Costa Rican Heat

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Costa Rican Heat Page 3

by Bobbi Brattz

  As the Captain droned on, Jada relaxed in her chair and thought about the past few hours and how quickly her life had changed. She was shocked at herself for agreeing to go away with him. Suddenly she sat forward, her eyes wide with fear at the crushing thoughts going through her mind. Jack—Blast the creep!

  “Wait! I think I’d better get off. I don’t think I should go with you,” she cried.

  “Why not?”

  “I…I didn’t water my plants and, um…I have no clothes or shoes…and…”

  Placing his hand on hers, he tried to reassure her. “Everything is taken care of. Just relax, sweetheart. I promise you, you’re in safe hands.” Taking her fingers he kissed the inside of her palm and she moaned as tingles traveled through her body.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before. It’s so not like me. Tait, you must think I’m some kind of…”

  “Don’t!” he snapped, fixing his gaze on hers with a hint of anger. “Don’t you dare say anything bad about yourself!”

  Biting her lip again, she sat back in her chair and pulled her hand away as she avoided his stare.

  Sighing, Tait softened his tone. “Everything will work out just fine. Please, just relax, Jada. I promise I’ll take good care of you.”

  As the plane began to move, she murmured, “Maybe that’s what I’m afraid of.”

  When the movie ended, Jada was still chuckling. Tait had been quiet throughout the film while she’d made humorous comments on the characters and their actions.

  “Oh, I love Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. They make such a good team. It’s a shame though that they always seem to pick the same girl.”

  “Is that such a bad thing? Two men loving the same woman?” he asked.

  “It is if she can only have one of them in the end.”

  “Let’s say she could have them both at the same time. Would that make the story end that much better?”

  “You can’t have a hero and heroine sharing with another hero. It just isn’t done!”

  “Who says so? Who decides what’s right and what’s wrong in a relationship?”

  “I…I don’t know. I guess it’s just the way things have always been. I’ve never heard of a woman marrying two men, for instance, much as it sounds good to me.” She shot him a cheeky grin.

  “Have you heard that saying, “Don’t knock it ‘til you try it?”

  “Yes, but two men at the same…”

  “This is the Captain…We are preparing for our descent. Please buckle your seatbelts…”

  While doing her seatbelt up and sitting back for the landing, Jada thought about what Tait had said. He had some strange ideas about relationships. Peeking up at him from the corner of her eye, she watched while he did his own belt and settled himself in his chair. Just because he was incredibly handsome didn’t make him a safe guy to date. She hoped that she hadn’t made the biggest mistake of her life.

  Chapter Three

  Surprise: A Two For One Special!

  Once they cleared customs at the Costa Rican airport, Jada and Tait walked straight to the curb and were greeted by a man whom Tait called Rodrigo. The handsome young man was all too eager to take Tait’s luggage and load it into his van. Opening the side door for her, he assisted her inside, offering her a warm smile.

  “Welcome to Costa Rica, senorita. I hope you will enjoy your stay.”

  “I’m sure I will. It’s beautiful here. The water was such an amazing shade of green when I watched it from the plane.”

  “I believe you’ll see many things here, but few will match your own loveliness.”

  Raising her brows at him, she snickered. “My, my, if all the men here are as charming as you, I might never go back to Canada!”

  “Back off, Rodrigo. She’s mine.” Tait’s playful growl and the way he slipped an arm around her shoulders made her giggle.

  With a crestfallen look, Rodrigo whined, “You always get the best ladies, Senor Tait. It’s just not fair.”

  “Get in and drive or I’ll fire you.”

  Grinning with an obvious lack of fear for losing his job, Rodrigo shut the van door and climbed into the driver’s seat.

  Rodrigo spoke English very well and spent the entire ride answering Jada’s many questions. She was so excited, she could barely sit still, watching through every window as people, buildings, and animals passed by in a blur. The only time she panicked was when they were on a particularly narrow road and another vehicle came barreling toward them with no obvious concern for the lack of room. She was amazed when Rodrigo edged the van precariously close to the deep gully at the side of the road and allowed the car to pass then simply kept going.

  In awe, she turned to Tait who sat right beside her.

  “They drive here like they do in Toronto; crazy!” she whispered in his ear.

  Chuckling, he put his arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Don’t worry. Rodrigo is the second best driver in all of Costa Rica.”

  “Who’s the best driver?” she asked, eyeing the road dubiously.

  “Why, me, of course!”

  Jada giggled, relaxing into his arms for the rest of the ride.

  “We’re on top of a mountain!” Jada murmured in awe. She looked down upon a valley of rolling hills and colorful homes that were scattered close to the coast, nestled in a sea of green tree canopies and vibrant bougainvillea tree blossoms. Mountains loomed as far as her eyes could see. Though the day was clear and the sky bright blue, she wondered at the clouds that hovered over only one mountain.

  “They may not seem like large mountains, but mountains they are, formed by more than a hundred volcanoes scattered throughout the countryside. I’ll take you to see one of the active ones during our stay if you’d like.”

  “Really?” Turning she looked up at him in awe. Pointing to the volcano she’d been wondering about, she asked. “Why does only that one have clouds over it?”

  “That’s an active one. I plan to take you on a number of tours while we’re here, Jada. I want you to have fun on your vacation.”

  “I thought you’d just tie me to the bed and have your way with me numerous times a day and I’d end up going home with a wide grin but no tan!” Her laughter rang out, making him chuckle.

  “Sounds like a better plan to me. Come on. Let’s get you inside and I’ll show you the villa.”

  With his large hand on the small of her back, he walked her toward the front door.

  The villa was made of concrete, covered in bright blue stucco. Each doorway had rounded archways, the windows covered in ornate white wrought iron bars. Square, rust–colored clay tiles led the way to the entrance. Jada walked on them, amazed at the simple beauty of the stone. Moments later, she gasped as they entered a large hallway. The floor tiles were hand painted in bright teal, peach, rose, and blue, carpeting the entire hall in a scene of forest leaves and colorful birds.

  “It’s beautiful! Oh, and the walls inside are just as brightly painted as the ones outside!”

  “You can have a full tour later. For now, I want to show you my favorite room.”

  Laughing, she turned her head, looking at him over her shoulder.

  “Let me guess; the kitchen?”

  “Nope,” he said with a leer.

  “Um…the living room?”

  “Before we go any further with this line of questioning, I’ll narrow it down a bit.”

  “I know, I know…the master bedroom, right?” When he leered, moving toward her to pull her close, she danced away from his grasp.

  Feigning a look of innocence, Tait put his hand over his heart.

  “I thought you’d like to change out of that dress and slip into something a little more…tropical.”

  “But I don’t have any clothes, remember?”

  “The smaller suitcase is yours. It’s full of things I purchased just for you.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “You mean g–strings, whips, and chains?”

  Snorting, he nod

  “But of course!”

  Slipping an arm around her waist, he tugged until she was pressed against his heated body and nuzzled her sensitive neck. All the way to the bedroom, they laughed and teased each other. Jada stopped at the entrance when she saw the room, startled by the rich design.

  “Oh, my word! It’s…it’s…”

  “Elegant, beautiful, colorful, yet nothing like a boudoir or a chamber full of whips and chains?”

  “Not at all, Tait! I’ve never seen such luxury in my entire life!”

  The bright and airy room was larger than Jada’s entire apartment. A king–sized bed sat in the center, its sky–blue bedspread covered with colorful cushions. The walls were bright lavender. Oil paintings with aboriginal symbols, splashed with vibrant colors lined the walls. In the center of the bed sat three elegant swans made out of folded bathroom towels, their beaks touching. On two of them dark purple flowers were scattered. The smaller one had pink flowers.

  “Oh, look. A mommy, a daddy, and a baby swan! How cute!”

  Keeping his silence, Tait waited for her to continue her exploration.

  Rodrigo came in with the bags while she tested the sofa, ran her toes through the thick white rug on the slate–gray ceramic tiled floor, then roamed around gently touching each of the engraved native vases on the shelves.

  When Tait opened the large wall–to–wall satin curtains, Jada stopped in her tracks for a few seconds before squealing in delight. Without a thought, she threw herself into his arms and stared at the spectacular vista.

  “Look at the view! I can see the ocean from this side of the house.” Taking a deep whiff of the air, she sighed. “I can even smell the salt from the ocean. I had no idea that air could be so fresh! Oh, Tait, it’s beautiful!”

  Looking up at him, she noticed he was staring at her and ignoring the vista. Obviously, the view was the last thing on his mind.

  “Absolutely beautiful,” he murmured.

  Feeling cherished, she knew he meant her and melted beneath his gaze.

  The door closed quietly behind Rodrigo as he left them. When Jada suddenly realized they were finally alone, the butterflies began to twirl in a mad dance low in her belly. Heat tingled between their bodies as Tait’s lips came down to crush hers, his arms imprisoning her willing form. Threading her fingers through his hair, she followed his lead, learning how to kiss with her tongue, rather than admit she’d never done so.

  When Tait finally released her mouth, they were both panting, foreheads resting against each other. He was staring into her eyes, a question in his.

  “Is this the part with the chains?” she whispered, smiling crookedly, a shudder of excitement whispering through her belly at the wild heat he stirred in her.

  “Do we need them?”

  “Not unless you do. Can we start with the part where we lose the Canadian clothes?”

  “You bet!”

  His lips recaptured hers while his hands went to work. With deft fingers Tait had her dress undone, slipping the delicate straps gently, slowly over her shoulders and down her arms until it pooled at her feet revealing that she wore no bra. He blew out a breath and shuddered.

  “You are beautiful, Jada.” Following the column of her neck with his hot mouth, he had her shivering with need. Slowly he traced his finger up the center of her naked spine.

  Moaning at the tender sensations, she caught her breath.

  Lifting his head, he met her gaze, his thumbs brushing lightly over her nipples as his hands cradled her sides, making her cry out. The raw desire she saw in his eyes filled her with hunger.

  “The only thing we have left are the panty hose, garter and what looks to me like a very tiny g–string. I guess I’m way ahead of you.”

  “Yes, you are. If you hadn’t changed out of the tux on your plane, you’d take a whole lot more unwrapping than I do. Now, let’s see, we have one very snug t–shirt and an amazingly tight pair of shorts. Now how did that happen? They seemed so loose on the plane.” Snickering, she began lifting the shirt slowly, following its path with her lips and tongue.

  As she covered his abdominal muscles one at a time, Tait groaned.

  Though she wanted him to take her straight to the bed, she preferred to explore more first.

  Biting back a grin, he watched as she undressed him, glad that she was moving slowly because there was more in store for his little one than she knew. He wanted her warmed up to boiling point before—

  “Mmm…you taste so good, Tait, like salt and spices. Take this damn shirt off, it’s wasting my time!” she ordered. Though her tone sounded annoyed, she was grinning, her eyes sparkling with humor and aflame with desire.

  “Yes, ma’am!”

  “That’s, mademoiselle, thank you very much!”

  “Actually, down here, it’s senorita.”

  “Oh, I like that even better. Now, what are we going to do about those shorts? I don’t know if we can get them off. They seem to have a big…bump in them.”

  “Not so fast. I get to take off those panty hose first. They’re incredibly sexy; just what I love to unwrap. Come sit on the edge of the bed.” He shifted her body, sliding her hips to the edge of the bed. Jada bit her lip, watching him through suddenly shy eyes as his fingers roved over her legs. The exquisite promise of pleasure in Tait’s taut body was like nothing he’d ever felt before. He groaned with the need to take it at a leisurely pace rather than rush her.

  She’d bought the hose at a ‘naughty girl’ shop, trying to copy the clothing the women wore in the videos she’d watched, yet had never worn anything like them before. Unsure if her date would get to the point that he’d actually see them, she wondered if he’d think she was a ‘bad’ girl for wearing them. The thought of it send shivers of excitement through her.

  “May I have your foot, senorita?” Tait looked anything but disgusted as he stood over her, waiting patiently with his hand held out, a slight grin on his face.

  Lifting her foot slowly, she placed her shoe in his hand pointing her toes like a ballerina, holding her breath as she watched him gently unclip the garters one at a time. Leisurely, he peeled the hose down her leg in no apparent hurry. When he came to the shoe, he undid the buckle and removed it, throwing it over his shoulder without a glance before continuing his journey.

  Tait shook his head and blew out a deep breath causing her to panic with uncertainty. She knew that in no means was she a sex siren and hoped he wouldn’t figure it out.

  “What’s wrong? What did I do now?” she cried.

  “Baby, you haven’t done a thing wrong. I’m just having a hard time holding myself back. I want you so badly it hurts like hell. I want to slam my staff into your hot channel and find release from this agony. You’re so beautiful it’s killing me!”

  “You’re joking!” Her disbelief had him chuckling.

  “Not even for a minute. Now, give me that other foot.”

  Jada relaxed, watching his face cautiously for any sign of disappointment as he repeated the process, inch by agonizing inch. The only thing she had left on was her g–string and garter belt. Once her shoe hit the floor and the last stocking slipped off the end of her toes, she held her breath, her heart pounding with desire and no small measure of fear after what had happened with…No! She wasn’t going to think about that!

  Standing back with a wide grin, Tait’s eyes met hers.

  “Well now, all we have left is…”

  “Your shorts!” Jada said quickly as alarm flickered through her, making her heart race all the more.

  She nearly laughed when his expression of pleasure fell into one of disappointment.

  “One each! You got two with my shoes and panty hose and…”

  “But my shorts are all I have left. You have two things left. That’s not fair!”

  Rich, sensual laughter came from deep in her throat.

  “You sound like a child who can’t get his way. Okay, go ahead and take the garter, but not the g–string!”
/>   Instantly the pleased grin returned as he nodded to show his satisfaction. Jada lay back and began running her fingertips over her lower belly. When she moaned, just as his fingers touched her tender skin, Tait stopped cold in his tracks, his eyes widening.

  “If you don’t make quick order of this, senor, I’m afraid I may expire,” she murmured in a sexy voice, hoping he had no idea how inexperienced she was in the real bedroom.

  Seconds later the garter was on the floor and his shorts lay on top of them.

  “Now, the g–string?” he asked hopefully.

  Shaking her head, her lips pouted, Jada waggled her finger, bringing him closer.

  “Kisses first! Come down here, big boy; and my, my, you certainly are a big boy!” she said, looking pointedly at his penis. She added a throaty giggle.

  Lying down alongside her, Tait whistled.

  “You certainly have exceeded my expectations, ‘Take Me There.’”

  “And you certainly did…take me there, so far. Thank you. I love Costa Rica.” After another sensuous smile, she tilted her head. “What I’ve seen of it so far. So, are you going to talk, or kiss?”

  Needing no further urging Tait gathered her close and kissed her long and hard.

  She nearly laughed at the look of surprise on his face when she pushed him onto his back and climbed aboard, his penis pressing against her buttocks as she stared down at him.

  “Now, my most amazing date, it’s time we talk a bit. I don’t know about you but I practice safe sex and…”

  Putting up a hand to stop her, Tait smiled.

  “Not to worry, I’ve taken care of it all. I have a supply of condoms that will last us a year…maybe two.”

  “Don’t bet on it. I plan on putting a big dent in your supply in the next two weeks.”

  Her laughter was infectious, breaking the seriousness of the talk.

  “Anything else, senorita?” he asked. He ran a fingertip over her nipple, bringing a gasp from her.

  Suddenly she frowned and climbed off him, walking toward the door in a huff.


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