I leaned down and kissed her for a moment before returning my attention to Bob.
Bob bent his head down towards me and untied something from his horn. It looked like a bloody leather ball.
"What's this?" I asked him.
"This is the older sis. They cut her up," he replied sadly.
"How the hell did this happen?" I asked as I unwrapped the leather to see her sad, bloodstained face. It was the same face I remembered from yesterday. The same girl who hugged me and played with Bob.
I felt my anger swell. I'm adopting the girls, as well. I don't trust anyone anymore, at least not anyone human.
She was just here, she was just fine, then this. I just wanted her to have a good life, but this world itself seemed to want her dead. I felt something warm running down my face as a cold embrace took me once more. I closed my eyes and focused on the blackness. It seemed to be saying something, not in words but in feelings. It said that this is the nature of this world; everything is predetermined and controlled, everything except me and the ones I've changed.
I felt the darkness press into me. It seemed to say that soon this world itself would attack me. The slight pressure I was feeling became soothing, almost like a hug. It comforted me and gave me a feeling of peace. I knew it was there, that we were together. It was impossible to tell where I ended and it began, but I understood what it meant.
When I opened my eyes, Nex was wiping my face.
"Boss, yer eyes are doing that black gooey thing again." Bob said with a concerned expression.
Nex was staring up at me with sad eyes as she spoke. "It will be okay, my love. I am here for you. Make them pay!"
I rose to my feet.
"Whoa, watch where you're pointing those things." Bob said as he jumped back.
I got dressed and began walking to the goblin village deep in thought. If this world wants to kill me and the ones I care about then I will raise an army. I will remind it of who is actually in control here.
First, I will restore the goblins. No, I will improve them. Then we will take the human town. I won't allow this foolishness to continue. I'm going to make my own kingdom and protect my people from whatever this world throws at me — and it all starts now.
Deathcreator Book One: A Flesh Golem's Ascension — End
A Flesh Golem's Ascension Page 27