as member of Kennedy administration vs. historian, 237–39
memoir of, 377–78
mentors to, 135
name changed by, 5–6, 28
as New York intellectual, 342–43
and non-Communist Left, 116, 120–23, 132–33
“nuttiness” of, 301–2
objectivity of, 189–90
at Office of Wartime Intelligence, 67–70, 73–76, 78, 80, 83
in Paris, 90–94
Parkinson’s disease and declining health of, 378–80
personal and emotional setbacks of 1965, 335–40
at Phillips Exeter Academy, 23–28
on physical and character flaws of JFK, 321–23
as political advisor, 174–75, 179–80, 280, 282–83, 346–47, 351
political engagement of, 169–70, 371–73, 383, 385–86
popularity of, 364–65
in pre-war London, 51
prizes and awards, 41, 42, 47, 49, 52, 56, 95, 102, 125, 128, 138–39, 188, 333–34, 388
as public intellectual, 191, 375–76, 380
public speaking by, 142–43
on race relations, 71–73
relationship with JFK, 208–9, 280–82
religious language of, 190–93, 199
reputation of, 383, 388–89
at Research and Analysis, 77–85, 88, 90, 92, 95, 97, 98
and RFK’s Senate campaign, 317–18, 343–44
and Dean Rusk, 250–51
seventy-fifth birthday party, 377
and Society of Fellows, 15, 55, 58, 62, 64, 65, 67, 76, 95
Sorensen’s relationship with, 297–98
spat with Buckley by, 301–2
as special assistant to JFK, 218–21, 267–68, 272
and State of the Union addresses, 153, 268, 285, 297, 372–73
and Adlai Stevenson, 160–61, 163–64, 170–79
as Stevenson’s speechwriter, 33, 157–62, 173–74, 177–79, 285, 292, 371, 372
and Marietta Tree, 131
and Harry Truman, 127, 151
in US Army, 93–95
view of academic life, 197–98
in wartime London, 86–90
Washington Post proposed project, 109–10
as writer for Fortune 109–13
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Sr. (father), 6–29
and 1952 presidential election, 158
and Age of Jackson 89, 92
and AMS Jr. at Harvard, 126
authority of, 7, 56
and Elizabeth Bancroft, 6–7
as baseball fan, 19–20
children of, 8–9
at Columbia, 10–11
communist associations of, 75, 83, 84
correspondence with AMS Jr., 294, 307
death of, 335–37
at Harvard, 14–15, 17–19, 42, 108
as historian and author, 10–13, 374, 385
influence on AMS Jr., 105–7
Jewish roots of, 15–16
on objectivity, 189
on Pulitzer Prize committee, 102
relationship with AMS Jr., 20, 23, 31, 37, 48, 49, 54, 65–66, 107, 274, 342, 370
and Society of Fellows, 55
and University College London lectures, 195, 196
Schlesinger, Bernhard (grandfather), 7, 16
Schlesinger, Christina (daughter), 19, 108, 223, 338, 339, 341, 367, 369–70, 379
Schlesinger, Elizabeth Bancroft (mother), 6–10, 15, 19–23, 26–27, 195–96, 295, 336, 338–40, 370
Schlesinger, Katharine “Kathy” Bancroft (daughter), 8, 67, 86, 87. See also Kinderman, Katharine “Kathy”
Schlesinger, Katharine Bancroft (sister), 8
Schlesinger, Marian Cannon (first wife), 197
on AMS Jr. in Cambridge, England, 49
and AMS Jr.’s abrasive behavior, 126
on AMS Jr.’s father, 29
on AMS Jr.’s mother, 6, 28
on Cambridge High and Latin School, 21–22
children of, 68, 71
correspondence with AMS Jr., 49–50, 53–54, 85, 86, 88–91, 93–95, 97–100
courtship with AMS Jr., 43–46, 49–50, 53–54, 62–63
donkey returned to Buckley by, 216
on European trip with RFK, 275, 278–79
and Georgetown set, 115
on Harvard, 66, 109
and Kennedys, 267, 281
and Marietta Tree, 131
marriage to AMS Jr., 63
on AMS Jr.’s marriage to Alexandra Emmet, 367–68
move to Cambridge, 124
as newlywed, 63, 64
separation and divorce, 337–41, 343, 366–67
support of Stevenson by, 210–11
on writing requests, 109, 110
Schlesinger, Robert Emmet Kennedy (son), 338, 368–70, 373
Schlesinger, Stephen (son), 67, 68, 86, 87, 131, 274, 341, 367
Schlesinger, Thomas Bancroft (brother), 14, 18, 19, 21, 29, 87, 91, 92
Seaborg, Glenn, 259
Second New Deal, 199–201
Secret Intelligence (SI), 77, 90
Secret Intelligence/Research and Analysis Reports Board (SIRA), 89, 90
Seligman, E. R. A., 18
Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS), 68, 80
Seneca, 321
Sermon on the Mount, 193
Sevareid, Eric, 214
Severus, Septimus, 191
Sewanee Review, The 132
Shannon, William V., 328–29
“Shape of Politics to Come, The” (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 321
Sharpe, Tom, 52
Sherwood, Robert F., 225, 372
Show: The Magazine of the Performing Arts 280
Shriver, Sargent, 311
Shrum, Robert, 372
Signet Society, 40
“Significance of Jacksonian Democracy, The” (Arthur Schlesinger, Sr.), 12
Silvers, T. B., 202
Simon Fraser University, 80
Sirhan, Sirhan, 348
Skocpol, Theda, 201
Sladen-Smith, Frank, 53
Slate magazine, 380
Smith, Al, 168, 186
Smith, Jean, 220
Smith, Steve, 311, 317
“Social and Cultural History of the United States, The” (course), 11
Socialism, 249–50, 299
Society of Fellows, 15, 55, 58, 62, 64, 65, 67, 76, 95
Sorensen, Theodore “Ted,” 291, 377
advice/direction for AMS Jr. from, 268–69, 291, 308
and AMS Jr., 284–86, 297–98, 333
and Birmingham civil rights speech, 303–6
in Cuban missile crisis, 289
and “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech, 306
and JFK, 240, 267
and JFK’s presidential campaign, 212–13
in Johnson administration, 312
in Kennedy administration, 205, 224, 299
Kennedy (JFK biography) by, 313–16, 327–28, 330–31, 387
as Profiles in Courage coauthor, 208
on recordkeeping procedures, 227
and RFK, 345, 347, 359
and test ban talks, 261, 262
on Thousand Days 330
South, the, 73, 303
South America, 228–29
Soviet division (CIA), 97
Soviet Union, 51, 98; See also Cold War
AMS Jr. on cooperation with, 131–32
and Berlin, 251–52
in Cold War, 355
containment policy, 119
cooperation with, 123
and Cuba, 233, 235–36
in Cuban missile crisis, 288–94, 300
escapees from, 143
espionage, 82, 110, 117, 119–21
and JFK’s Vietnam policy, 282, 283
joint expedition to Moon with, 308–9
national debate over, 118–21
non-Communist Left’s view of, 116
nuclear test ban treaty with, 296–97, 306
nuclear t
esting by, 265, 266
US government penetration by, 147, 148
US relations with, 297
Spanish Civil War, 75
Special Operations (SO), 77
Spender, Stephen, 197
Stalin, Joseph, and Stalinism, 120, 129, 350, 379
“Start of a series” (Life magazine), 328
State Department, 81, 98, 147, 148, 244, 269, 270, 272, 275, 298, 299, 308
State of the Union addresses
Eisenhower (1953), 166
JFK (1962), 268, 285, 297
JFK (1963), 297
Clinton (1994), 372–73
Stein, Gertrude, 40
Stevens, Wallace, 39
Stevenson, Adlai
Age of Roosevelt as defense of, 327
AMS Jr. as liaison with, 288, 300–301, 308
during Bay of Pigs, 234–35
conservatism of, 156–57
in Cuban missile crisis, 290–93
death of, 335
at Democratic convention of 1960, 204
foreign policy of, 177–78
at Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner, 149
and JFK, 209–11, 264–66, 323
on Kennedy family, 318
political advice from AMS Jr. for, 174–75, 351
presidential campaign of 1952, 150–62, 164, 165, 167
presidential campaign of 1956, 170–79
qualitative liberalism of, 166
speechwriting by AMS Jr. for, 33, 157–62, 173–74, 177–78, 179, 285, 292, 371, 372
and Marietta Tree, 131, 339
as UN Ambassador, 222
Stevenson, Borden, 171
Stewart, Gretchen, 315, 334, 341
Stoll, Ira, 319
Stone, I. F., 118
Strange Career of Jim Crow, The (Woodward), 385
Stravinsky, Igor, 39
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 350
Sudetenland, 51
Suez Crisis, 177
Sulzberger, Arthur, 318
“Supreme Court, The: 1947” (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 110–13
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 88
Sutherland, Graham, 197
Swartz, Jordan A., 201
“Swinging Soothsayer,” 343, 368
Swope, Herbert Bayard, 115–16
Symphony Hall, Boston, 303–5
Taber, John, 73
Taft, Robert A., 119, 207
Taj Mahal, 30
Taylor, A. J. P., 197
Taylor, Maxwell, 255, 257, 270–71
Taylor, Zachary, 207
Ted Bates agency, 161
television, 161, 163
Thanksgiving Day Massacre, 265
Thatcher, Margaret, 238
Third Force, 132–33
Thistlethwaite, Frank, 187–88
Thousand Days, A (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 3, 227, 234–35, 238–39, 246, 300, 312–17, 319–34, 336, 342–43, 352, 358, 359, 361, 362, 364, 384, 386, 387
Thucydides, 329–30
“Tides of American History” (Arthur Schlesinger, Sr.), 106
Time magazine, 110, 175, 227, 333, 342–43
Titania Palace (West Berlin), 141
Tokyo, Japan, 274, 276
totalitarianism, 137–38
Towards A New Past: Dissenting Essays in American History (Bernstein, editor), 385
Toynbee, Arnold, 196
Toynbee, Philip, 196
Trade Mart (Dallas, Texas), 310
Tree, Marietta, 131, 169, 178, 218, 339
Tree, Ronald, 131
Tregaskis, Richard, 303
Trollope, Anthony, 32
Truman, Harry S., 98, 119, 121, 127, 147, 149–51, 153, 155, 167, 174, 176, 221, 294, 355
Trumbo, Christopher, 122
Trumbo, Dalton, 121–23, 148, 350
Trump, Donald, 104
Tuckerman, Nancy, 2
Tufts, Bill, 159
Tugwell, Rexford, 168
Turkey, 290, 293, 300
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 14, 18, 62, 385, 386
Twain, Mark, 340, 358
Two Days in June (Cohen), 304–5
Udall, Lee, 277–78
United Nations (UN), 266, 290–93, 308
United Nations Day speech (1952), 160
University College London, 195–98
University of Alabama, 303
University of California, Berkeley, 285–86
University of Edinburgh, 29
University of Iowa, 9
University of Oklahoma, 80
US Army, 91
US Army Office of Medical History, 91
US Congress
in The Age of Roosevelt 192
civil rights legislation in, 303
power of president and, 354–57
US Constitution, 356
US-Japan Committee on Educational and Cultural Cooperation, 274, 276
US Military Government, in Berlin, 141
US Naval Academy, 61
US Naval Reserve, 84
US Senate
ratification of nuclear test ban treaty, 296
RFK’s campaign for, 317–18, 336, 343–44, 371
Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS), 68, 80
US Supreme Court, 110–13
Vandenberg, Arthur, 119, 355
Vanity Fair 114
Van Vooren, Monique, 343
VE Day, 94
Venona counterintelligence project, 120
Victory magazine, 73
Vidal, Gore, 302
Vienna summit, 244–45
Vietcong, 283
Viet Minh, 269
Vietnam War, 269–72, 282–84, 309, 342, 344–45
Vinson, Fred M., 111
Vital Center, The (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 137–40, 191, 249, 353, 384, 386
V-1 rockets, 87
V-2 ballistic missile, 87
Wallace, George, 303
Wallace, Henry, 118, 123
Wall Street Crash (1929), 185
Walters, Vernon, 129
Walton, Bill, 1
war, declarations of, 356
War and the American Presidency (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 378, 379
Ward, Barbara, 177
Warm Springs, Georgia, 186
War on Terror, 379
Warren, Sidney, 356
Washington, DC
postwar period in, 113–14
Schlesinger family in, 100, 338
during World War II, 68
Washington Daily News 74
Washington Post 1, 74, 109–10, 376–77
Watergate scandal, 324, 353, 357
Webster, Daniel, 207
Wechsler, James, 39, 164, 182
Weicker, Linda Stevenson, 377
Weinberger, Caspar, 36
Welles, Sumner, 82
Wells, H. G., 40
West Berlin, 141
West Branch, Iowa, 9
“What is loyalty” (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 120, 121
White, Lee, 304, 305
White, Theodore H. “Teddy,” 35–37, 41, 48, 68–69, 110, 195, 205, 303, 313
Whitehead, Alfred North, 43
White House administration accounts, JFK’s policy on, 226–27
White House Filing Manual, 226
White House Library project, 306–7
Whitfield, Stephen, 119
Whitman, Walt, 103, 137–38
“Why are some ‘liberals’ cool to the Kennedy Administration?” (Newsweek article), 318–19
Why England Slept (John F. Kennedy), 48–49, 206
Whyte, Anne, 86, 87
Whyte, Frederick, 53
Widener Library, 19, 38, 64, 77, 89, 125, 307
Widnall, William, 329
Wiesner, Jerome, 273
Wilde, Oscar, 389
Wilentz, Sean, 104–5, 190–91, 342
Wills, Garry, 320, 357, 362
Wilson (Link), 206
Wilson, Woodrow, 181, 183, 216, 269, 294, 325
sp; Winchester, England, 87
Winks, Robin, 77
Winthrop, John, 375
Winthrop House, 304, 305
Wintour, Charles, 52–54, 57–58, 62, 87–88, 96, 135, 333
Wintour, Nonie, 88
Wirtz, W. Willard “Bill,” 157, 177, 178
“Wise Men” of foreign policy establishment, 150
Wisner, Frank, 146, 149
Wolff, Robert, 272
Wolman, Leo, 15
Woodward, Bob, 364
Woodward, C. Vann, 383–85
Woolworth Building, 21
World Bank, 109
world opinion, 265, 292
World War I, 8
World War II, 68, 69, 73, 80–82, 86–90, 340, 355
Writers Division (of OWI), 69, 74
Wyatt, Wilson, 149, 156, 157, 158
Xenia, Ohio, 9, 10, 14
Yale Law School, 112
Yale University, 35, 36, 97
Yale University JFK’s commencement address at, 286–87, 297
Yates, Richard, 303
Yeats, W. B., 133
Young Melbourne, The (Cecil), 206
“Your Obligation to Future Historians” (Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.), 227
Ziolkowski, Korczak, 23
Zorin, Valerian, 292–93
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Names: Aldous, Richard, author.
Title: Schlesinger : the imperial historian / Richard Aldous.
Description: First edition. | New York : W.W. NORTON & COMPANY, 2017. |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017019909 | ISBN 9780393244700 (hardcover)
Subjects: LCSH: Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. (Arthur Meier), 1917-2007. |
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