A few minutes later, Muirin and Addie returned; Muirin thrust her hand under Spirit’s nose and wiggled her fingers. Her ring was identical to Spirit’s, except for the fact that the stone was a pale lemon yellow. It seemed to have faint sparkles caught down in the stone. “School of Air,” she announced.
“Mine’s green,” Burke said. “Earth, you know? Addie’s is blue, but a deeper blue than—”
Suddenly Addie squeaked. She smothered the sound immediately, but thrust her hand at them. “Look!” she whispered, half in excitement, half in alarm.
Just as Burke had said, the stone in Addie’s ring was a deep translucent sapphire blue. But as Spirit stared down into it, she could see there was an image in it, too. It looked as if it had been engraved on the underside of the stone.
It was the image of a goblet, just like the one on the Oakhurst Coat of Arms.
“Holy Toledo, Addie!” Burke breathed. Spirit had never heard him sound so shocked.
“I know . . .” Addie gulped, staring at her hand. “I have a Destiny.”
“A what?” Spirit was puzzled. Addie’d said it as if the word “destiny” was capitalized. Did that mean you were especially powerful? She could sure believe that of Addie . . .
“Oh hey,” Muirin said, trying not to sound impressed and failing. Out of the corner of her eye, Spirit saw Muirin slip her own ring off and stuff it into her pocket.
“Is this like a ‘it is your Destiny, Luke,’ thing?” Loch asked.
“Kind of,” Addie said hesitantly, staring at her hand.
“I heard a couple of the seniors talking about it a while back,” Burke said. “It’s something Ms. Groves teaches you about in your last year here. You can ask her about it if you like.”
“No thanks,” Spirit said. “I’ve already had enough extra assignments dumped on me.”
Ms. Groves taught the “History of Magic” courses, as well as teaching magic itself. Any time she thought you weren’t interested enough, you got hit with an extra assignment on top of the stunning amount of homework Oakhurst already assigned.
Burke grinned a little at her comment. “So anyway, what I know is if a Destiny appears in your ring, it means your future is pretty much set. Fixed. Unchangeable.”
“It’s not always good,” Muirin said, her face unreadable. “Trailer Trash had a Destiny.”
“Trailer Trash” was Muirin’s cruel name for Camilla Patton, one of the victims of the Wild Hunt. “She showed me once. She thought it meant she was going to turn into a wolf. Stupid b—”
“Hey, look,” Loch said, interrupting Muirin, probably on purpose. “My ring’s already starting to turn!”
Sure enough, the pale blue was starting to change. Right now it was a pale greenish color: Loch’s main Gifts came from the School of Air, so his stone would probably turn as yellow as Muirin’s was.
Spirit looked down at her own ring. The stone remained a cool, serene blue.
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