfect! I can trailer down to Patrick’s on the weekends. Thank you!”

  “Yep, and it’ll be a real easy transition for mom and dad. All the things they can’t fit in here can stay exactly where they are. We can decorate over time.”

  “YAY!” she squealed. “We’ll all be together. Licorice and Jackson, you and me and Jinxy.”

  “That’s the plan,” he grinned.

  “YAY!” she squealed again.

  Jinx, half-asleep on his rug by the bed, decided the squeal must mean playtime, and before they could stop him he had jumped up next to them, demanding to join the fun.

  “The next order of business,” Matt exclaimed, “is teaching this dog to keep off this bed!”

  “Yeah, sure, good luck with that,” Dusty laughed. “Besides, his hero status is going to last a lot longer than just a couple of months.”

  “I give in,” he said throwing up his hands and falling back on the pillow.

  “Wise decision,” she laughed as Jinx made himself comfortable at the foot of the bed.


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