Lilith's Legacy

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Lilith's Legacy Page 5

by Aubrey Ross

  “Not against one who is wooing you.” His gaze moved over her naked body with lazy insolence. “I am still wooing you, aren’t I?”

  Heat passed through her in languid waves. How could he affect her with just the intensity of his stare and the silken timbre of his voice? She couldn’t let her attraction to Jetrel distract her from her purpose. She had much to accomplish before this night was through.

  Consciously keeping her movements steady and controlled, she walked to the wardrobe and withdrew a shimmering blue gown. “You pleased me well, and you know it. Our courtship is not why you’re here.” She pulled the garment over her head. The loose material swished against her smooth skin, draping in wide pleats from shoulder to mid-thigh.

  “I thought you might be interested in what’s going on above.”

  She stiffened at the mocking edge in his tone. Jetrel had made it clear he wanted no part in her conflict with the mortals. Whatever he had to say was sure to highlight her rash behavior and berate her choice to defile God’s chosen one. “The Light holds no interest for me now.”

  He laughed, stalking toward her. “You lie badly. You always have.”

  “Say what you came to say. I have plans.”

  Caging her in the open wardrobe with his outstretched arms, Jetrel studied her silently. She met his piercing gaze, refusing to be intimidated, refusing to consider the way her pulse leaped and her body ached each time he drew near. His lightest touch sent her senses reeling. And she didn’t like it one bit.

  She would not fall for Jetrel!

  She had barely escaped her infatuation for Adam. She would not subjugate herself to another…ever!

  “What happened in the garden?” His voice sounded angry, strained. “What did you do?”

  “You know what happened. You watched most of it!”

  He traced her nipple with his fingertip. The sensitive bud hardened against the cool material sliding over it.

  “I’m not talking about Adam.”

  She tried to duck under his arm, but he caught her, pulling her against his chest. Warm and smooth beneath her palms, his flesh begged her exploration.

  Now was not the time for his sensual wooing. She had important matters to attend.

  “What are you talking about?” His tall form absorbed the limited space in her cozy bedchamber, making her restless. Making her want…

  “God drove them out of the garden and stationed cherubim to guard the gate.”

  “What has that to do with me?”

  His fingers curled around her thigh, pulling her leg to his hip, bending her knee. “That’s what I want to know. These events unfolded moments after you dove into the river.” He squeezed her ass, his long fingers teasing her folds from behind. “I only left for a few moments. What happened while I was gone?”

  “Why do you care what happens to these humans?” She squirmed, pushing against his chest, trying to escape his tormenting touch. He hooked her knee over his forearm, bringing her mound flush with the considerable bulge in the front of his pants. “You’re more interested in them than in your own kind. It’s not right.”

  He rubbed his cock against her. Cool leather slid against her hot, creamy core. The crisscrossing laces teased her sensitive folds.

  “Adam spurns you and God throws him out of Eden. Coincidence? I don’t think so.”

  Plucking at her nipple with his other hand, he continued to tease her. Lilith ground her teeth against the pleasure and the demanding ache he created so effortlessly. Jetrel was dangerous. No one should have this sort of power over her.

  She refused to be powerless ever again.

  She shoved hard, darting past him. “Haven’t you overestimated my power? You’re insinuating I forced the hand of God.”

  “Fine.” He slammed the wardrobe closed and crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me nothing. I’ll learn the truth soon enough. I’m a spy after all.”

  He melted into shadow and disappeared.

  Jetrel hated being called a spy as much as she despised the label demon.

  But he was a spy.

  And she was a demon.

  Her pussy ached with unfulfilled desire. The material of her dress irritated her nipples. She didn’t need this right now. No, she needed a lot more than this right now!

  Shaking away her momentary stupor, Lilith took several deep breaths. Why would God drive the humans out of Eden? Her heart thundered and her spirit soared. She had never hoped for such a lofty victory.

  How had Balam accomplished it? She must find out, which meant she must face the Prime Leader. Uncertainty made her belly quiver. You can do this! She must be resolute, unafraid, or Balam would destroy her.

  She started toward the hidden compartment, then shook her head and left the chamber. No one just knocked on Balam’s door. Most were summoned. The bold could request an audience, but she didn’t have time to follow proper protocol. She was anxious to solidify her position and demand retribution for her former mate’s betrayal.

  Two massive guards flanked the chamber entrance. One had smooth gray-green skin and flat features, identifying him as a member of Serpent Clan. The other was bluish-gray with red-tinted lips and multiple rows of pointed teeth, Shark Clan. Like Azza, the useless whore Sammael had been screwing when this debacle began. The guards jerked to attention, extending their long arms, blocking access to the door.

  “I must speak with him.” She raised her chin proudly, her tone firm. “Tell your master Lilith awaits his pleasure.”

  One of the guards snickered, his dark eyes gleaming lustfully.

  “He isn’t here, but we’d be happy to entertain you until he returns,” the second guard offered with a licentious grin.

  “I doubt I would find either of you entertaining. I’ll return.”

  She’d retreated several steps when someone whispered her name. One of the guards gasped and the other muttered something she couldn’t quite hear. Carefully composing her expression, she turned around.

  Balam stood framed by the open doorway, his obsidian gaze fixed squarely on her. A plush-looking forest-green robe outlined his tall, lithe body. From his smooth scalp to his long-fingered hands, his green-tinged skin shone in the torchlight. Serpent Clan demons were all hairless, but few made it look this good. Prominent cheekbones and a slim nose gave his features an elegant cast, unlike his brutish guards.

  Without a word, he turned and walked into the chamber, leaving the door open. A silent invitation. The guards hissed as Lilith passed, but she ignored them. Her gaze swept the room, taking in the opulent décor. Rich jewel tones and gleaming gilt created a decadent ambiance.

  “You dare to appear before me clothed.” Balam climbed the stone dais and sat on his throne. Arranging his long robe over his legs, he then placed his hands on the padded arms of the chair and waited.

  Lilith slipped the gown off her shoulders. It whispered down her body, pooling around her ankles. He expected her to kneel, to bow before him, but such deference was counterproductive to her plan. Lowering her gaze, she straightened her spine, keeping her body proud and erect.

  “I stand before you ready to negotiate.” She spoke calmly, clearly, though inside she trembled. Balam could kill with a thought…or would the Fruit of Life protect her now?

  “Negotiate?” he scoffed. “With what do you intend to negotiate? Your firm, young body? Those luscious lips? They are mine for the taking. Serpent Clan is prime, and I lead Serpent Clan, so that makes me Prime Leader.”

  Everyone in the realm was aware of his rank. Why did he feel the need to detail it for her? “Then take my body if you must. I will not stop you, but this—”

  “Will not? You cannot stop me should I choose to partake.”

  Frustrated, Lilith dared to lift her gaze. “Sire, you can share Dark Splendor with any being in your realm. None of us can stop you. I’m here on a matter more important than carnal pleasure.”

  The high, arched chamber rang with his laughter. “I deem what is important and to whom. Yo
ur arrogance offends me.”

  “I don’t mean to be arrogant.” She lowered her gaze again, debating how best to proceed. Her only leverage was the fruit. Once she revealed its location, she’d be powerless against him. “I wish to solidify my standing among the clans.”

  “Then show me proper respect, and I will hear your petition.”

  Damn him! Would no male ever see her as more than a receptacle for his lust? She couldn’t refuse. It was demonic custom. Clan leaders could—and frequently did—demand physical demonstrations of submission.

  Countless times she’d sat at Sammael’s side as lesser members of Cat Clan sucked his cock. On occasion her mate had insisted that sexual tribute be given to her instead. Knowing the intimacies were unwelcome aroused him even more.

  It was Sammael’s eager acceptance of these demonstrations that led her to demand he share Dark Splendor with her alone.

  Dragging her thoughts back to the present, she scrambled for an alternative. She didn’t want to suck Balam’s cock, but allowing him to fuck her seemed even more repellent.

  Jetrel’s handsome image materialized within her mind. Of course! She fought back a relieved smile. “I’m being wooed by Jetrel. Until I accept or reject his suit I am forbidden to any other.”

  “You have renounced Sammael?” Balam sounded astonished. He stood and joined her before the throne, his gaze caressing her body. Her head barely reached his chest. Though he lacked Sammael’s bulging muscles, power and menace emanated from the Prime Leader.

  “I have.”

  “Why?” The word snapped with accusation.

  “He proved unworthy of my loyalty. I not only renounce him as mate, I renounce him as clan leader, and wish to challenge for the right to take his place.”

  Balam studied her. A cruel smile parted his lips, revealing even white teeth. “You’re a brazen piece, I’ll give you that. Who was he fucking and why does his infidelity make him unfit to lead Cat Clan?”

  “He swore a blood oath to me. By sharing Dark Splendor with another, he broke his solemn vow.”

  “Why would he agree to such a thing? A clan leader is entitled to partake freely of any who serve him.”

  The vow had meant nothing to Sammael. He’d told her what she’d wanted to hear, then shoved his eager cock in the next willing slit. Stubbornly suppressing her bitterness, she focused on the purpose at hand. “His reasons are irrelevant, Sire. A blood oath is sacred.”

  He couldn’t argue the point. The decree was detailed in the Demonic Charter, a document he had been largely responsible for authoring. Anyone breaking a blood oath was dishonored and subject to a penalty proposed by the wronged party and approved by the Council of Seven.

  “Do you have proof of this blood oath?”

  “Yes, Sire. It was witnessed by Byleth, my handmaiden, and Sammael’s—”

  “Summon Byleth. I would hear her testimony.”

  Reaching out with her mind, Lilith called to her friend and servant, communicating the urgency of the situation. “She is on her way.”

  He started to touch her, then snatched his hand away.

  She was forbidden, thank the powers of hell.

  “You tempt me to break my own laws.” Amusement and disbelief melded within his tone. “No wonder Sammael was no match for you. Sit upon my throne. I am forbidden to touch, not to look.”

  His voice sent shivers down her spine. She didn’t want him, but knowing how desperately he desired her caused a heady rush of power to surge through her body. Climbing onto the dais, she sat. If he insisted on torturing himself, so be it. She would play his game.

  “Part your thighs. I wish to see a cunt so splendid it inspired a blood oath.”

  Secure in the knowledge that he could do no more than look, she spread her legs and canted her hips, offering him a brazen view of her feminine flesh.

  He hissed and tossed his head. “Let me touch you. Let me lick you! I will do no more than taste.”

  Her eyes narrowed and her pulse leapt. The Prime Leader of the Realm of Darkness asked permission to taste her. For just a moment, she was tempted. But Jetrel’s wooing was the only thing protecting her from far more than an intimate tasting. She could not compromise.

  “It’s forbidden, Sire. No one can touch me but Jetrel.” Still, her nipples hardened and desire unfurled within her core. If only Jetrel were here. He could stroke her breasts and lick her clit until she shattered. She wouldn’t care if Balam watched, if Jetrel was the one—

  “Touch yourself!” Balam’s harsh command interrupted her thoughts. “I would see your pleasure.”

  Exhilarated by the power his lust unleashed, Lilith cupped her breast with one hand and covered her mound with the other. Balam growled, moving closer. She stroked her fingers over her damp folds, knowing her hand blocked his view.

  “Show me, damn you!”

  She parted her flesh and paused, watching his eyes, feeling her body ripen and melt beneath his ravenous gaze. Her clit twitched. Brushing her fingertip against the aching bud, she groaned.

  “I must taste you! I will…”

  Jetrel solidified behind Balam. His eyes blazed and his expression promised mayhem. “She is mine! No one can touch her. Not even you.”

  Balam whirled. “You dare intrude!”

  “I’m protecting what’s mine. None will fault me for that!”

  Lilith snapped her thighs together, crossing her arms over her breasts. Energy pulsed between them, anger, possessiveness, lust. She’d inspired this conflict. Two incredibly powerful males prepared to destroy each other…over her! Awed, and a bit afraid, she rushed from the dais.

  “Jetrel is right.” She stepped between them. “He alone may touch me until our courtship ends.”

  “Then declare your courtship ended,” Balam sneered. “I would fuck you now!”

  The doors banged open and a second Balam stormed into the chamber.

  Lilith looked from the “Balam” standing before her to the furious Balam stalking across the room. Instinctively, she backed away.

  “I have had it with your games!” the newly arrived Balam shouted.

  The first Balam laughed, his shape rippling and fluxing. Glossy blue-black hair flowed from his scalp to his broad shoulders. His skin faded to a golden shade identical to Jetrel’s and his eyes glowed with sapphire light.

  “Arioch,” Lilith whispered.

  “Brother dear, games are what I do best.” Arioch looked at Lilith, his true appearance even more striking than his Serpent Clan disguise. “I almost had her. She was ready to let me taste her sweet pussy.”

  Ignoring the silken temptation in his voice, she studied him more closely. His basic shape was indistinguishable from Balam’s. Only his coloring and long black hair set him apart. The Fall had subjected them to different curses. Six separate curses, which formed the six demonic clans.

  Arioch led Shadow Clan.

  Jetrel’s clan.

  Had Jetrel known his clan leader was misbehaving? Was that why Jetrel interrupted?

  “You impersonate me so often many believe we are one and the same.” Balam turned his burning gaze on Lilith. “My guards told you I was not here. Why did you linger?”

  “I departed, but you—or Arioch called me back.”

  “And why are you here?” he demanded of Jetrel.

  “My clan leader was about to take liberties which were not his due.”

  “If this is Shadow Clan business, then take it to—”

  “Sire, I requested an audience with you.” Lilith took a step forward and cleared her throat. “My business is with the Prime Leader, not the leader of Shadow Clan.”

  “Arioch, Jetrel, sit against the wall. Lilith, attend me.”

  Balam strode to his throne and sat. Lilith knelt at his feet. Any disrespect would be swiftly punished with the others present. Lilith was no fool.

  Heaving a long, loud sigh, Balam lowered his voice for her ears alone. “Please tell me you didn’t deliver my package to my brother.”
  “No, Sire. It is safely stored.”

  “How was he able to persuade you that he was me? Did you not think it odd that he didn’t ask you about the fruit?”

  She bowed her head and folded her hands, feeling utterly foolish. “Our conversation hadn’t progressed to the point where—”

  “Do you really think I would be more interested in fucking you than in…immortality? You overestimate your appeal.”

  “I was foolish. I see that now.”

  Chuckling, Balam relaxed against the throne, glancing at Jetrel and his brother. “I suppose I can’t blame you entirely. He has been practicing these deceptions since before the Fall. Go fetch the bundle. My patience has been tried enough this night.”

  Lilith pushed to her feet. Dread tensed her muscles and dried out her mouth. Once she gave him the fruit, her opportunity was ended. It must be now.

  “May I speak first, Master?”

  “Master?” He laughed. “That sounds charming on your lips. If only it were sincere. Do you consider me your master, Lilith? Will you submit your will to mine?”

  Chapter Seven

  Jetrel watched Lilith’s face closely as Balam waited for her reply. Arioch sat beside him, relaxed, seemingly disinterested in the drama unfolding across the chamber. Jetrel wasn’t fooled by his nonchalance. Arioch’s gaze hadn’t left his brother since Balam commanded them to the wall.

  Lilith stood before Balam naked, unashamed. Glorious. Possessive desire pounded through Jetrel. Mine. This incredible female is mine.

  “My will is my own,” she stated clearly. “I offer you my respect.”

  Dumbfounded, Jetrel braced for Balam’s reaction. What the heaven was she thinking? Did she want Balam to subdue her? No one openly defied the Prince of Darkness.

  “If you respected me, you would do as you’re told.”

  “You have corridors filled with slaves, obligated to submit to you. I offer the cooperation of an equal.”

  Arioch gasped.

  Jetrel shot to his feet.

  Was she insane?


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