Falling for Ava

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by Pamela Ann

  His thumb was the first thing I felt as it brushed against the bottom of my lip before he dragged his hand to my chin, gliding it up my face until he cupped it, cradling it with his palm. I heard him take a sharp breath, as if he was having a tough time.

  “Forget me, sweet Ava …” he started saying, crushing any hopes of continuing this between us. “Because I have …” His lips caressed the softness of my cheek before I felt his breath brush against my ear. He then whispered, “Since the moment I found out you never really cared for me.”

  My heart felt like it had been staked right then and there. Hearing those words meant only one thing.

  Fuck the blasted pretense of sleep, I decided hastily.

  I snapped my eyes open, petrified as I gazed into the eyes of the man I had lost long ago. “You lied.”

  Fuck. What the blasted fuck was he playing at?

  A cruel, vindictive smile etched across his face before he straightened himself, shrugging down at me. “It stings to be lied to, does it not?” He then gave me a cutting look that made my insides go cold. “I don’t ever want to see you again, so stop looking for me. That part of me … He died a decade ago. Goodbye, Ava.”

  Chapter 7

  The Beginning

  Ten years ago


  I had seen pictures of her. Stories after stories about how stunning she was, how captivating and how her smile could blind a man. My mother would speak so highly of her one would think this girl who was seventeen years old was made of beauty. Not just ordinary beauty you see on a daily basis, either, but the kind that was timeless.

  The kind where a mere glance would change a man.

  A sight that would forever be remembered by any man.

  The kind that could be engraved on his soul.

  The kind men would go through Heaven and Hell to acquire.

  I had thought my mother was full of rubbish until I finally saw her for the first time.

  It was the beginning of summer, and the whole manor was in a rambunctious uproar due to what Mrs. Watson had planned for the season. Parties—tea, garden, white balls for charity, all the sort the wealthy upper class liked to grace themselves with. Technically, anything that had to deal with air kisses was on the summer roster.

  My mother worked part-time as a housemaid, my father was the estate gardener, and I was their only child. My parents had given up on trying to have one when they couldn’t conceive during her prime child bearing years. Therefore, I came as a bit of a surprise when my mother became pregnant a year short of forty.

  Though I had come a bit late for their prime years, my parents never lacked in showering me with love and attention. My father taught me everything he could, which was his love for gardening. I wasn’t impassioned by the technicality of how to make the quality cut of a rose or how to make sure the newly planted seeds needed this amount of water or how much sunshine it ought to get. However, I appreciated his effort, and that one particular summer, I decided to come and help him with work in lieu of a summer job.

  I was in dire need to save up to go with my friends in August to embark on our holiday trip to Ibiza where we could party all night long. At the age of seventeen, all I could think of were women, an endless supply of lager, and partying. The same went for my friends Felix, Tom and Benjamin.

  My plan was solid, and I knew nothing would come in between it until that night—the night where I found her in the garden, strolling about and looking like a vision.

  It was a balmy, summer night, and I had just gotten back from the pub after drowning myself in pints and in between Holly’s thighs in the back of the pub. The estate garden was massive, and half past midnight, I decided to walk across it as I headed towards the cottage my family was staying in a mile south from the gardens.

  My mother had specifically ordered me not to head this way after six in the evening, because there was a fancy party arranged. Since it was already late, I was quite certain the party had ended. It usually did around midnight or so, and the cleaning crew would take over right after.

  In the middle of the estate there rested a decent-sized lake with swans. Just like any typical English garden, it was surrounded with blooming flowers, bushes and trees with fresh fruits, especially berries. The air around this part was headily intoxicated with their aromas. The sweet air usually cleared my head, yet tonight, I somehow felt restless.

  I first spotted her from afar, donning a silky white gown that hugged her body. She had her stilettos in her one hand while the other held on to the length of her gown. She tiptoed as she headed towards the lake, her long, inky dark hair flowing with a small diamante barrette on the side of her head.

  The first thought that occurred to me was Angel. She looked like she had been brought down from the Heavens above. It felt like a dream, and I was witnessing something exceptionally beautiful. I had heard my friends chatting about how beautiful a woman was, that their hearts would stop and flutter, and I had thought then that they were full of rubbish. Then I had felt it for the first time that night.

  Struck by her beguiling beauty, I was caught unaware, slowly striding towards her without realizing it until she looked up and gazed at me, smiling.

  “Reiss,” she uttered my name as if she and I knew each other. Although, apart from tonight, I hadn’t seen her. “It’s me, Ava.”

  Nervously, I nodded my head. “How’d you know my name?” I asked dumbly as my eyes soaked further into her, hopelessly mesmerized.

  Her eyes sparkled before she directed me a knowing grin that fired up my spent cock. “I’ve seen you around. Though, most of the time, you tend to be busy with a bed of roses or trimming bushes.”

  “I like to concentrate while I’m working.” How idiotic did I sound? Here I was, basked in the moonlight, standing with the most breathtakingly gorgeous woman I had set my eyes upon, and I, Reiss Chambers, couldn’t possibly sound duller than if I were a flock of sea gulls.

  “I know.” She shrugged. “I’ve been watching you a lot.”

  No bloody way. I attempted to contain my excitement as I slowly gained my usual confidence with women. I didn’t try much when it came to women since they tended to make it easy for me by approaching me first. I hadn’t realized how much I missed the hunt and chasing after a worthy woman.

  “And what have you seen thus far?” My blood hummed as I inched closer to where she was standing.

  “You tend to take off your shirt mid-day.” She blushed without looking away from me. “You like to sweat, and I wish I could savor the saltiness of it on my tongue.”

  I was most definitely tongue-tied. As much as I wanted to ask her what she was waiting for, acting upon my urges would get me in trouble. Not only that, it would almost certainly put my parents’ livelihoods at risk, as well. I knew it was safer to back away and continue my walk home.

  “It’s getting really late, princess. I should head home. Goodnight, Miss Ava.”

  Starting to move away, I was about to spin on my heels to retrace the route I had left before when I heard her say, “Wait! I’m not done with you yet.”


  “Come here before me, Reiss.” Her eyes glinted as she ordered me about. I did as she asked. “I need you to take off your shirt,” she saucily demanded as I stared holes into her.

  “I don’t think that’s appropriate. Your mother, Mrs. Watson—” I argued, but she cut me off with a snap of her fingers.

  “I’m your boss, too, and I’m ordering you to take your shirt off,” she challenged me as our eyes battled.

  The snotty attitude usually turned me off, but there was something about her that made me lose my common sense. Her unchallenging gaze somehow made me gather the ends of my shirt, taking it off just as she had commanded. Holding my shirt in my hand, I glanced down at the bossy princess, wondering what she would do next.

  Her eyes marveled on my upper body before she reached out to trace the rigid muscles of my abdomen.

  “God … I can’t believe y
ou’re real …” Her eyes were dazed as her hands wandered about on my skin, feeling whatever she could. “You’re perfection, Reiss.”

  Her close inspection had lit my body with anticipation. As much as I wanted to argue that this could get me in trouble, I couldn’t deny the amazing feel of her hands all over me. There was something about her I wanted to please, and my heart had soared when she had said I was perfect in her eyes.

  “Touch me,” she whispered before guiding my hand between her legs, nestling in the heat of her womanhood. “Make me feel good.”

  “Ava …” Reluctantly, my hands cupped her heat before I heard her moan my name. There was nothing sexier than the sound of my name being said in such an erotic way—the way she did it.

  Focusing on her face, my fingers rubbed against the fabric of her underwear, feeling it soak with her juices.

  She groaned, hands clinging on to me. “I want to feel your fingers … please,” she begged with a sob. “Show me how good you can make me feel.”

  I did as she requested, my fingers delving into her hot folds, aiming to seek her sweet spot that would grant her wishes to fruition.

  Seconds stretched into minutes as I probed into her, basking in her moans and her scent that filled my nostrils, thinking then that it was the most sensual aroma I had ever smelt on a girl before. She smelled like roses—subtle and seductive, just like her.

  My mind drew blank as I focused on her and what she wanted from me. It was as if I was her slave with no will of my own. Had she wanted more from me, I decided then I wouldn’t dare protest. Anything she’d ask, I’d give. However, I knew, deep down, I shouldn’t let my fascination guide me, because it was only a matter of time until we got caught.

  I wanted her. I craved to taste her … feel her. Yet I knew I shouldn’t. She was forbidden and should remain untouched beyond this night.

  After I accomplished giving her an orgasm, I gradually pulled my fingers away, fighting the urge to lick the wetness that soaked my skin. She had her eyes closed, lips spread wide, grinning from ear to ear, as if she’d had the most enjoyable experience.

  “That was marvelous, Reiss,” she dreamily sighed. “Meet me again tomorrow night at this very spot?”

  Holly and I had something planned tomorrow night, and I wasn’t sure what time we’d be done. “I’ll try. You see, I’ve already made plans.”

  “Do try, Reiss.” She straightened her dress before she faced me, looking more beautiful than a second ago. “Thank you.” She tiptoed to reach my lips, granting me a soft brush of a kiss before leaning towards my ear. “I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night.”

  Without a backward glance, she left me alone in the darkness of the night, watching after her, still unsure what had occurred. My cock ached after servicing her, and even though I had been pleasured by Holly’s willing body earlier on, I found myself needing to wank off, thinking of only one thing.


  Consequently, I marched into the cottage and to my bedroom with that one purpose in mind. Dreaming of the angel who teased me to no end, I stroked my shaft, needing to release the blasted frustration she had imbedded in my cock after I had felt her wet pussy coming all over my hand.

  I didn’t sleep until my cock tired off and the sun was cresting for dawn.

  I was spellbound to the person I couldn’t have. How tragic is that? I thought fleetingly as sleep finally conquered me.

  Chapter 8


  I woke up hours later with vivid thoughts of her. At first, I thought I had been dreaming, but one sniff of my fingers gave me an indication that last night had happened. Her essence faintly lingered, and as much as I didn’t want to wash my hands so I could smell her on me all day, I knew I had to shower before heading to work alongside my father.

  Throughout the day, I pondered what I’d do tonight. Although I wanted to see her again, I knew better.

  It was past lunchtime when I felt her eyes on me. Glancing upwards, I found her staring at me from a window. Was that where her bedroom was located? My mind raced with images of me climbing the vines to get into her bed and take what she was willing to offer.

  “You’re losing your bloody mind,” I muttered much to myself as I tore my gaze away from her, feeling wretched that I wouldn’t ever know how it would feel to have her underneath me. We were teenagers—horny at that—and I was sure it wouldn’t take long until a bloke worthy of her came to do what I couldn’t do myself. This thought somehow had me convinced all throughout the day, and when the clock chimed at five in the afternoon, I left without looking for her and headed straight to the cottage to shower.

  I had a date tonight, and I was bloody fucking going to enjoy it whether memories of her gyrating on my hand the night before kept replaying in my mind or not.


  “What’s wrong with you tonight?” Holly whispered into my ear as she rubbed my chest. “You seem to have a lot on your mind.”

  We were surrounded by my friends Felix, Benjamin, Tom, and Rory in one of the hip pubs in town. We lived around west of Kent in the quaint little town of Seven Oaks. I liked living in this town, but I couldn’t help wondering what life would be like in London. Though I know that would be wishful thinking. There wasn’t much going on with my life.

  After high school, I would be helping my father and would take over his role after he retired. Some people asked if I had any other ambition besides being a gardener, and to be quite honest, I had never really considered the idea of doing anything else. Sure, I had dreamt of seeing the world; however, that didn’t mean it’d happen to me someday. I knew they were dreams, and dreaming usually remained in the imagination when it came to people like me.

  One of my strongest suits was mathematics, and software programming did interest me to a point until I found out how much tuition was going to cost. Then I immediately dropped the idea. My parents were getting old, and I didn’t want to be a burden for much longer. They deserved to relax and get to do the things they had planned for themselves. I wasn’t a selfish toad to take that away from them merely because I wanted to make something of myself. If the day ever came that they no longer needed me, I was determined to pursue whatever I wanted. Then I’d be doing it of my own accord, without inhibiting my parents.

  “Earth to Reiss?” Holly snapped her fingers in front of my face, annoyingly trying to get my attention since I had purposely ignored her questions minutes prior.

  “Nothing. Not a damn thing.” I gave her a deadpan look, hoping she’d quit being so nosy. “I’m quite knackered is all. I had an exhausting day.” Well, it was mostly because I had lacked sleep due to not being quite able to concentrate on anything other than one bloody person. The person being a girl, a girl I couldn’t stop thinking about, one who had asked me to meet her again in a few hours.

  I didn’t have to think deeply about what would be my response to her request of meeting her again. Deciding not to show up would be the most sensible thing to do. This—whatever it was—could not bloody go on. I could see Mr. Watson’s stern face and Mrs. Watson’s snotty bloody expression if they ever found out their daughter was mingling amongst the lesser kind. I wouldn’t get very far. I treasured my parents too much to ever put them in such a situation.

  Downing a few more pints, Holly and I decided to call it a night. She lived with her sister a few blocks down the road, and staying the night over at her flat would be much more convenient since I doubted I could get myself home in my current condition. Besides, I didn’t want another run-in with Ava.

  Getting into bed with Holly wasn’t a difficult ordeal. She had been after me for quite some time. After our first date, the woman hadn’t said the word “no” yet. She was always willing, accommodating to whatever I asked of her. That was one of the things I enjoyed about being with her. She was easy going and demanded very little of me, and tonight, I needed a hefty load of distraction.

  It was ten to five in the morning when I woke up with Holly’s naked body sticking to me
like glue. Carefully releasing her languid form, I closed my eyes and began to massage my temples. My head throbbed from too much alcohol, and I could still feel it working in my system. Should I stay and sleep for a few more hours, or should I quietly leave and try to catch a quick nap at home before work? In the end, I concluded the hour was safe, and I could very well go home without interruption.

  Grunting, I slowly reached over towards Holly before giving her a kiss on the lips. “I’m leaving. Rest well. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  She barely cracked her eyes in small slits before dozing back into a deep coma.

  Shaking my head with a tiny smile, I started putting my clothes on. It didn’t take long until I was out the door and well on my way home. Usually, I took my motorcycle with me, but lately, walking and getting some fresh air whilst drunk had been quite enjoyable. And since it was summertime and the season merely lasted for a short while, I wanted to relish the heat and the beauty of my surroundings. Summer time in the English countryside could be lovely.

  Just as I had anticipated, my day began with a massive headache. It always went this way when I went past five glasses of beer. After I had gotten back home, sleep had evaded me. All I had done the entire time in bed was wonder how things might have been had I showed up in the garden last night. All things aside, I knew it would have been a night I wouldn’t forget.

  All day, I waited for her to show up and furiously demand why I hadn’t followed through with her request, but much to my dismay and surprise, Ava was nowhere in sight. A part of me argued she had merely been bored and that’s why she had done what she had, although none of it meant anything, really. Then there was the opposing part that reasonably argued that a woman of her sort wouldn’t simply come up to guy she barely knew and do the sort of intimate things a teenager would do without a motive. And since I hadn’t a clue what that motive was, I pondered most about it, wondering what if …


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