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Zero Page 6

by Crescent, Sam

  Eva clocked Steven around the head. “Don’t talk like that.” Steven laughed, rubbing at the part Eva hit. The basket was brought to the bed as her daughter sat on the bed “You don’t mind Joanne being there, do you?” Eva asked, pointing at her daughter.

  “No, I don’t mind. It’s fine.” She smiled down at the girl then returned her gaze to Eva.

  “Right, I’ve got enough food to sink a ship,” Eva said, passing her a clear tub with a large sandwich. “Get dug in. Here you go, Steven. I brought you food as well.”

  For the next twenty minutes, Prue forgot about everything as she listened to the people around her. She ate the food given to her and smiled as Eva talked about family life and Zero. The club was a family, she soon realized. They were all there for each other, and if they didn’t accept it they had to leave. Prue felt relieved that Zero had found people who took care of him. The thought of him being alone scared her. Losing Trevor had hit the other man hard, and she’d noticed the change within him the moment he collected her. Eating the food, she watched as a woman with long blonde hair entered. A large man covered with ink stood behind her, and his hand was on her shoulder, holding her close. On her hip was a boy. The woman looked like an angel. Her face was so beautiful, innocent almost.

  Looking at them, Prue saw how protective the man was over his woman.

  “That’s Lash and Angel,” Eva said. “With their young son.”

  “Hello,” Angel said. She held up a sack. “I brought some clothes for when it’s time to take you home. I didn’t know what size you were going to need, but I also brought a belt in case they’re too big.”

  Lash leaned down whispering to her. Angel blushed and glanced at the floor. “Sorry about that. I hate it when she puts herself down,” Lash said, entering the room. “We thought we’d come and see Zero’s little secret.”

  Laughing, Prue glanced at all of them. “Are you sure you’re a biker club? You don’t look all that scary to me.” She smiled at each of them feeling part of their world. Since Trevor was taken from her, she’d been fighting every step of the way to make her life work. Teaching stopped her from being lonely, but when the nights came, she was always lonely. There was only so much lonely a woman could take.

  “You’ve not been on our bad side,” Lash said, holding onto his woman. “Wait until you piss us off, and then we’ll terrify you.”

  The banter went around the room, and she settled back, enjoying the show.

  Another two people entered. This time the man was larger than Lash and the woman fuller than Angel. “This is Killer and Kelsey. They’re expecting their first child and have not long been married,” Eva said.

  Nodding at them, Prue was embraced by Kelsey. “You’re part of the family now,” Kelsey said.

  “I doubt Zero will want me interrupting your time.”

  “You’re not going home,” Killer said. “You’ll be part of the club for a while, at least until this fucker is caught.”

  Once again she watched them all. Steven drew her into a conversation. She answered his questions. Prue didn’t know how much time had passed. Someone clearing his throat brought her attention toward the door. Zero and Tiny stood in the doorway. Smiling at them, she watched Tiny go to Eva and tug her close. The chemistry she saw between the couple made her heart pound. What would it be like to be part of such need? She’d fucked, sure, but never had she experienced such heart-stopping passion.

  Glancing at Zero, she saw he was staring at her.

  “You look clean,” she said.

  He chuckled, moving toward her side. She looked up as he landed a kiss to her cheek. “I had a shower.” The whole room was watching her.

  She felt her cheeks heat at having an audience. “It’s about time.”

  Zero stepped away, and the talking resumed. Steven stood, giving Zero his chair. She frowned as there seemed to be a silent message passed between the two people. The other man excused himself leaving the room. Frowning, she looked at Zero, who had a smirk on his face.

  “What the fuck did you say to him?” she asked, glaring at Zero.


  “Don’t give me that. I know you, Lucas Blakely. You and Trevor used to do the same kind of shit. What did you do?”

  “Nothing.” He held his hands up in the air.

  She knew they had all of the others’ attention on them. Prue didn’t care. She’d never been afraid of giving Zero a piece of her mind.

  “Steven has been nice to me. Don’t think to throw your weight around or do some dominant man bullshit on him.” Prue pointed her finger at him. “I know your game, don’t.”

  “I’m protecting you,” Zero said.

  “You’re protecting me from a weirdo you created, not from Steven.” She folded her arms underneath her breasts, glaring at the other man. “He’s been nice and doesn’t deserve you being a bastard to him.”

  “Fine.” Zero glared back at her.

  She heard the snickers around the room.

  “I like her,” Tiny said. “It’s about time someone put him on his toes and bossed him around a little bit. It’ll save us a job.”

  Zero raised an eyebrow at her, smiling. “She’s the only woman I’ll ever let talk to me like that.”

  “You couldn’t stop me even if you tried. I’d kick your ass,” she said.

  “Remember who taught you how to hit. I let you win.”

  “In your dreams, asshole.” Prue remembered Zero spending his afternoons teaching her how to defend herself. In school some of the guys had taken pleasure in bullying her over her weight and the fact she had large boobs. Prue hated it and refused to let her parents get involved. She could fight her own battles and often did. Zero wouldn’t let her out in the world. Between him and Trevor, she learned how to hit back. Once she started defending herself, the bullies backed away.

  “We’ll see.” He leaned, over ruffling her hair, and she slapped his hand away.

  “Stop it.”

  She stared at him as the others started to talk. Zero was smiling at her, and when she felt heat pool between her thighs, she was so shocked that she turned her attention back to Eva. No, she wasn’t going to let her feelings go there. Zero was her friend. He would never be a man in her life.

  Staring down at her lap, she felt his gaze on her, and her nipples tingled in awareness. She would fight every response her body demanded.


  “Please, let me go. I won’t say anything. Please.” The woman begged and pleaded for her life. Alan had her tied to a cross in the center of the forbidden warehouse. The economic downturn was good for something as it created available buildings for him to do whatever the fuck he liked to do. Staring around the room he listened to the woman snivel. He hated the sound of females moaning, begging. They were all whores, and he was tired of dealing with the low-lifes of this world.

  Picking up the chef’s knife, he’d sharpened it with a knife-sharpener, making it a deadly weapon. It was amazing how many weapons people could buy in any ordinary shop.

  “You fucked Zero from The Skulls?” he asked, keeping his back to the woman.

  She whimpered.

  “I suggest you answer me or I’ll make it far harder than it needs to be.” He held the knife up to the light.

  “Yes, I was with him.”

  “You fucked him?”

  “Yes, I fucked him.”

  Alan smiled. He always loved the power he held getting what he wanted. Looking in the far corner of the warehouse he thought about the woman who’d pulled him out of the burning building ten years ago. He’d treated her like the treasure she was, taking care of her until she died a year ago. Clara hadn’t been a whore. She’d been a good girl, a good woman, unlike this piece of trash in front of him.

  Through his recuperation, the surgeries, the physiotherapy, Clara had been the only one by his side.

  When she died, he buried her and then set about taking back what was his. Clara didn’t care about his face or the damage done t
o him. It was a good thing Clara couldn’t see him now. She didn’t think getting his revenge was worth it.

  Alan had nothing else to live for. The woman he loved was dead, and he had a select few men who stood by his side. By the time they were done, he was going to have everything back. Zero had taught him something ten years ago. He knew the other man had no intention of walking away and was prepared to die. There was nothing left for Alan. This game was going to be fun, and if he was lucky, by the end of their time, he was going to be dead along with Zero. Touching his face acted as a reminder to Alan. Zero was the first man to make him beg for mercy. The game was turned. Alan wasn’t going to make Zero beg. He was going to make the bastard suffer, picking off the others around him before finally taking out the man himself.

  He nodded to one of the men, who moved toward the bound woman, the nurse he’d taken from the hospital. Alan had a lot of eyes and ears. He looked forward to taking his time with this game, taking out everyone near Zero before finally killing him, himself. When Alan couldn’t get around, he paid people to do his work. There was always someone willing to do something for money.

  Thinking about Prue, Alan smiled. She was going to be so sweet to finally break. The love between the two was strong. He’d seen the way Zero was with her, and it wouldn’t be long before he destroyed the pair of them.

  The sound of fabric tearing and a feminine scream filled the air.

  Turning toward the woman, the whore, the slut, he pressed the blade to her skin. Alan didn’t care anymore about the blood. Revenge would be sweet.

  “I better warn you, whore, you will die here,” Alan said. “It’s nothing personal. You shouldn’t have touched Zero.” He pressed the blade against her skin and slid it downwards. Yes, the game was truly in motion.

  Chapter Four

  Zero stayed behind as the rest of the men left for the day. Running a hand over his face he looked at Prue, who was working over a puzzle. She’d got on with Eva and the others as if they were old family friends. Prue’s smile and sweet charm had always been refreshing for him. There was nothing fake about her, and she never tried to manipulate him. He watched her take sips from her drink and tuck her hair behind her ear as she nibbled on her lip, thinking. All of her actions drew him in. He’d never watched a woman’s actions before.

  “Why do you keep staring?” she asked, glancing over at him.

  “I don’t know. I’m pleased you’re alive.”

  She smiled, sticking her tongue out at him. “I’m indestructible. You can’t kill me. I’m like a superhero or something.”

  “You could have died, Prue. It’s not a laughing matter.”

  “You’re going to be miserable, aren’t you?” She placed the magazine in front of her, dropping the pen on top of the machine.

  “I’m being serious, and you could have died.” If the bullet had been an inch down he wouldn’t be sitting here talking to her. Losing her was not an option.

  “Who gave you the shiner?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “I deserved it.”

  “Who gave it to you?” She gave him a pointed look. Growling at her, he stood up moving toward the window in her room.

  “Nash gave it to me.”

  “Great, I’ll remember the name. He can kick your ass for me.”

  He turned toward her.

  “Why did he hit you?”

  “I’ve had a thing for his wife, and I about kissed her. I shouldn’t have gone anywhere near her, but I never listen to reason and so he hit me.” He shrugged. Sophia’s words had hit him square in the face. Nothing he ever did would make her go for him. She was in love with Nash, not him. Zero expected pain, but there was none.

  “I’m sorry. What was all that about Steven?”

  “Fucker is into you,” Zero said, feeling jealous of the younger man.


  “You want to be another whore in a whole line of them for Steven?” He folded his arms over his chest, facing her.

  “I didn’t say I was going to jump into bed with him. Fuck, what is with you?” she asked, glaring. “You’re really bumming my mood at the moment. Do I need to kick your ass? Even being wounded I’d do it.”

  Visiting time was over, but Sandy had organized for him to be with her. Sandy was pulling a lot of strings with this hospital. He was sure they were looking for any excuse to fire her ass.

  “Sorry, nothing is with me.”

  “You fuck everything that walks. One guy takes notice of me, and suddenly you’re throwing your weight around as if you were my boyfriend or something. Newsflash, we’re best friends.”

  Her words cut him deeper than Sophia’s.

  “I don’t want you hurt.”

  “I’ve been hurt before, Zero. You were not there to mend my heart. In fact, the moment you’re done with needing me, you’re out the door,” she said, folding her own arms underneath her breasts.

  “That’s not true.”

  “Yes, it is. The moment I didn’t need you to keep the nightmares away you were gone like a shot. After Trevor died and we buried him, you were gone. When you were needed back home with The Skulls, you were gone.” She named off every occasion he’d left her.

  Whenever he was around her, he felt guilty.

  It’s not just that.

  Being around her always made him want something he could never have. He’d promised Trevor he would take care of her. Wanting his deceased friend’s sister was never going to happen. Prue knew him in ways other women would never get. She grew up with him and knew his parents didn’t want him. No one ever wanted him. Gritting his teeth together, he took a seat beside her.

  “You mean the world to me, Prue. Nothing is allowed to happen to you.” He took her hand, but she pulled away from him.

  “No, you don’t get to hide from me.”

  “I don’t want you with Steven.” He yelled the words at her so she wouldn’t have a doubt of what was going through his mind.

  “Why not?” She yelled back, never taking his shit.

  A nurse peered into the room ordering them to be silent. Going to the door, Zero closed it, giving them privacy, before going back to the bed.

  “I don’t want him near you. Please, do as I ask and don’t push me.”

  She stared at him, collapsing against the bed. “You’re going to drive me crazy with all of these demands.” Prue grabbed the remote by the side of the bed, turning on the television.

  “Is that a yes?”

  “Steven is young, sweet even. I’m not going to be fucking the first guy who looks my way. I’m not that desperate,” Prue said. “I know how to take care of my needs.”

  He tensed, thinking about her needs. “What?”

  His cock tightened. How did she take care of those needs?

  Crap. Now all he saw was her pussy. He didn’t know what she looked like down there, but he suddenly really wanted to know. Zero would be more than happy to be considered to help her with those needs.

  She’s not yours.

  Prue looked at him. “Are you a virgin?” she asked.


  “Then you know what needs I’m talking about. Geez, you don’t need to be a guy to need an orgasm or to get off.” She shook her head, flicking through the television. “I’m usually looking over the kids’ work now. How did the school take my absence?”

  She was talking about work? All he could think about was taking care of her needs. “They want you to get well before you even think about returning to work.”

  “Good. I’ve never taken a sick day yet. They should keep my job for me. I’d hate to start looking now. The whole economic climate doesn’t fill me with too much confidence on the job search.”

  “Have you ever thought about moving closer to me?” he asked.

  “How would I do that when you said it wasn’t safe for us to be close?” She turned to look at him. Her green eyes were so beautiful and wide.

  “Alan’s taken that out of our hands.”

“Yeah, he has.”

  There was a game show on. He watched for several minutes, reaching out to take her hand.

  “I’ve missed you, Prue.”

  “I’ve missed you, too.” She rubbed at her temple, and he watched the movement. “Zero,” she said, glancing at him.

  “What, baby?”

  “Will you hold me?” She tapped the bed beside her.

  Smiling, he climbed on the bed, moving his arm underneath her head and drawing her close. “I’ll always hold you close to me.” They settled down together. He felt her heat, and his cock responded to her closeness.

  Down, boy.

  Her needs struck him once more. Would her pussy hair be the same as the hair on her head? Shit. Cravings yearned deep inside him. He wasn’t some immature teenager who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

  “He’s going to hurt us,” she said.

  “I know.”

  Zero knew there was not going to be a way to stop Alan once he started. None of them knew where he was. Whizz was working on locating him.

  Closing his eyes, he tried to stop the fear from working inside him. He hated feeling fear.

  “Your friends are nice. I would hate for them to be hurt.”

  He looked down at her. Her face was turned up to his. When did her lips get so plump and inviting?

  Shit, this was the last thing he needed, for his mind to be on her body rather than the danger they were all about to face.

  “We can’t leave. Otherwise I would do it.”

  “Why can’t we leave? When I’m out of the hospital we can just go.” Her hand lay on his chest. Did she know what her body was doing to him?

  “Alan will not stop, Prue. He’s going to take out our friends, and he’d do whatever he could to lure us back to him.”

  “I hate him, Zero.”

  He didn’t say anything. His feelings toward the bastard had never changed. Alan needed to die, but until they found him, they would have to play his games.

  “Why did you do that to his face?” she asked. “I know you said you tortured him, but why do that? Why not just kill him?”

  “I intended to kill him, Prue. It was never my intention to let him walk free. I should have made sure he was dead.” His one biggest regret was walking away without guaranteeing he was dead.


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