Costa Rican Heat

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Costa Rican Heat Page 5

by Bobbi Brattz

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Tait and Mike stared at the floor. They were both in a great deal of discomfort, stunned at the preview of Jada’s true passionate nature. The only problem they had now was how to get her into bed with them and show her what they could share with her.

  Shifting uncomfortably on the mattress, Tait circled his cock in his fist and tried to ease the throbbing in his groin. “What do we do now?”

  “We could get her drunk.”

  “No, I want her completely sober and willing. I’ve never had such a hard time getting a woman into bed before.”

  “Me either. They’re usually thrilled to try a ménage à trois.” Mike scratched his head. “I don’t know about you but I’m hurting like hell. I don’t remember the last time I ached like this. She’s a challenge.”

  “She sure is. I can’t wait to see what she’s going to do next.”

  “It’s now or never.”

  Taking a deep breath of the overwhelming scent of lavender, Jada tried to open the door, the doorknob slipping so much in her hand that she couldn’t turn it. Picking up a towel to get a better grip, she grasped hold and slowly turned it so the men wouldn’t know she was leaving the bathroom. She’d nearly slipped and fall a few times just getting out of the tub, and had to put towels down to get the oil off the bottoms of her feet.

  Peeking through the crack, she could see both men sitting on the bed talking. Nearly choking on the floral breath she sucked in, she opened the door as fast as she could, racing out of the bathroom and heading for the bedroom door, her body glistening with oil. As she grabbed that handle she glanced over at the men, seeing stunned looks on their faces. Heart pounding, she finally got the door open and raced down the hall toward the front door. Before she could get there, she screamed, feeling arms of steel slide around her body. She slipped and slithered away from them and got free, scrambling to stand on the now slippery floor.

  “Get her!” Mike shouted.

  “She’s too oily. You take her legs, I’ll get her torso!” Tait grunted as Jada’s sharp elbow landed on his jaw.

  “Let me go!” Fighting as hard as she could, Jada struggled to get free of the men. She soon found herself sprawled on the floor, Tait’s arms once again in place. Mike finally secured her legs and started chuckling.

  “Where on Earth were you going to go without your clothes on?” Tait yelled.

  “I was…well, I was going to escape from you two!” Suddenly her plan didn’t seem so sound and she stopped fighting them, lying still in their arms.

  “Jada, if you had left the house you would either have been arrested or raped. You need to stay here unless one of us goes out with you,” Mike said in a serious tone, all humor of the situation fading at the potential danger to her.

  “Right and I’m obviously so safe in here with you two ménage maniacs?” Sarcasm laced her words.

  “We’re not going to win this fight, Mike. Let’s take her to the shower and wash off this slime.”

  “Tait, I’ll have you know that it’s not slime! It’s lavender oil and I love the scent, I just used a little too much at one time, that’s all,” Jada snapped. Her indignant attitude had the men fighting smiles.

  “Baby, you even saturated your hair with it. It’s going to take hours to get you back to normal. Mike and I will have to lather you with soap over, and over again!” Grinning, Tait got to his feet, carefully holding onto his treasure with his arms locked around her chest just below her breasts.

  Mike followed suit and kept a serious expression as he met Tait’s gaze.

  “Buddy, this is going to be a chore we’ll just have to deal with. I know it’s going to be difficult, but I’ll be there to support you.”

  Equally serious now, Tait nodded.

  “Thanks, pal. I wasn’t sure I could take it all by myself. It’s good to have you with me.”

  Looking back and forth between the two men, Jada snorted.

  “You two are unreal. I can bathe myself. Just put me down and I’ll go straight to the shower. I promise.”

  “No way! I’ve heard your promises before. You lie!” Mike teased.

  “I don’t lie! I…stretch the truth a bit.”

  Since she had nowhere else to put her arms she crossed them over her chest just above Tait’s, her anger building as the men carefully made their way down the slippery hallway and back to the bathroom. Once inside they took her directly to a large, four person shower where Tait pushed a button to start the three showerheads.

  “Let’s put her down while you get the soap,” Tait suggested.

  “Okay, but I’m not looking forward to this. Do I get the bottom half?” Looking apprehensive, Mike cringed when Tait nodded grimly.

  Jada shook her head and started fighting once again as soon as Mike let her go. Tait held on tight, finally having to lie on top of her to keep her still. The gentle spray from the showerheads fell down on them, misting over their bodies.

  “Get off me, you pig! I can feel between my legs just how distasteful this really is for you. Now let go!”

  “Lie still and be quiet. The last time I had to struggle this hard in the shower was when I washed a stray dog!”

  Screaming in outrage, Jada tried once more to push him off. He didn’t budge. When Mike flicked a switch, suddenly bathing the room with a soft red light, the atmosphere changed, becoming warm, cozy, and relaxing. Jada battled with herself to remain focused on her anger but was losing the war. She huffed out a deep breath and turned her head to avoid looking at Tait.

  “Here, I have two bars of lavender since she seems to like the scent, one for you, one for me. Now get off my end,” Mike ordered. He waited for Tait to move up then grabbed hold of Jada’s thrashing legs once again.

  “Boy is she feisty. I told you we should have just got her drunk!” Mike said seriously.

  “Drunk? You’re depraved, Mike,” she snapped.

  “You seem to be running out of names to call me. I guess that’s a good thing.” His laughter echoed in the shower stall.

  Growling, Jada refused to comment.

  Tait lathered up the soap and began working on her stomach first. He had to suds it up for some time before all of the oil was gone and he could move upward. Her abdominal muscles began to relax beneath his fingers.

  Mike started with her toes, lathering between each toe and slowly massaging soap into the soles of her feet while he sat on her thighs facing away from her. The gentle movements of the men’s hands settled Jada down as she gave herself over to their ministrations. She forgot all about escaping.

  When Tait’s hands moved to her breasts, she moaned, ultrasensitive to his touch. He took special care with them, working Jada into a near frenzy as he made sure her nipples were extra clean. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted as she groaned again. Amongst the lavender, she could smell the men’s heady scents, though they wore no colognes.

  Moving to the side, Mike let go of her now limp legs and began to lather up her knees, finding certain spots on her legs that made her jump and gasp. Higher he climbed until he tenderly cleaned her inner thighs. His fingers roved over them as he sat there in silence until he was a finger’s width from her vagina and stopped.

  Since Jada seemed lost to the world, he whispered to Tait who grinned and nodded. Mike continued with her hips then her nether curls while Tait shampooed her hair. Jada melted beneath their hands, relaxed as her groans came more often.

  “Let’s get your hair rinsed then we have to do your back,” Tait murmured in her ear.

  “Sure, sure, whatever you want. I’m just a pile of jelly now,” she muttered, her eyes still closed.

  Snickering, Tait turned her over gently and the men went to work, their hands soaping down nearly every inch of her in a short time. Mike handed something to Tait.

  “Lock and load, my friend. Lock and load!” Mike murmured with a grin.

  Mike stopped massaging Jada for a moment, slipping the condom on his engorged cock. Tait followed suit.

>   “Way better than alcohol,” Tait whispered.

  Stepping out of Jada’s line of sight, Mike stood back to let Tait work his magic.

  Tait gently pulled her into his arms and kissed her. To his delight, she was eager and accepted his lips and tongue.

  “Mmm…thank you, that was wonderful. You boys have magic fingers.”

  “We know. Jada, kiss me,” he whispered as he captured her lips.

  Her arms lifted, circling Tait’s neck as she threw herself into his embrace. This time when he covered her body with his, she didn’t protest, an indication that she wanted what he offered. His knee separated her legs and she welcomed it with a groan.

  When he lifted his head to seek out her gaze, she smiled and nodded then pulled his head down for more kisses, her tongue seeking his in a mad dance for more passion, more heat. The water drops still misted over them like a warm blanket as he entered her in one swift move, groaning at the way she sheathed his rod with heat.

  “God, woman, you’re so hot and tight. Give me a second to catch my breath or I’ll embarrass myself,” he murmured, nuzzling her ear.

  His breathing labored as he had a difficult time controlling himself.

  “I feel like I’m back in high school. I can barely restrain myself.”

  Her deep, throaty laughter answered him.

  Suddenly he turned them over, letting her sit impaled on top of him. She gasped in surprise. Slipping his fingers through hers, he held her hands on his chest.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I think it will be better this way, baby. You just hold on for the ride of your life.” Tait began to move his hips, bringing cries of pleasure from Jada.

  “Oh, Tait, that feels so good,” she moaned, throwing back her head, her eyes closed against the water.

  Swirls of sensation snaked through his groin as she shifted her hips, picking up the pattern he set.

  Gently coaxing her, Tait whispered, “Just ride, sweetie. Just sit back and ride.”

  Mike knelt down between Tait’s legs and slipped his hands over Jada’s abdomen, softly touching her skin. When she didn’t seem to notice it was him, he moved his hands up higher, pulling on her nipples.

  “Oh, God! Tait, that makes me so hot.” Her eyes remained closed leaving Tait’s grin unseen as he winked at Mike.

  Mike moved in closer, preparing to enter her. Tait widened his legs.

  “Enjoy, baby. Tell me what you like.” Just as Tait spoke, Mike’s arm circled her waist and he slowly began pushing inside her.

  She screamed, her eyes opening wide in alarm as she snapped out of her sexual daze.

  “What the… Mike? Stop it. That’s not the right place. Don’t do that!”

  “Sweetheart, just relax. You’ll love it, we promise.” Mike winked at Tait as he kissed her neck, his other hand gliding over her mound until she squirmed.

  “No, don’t, that’s…that’s my ass. Mike, stop!”

  “In a minute, you’ll know why we’re doing it like this. Trust us.” Tait murmured as Mike continued to inch his shaft into her, the mushroom head spreading her virgin anus wider as the leftover oil allowed him to slide in without hurting her. Tait hissed as he felt the pressure of Mike’s staff rub against the thin wall between them.

  With Mike’s arm locked around her waist, she couldn’t move away. Tait still held her hands leaving her nowhere to run. When Mike was finally all the way in to the hilt, she moaned like a wildcat in heat. He winked at Tait and together they began to move.

  Giving into them, she shuddered as they began a slow rhythm that had Tait gritting his teeth as he fought back his climax. Looking up at Mike, whose eyelids were pinched tightly together, he knew his friend was right there with him. Never had he been so aroused by a woman before.

  As her body began to tense, Tait came to the end of his tether. He couldn’t hold back any longer.

  “Oh, my God, that’s…it feels…so good…I…ohhhh!” she shouted the last, an orgasm rocking through her, the muscles sheathing his cock convulsing around him. Still, he held on, gritting his teeth until it passed.

  “I’ve never had a woman go so fast before, Tait. She’s amazing.”

  “This is incredible. I can barely hold on,” Tait chuckled.

  Jada dropped her head back on Mike’s shoulder with her eyes closed once more. She was breathless.

  “Ready for more, baby?” Tait asked, shifting his hips.

  “You’re kidding. There’s more?” she moaned.

  “Oh, yeah! Hold on tight now,” Mike murmured, kissing her cheek.

  Once again the men moved in sync. Tait watched as Mike seized her lips, kissing her until she was gasping for breath. A few moments later, just as Tait felt his balls contract, his sac heavy with seed, Jada cried out and begged them to stop.

  “Wait, wait. I forgot, I have to tell you something awful! I have a problem with sex.”

  “Not from what I can see, you don’t,” Mike said, his voice strangled as he fought to hold back.

  “It happened back when I had my first…and last boyfriend. We were…we had sex in his parent’s basement and…Oh, God, I’m so embarrassed. I should have told you from the beginning.”

  “Told me what?”

  “Well, when I orgasm, I tend to be loud. I mean really, really loud!” Her face flared red, the freckles standing out in stark contrast to her pale skin.

  “We already know that. We love that about you,” Tait said.

  “You do? But, well, listen to this before you…oh, just listen. When my boyfriend’s parent’s heard me, they came running, thinking someone was killing me or something and saw us both naked on the bed. Jack jilted me after that. He told everyone what happened. I got the nickname, screamer at school. I never lived it down.”

  “You’ve only had sex with one guy?” Mike asked.

  Tilting her head, she looked over her shoulder at him and nodded.

  “Wow. I thought you were practically a pro. Let’s see how loud we can make you scream,” he teased, pulling her closer as he thrust forward.

  Passion lit in her eyes as she gasped.

  “Really? You don’t think I’m weird?”

  “No way, more power to us. If you’re weird, then I’m all for it and I think I speak for Tait too. Now, let’s get back to our ride, baby.”

  Nodding, Tait kissed the tips of her fingers and moved his hips along with Mike’s. In no time at all the three of them were shouting in unison, sharing an earth shattering climax. Her scream did indeed rival their voices.

  Lying in between the two men on the large bed, Jada sighed in pure pleasure. Tait was curled up behind her and Mike was in front with his back to her, snuggled up so close she barely had room to move. Grinning she thought about the shower and the fascinating way the men had made love to her. Too exhausted to move afterward, both men had dried her off, inch by inch, then Tait had carried her to the bed. That was more than an hour ago and she was ready to play again.

  Lifting her hand she gently traced a fingertip from the top of Mike’s neck and on down his spine to his butt. She nearly giggled aloud when he shivered. Thinking him asleep, she did it again.

  “You’re playing with fire, little one,” Tait whispered in her ear.

  Turning her head, she gave him a wicked smile and went back to her game.

  The fourth time she’d only trailed her nail half way down his back when Mike growled and spun around so fast, she shrieked in surprise.

  “You want to play, do you, my sweet?” Pushing her onto her back, he climbed on top of her hips and began tickling her.

  “No! Stop!” she giggled. She tried to grab his hands, but Mike was too strong for her and kept up the tickle torture without mercy. When she turned to Tait for help, he just grinned, shrugging his shoulders.

  “You play with fire, you get burnt!”

  “Mike! There’s a bad guy breaking in. Run and get him!” She screamed with laughter.

  “I see the bad guy right here.” Chucklin
g he stopped and reached into the drawer for a condom. Slipping it on, he plunged into her, crying out at the same time she did.

  “God! You are so amazing!” he growled.

  Lifting her legs up, he put them over his shoulders and began moving his hips in a slow, methodical rhythm, thrusting his cock deep then pulling out to the tip only to plunge back in to the hilt once again. Jada cried out each time, afraid he was going to leave her.

  “Mike…please…help me!” she moaned, reaching her hand out to him to fulfill her needs. She’d never been so sexually stimulated in her life. Knowing that Tait was watching only turned her on more.

  Leaning over, Tait began kissing her breast, his hand kneading her other one. This set her off even more as sensations spiraled in her lower belly. She grabbed his hair and held him to her.

  “Oh, that’s so…good! Yes, harder, faster, please…” she cried out, not even sure which of the men she was speaking to.

  Just as Jada was nearing climax, Mike slowed down. Grinning down at her as her frustration grew.

  “Mike! I said more, and I mean now!” she shouted.

  “Yes, senorita,” he said with a chuckle. Suddenly getting down to business he began moving his hips at a fast pace, his thighs slapping against her buttocks, his sac teasing her anus.

  Jada cried out, pulling Tait’s hair hard. He released her breast and put his hand over hers to hold his hair down.

  “Don’t stop, Tait! Please, don’t stop,” she moaned.

  Chuckling he latched onto her nipple again and nibbled it with his teeth before sucking hard on it. Jada screamed and arched her neck as the sensations overwhelmed her senses.

  Pounding into her, Mike panted while she tensed, nearly there. He placed his finger on her clitoris and rubbed it hard. When she shrieked and arched her back, her muscles contracted around him. Shouting, he released into her. Jada pulled so hard on Tait’s hair that he cried out then began laughing.

  It took a few minutes before Jada came back to her senses. Her fingers were still laced through Tait’s hair. He still had his hand over hers, holding it close to his head. Mike was lying right beside her, grinning.

  “Wow. That was awesome. Tait, why are you holding my hand like that?”


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