Born Sinners

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Born Sinners Page 14

by Marlon McCaulsky

  “Yo my nigga, I gotta bounce.” Nard said.

  Damien grinned, “Alright my nigga. I told you that shit was the bomb.”

  “Yeah you right. A’ight.” Nard said as he left.

  Cum was still in her mouth and on her face. Stacy got up, ran into the bathroom, and then she vomited. Tears ran down her face as she knelt in front of the toilet. Damien came and stood in the doorway and looked at her.

  “You almost had me believing in you again. Looks like you got a lot more learning to do.”

  “I hate your fucking guts!”

  Damien grabbed her by the arm and picked up the Ziploc ties.

  “Let me go!” she screamed. Damien slapped her, leaving her face stinging.

  “Shut up!” Damien tied her up by her hands behind her back. He tied her feet together and gagged her. “Looks like you gonna be spending a lot more time in here. I got business I gotta take care of now.” Damien said as he walked out the door.

  The only thing Damien didn’t know is that Stacy had a plan if she was ever was put back in this situation again. She sat herself up, and with both hands tied behind her back, she reached behind the toilet where she had hid a knife. Her fingers reached the knife, and she positioned the sharp blade on the Ziploc ties and begun to saw her way through them. Slowly and relentlessly, she cut at the Ziploc ties. Five minutes later, Stacy had cut through and untied her feet. She ran to the door, down the hallway, and made her way downstairs and then out the door. It was the first time she had been outside in weeks. Stacy ran down the block to a pay phone, dropped a quarter in, and dialed Larissa’s number.

  “Hello?” Larissa answered the phone.

  “Larissa, I need you to come pick me up now!” Stacy said crying.

  “Are you okay?!”

  “No!” she cried. “Please, just come now.”

  “Okay, I’ll pick you up at…”

  “No, meet me in front of the McDonalds down the block. Please hurry!”

  “Okay, okay, I’ll be there!” Larissa said as she hung up the phone, grabbed her bag, and ran out the door. Ten minutes later, Stacy saw Larissa’s blue Ford Escort coming down the road. She ran towards it and quickly got in on the passenger’s side.

  “What happened?” Larissa asked her.

  “Just drive! Now!” Stacy said frantically.

  Larissa pulled off down the road. “Will you tell me what happened to you!”

  “Damien found out about Remo and me, and he flipped out!”

  “Just now?”

  “No, he’s been keeping me tied up and gagged in the bathroom for the past two weeks.”

  “Oh my God! How did you get away?”

  “I hid a knife in the bathroom. Where are you going?”

  “My place,” Larissa replied.

  “No!” she yelled. “That’s the first place he’ll look. Take me to Remo’s place in Brooklyn.” Stacy said to her.

  “Are you sure?” she asked. “Maybe we should go to the cops first.”

  “No. I have to see Remo. I have to tell him what happened.”

  Larissa drove Stacy out to Clinton Hill in Brooklyn. They saw Remo’s black Suburban parked out front. Larissa parked behind his truck. Stacy jumped out of the car, ran to his front door, and begun to bang on it.

  “Remo! Please open up!” Stacy yelled.

  Larissa caught up with Stacy at the front door. “Calm down, Stacy. You’re gonna wake up the whole block.” Larissa said to her.

  Stacy didn’t care as she continued to bang on his door.

  “Hold on! I’m coming!” Remo said. Two seconds later, he opened the front door. “Stacy! What…” Remo couldn’t finish his sentence before Stacy jumped in his arms, sobbing tears. “What happened? What’s going on?”

  “Let’s just get inside first.” Larissa said to him.

  Once they got inside, Larissa explained to Remo what had happened to Stacy. Remo was furious. Stacy held on to Remo and buried her face in his chest.

  “Yo, I’m gonna kill that nigga!” Remo yelled.

  “No! Let’s just leave and go to L.A. together and never come back!” “You think I’m gonna let that nigga get away with this shit? I’ma send that little nigga to his fucking mother!” Remo growled.

  “I’ll be first in line to help you do that, but she needs you.” Larissa insisted to Remo.

  “Baby please…You got too much going for you to throw it all away on him. Please don’t leave me tonight…Please,” Stacy pleaded, crying in his arms.

  Truthfully deep down inside Stacy didn’t want to take a chance on Damien killing Remo instead. Besides, there was no way Stacy was going to let Remo go tonight.

  “Alright, that nigga will live tonight. But if I ever see him, it’s over.”

  Larissa shook her head. “I can’t believe this shit happened.”

  Remo looked at her. “Yo, Larissa maybe you should stay in the guest room tonight. Just in case that crazy nigga goes over to your place looking for her.” Normally Larissa would’ve fronted like she was hood enough to take care of herself. But after seeing what Damien had already done to Stacy, she decided to take no chances.

  “Yeah, that’s not a bad idea.” Larissa concurred.

  Remo showed Larissa to a guest room and took Stacy to his bedroom.

  “I’m so sorry, Remo.”

  “What are you sorry about? You didn’t do anything wrong. That sick mutha’fucka did this to you.”

  “But if I had just left him, none of this would have happened. I thought he was gonna kill me.”

  “C’mere…It’s all over now.” Remo said to her as he held her tight for the rest of the night.

  For the next two days, Larissa called in sick and stayed over at Remo’s place with Stacy. Stacy had more or less composed herself because she felt safe with Remo. The two of them planned to fly out to L.A. the next day, and Stacy could not be happier. Remo took Stacy and Larissato the mall, bought Stacy a whole new wardrobe of clothes, and treated them both to spa treatments. Remo still wanted to kill Damien, but decided to stay and take care of Stacy instead. He also realized in hindsight that killing Damien could start a war between Dwayne and his brothers.

  The next day Larissa had to go to work so she left that morning for the office. She worked her normal 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. shift, and was on her way out the door. When she stepped outside, she saw Damien standing out front waiting for her.

  “Where is she?”

  Larissa’s heart sped up in terror of him, but she refused to let it show. Besides, they were in public, right in front of her job with dozens of people walking by.

  “You really think I’m gonna tell you anything after what you did to her? You sick mutha’fucka!”

  “I love her. It’s none of your business what goes on between us. It’s time for her to come home ma.”

  She shook her head in disbelief, “You 730 for real? You touch my cousin again and I’ll kill your stinkin’ ass myself!”

  Damien stepped toward her. His demeanor was cold and emotionless as if he had done nothing wrong, and that sent even more chills up Larissa’s spine.

  “Don’t you touch me mutha’fucka or I’ll scream rape! And there’s some cops right down the street who would love to shoot them a nigga today,” Larissa backed away from Damien.

  “You just tell her she better come home. And if she’s with that nigga Remo, he’s a dead mutha’fucka.”

  Larissa turned, ran to her car, and drove back to Remo’s place in Clinton Hill. When she got there she ran to the house, rang the doorbell frantically, and Stacy let her in. Larissa closed the door behind her and locked it. Stacy was troubled by her cousin’s activities.

  “What’s wrong, Larissa?” Stacy asked her.

  “Where’s Remo?”

  “He just went to pick something up store to eat at the store. What the hell is the matter with you?”

  “That crazy nigga Damien was waiting for me outside my job when I got off.”

  Her heart dropped into her
belly, “Oh my God! Did he follow you here?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know. I didn’t see him.”

  “We gotta go!” Stacy insisted.


  Stacy turned and grabbed the car keys off the coffee table. “I don’t know, but we can’t stay here!”

  They heard a bang on the door.

  “Oh shit!” Larissa screamed.

  “Open the fucking door! I know you in there Stacy! Daddy’s here to take your ass home.” Damien shouted to them from outside.

  “We gotta call the cops!” Larissa hollered.

  “We don’t got time for that!” Stacy yelled as she grabbed Larissa’s arm.

  They heard a boom and the front door flew open.

  “Oh my God!” Stacy yelled.

  Damien walked in and stared angrily at Stacy. Her heart was about to explode.

  “I told you not to fuck with me bitch! I’ve told you that shit too many times now! Now you’re both gonna get your ass kicked in this mutha’fucka!” Damien yelled.

  Damien grabbed Stacy by the arm. Larissa snatched up a clay vase and busted Damien in the back of the head. He staggered forward and let go of his grip on Stacy.

  He grasped his head, “Aarragh! You stupid bitch!”

  Damien turned, punched Larissa in the jaw, and she fell down.

  “Larissa! Fuck you!” Stacy screamed, and kicked him in the balls.

  “Aaarrhh!! Shit!” Damien shrieked. He pushed Stacy on the floor and grabbed his nuts. “You gonna fucking pay for that!”

  But before he could attack Stacy again, he felt a powerful blow to his head. Damien fell on the ground, turned, and saw Remo towering above him.

  “Get up nigga! Fight a real man!” Remo yelled as he kicked him in the leg.

  “I’ma kill you mutha’fucka!” Damien shouted.

  He got up and charged into Remo with a football tackle, They both stumbled down the steps outside and the fall knocked the wind out of Remo in the process. Remo realized Damien wanted to make this an up-close fight, which was more to his advantage. Remo broke his grip and pushed him off, and they both got on their feet. Standing in the front yard, they both quickly sized each other up.

  “C’mon on nigga,” Remo taunted.

  Damien swung at him and missed. Remo caught Damien with a solid right hook across the jaw, followed by another left to his mouth, cutting his lip open. Damien staggered back. He rushed him again, but Remo’s footwork allowed him to evade his punches. Remo tagged him again with a blow to his left eye. In all fairness, Damien was severely outclassed by Remo in boxing. Remo had trained as a lightweight boxer for two years as a teenager. Damien was now catching blow after blow to the face. He was hurting. Blood was flowing freely from his nose. Damien was a brawler, not a boxer. Remo kept him at arm’s length. There was no way for Damien to get a grip on him. Stacy and Larissa made their way outside and saw Remo giving Damien the business. A few of Remo’s neighbors came outside and saw them fighting in the street, which was very uncommon for this part of town. Damien began to realize how skilled Remo was by the way he bobbed and weaved. Remo jabbed him in the face whenever he came at him.

  “Fuck this!” Damien yelled as he reached for his gun in the back of his waist. Remo was on him before he could aim it, and knocked it out of his hand. Remo tagged him in the jaw with an uppercut, knocking him down in the middle of the road. Then he pounced on him and begun to beat the shit out of him like a punching bag. Blow after blow Remo rained down on him. This was more than a beating. This was punishment.

  “You little boy trying to be a man! Fuckin’ pussy ass nigga! You ain’t ever gonna touch her again!” Remo yelled at him as he punched him in his eye again.

  “Remo, stop! Don’t kill him!” Stacy yelled as she grabbed his arm.

  Remo stopped, looked at her, and then stared at the crowd of people around them. Not that she cared if Damien died, but she didn’t want to lose Remo too.

  “The only reason you still alive nigga, is because of her. But if you ever look in her direction again, I’ll kill you. I swear on everything, I’ll kill you.” Remo said through clenched teeth, and then shoved his head against the gravel.

  Remo got off of him and grabbed Damien’s gun. Damien was barely conscious, but sat up in the road. His left eye was swollen closed and his mouth bloodied. His nose was broken, a tooth was missing, and his face was swelling. He glared at Stacy by Remo’s side as he staggered to his feet, and walked to his car. He turned and looked at them again. Remo could have killed him if he had wanted to. Damien realized he had made a mistake in allowing himself to fall in love with Stacy. A mistake he would never make again.

  That was the last time Damien ever saw Stacy or Remo again. Stacy and Remo did move to L.A. the next day. They soon got married and years later eventually had twin girls. Stacy promised herself to teach her daughters the lesson she had learned so that they wouldn’t have to go through the same thing she did.


  Bring The Pain

  May 1995

  It was another hot night at The Blue Angel as the DJ was bangin’ Junior Mafia’s Get Money, and that’s exactly what Dwayne was doing. The hot new thing that people were asking for was ecstasy. Dwayne was able to make a connection with a Cuban drug dealer named Carlos out of Miami, who supplied him with the Ecstasy. While the deal had proven to be a big money maker, Bishop was less than thrilled that Dwayne made the deal without directly involving him.

  “So when were you planning to tell me about this Carlos fool, Future King?” Bishop asked him in the club office upstairs.

  “I told you last month that I had a hook up on a new thing. Carlos came through the club and we got to talking.” Dwayne told him.

  “For all you knew this damn spic could have been a cop. You taking chances with my money and operation that I don’t like. It’s bad enough that we got the FBI trying to build a case against me. Now these Haitian niggas moving in on my territory.”

  “And that’s why I made this connection with Carlos because of this shit cutting into our profit. We have to grow and find new ways to make money. These Italian niggas don’t give a shit about supplying us! What went down with Damien was their fault.”

  “I know, and that situation has been dealt with. You just remember I’m in charge of this shit. And the next time you decide to gamble with my money…You just might find yourself dealt with too. You understand me?” Bishop glared Dwayne in the eyes.

  It took all of Dwayne’s self-control not to say something disrespectful in return.

  “Yeah, I understand.” An awkward silence filled the room, as if both men knew that what was about to happen next had been coming for years. Before destiny could play itself out, there was a knock on the door.

  “Come in!” Bishop yelled without breaking his stare at Dwayne.

  Vanessa opened the door and saw the tension between them. She knew that a power struggle between these two alpha males was imminent too. Just like she hoped for.

  “Excuse me darling, but we’re going to be late for our reservations you made for dinner.” Vanessa said to Bishop.

  As always, Vanessa looked like a supermodel dressed in a form fitting blue open-back contour dress. Her body was shapely and her face was flawless.

  “I was just finishing up here. You make sure you handle my business right, Dwayne.” Bishop turned and walked to her.

  Vanessa made eye contact with Dwayne and saw the anger in his eyes, but the look soon turned to lust as he stared at her. Dwayne took joy in knowing that he was fucking Bishop’s lady behind his back.

  “You look beautiful, my dear. This is how a real OG rolls, Future King.” Bishop taunted, then kissed Vanessa ’s lips. Dwayne frowned at his display of affection.

  Nigga them same lips you kissing were on my dick last night idiot, Dwayne thought to himself. Bishop left with Vanessa, but not before she gave Dwayne one last glance before she turned and walked out of the office with Bishop. Dwayne knew the only way to ta
ke control of his future was to kill Bishop. It was just a matter of time.

  Downstairs on the club’s main floor, Damien was getting his drink and game on. He was there with Irv and Nard, partying like it was his birthday and getting pissy drunk. It had been nearly two months since Stacy left him, and nearly all the wounds that Remo gave him had healed. Damien was really in a fuck-every-girl-he-could state of mind. He was dancing with a fine dark-skinned honey with an ass built to be fucked. He was grinding all over her ass and didn’t even notice Karmen staring at him from across the dance floor. Even knowing you’re the girl on side, at some point you do start to develop some sort of feelings for a man. Karmen’s feelings were hurt as she watched Damien dry humping all over another woman. Immediately, she found herself pushing past people on the dance floor until she got in front of Damien and his dance partner.

  “So this why you can’t call me and shit?” Karmen snapped, while he was still dancing with the other girl. He turned around and saw her glaring at him.

  “Hey what’s up K,” he mumbled with a slur.

  “Don’t hey K me, nigga. Who’s this bitch?” the girl Damien was dancing with turned around pissed.

  “Yo, chill with that.” Damien said laughing.

  The young lady replied, “Who you calling a bitch, bitch!”

  “You! What the fuck you doing on my man?” Karmen questioned. Damien looked at her surprised.

  “Whoa, I ain’t your fucking man.” Damien explained to Karmen. “We just get together every now and then, and fuck. If you can’t handle that, then I suggest you step.”

  “He doesn’t sound like your man, bitch.” The girl taunted, rolling her neck at Karmen.

  “Fuck you and fuck you too Damien! You ain’t shit!” Karmen yelled and walked away. Karmen knew she looked like a fool. She knew what type of man he was and she still allowed herself to be played. That’s when she realized that Damien could never be the man she needed in her life or for new life she carried inside her. Tonight was the last time she would see him again.

  “Go eat a dick, bitch.” Damien said, laughing. “Now, where were we?” Damien said as he pulled the girl close to him.


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