Valentines Heat IV

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Valentines Heat IV Page 5

by Anne Lange, Nikki Dee Houston, Arianna Archer


  Tyler paced the length of the small room he and Connor had been directed to. Fury and fear raged through him. Fury that he hadn’t been allowed to accompany his wife into the examination room. Fear that she might be losing a baby that neither he nor Connor had even known about.

  She’d been deathly quiet on the ride. He’d wanted to call an ambulance, but she’d freaked out, insisting it wasn’t necessary. She hadn’t wanted to scare the others at the club or call attention to their situation. He didn’t understand. If she was hurting and bleeding, his only concern was getting her to the hospital as quickly as possible.

  It wasn’t until she broke down in harsh, frightened sobs that they finally relented. They’d scrambled to get dressed and then get to the car without alerting anyone to their plight. Angela had finally calmed and in a voice devoid of any emotion simply stated that if she was losing the baby, there was nothing to be done to stop it.

  God, if this was their fault, he’d never forgive himself. Tyler glanced over at Connor. He sat in the stiff hospital waiting-room chair, his head in his hands, his fingers gripping his hair. He hadn’t said a word the entire trip.

  Since they’d been in this room, three other people had entered and left. Nursing staff bustled around outside. Each time the door opened, he held his breath. He had the insane desire to stick his fingers in his ears to hush the constant stream of chatter and close his eyes to block the view of people in blue scrubs.

  When the door swooshed open, Tyler spun around yet again, to see the doctor he’d met when they arrived enter. Connor jumped to his feet. Side-by-side they faced the middle-aged man in blue scrubs. At least he covered them with a white coat. He looked tired, but it was after midnight.

  “Mr. O’Neil?”

  Tyler inched forward. “That’s me.” He sensed Connor tensing behind him, knowing his friend ached to move closer. Tyler glanced over his shoulder and nodded, urging Connor to stand beside him.

  He needed his best friend right now.

  They both needed their wife.

  The doctor looked between them, but didn’t comment and Tyler had no clue what was going through his mind. “Your wife is being moved to room 512. A nurse will come and get you once she’s settled.”

  Tyler tried to swallow but his mouth was dry as the desert. “Is she OK?”

  The man nodded. “We’re just keeping her overnight for observation. She’ll be fine.”

  Relief swamped him and if Connor hadn’t reached out to grab his elbow, he might have fallen to his knees. “And…the…the baby?”

  The doctor finally smiled, his eyes filled with compassion. “The baby’s just fine, Mr. O’Neil. We did an ultrasound and discovered a nice, strong, steady heartbeat. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Can you tell us what happened?”

  Thank God Connor asked because Tyler couldn’t get past the point that Angela was going to be fine.

  “Just some spotting, which can be normal for women at this stage in their pregnancy. I’ve recommended bed rest for a couple of days and no heavy lifting, but she can return to most normal activities next week. Of course, if it happens again, then we may need to reassess. But your wife is healthy, so I don’t foresee any problems. ”

  “We’ll make sure she rests.” Connor added.

  The doctor gave Connor an odd look, but Tyler didn’t have the time or the energy to deal with somebody else’s opinion of their lifestyle. He was currently considering ways to keep Angela off her feet without physically tying her to the bed. Then again, she’d probably like that.

  “Um, gentlemen?” The man coughed and swept his gaze around the room, then looked them each in the eye as he leaned into their personal space, pitching his voice low. “Pregnant women can certainly have sex, even amorous sex. In fact, unless there are actual complications in the pregnancy, it’s even encouraged. But might I suggest you both take it a little easy on her for the next few weeks. Let her body adjust to the changes that are happening. Pamper her a bit. I think all three of you will need time to get used to the fact that you’re going to be parents.”

  Tyler simply gaped at the man, stunned at the knowledge and understanding he saw in his eyes.

  Connor’s stance relaxed as Tyler felt the tension drain out of his body. “When can we see her?”

  The doctor checked his watch. “I’d say probably thirty minutes or so. Why don’t you grab a cup of coffee and stop by the flower shop? Buy some pretty flowers for that pretty wife of yours. I’m sure that even though I’ve told her both she and the baby are in good health, she’s nervous and anxious. Any new mom would be.

  “We’ll continue to monitor her throughout the night. I’ll check in on her again in the morning and prepare her discharge papers before I leave.” He patted them each on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, gentlemen, your wife and baby are going to be just fine.”

  Tyler reached an unsteady arm out to shake the man’s hand, his throat aching as he struggled to contain his emotions. “Thank you.”

  Connor did the same and the doctor turned to leave, but hesitated when he reached the door, swinging around as he opened it. “Congratulations. To both of you.”

  After he left, Tyler’s knees buckled and he dropped into a chair. Connor settled into the one next to him.

  “A baby.”

  Tyler still couldn’t believe it. “Yup.”

  “We’ll need to be careful with her.”

  Tyler nodded. “Yup.” He knew Angela as well as he knew himself. No matter what she said, this would affect how they played for the next number of months, as well as after the baby was born.

  “It’s why she’s been so tired.”

  “And moody. And eating weird shit.”

  Connor chuckled. Then he went quiet for a moment. “We’re having a baby.”

  “Yup.” Tyler scrubbed a hand over his face. “Fuck, Connor. We’re going to be parents.” He jumped up from his chair and began pacing the room again. “Parents.” Absolute joy flowed through his blood stream and he felt his chest puff out. “We’re having a baby.” He couldn’t contain the beaming smile.

  Connor grinned. His happiness etched so bright on his face, it was almost blinding. “We’re having a baby.” Connor stood and grabbed Tyler by the hand, pulling him close and slapping him hard on the back. “We’re going to be fathers, man.”

  Tyler hugged his best friend, returning the sentiment. “Why don’t we go do as the doctor said—grab some flowers and then go see our wife?”

  * * *

  Angela picked at some fuzz on the mint green hospital blanket covering her legs. When that first cramp had hit, she’d thought perhaps she’d just pulled a muscle, but after the next one, panic had sped through her. Seeing the blood in the bathroom had scared the crap out of her.

  And the poor guys. What a way to find out about the baby. She closed her eyes and dropped her head back against the pillow with a sigh as disappointment rolled through her. She’d so wanted to surprise them. To see them puzzle over the news, to see joy and probably a little fear in their eyes.

  But good fear, not the kind she’d witnessed tonight. The alarm she’d seen in both their faces when she’d walked out the bathroom. And then the stony silence all the way to the hospital, the tension so thick in the confines of the car, she could almost taste it.

  She’d thought for sure Tyler would hit something or someone when the staff had forcibly removed him from the examination room. Only Connor’s composure—the complete opposite of what she would have expected from him—had kept the situation from escalating.

  She rubbed a hand over her covered belly. The baby was alive. She’d heard the heartbeat for the first time. And that rapidly pulsing whump whump whump filled her with such a sense of peace that it had immediately calmed the terror and her racing heart.

  Everything would be fine.

  She looked up as the door to her room opened and first Connor then Tyler entered. Connor came in bearing a bouquet of
pink roses, Tyler one of white. They approached her with solemn precision, one taking each side of the bed.

  She reached for their hands as first Tyler leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead, his lips lingering as she sensed his anxiety ease with his warm breath against her skin. Then Connor kissed her cheek, wiping at a stray tear at the corner of her eye before stepping away to peer down at her.

  “How are you feeling?” Poor Tyler looked like he’d been through the ringer.

  She squeezed his fingers. “I’m much better now.”

  Connor sat down on his side of the bed. “You scared us.”

  Released her hold on their hands, she shifted to make room for both of them. “I’m sorry.”

  Tyler swept her hair away from her eyes and tucked it behind her ear. “Nothing you have to apologize for, sweetheart.” His gaze slid down her torso, stopping at her lower belly. “So. A baby.”

  She held her breath, trying to decipher the look in their eyes. “Um…yeah.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Connor raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.

  “I wanted to surprise you. I was going to tell you tonight when we got home.”

  “Why didn’t you tell us before now?” Tyler asked.

  “I just needed time to get used to the idea myself. I’ve only known for a couple of weeks.” She focused on her hands clutching the blanket. “Are you happy about the baby?” She tried to sound strong, but the words came out in a shaky whisper.

  Silence filled the room. It seemed to go on forever. When she couldn’t stand it any longer she dragged her gaze up, stopping first on Connor. His lips were stretched wide in delight. His eyes lit from behind. For the second time tonight, a sense of relief filled her. She swung her head around to see Tyler.

  All she saw was the top of his blond head, and dread began creeping back in, but he slowly raised his chin until his eyes were level with hers. She sucked in a breath at the tears she saw glistening there.

  “Baby, you have made me…” he nodded in Connor’s direction, “…both of us, so happy. I don’t think we can even begin to tell you how OK with this we are.” She watched a tear slip free and trail down is cheek. “I love you, Angela.”

  “Oh, Tyler. I love you, too.” She looked at Connor. “I love both of you.”

  Tyler shifted and reached into the pocket of his suit jacket. He pulled out a long jeweler’s box. “We had planned to give this to you later, but now seems to be the perfect moment.” He held the box out to her.

  Releasing her hold on the blanket, she took the gift. She glanced at each man before she lifted the lid. Inside, on a blanket of black velvet lay a delicate silver chain. In the center, three hearts looped through one another, the middle one slightly larger than the two on either side. It had a tiny diamond in its center. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Like you.”

  Connor’s gruff words brought her head up. Emotion clogged her throat at the expression on his face. On both their faces.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Angela.” Connor leaned forward, grasped her chin and kissed her. The touch of his lips, sweet and tender, and packed full of love.

  When Connor sat back, Tyler took his place. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s perfect.”

  He smiled, closed the distance between them, and with his forehead touching hers, her husband looked deep into her eyes, his filled with dark swirling pools of desire and passion.

  And love.

  “The perfect gift, for the perfect woman.”


  ~ About Anne Lange ~

  Shoes are her addiction, but books are her passion. Anne Lange grew up with a love for reading, and never leaves the house without a book, her Kobo or her Kindle—maybe all three—just in case there’s time to sneak in a chapter or ten. Anne reads many genres of romance, but prefers to write sexy stories with a side of those sinful pleasures your mom never told you about.

  Oh, and always a happily ever after.

  While embarking on this wild journey of becoming a romance author, Anne juggles a full time job and a family. Not always successfully. Who needs a clean house every day? And what’s wrong with cereal for dinner? She makes her home in Ontario, Canada where she lives with her wonderfully supportive husband, three normally awesome kids, and Rocky the bearded dragon.

  Discover more about Anne Lange here

  Email: [email protected]

  Also by Anne Lange

  Friends with Benefits

  The Vault Series: Friends and More Book One

  Anne Lange

  Can sexual exploration lead to three times the bliss?

  Tyler had no idea his wife Angela’s desires so closely matched his own. But when some unguarded pillow talk reveals her fantasy of two men at once, Tyler jumps at the chance to make her happy. Enlisting the help of his best friend Connor, who’d shared some threesome adventures with him in the past, Tyler secretly hopes exploring Angela’s fantasies will lead to his own personal desire—a permanent threesome with the two people he loves most in the world.

  Connor can’t believe it when his best friend asks him to seduce his wife. Then he meets Angela, and all the women in his past fade away. With Tyler’s blessing, Connor sets out to melt Angela’s reserve, and when Tyler joins the party, the three of them set the sheets on fire.

  Angela is floored when her husband suggests they explore some of her fantasies—things she’d only read about but never in a million years thought she’d actually do. Sandwiched between Tyler and Connor, she’s never felt so treasured, so protected, so loved. But the reality proves much more complicated than the fantasy. She loves her husband, but she finds herself falling for his best friend too. That’s not normal, is it? What will people think?

  FLIGHT OF FANCY by Nikki Dee Houston

  Frankie walked down the narrow aisle, found her seat, stowed her bag in the overhead locker, and sank into the window seat. She hated flying economy. But her last-minute decision to fly back to Tom in Seattle for Valentine’s Day had meant no business class seats were available for this flight, even though Tom would have paid for it.

  She dug beside her and found her seat belt, clicked it into place, and opened the magazine she’d brought on board.

  A steady line of people filed down the aisle, searching for their seat number. She puffed annoyance. Why had she agreed to fly tonight? Never had she been in the very back row of seats on a flight before. It would take her forever to get off the plane.

  She shoved the magazine in the pocket in front of her, and studied the faces of the other passengers. Thank goodness there were no children. One bonus from being a late evening flight, she thought. The four-hour flight would be unbearable with screeching children crying and whining all the way.

  When Tom had phoned asking her to visit, her first inclination was to refuse. It was too far to go for just a weekend, but he’d been very persuasive. Once he told her he’d booked a spa suite in the Majestic, he clinched the deal. She loved the luxurious resort on Whidbey Island. She could never afford to stay at a place like that without a generous and horny male to pay the costs.

  And although Tom was lacking in some areas, the two that really mattered—his ability in bed and the size of his bank balance—were abundant. She really needed a weekend of luxury. And New York had been hectic the past six months. Relentless. A luxurious, seductive, sex- and champagne-filled weekend with Tom was just what the doctor ordered. Massages, hot tubs…and some of Tom’s inventive sex positions. Ah, she could feel it doing her good already.

  “Excuse me. You’re in my seat.”

  She glanced up at the tall, dark, and handsome man.

��No. I believe you’re mistaken.” Something about his attitude set off her own stubborn streak.

  “No. You are. Please check your ticket. I’m tired, and I specifically asked for a window seat.”

  She ignored him and stared out the window at the lights of the baggage handler carts and other airport service vehicles, seething at his audacity. How dare he be so rude!

  She jumped at the sharp prod on her shoulder and spun around. “Do not touch me! This is my seat.” Her voice rose, and several heads turned to see what was happening in the back row.

  He reached into his inner suit pocket and pulled out his boarding pass, then thrust it so close to her face that she jerked her head back.

  “I assume you can read. Seat 45G. Please vacate my seat.”

  His cold, curt words bit sharply. She looked up to see his black eyes boring into hers, his mouth set in a tight, thin line.

  Anger bubbled inside her. Expletives, bottled up in her mouth, threatened to explode from her. She longed to tell him what a rude, childish bastard he was. Instead, she snatched up her magazine from the pocket, reached down and plucked up her handbag, and moved to the aisle seat. Her heart rate raced as she fought to remain calm on the outside while boiling on the inside. This insufferable man with the shiny gray suit, smelling of Giorgio Armani aftershave, hovered over her. She made no effort to let him slide into his goddamn trophy window seat. If he wants it bad enough that he has to shame me into moving, then he can climb over the top of me, she thought.

  She flicked open the magazine, hoping he wouldn’t notice her hands shaking from pent-up rage. The pages were a blur, but no way was she going to make eye contact with this ogre.

  Her peripheral vision registered him lifting his bag into the overhead locker, and heard it click shut as he slammed it closed. Still, he stood next to her.

  “Thank you. Now, could you please allow me to get into my seat?”


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