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My Stepbrother the Ultimate Collection (Five Complete Box Sets)

Page 15

by Cindy Wilder

  Ride or Die: The day you graduate.

  Me: You did not just say that.

  Ride or Die: Yes, I did.

  Me: You just made me laugh so hard.

  Me: Don't say it.

  Ride or Die: Say what?

  Me: I said hard.

  Ride or Die: You sure did.

  Me: I have to go. Who knows, maybe I'll stand up for myself again tomorrow. Off to bed I go.

  Ride or Die: Try not to think about me. Talk to you later.

  The next day, Ethan had to give me shit again. I should have known it wasn't going to be that easy to get him to pipe down. Princess seemed to be his new name for me. I knew it was going to last all year. The first time he ever paid attention to me, and I had to earn a shitty name. Maybe I needed to keep my mouth shut. I could see the rotten smirk on his face when he got to me. It was a look of satisfaction. Why did he have to be so cute and bad ass at the same time? I seriously couldn't decide if I wanted to hug him or hit him.

  The next two months went by quickly. Ethan continued to be a pain-in-the-ass each day in class. I talked to biker every day. My phone was crap, so I invested in a new one. That way I could be online anywhere. We would message back and forth through the school day. His birthday was only one day away. I planned to be up early, so I could post a special birthday message on his page. He really was growing on me. I couldn't think of anyone I would rather talk to or spend time with. He knew more about me than anyone. I couldn't believe how much I opened up to him. The more he encouraged me, the more I began to speak my mind and not care so much about other people's opinions. I still had a long way to go, but I was definitely making progress. Maybe one day I would have the same attitude as Ethan.

  We were in class and I noticed him playing on his phone. I had just sent biker a message and put mine away. Ethan was typing away. He had that same smirk on his face he always gave me. I cleared my throat and he looked back at me.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “Aren't you too cool for a phone,” I said. “I thought you were super smart. Can't you just send brain messages to your friends?”

  “Of course I could,” he said. “They just aren't smart enough to get them.”

  “So your friends are stupid,” I said. “Is that what you're saying?”

  “Shut the hell up, princess.”

  It felt so good to irritate him. I found myself sitting in other classes thinking about how to piss him off. That was pretty bad, I know. I couldn't help it. There was just something about him.

  Later that night, I took the picture from biker's profile. I put it in an art program and did some things to make the picture look nicer and draw more attention to how flashy the bike was. Then I put a happy birthday message on it. On the bottom of the picture, I put a little signature that said sunshine and drew a cute, little sun. As soon as it was midnight, I posted it on his page. I made sure to message him a birthday message as well.

  Me: I just wanted to be the first to tell you happy birthday. The last two months have been awesome. You know me better than anyone in my life. Thank you so much for being there to hear me complain and tell me how much I'm worth. You will never know how much that has meant to me. I hope you have the best birthday ever and that everyone treats you like a king today. You're an adult now. How does it feel, old man? Now you can date those old ladies. I'm going to bed now. I just wanted to tell you how important you are to me.

  The next day, Ethan sold me out about my phone and the damn teacher took it. I could have kicked his ass. There was no way for me to check my messages from biker until the end of the day. It was his birthday. I was so pissed off. There was no way to hold it in any longer. I snapped.

  “Why would you do that?” I snapped at him.

  He didn't answer, so I kicked the back of his chair.

  “Hey, asshole. Today was an important day. I needed that phone. Why do you have to act like you hate the world? Your life can't be that damn bad. You're alive aren't you? Why do you get off on fucking with me?”

  “If you kick my chair one more time, you're going to be sorry, princess,” he said in a cocky tone.

  “Oh yeah,” I said. “What are you going to do about it?”

  Ethan stood up and turned toward me.

  “Sit down, Ethan,” the teacher snapped. “Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean you can push people around.”

  “It's your birthday?” I asked.

  “Yes,” he answered with a dirty look.

  “Did your mommy and daddy forget to spoil you this morning? Is that what the problem is?”

  “No,” he said, as he turned back around and sat down. “I already heard from the only person that matters.”

  I saw a sad look on his face and backed off. Maybe he wasn't the spoiled brat I thought he was. I didn't want people giving me shit. Maybe I needed to lay off of him, I thought.

  “Sorry,” I said.

  “Not important, princess.”

  Neither of us said anything for the rest of the class period. I collected my phone at the end of the day and went home. When I got home and turned my computer on, biker messaged right away.

  Ride or Die: Thank you. That picture looks awesome. Have you thought about going to school for that stuff? How was your day?

  Me: How was your birthday? Any old ladies hit on you? I'm not sure. I want to make sure I can make a good living and take care of myself. It's more about that than loving what I do.

  Ride or Die: I disagree. It's more important to love what you do. You never know how long you'll be here. That is way more important than money. My day was pretty good. I got into an argument with someone at school. It was no big deal though. Just some spoiled brat. Ladies hit on me every day. Haven't I told you how sexy I am? None of them were old though.

  Me: You know I never want to have to count on any man. I need to be able to pay my own way. It is important. I can't believe anyone would argue with you. Especially if you are that good looking. I'm starting to think you aren't. Those ladies better watch who they mess with. I'll beat them down for you if you need me to. They better not mess with my friend, even if he's not cute at all.

  Ride or Die: Four more months until you give me your number and I show you how powerful my words are. Can I call you now?

  Me: A deal's a deal. Four more months.

  Ride or Die: You drive a hard bargain.

  Me: You said hard.

  Ride or Die: I will be in four months when I talk to you. You haven't had sex yet, right? Have you ever come?

  Me: No, I haven't had sex. I can't believe you are asking me that other question.

  Ride or Die: It's my birthday. I should be able to ask anything I want.

  Me: Yes, I have. Only a few times. Did your parents do anything for you today?

  Ride or Die: My dad has a girlfriend now. He text me for a second. My mom has a boyfriend now, too. She left a card on the table when she left for the day.

  Me: My mom is still seeing the same guy. It's been two months. I can't believe it. We haven't moved in with him yet. Maybe she will change her ways. I would have done more than left you a card. I really do care about you. I know it's silly. We haven't even met. You've been so nice to me. I'm looking forward to my birthday.

  Ride or Die: I am too. You're a great person. I hope you see that. You know things about me that nobody knows. I'm glad we don't know the same people. You could ruin my reputation.

  Me: So you save all the sweet stuff for me. Are you mean at school?

  Ride or Die: I'm not mean. I can think of at least one person that would say I am. I just go by my own rules.

  Me: Oh, no. I know one of those. He's an asshole. I hope you're not like that.

  We continued messaging late into the night. It was my favorite part of every day.

  The next four months went by fast. We messaged all day long and for about an hour each night. He had to move in with his dad. I knew it wasn't easy for him. They really didn't see eye to eye on things. His mom decided to
move away with her boyfriend. Biker didn't want to have to switch schools. I would be there to help him through it. He knew he could count on me.

  I joked about him and old ladies. Secretly, I didn't want him to be with anyone. He never said if he was. I hadn't been with anyone either. Honestly, I was waiting for him. We were so close. It felt so good to have someone to talk to without being judged. I made sure never to say anything to personal about school. He could have been sitting next to me in class and I wouldn't have known it. We talked about our parents, our pasts, and our futures. I think we both wanted out as soon as possible. We both told each other often how special and amazing we were. I know it really helped me. He built my confidence more than he would ever know. It would probably freak him out to find out he was the most important person in my life.

  School was the same. We were on to the new semester of classes. Instead of having Ethan in one class, I had him in two of them. It made for longer school days. The tension between us wasn't getting any better. It was actually kind of fun screwing with him. I would think of things I was going to say to him and even wrote them down so I made sure to remember. I think he secretly liked messing with me. He could be a real jerk about it though. I loved the faces he made and huff noise that would come from deep in his chest when he didn't know what to say. Those times didn't happen often, but I enjoyed them when they did. He really was sexy. I couldn't imagine seeing him naked. He was definitely the typical bad ass rebel. I paid more attention to him outside of class. Sometimes he had a sad look. He didn't let it show often. If it did sneak out, he hid it quickly. I couldn't help but wonder about the real Ethan. I was really completely different than I was at school. Maybe he was too.

  Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's passed. My mom's boyfriend came over for each of them. I stayed in my room and talked to biker. The only time I saw them was at dinner. My mom actually cooked really elaborate meals for each of them. I was shocked. Usually, it was frozen dinners in the microwave. She was really trying to impress the guy. His name was Greg. He seemed nice enough to her. She bought me a gas card and paid a month on my phone bill for Christmas. It was more than I expected. Greg actually gave me a card with money in it.

  My birthday was only seven days away and biker reminded me every single day. I didn't want him to know how excited I was to actually be able to hear his voice. Would it be rough, loud, soft, or sweet? The poor guy had no idea that I was falling for him. I knew it sounded crazy myself. We didn't even know what the other looked like. How could you love someone without ever meeting them? He didn't need to know I was losing my mind. It would scare him away. I couldn't imagine my life without him in it.

  My mom made me breakfast before I left for school on my birthday. She gave me a card from her and Greg. There was money in it. She wanted me to be able to buy something for my photography. I was saving up for a nicer camera.

  School took forever to go by. Ethan seemed like he was in a better mood than usual. He didn't fuck with me one time. I couldn't believe it. Did he know it was my birthday, I wondered? I even saw him smile a couple of times. That was very unusual. He even left the teachers alone in our classes. I appreciated whatever it was that had him in such a good mood.

  Biker messaged me several times to tell me he couldn't wait to talk and asked for my number. I told him I would give it to him right after school. He left me a very sweet message on my page that morning. It was honestly the best birthday I had ever had. I hurried home, grabbed something to eat, and went to my room. My mom would be working late. It was perfect. I would normally complain about her being gone on my birthday, but I wanted the time to myself to soak up his voice.

  As soon as my page came up, there was the message.

  Ride or Die: The number please, sunshine.

  I sent him my phone number and felt my stomach drop while I waited on pins and needles for my phone to ring. Only seconds passed, but it felt much longer. I jumped when it finally rang. Why I was afraid to answer it, I have no idea.

  “Hello,” I whispered.

  “Happy Birthday, sunshine,” he said.

  His voice sounded so sweet. It was deep and instantly sent a shiver through my body.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “Now that I have your number, I can call you all the time. Maybe I'll even text you,” he said with a laugh.

  It was the sexiest sound I had ever heard.

  “That wasn't part of the deal,” I said.

  I was relieved to hear that he sounded younger and wasn't some old guy being a creeper.

  “Doesn't matter,” he said. “I have the number.”

  “I can always change it,” I said.

  I was secretly pleased that he wanted to talk to me again. There was no way I was changing my number. We talked about our day. I told him I couldn't wait to get home to talk to him. It was so nice. We talked for over two hours about normal everyday stuff. I wouldn't have traded it for anything. It was the best birthday ever. I changed into a pair of shorts and t-shirt and crawled under the covers.

  “What's all that noise over there? Are you cleaning the house while you talk to me?” he joked.

  “No,” I said, shocked that he heard me. “I was changing into shorts and a t-shirt so I could be comfortable. I didn't mean to be loud.”

  “Really,” he said in a softer tone. “You want to be comfortable for me. How short are the shorts? Where are you?”

  “Are you flirting with me?” I joked. “They are pretty short. I wear them to bed. I wanted to get under my covers while I talk to you. That way I can drift off to dreamland once we hang up.”

  “So you dream about me?” he asked.

  “That's not what I said,” I told him. “I never said who was in my dreams.”

  “You didn't have to. I know I'm the one in them. What do you picture when you think of me?” he asked.

  “Honestly,” I said. “I picture you tall, thin, dark eyes, long dark hair, tattoos all over, maybe a piercing, and sweet. Did I get any of it right? Are you muscular? How many tattoos do you have?”

  “You know you don't have to dream about me. Remember what I told you. I'm going to make you come tonight. You have most of it correct. I am muscular. I have a few tattoos. You'll have to wait to see them. Are you under the covers?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Describe yourself to me,” he said in a deep, sexy tone.

  “I'm kind of tall. I have long dark hair and big brown eyes. I'm not skinny, but I'm not chunky. I have some curves. I already told you I have on a pair of little shorts and a t-shirt. What about you?”

  “I'm very tall. I have dark hair. It hangs just at my eyes and around my collar. My eyes are big and brown. They darken when I'm angry or horny. I do okay in the muscular department. I had on tight jeans that are worn and a tank top. I'm taking my jeans off. So I'll only be in my boxers. I'm crawling under my covers alone. Pretty soon, I'm going to have my hand around my hard shaft while you fuck yourself with your fingers.

  “Biker,” I said.

  “What?” he asked. “Will you do something with me?”

  “I don't know about that,” I answered nervously.

  “Please, sunshine,” he said. “I want you to trust me. Put your phone on speaker and set it next to you on the nightstand. I'm putting mine on as well.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  I was so scared. I knew what he wanted. Believe me, I wanted him. If I wasn't so nervous, I would meet up with him before graduation. There was no way I wanted to risk him being someone I went to school with. He was the only one I ever opened up to. I cared so much about him. He was very important to me. I was falling in love with him more every day.

  “You know there's no reason to be nervous with me, sunshine. We've known each other for six months. I truly care about you. If you'd let me, I would meet you right now. I want to hold you in my arms. You are the only one I have ever cared about. If I was with you right now, I would cover your mouth with mine. My tongue would slide be
tween your lips and thrust into your mouth. Our tongues would tangle together. I know you would try to get control, but that would never happen. I'm in control in bed. That's something you'll have to remember.”

  Just the thought of kissing him had my body shivering.

  “I'd tangle my hands in your hair and pull you closer,” I said.

  “I would grab a bunch of your soft hair in my hand and pull back so your neck would be exposed to me. My mouth would trail tiny kisses down the side of your neck. I'd reach down, grab the hem of your shirt, and pull it over your head. Then, I would remove your bra and look at your perfect breasts. Your nipples would point immediately as the cool air hit them. Take your shirt off for me, sunshine.”

  I took a deep breath and removed my shirt. My nipples were hard, and I couldn't stop myself from touching them. The soft fabric of my sheet brushed over them and it felt so good.

  “Take your nipple between your fingers and roll it through them. Fuck, I bet it's perfect. What I wouldn't give to be there with you right now. I'd take it between my lips and suck it before pulling it through my teeth. I'd take your other breast in my hand and do the same to that side. What are you doing right now?”



  “I'm rolling my nipples through my fingers.”

  “I want you to take one hand and slide it down your soft, perfect skin. When you reach the waist on your shorts, I want you to move your hand below it. Are you wearing panties?”

  “No,” I said.

  “Damn,” he growled. “I want to be there with you so badly. Is your hand in your shorts, sunshine?”


  “I want you to feel your warm mound in your hand. Do you feel how good it feels?”

  I let out a small moan.

  “Keep playing with your nipple for me. I want you to take your fingers down a bit more. Feel the warm wetness. Can you feel it? How does it feel?” he asked.

  “Good, biker,” I said. “It feels good.”

  “Take your shorts off for me.”

  I knew he heard me move around to get my shorts off.

  “I'm completely naked,” I whispered.

  I heard a small groan escape his lips.


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