Note: In the index, “AMS Jr.” refers to Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
Abramson, Rudy, 129, 156
Abstract Expressionism, 144
“academic” brain trust, of Kennedy administration, 205
Acheson, Dean, 119, 136, 147–48, 243, 252–54, 261, 341
Adams, Fred, 306
Adams, Sherman, 363
Adams House, 38, 58, 76, 274
Addison’s disease, 321–22
Adenauer, Konrad, 243
“Adlai Wants a Munich” (Alsop and Bartlett), 300–301
Advocate 39, 40, 52
Affleck, Ben, 23
Affluent Society, The (Galbraith), 166–67
Afghanistan, war in, 378
African Americans, 71–72
Afrocentrism, 376
Age of Business, 184–85
Age of Jackson, The (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 12, 33, 89, 92, 100–108, 136, 167–68, 182–83, 191, 326–27, 374, 384, 386–87
Age of Roosevelt, The (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 167–70, 173, 177, 182–205, 225, 273, 324–27, 340, 341, 352, 353, 355, 358, 371, 374–75, 377, 383, 387; See also specific volumes by name
Air Force One, 298
Aitken, Jonathan, 373
Alabama National Guard, 303
Albert Schweitzer Professor of the Humanities (CUNY), 334, 371
“Alexander Hamilton” (film), 39
Alfredo’s restaurant, 278
Allen, Peter (stepson), 369, 370, 373–74, 380–81
Al Smith Memorial Dinner, JFK’s speech at, 212–13
Alsop, Joseph, 114, 143, 148, 152, 206, 304, 342, 364
Alsop, Stewart, 114–15, 152, 157, 300–301, 363
Amateur Dramatic Club (ADC), 53
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 109
American Century, The, 144
American Committee for Cultural Freedom (ACCF), 148–49
American Dream, 167
American Historical Association, 13
American Historical Review 12
American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It, The (Hofstadter), 101
Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), 122, 123, 156, 157, 169, 212
American Student Union, 38–39, 116
American University, JFK’s commencement address at, 297–98
Amherst College, 309–10
Anderson, Eugenie, 177
Anderson, Marian, 73
Anderson, Patrick, 225
Animal Farm (Orwell), 134
anti-Communism, 98, 134, 141–42, 145, 149
Anti-Intellectualism in American Life (Hofstadter), 157, 385
anti-Semitism, 14–17
Appleby, Paul, 165
Aptowitz, Arthur, 126–27
Arendt, Hannah, 133, 149
Argentina, 81, 275
Arms Control agency, 309
arms race, 355
“Arthur Schlesinger Is Halfway Through His Book on Bobby and Enjoying His Life to the Hilt,” 371
Asia First faction, 150
As Thousands Cheer (Berlin and Hart), 39
Athanasius, 191
Atomic Energy Commission, 260
atomic spies, 120
Ayer, A. J., 141, 143
Bacall, Lauren, 162
Bailey, David, 108
Bailey, Orville T., 58
Bailyn, Bernard, 125
Baker, Richard Brown, 88
Ball, George, 152, 165, 284
Banaras, India, 31
Bancroft, Clara (grandmother), 37, 64
Bancroft, Elizabeth, See Schlesinger, Elizabeth Bancroft
Bancroft, George, 6, 59–61, 107–8, 385
Bancroft Prize, 188
Banks and Politics in America from the Revolution to the Civil War (Hamilton), 101
Barber, Benjamin, 374
Barkley, Alben W., 153, 155
Barnes, Tracey, 234–35
Barr, Alfred, 144
Bartlett, Charles, 300–301
Bartlett, Robert, 191
Barton, Bruce, 185
baseball, 20–21
Battle of the Bulge, 91
“Battle Stations for All” (pamphlet), 73
Baxter, James Phinney, III, 36, 76, 102
Bay of Pigs, 229–45, 265, 266, 268, 271, 289, 296, 363–64, 388
Beard, Charles, 10–13, 18, 101, 189, 385
Becker, Carl, 189
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 142
Beijing, China, 29
Bell, Daniel, 149, 287
Bell, David, 157, 159
Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 206
Benesch, Alfred A., 15
Bentham, Jeremy, 198
Bentley, Elizabeth, 80, 117, 120
Benton, Corning, 23
Berenson, Bernard, 109
Berkeley, Busby, 44
Berle, Adolf A., 168, 240, 340
Berlin, Germany, 141, 275, 277, 278, 281, 299; See also Berlin crisis
Berlin, Irving, 39
Berlin, Isaiah, 35, 125, 145, 197, 228, 366
Berlin airlift, 141
Berlin crisis, 251–58, 268, 271, 317, 388
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, 142
Berlin Wall, 257, 279
Bernstein, Barton J., 200, 385
Bernstein, Carl, 364
Berry, Pamela, 197
Best and the Brightest, The (Halberstam), 224
Bethe, Hans, 259
Bethesda Naval Hospital, 1
Bethune-Cookman College, 73
Biebrich, Germany, 96
Billings, Lem, 205
Birmingham civil rights campaign, 302–6
Birnbaum, Norman, 145
Bismarck, Otto von, 61
Bissell, Richard, 165, 247
Bitter Heritage, The 342, 345
Black, Hugo L., 111, 112
Black and White Ball, 343
blacklist, 118
Blair, William M., Jr., 170, 173
Blair House, 152
Bletchley Park, 51
Blum, John Morton, 319, 327, 341
Blum, Léon, 132
Bobby Van’s Steakhouse (New York City), 380–81
Bogart, Humphrey, 162
Bohlen, Charles, 129, 255, 378
Bolivia, 80–81
Bologna, Italy, 242–43
Boone, Joel, 21
Boston Botanical Gardens, 19
Boston Brahmins, 12, 16
Boston City Council, 14
Boston Evening Globe 366
Boston Pops Orchestra, 303
Boston Red Sox, 19–20
Bowdoin College, 17
Bowdoin Prize, 47
Bowles, Chester, 165, 220, 242, 264, 265, 282–83
Bowra, Maurice, 197
Bradlee, Ben, 224, 228, 277, 322, 330
“brain trust,” 164, 168, 205, 212, 321, 340
Branch, Taylor, 386, 387, 388
Brandeis, Louis, 200
Brandt, Willy, 278
Brewer, John, 25–26
Bridenbaugh, Carl, 225
Brinkley, Alan, 201
Brinton, Crane, 18
Britain, 119–20, 340–41
Brogan, Denis, 201
Brokaw, Tom, 67
Brooks, Paul, 330
Brooks, Van Wyck, 92
Brown, David S., 387
Brown, Harold, 259
Brownson, Orestes, 45–46, 105, 116–17, 132, 337
Brown v. Board of Education 385
Brubach, Holly, 131
Bruce, David, 131
Bryan, William Jennings, 181
Bryant, William Cullen, 103
Buchan, John, 47
Buck, Paul H., 18, 41–42, 47, 65, 102, 160
Buckley, William F., Jr., 216, 301–2, 364
Buddhism, 269
Bundy, McGeorge “Mac”
as advisor to AMS Jr., 273, 308
after JFK’s assassination, 311
army service of, 76
and Bay of Pigs, 233, 235, 239, 241
and Berlin Crisis, 253
in Cuban missile crisis, 288, 289
and JFK’s civil rights speech, 304
in Kennedy administration, 205, 269, 285, 286, 298, 299
and Henry Kissinger, 256, 258
as national security advisor, 218
office location of, 222–23
at Office of War Information, 69
and test ban talks, 261, 262
visit with JFK at Cambridge, 220
Buñuel, Luis, 381
Burgess, Guy, 80
Burke, Robert E., 194–95, 201
Burnham, James, 142
Burns, James MacGregor, 331, 357–58
Burstyn, Harold, 127, 143
Burton, Harold H., 111
Bush, George W., 378
“Business and Government: A Historian’s View” (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 287
Byrd, Harry F., 73
Byrnes, James F., 147
California Law Review 112–13
Cambridge, Massachusetts, 14–19, 29, 124, 219–20, 338, 339
Cambridge High and Latin School, 21–23
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, 23
Cambridge Union, 54
Cambridge University, 49, 51–53, 95, 96, 197
“Camelot” (Life magazine article), 313
Cameron, Angus, 134
Cannon, Marian, See Schlesinger, Marian Cannon
Cannon, Walter Bradford, 44, 99
Cannon, Wilma, 68
Cape Canaveral, Florida, 288
Capote, Truman, 331, 343
Caro, Robert, 380
Carter, Jimmy, 371
Casey, William J., 89, 92
Castro, Fidel, 229–31, 235–36, 289, 362–63
Castro, Raul, 288
CBS TV Morning News, 329
Cecil, David, 206
Center (politics), 133; See also Vital Center, The
Center for the Advanced Study of History (CASH), 315
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 76–77, 97, 141, 144–46, 229–36, 246–48, 266–67, 288, 289
Century Association, 370, 377, 389
Chamberlain, Neville, 51
Chambers, Whittaker, 110, 147, 148
Channing, Edward, 14
Chappaquiddick incident, 324, 351
“Charm and Bourbons,” 196
Charter Day speech (Berkeley, 1962), 285–86
Chauncey, Henry, 28, 35
Chayes, Abram, 254, 269
Chestnut Lodge, 307
Cheston, Charles S., 92
Chicago Sun-Times 210
Chicago Tribune 158
Children of Light and the Children of Darkness, The (Niebuhr), 136
China, 29–31, 150, 282
Christian realism, 136
Christian Science Monitor 329
Christie, Julie, 333
Churchill, Winston, 90, 91, 327, 365
Cicero, 27
Citizen Kane (film), 64
Citizens Council, 310
City University of New York (CUNY), 334, 336, 341, 343, 371, 377
civil rights legislation, 303–6
Civil Service Commission, 75
Clark, Ramsey, 361
Clarke, Thurston, 348
Cleveland, L. L., 22
Clifford, Clark, 115
Clinton, Bill, 140, 190, 373, 386, 387
Clinton, Hillary, 361
Clinton Tapes, The (Branch), 386
Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War (Winks), 77
Cocteau, Jean, 54
Codevilla, Angelo, 378
Cohen, Andrew, 304–5
Cold War, 141–42, 145, 163, 251–52, 254–55, 261, 279, 297, 341, 355; See also Bay of Pigs; Berlin crisis; Cuban missile crisis; Soviet Union
Cole, Donald B., 102
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 6
Colonial Merchants and the American Revolution, The (Arthur Schlesinger, Sr.), 10, 11, 13
Columbia Law School, 77
Columbia school, 189
Columbia University, 7, 11, 17, 18, 100
Columbia University Press, 10
Columbus, Ohio, 7–9
Comden, Betty, 377
Coming of the New Deal, The (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 182, 192–96, 204–5, 245–46
Commager, Henry Steele, 55–56, 169, 193–95, 210
Commentary, 139
Commonwealth Fund Lectures, 195–98
Communism and Communists; See also anti-Communism
accusations of going “soft” on, 342
and American liberals, 133
AMS Jr.’s views of, 51, 116–20
in Cuba, 229, 235–36
and cultural freedom, 148–49
FDR’s disavowals of, 83
front groups, 75
in Italy, 249–50
and JFK’s Vietnam policy, 269, 270, 282
national debate over, 118–21
and non-Communist Left, 116, 120–23
and pluralism, 285
and Progressive Citizens of America, 123
R&A infiltration by, 82
Communist Party, 117–19, 121, 147
Conan Doyle, Arthur, 32
Conant, James Bryant, 35, 43
confirmation bias, 181
“Conflict of Ideas in Jacksonian Democracy” (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 66
Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF), 141–46
Conklin, Paul, 200
containment policy, 119
cookout test, 157
Coolidge, Calvin, 185, 202
Coolidge, Harold Jefferson, 90
Coolidge and the Historians (Silvers), 202
Cooper, James Fenimore, 103
Coors, Adolph, III, 25
Corcoran, Tommy, 72
Cornell University, 5
Corriere della Sera (newspaper), 243
Coughlin, Father, 198, 199
Counterintelligence (X-2), 77
Cox, Archibald, 212
Craig, G. M., 187, 188, 194
Crimson 315
Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1931, The (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 166, 169, 173, 182–91, 206, 287, 384
Crossman, Richard, 243
Cuba, 229–36, 275, 276; See also Bay of Pigs; Cuban missile crisis
Cuban missile crisis, 276, 288–96, 300–301, 355–56, 363
Cuban Revolutionary Council, 240
cultural freedom, 148–49
Culture of the Cold War, The (Whitfield), 119
culture wars, 375–77
Cummings, E. E., 23
Cunliffe, Marcus, 337
Cushing, Lily Emmet, 368
Cycles of American History, The (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 106, 323, 337, 374–75
Czechoslovakia, 51, 56–57
Daily News 293
Daily Worker 80, 81, 118
Dallek, Robert, 237, 267, 322
Damon, Matt, 23
Dark Side of Camelot, The (Hersh), 322
Daughters of the American Revolution, 73
Davis, Elmer, 74, 75
Davis, John W., 156, 186
Davis, Norman, 192
Dean, Arthur, 262
Death of a President, The (Manchester), 352
Defense Department, 270, 283–84, 308
De Gaulle, Charles, 90
democracy, and totalitarianism, 137–38
Democratic Party, 82, 152, 164–65, 179–81, 186, 317–18
convention of 1952, 153–55
convention of 1956, 175–76
convention of 1960, 204, 211, 300
convention of 1972, 351
convention of 1980, 372
convention of 1992, 372, 373
midterm elections (1954), 171
primary (1956), 174–75
de Neufville, Lawrence, 142, 145
Denfeld, Louis, 84
Deutsch, Harold, 85
DeVoto, Bernard, 42–43, 48, 66, 73, 75, 86, 89, 101, 102, 134, 135
Dewey, Thomas A., 82
Dickinson, Angie, 272
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 269, 272,
Dillon, Douglas, 217, 267, 315
Disuniting of America, The (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 375–77
“Divide and Conquer” (pamphlet), 69
Dobbs, Michael, 362–63
Dobrynin, Anatoly, 363
Donovan, William “Wild Bill” J., 76–77
Douglas, William O., 111, 112
Drew Pearson Comments (radio show), 84
Drum, Kevin, 378
Du Bois, W. E. B., 15
Duggan, Laurence, 81, 82
Dukakis, Michael, 373
Duke, David, 376
Dulles, Allen, 231–32, 247, 266
Dungan, Ralph, 220–21
Duvalier, François, 275
Earle, Jonathan H., 104
East Wing (White House), 222–23
Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA), 128
Economic Interpretation of the Constitution (Beard), 10–11
Economist 378
Edison, Thomas A., 18
Education of Henry Adams, The (Adams), 378
eggheads, 157–58
Egmont overture (Beethoven), 142
Egypt, 30
Eisenhower, Dwight D., and administration
AMS Jr.’s support for, in 1948, 127
Cuba action planned by, 229–30
heart attack and health of, 172–73, 177–79
middle way of, 165–66
popularity of, 163
presidential campaign of 1952, 152, 153, 155–57, 161, 162, 167
presidential campaign of 1956, 170–73, 177–78
presidential papers of, 226
on RFK’s qualifications for president, 358–59
and test ban talks, 258–59
Vietnam policy of, 269
Eliot, T. S., 39, 188–89, 214
Eliot House, 38, 55, 58
Elks Club Group, 159–60, 177
Elsey, George, 337
Embers of War, The (Logevall), 270
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 169
Emmet, Robert, 369
Encounter magazine, 138, 145
Establishment, the, 95, 276–77, 350–51, 361
European Political Report 88
Evans, Allan, 97
EXCOMM meetings, 289–90, 355–56
Exeter, New Hampshire, 24
Exonian school newspaper, 24
Fairbank, John King, 68–69
Fairbank, Wilma, 115
Fallows, James, 371, 372
Fanfani, Amintore, 248–49
Farrell, James, 148, 149
Faulkner, William, 189
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 83–84
Feldman, Mike, 205
Fenway Park, 19–20
Ferguson, John, 147
Ferguson, Niall, 109, 257
Feurle, Katharine, 7, 16
Fiedler, Arthur, 303
Finegold, Kenneth, 201
Finletter, Thomas, 164, 173
Finletter Group, 164–67, 178
Finnegan, James A., 177
First New Deal, 201
Fisher, John, 157
flu pandemic, 8–9
Food for Peace, 228–29, 274, 276
Football Hall of Fame speech, 267
Schlesinger Page 56