Giving It to the Bad Guy (Saints and Sinners MC Book 3)

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Giving It to the Bad Guy (Saints and Sinners MC Book 3) Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Knife shrugged. “I’ve never been in love. I think you were in love with Ralf. It really did hurt you when he left.”

  Sarah nodded. “Now, I find being around him a little uncomfortable. He’s seen me naked, and we’ve shared a great deal. I’m looking back now and wondering what I was thinking, feeling. I couldn’t even handle him giving me a ride on his bike. It’s all just crazy right now.”

  “You’ll get there.” Knife reached out, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. “Don’t forget, we’ve got a double date to go on.”

  “How could I forget?”

  Chapter Three

  “Do you think I look okay?” Sarah asked, walking out of her room and freezing on the spot. Pipe had Elena pressed up against the kitchen counter, and yeah, he was screwing her.

  Elena screamed, and Sarah slapped her hand over her eyes. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I’m going to go and yeah, wash my eyeballs out with soap.” She went back into her bedroom and closed the door.

  Spinning in a circle, she settled on the bed, and every sound that Pipe and Elena made left her on fire. She had seen Pipe’s cock, and that was just too much for her, and for her precious eyeballs. That was going to be an image she’d never get out of her head. It was horrible.

  Minutes passed, and she glanced over at the alarm clock to see how long they were. More minutes passed, and she heard their moans of what she hoped was completion. Staying in her room, she wasn’t going to be venturing outside until she got the all clear.

  A knock sounded on her door, and a second later, Elena entered. “Hey, erm, I’m sorry about that.”

  “If you want I can stay—”

  “Don’t even think about it. Since Bluebell we’ve not had a lot of time to call our own. We took advantage of it, and yeah, I’m so sorry. The need took over.”

  Sarah held her hands up. “You don’t need to explain. I’ll be careful from now on.” She stood up, giving a twirl. “How do I look?”

  “You look beautiful. Do you think you can come out now?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll probably never see Pipe the same way.”

  Elena laughed. “Don’t worry about him. He’ll survive.”

  “I’ve seen a little more of him than I ever wanted to.”

  “And he knows how to use it.”

  Sarah chuckled.

  “Any guys for you since Ralf?”

  “None. You know it’s always hard for me to open up about a guy.” Sarah was embarrassed to admit that Ralf did most of the work in courting her. They were together a long time before she jumped into bed with him. It was a big moment for her, and it had been the most uncomfortable for her as he’d claimed her virginity.

  “What about Knife? You seem comfortable with him.”

  “I am. He’s nice, and he’s my friend, nothing more.” She didn’t talk about what had been happening between them. The touches, the closeness, and the way her body responded to his.

  “Just friends?”


  Ralf hadn’t been able to get that kind of response out of her, and they’d been dating for a hell of a lot longer. Even after they had sex, she always found it hard to be completely open with him.

  “All right. Let’s go and have some fun.” Elena slapped her knee, and Sarah got to her feet, following her out. Pipe was hanging up the phone, and her cheeks heated. Yeah, it was going to take some time for her to get over that. “Hey,” she said.

  “Hey.” He didn’t say anything else, pulling Elena against his side, and ravishing her mouth. “This going to be a problem? I’m not going to stop taking my woman if you’ve got an issue. You can live somewhere else.”


  “I’ve not got a problem. I’ve just seen a lot more of you than I feel comfortable with, but I’ll deal with it. I’ll look for a place soon.”

  “You don’t have to rush.”

  “I do, for my own sake, Elena. Don’t worry, I think we’ll have to figure out a routine. If you’re together and you know it’ll be awkward, could you put like a sock on the door? Sock on the door means I’m to wait until you come and get me.”

  “How will we know if you’re there?” Pipe asked.

  “This is so embarrassing,” Elena said.

  “How about I open the door enough to shout that I’m outside or I want to come out or something?”

  “It’ll work.” Pipe held his hand out, and she stared at it.

  “Did you touch her with it?”

  “Of course, and I washed it.”

  She took his hand and shook it. “Deal.”


  “Okay, now that this embarrassment is over, let’s go and meet Knife.”

  “He’s not here?”

  “No, he’s joining us at the bar. Don’t worry. He’ll be there.”

  “I’m not worried. If he’s busy I can understand if he wants to, you know, cancel.”

  “He’s not canceling,” Pipe said. “He’s just getting ready.”

  She was urged out of the cabin toward Pipe’s car. “Do you miss your bike?”

  “I get a chance to ride it.”

  “Not much has changed, really. Besides, Saint and Pipe are friends now,” Elena said.

  “I wouldn’t call us friends.”

  “What would you call yourselves then?”

  “I’d say we put up with each other for you, baby,” Pipe said, climbing behind the wheel.

  “They’re civil like that. Anyway, how was it this afternoon getting your stuff?”

  Knife had brought her back with Ralf following behind. Everything had been so awkward between her and Ralf. He’d kidnapped her, brought her back to Sinners’ Corner, and she’d been riding on the back of another biker’s bike. Everything seemed crazy.

  “It was just horrible.”

  “I heard you got on Knife’s bike. I thought you hated that.”

  “I thought so, but I got on, and I loved it.”

  Elena sat in the front, turning slightly to look behind her. In the backseat, Sarah sat behind Pipe.

  “It was rather exhilarating actually. Ralf saw, and yeah, he didn’t look all that happy.”

  “He’ll get over it. I think he expected you to be pining after him, and because you’re not, it bothers him.”

  Sarah glanced over at Pipe, nibbling her lip, unsure what to say.

  “Pipe won’t say a thing to either man, will you, honey?”

  “Lips are sealed, however, I’m rooting for Knife.”

  Elena slapped her man.

  “What?” Pipe asked.

  “Why does everyone keep saying me and Knife? Nothing is going on between us.”

  “All right, darling,” Pipe said, looking at her through his rearview mirror.

  “Seriously? What is the big deal?”

  Elena laughed. “Nothing. It’s nothing.”

  Rolling her eyes, Sarah stared out of the window. The sun was setting, and the sky was a variety of different colors. She really did love the sky at night, or at least at the point of it still being day, and going into night.

  Resting her head on her hand, she thought about Knife, and the conversations they had shared over the past couple of months. He’d been the one constant, and they had even talked while watching the same movie together. She hadn’t told Elena about her phone conversations with the man. They were private, and all her own. Sarah wasn’t ready to share anything yet, especially not the personal kind of stuff.

  “Do you think Ralf is going to keep on trying to win you over?” Elena asked.

  “He can try, but it’s not going to work. I’m not interested in him.”

  “Guy lost his chance if you ask me,” Pipe said.

  “Hey, no one was asking you,” Elena said.

  “He’s right though, Elena. The man walked out on me, and now he wants to date again. It’s not happening. I’m over him.” She had needed to leave Sinners’ Corner in order to find herself once again. Dating Ralf had made her lose a part of hers
elf. She’d always been a little uncomfortable with him after he left the club. The Saints and Sinners MC had been part of the town for as long as she could remember. She also believed there were other chapters, other people like Saint that were in charge elsewhere, and it was a large club.

  “I don’t think he’s going to back down easily.”

  “I’m not going to be sending him mixed messages. I’ve not been in touch with him either, Elena. He’s the one that has come to the café that I’ve been working at. I’m ready to move on, and that’s what I’m doing. I’m moving on. Can we not talk about Ralf right now?”

  “I’m good with that,” Pipe said.

  “Sure.” This from Elena.

  “Good.” She ran her hands down her thighs and stared out of the window at the passing scenery. The bar was just up ahead, and she saw several cars were already parked along with a couple of bikers.

  I really hope Ralf isn’t there.

  She just wanted to have some fun, dance, and be happy.

  Pipe parked the car right at the back, and she climbed out, linking arms with Elena.

  “I don’t think so.” Pipe wrapped his arm around Elena’s neck and tugged her close. “I know we’re doing this double date, Sarah, but she’s my girl, and I’m having her all to myself tonight, okay?”

  Holding her hands up, she walked beside her friend.

  “You’re being a pain,” Elena said.

  “I’m not. One night, Elena, it’s all we’ve got, and I’m going to take advantage of it.”

  “Oh really?”

  “I’m being the good husband here. I’ve got much better ways of spending my night than double dating.”

  Scrunching her nose up, Sarah entered the bar. She just knew what Pipe would prefer to be doing.


  Knife sat at the booth that Pipe had asked him to get. He took a sip of his soda and watched the door, waiting for his woman to enter. It was how he saw Sarah, as his woman. He’d not even kissed her yet, and she was driving him crazy with need. Knife had lost count of the number of times he’d beat himself off with his own hand. There were some nights that they talked, he’d grab his dick, and just play to the sound of her voice. It was hard for him to not let her know that he was getting aroused just by hearing her voice alone.

  The door to the bar opened, and there she was, the woman that had been plaguing his thoughts. She wore a black dress with a rose on the left side of her hip. The neckline plunged giving a good view of cleavage. Every single curve was on display, and her hair was in ringlets, cascading around her. She was a vision of beauty, and he wanted her. His cock thickened, and he hoped she didn’t see it.

  “You came,” she said.

  “I wouldn’t miss it.” He climbed out of the booth, and gave her some room to get in. “You’re a little late. What happened?”

  “I was busy,” Pipe said.

  He glanced at Sarah and saw her cheeks heat. “What did I miss?”

  “Nothing,” Elena said.

  “I’ve clearly missed something. It takes a lot more than a few words to make a woman blush.”

  “Do you want me to tell him or do you want to?” Pipe asked.

  “I saw Pipe’s dick. Actually, I saw way too much of my best friend, and your Prez, naked, having sex. I’m disturbed for life. You better be prepared to pay for therapy.” And that was why he wanted her so badly. She was making jokes even though she was probably as embarrassed as she could get. “Do we eat straight away, or should we talk?”

  “You saw them having sex?” He looked toward Pipe, who was nodding his head.

  “We all shared a moment,” Pipe said.

  “Mainly me wanting to tear out my eyeballs.”

  “I’m considered a hot piece of ass.”

  “Pipe!” Elena growled.

  “You’re Elena’s hot piece of ass, not mine, and I don’t poach from my friends. Honestly, I can wait to find my own man. I don’t need you.”

  “I’m feeling unloved,” Pipe said. “What have you done to me, woman? I used to be the man that all women chased after.”

  Elena was laughing at the same time as Sarah. She leaned against his arm, shaking with her laughter.

  “You two are really suited together,” Sarah said. “You’ve become too serious in your old age, and Pipe’s just not.”

  “He’s good for me.” Elena agreed with her friend.

  “Thank you so much for your help today. I really appreciate it,” Sarah said, drawing his attention back to her.

  “I’ll always help you.” Knife took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. “You only need to ask, and I’ll be there.”

  “We’re going out to dance before we order,” Pipe said.

  He watched his Prez and Elena leave the booth. Alone with Sarah, he turned in his seat, watching her. She tucked some hair behind her ear, and he couldn’t help but look down the length of her body.

  “Are you and Ralf going to be a thing?”

  “No. I told you, Ralf and I, we’re over. I wish people would get the message. I’m starting to get so angry. I’m not his woman anymore.” She rested her head on her hand as her elbow was on the table. “So, do you have a special club girl you’re with?”

  “None.” Did he detect a note of jealousy?

  “We’re both single.”

  “Sarah, from the moment we first met, we’ve been single. Ralf had already gone back to the club.”

  “You’re right.”

  “You just weren’t ready to see that you were single.” He leaned in close and fingered a strand of her hair. “You’ve changed a little since the last time I saw you.”

  “Not everyone can do crazy things every day of their lives.”

  “Purple hair was a crazy move?”

  “Maybe. I just wanted a change.”

  “Tell me, Sarah, when have you ever done something that you wanted to do?”

  “I do what I want every single day.”

  “I don’t think you do. I think you do a lot of other things that others want. Why do you work in Dirty Deeds? Why did you move in with Ralf? I believe the only thing you’ve done in your life that you wanted to do was move out of town.” He stroked his thumb across her bottom lip. “What do you want?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “We’re going to have to rectify that.” Removing his hand, He placed it on her thigh, near to her pussy. “Tell me, Sarah, what do you want?” he asked. He watched her throat work as she gulped, and he imagined his cock in her mouth as she swallowed down his cum. Leaning forward, he placed his hand against her neck, stroking over her pulse, which had started to thrum rapidly.


  “Yeah, Sarah.”

  “What is happening?”

  “I think you know.” He rubbed his thumb in circles on her thigh.

  “Do you want to?” she asked.

  “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”

  “Is this what you’ve wanted since the beginning? Has it always been about that?” She bit her lip, and he took the lip from between her teeth.

  “There’s no reason for you to keep biting that lip.” He stroked his fingers across the back of her cheek. “You’re a beautiful woman, Sarah. Sexy and smart, but you don’t seem to have a clue how much you are. This, for me, hasn’t just been about sex. It has been about so much more.” Removing his hands, he locked his fingers together, and stared at her. “This is about you, not about me.”

  “Do you want me?”

  Taking hold of her hand, he pressed it against his cock.

  “Knife, you can’t do that.” She tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t let her. Sarah looked around the bar. No one was paying them any attention.

  “We can do whatever we want, Sarah. We’re both adults here. We’re not hiding from anyone or anything. We’re single. Do you want me to keep going with all the reasons why we can do this?”

  She shook her head.

  “What are you going to do, Sarah
? Are you going to take a chance?”

  Sarah kept on looking around the bar, and her cheeks were bright red. Her hand rested on his cock, and he stared into her eyes, as she squeezed him just a little tighter.

  “Hey, gang,” Elena said, coming to sit down. “I’ve worked up an appetite.”

  Knife held in a chuckle as Sarah pulled her hand away like she’d been burnt. Pipe sat next to his woman. “You’re not going to dance?”

  “We’ll dance after food.”

  “Are you okay, Sarah? You’re looking a little flushed,” Pipe said.

  “I—I’m fine.” She picked up the menu, and he saw her hands were shaking.

  “How was Saint with having Bluebell?” Knife asked.

  Sarah needed a few minutes to gather her thoughts.

  “He seemed fine. I think Bluebell is the only reason he hasn’t killed me yet.”

  “That’s not it. My brother would kill you regardless. It’s because you make me happy.” Elena leaned her head against his shoulder. “When do you start back at work?” She looked toward Sarah.

  “I was thinking of starting back either tomorrow or Monday. I want to get back into the swing of things.” She looked happier talking about non personal shit.

  “That’s good. I’m in on Monday.”

  “What do you do with Bluebell?”

  “We share the responsibility,” Pipe said. “We take turns of who has her, and it works for us.”

  “How does the club handle you having a kid?” Sarah asked.

  Knife chuckled. “It has been rather interesting. Even Shawl brings his kids around now.”

  “The club is changing, it’s evolving, which isn’t all that bad,” Pipe said.

  “There’s not much going on at the club at the moment,” Elena said. “Leonardo is growing up so fast. Rage and Penny are very proud parents.”

  “How are Melissa and Pea?”

  Knife didn’t care about the Saints and Sinners’ relationships, but he knew they were part of Sarah’s life.

  “They’re … struggling.”


  “Yeah, I don’t know everything that goes on, but Mel’s been in the shop a few times, and things are not exactly going well at home, or so I’ve heard.”


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