The Frog Prince's Hair-Raising Predicament

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The Frog Prince's Hair-Raising Predicament Page 13

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  He took my mouth ravenously, with a greed born out of the same despair I had experienced during our separation. There were so many things I wanted to tell him, but I couldn’t have spoken to save my life—at least, not through words. I chose to communicate with him through my body, responding to his kiss with all of my pent-up passion. Medwin released a low groan and pinned me to the wall of the tower. I wrapped my arms around his neck, moaning as I rubbed against him.

  I didn’t think he’d even noticed, but he was completely naked, and the sight of him, so very handsome, took my breath away. Given how long we’d been apart, I wanted to be perfect for him, to make every second of our reunion better than anything we’d ever shared. Sadly, I soon realized that I wouldn’t be able to get my way. As Medwin slid his hands under my robes, I became more and more frantic. I felt like I could never get enough of the delicious friction, of Medwin’s taste and his touch.

  When Medwin broke our kiss, I let out a low whine that I hardly even recognized as mine. “Medwin…Please fuck me.”

  Was that my voice, so breathless and shameless? A few months ago, I’d have been horrified at the thought. Right now, I could only be ecstatic, because it seemed to please Medwin.

  He picked me up and carried me up the stairs, into the same tower that had been my prison for so long. I wordlessly guided him to my sleeping quarters, the room that held the bed where I had dreamt of him so many times. I almost feared that this was yet another dream, but then Medwin placed me on the bed, climbed on top of me, and kissed me again. Just like that, I forgot about all of my doubts. Nothing outside the reality of Medwin could feel so very good, so imperfectly perfect.

  We were both a little too eager, a little too frantic, but that was all right, because anything else wouldn’t have been truthful to our desires. As he thrust his tongue into my mouth, Medwin ripped off my clothes. The material shredded under Medwin’s assault, freeing me from its restrictions. I helped insofar as I could, although, as always, my hair got in the way.

  My handsome prince didn’t seem to be particularly bothered by the way my long tresses clung to his body. If anything, he was enjoying it. He caressed my skin and my hair, and he kissed my lips, my face, every spot of me he could reach. On occasion, he whispered my name under his breath, on and on, like a prayer, almost as if he couldn’t make himself believe that I was truly there with him.

  Soon, these touches became insufficient for both of us. Medwin’s mouth traveled lower down my body, leaving behind trails of fire. I tangled my hands in his hair, unsure if I wanted to pull him back up for another kiss or to guide him down toward my hard dick.

  Medwin took the decision out of my hands. He swirled his tongue over my belly, stabbing it into my belly button in a caress that really shouldn’t have been as erotic and pleasurable as it turned out to be. He lingered there for the longest time, and I could tell that he was thinking about the child we would have soon. Our now-free bond pulsed with his love, his awe, and his gratitude. Distantly, I wondered how I could have ever doubted him, even for a second.

  And then, Medwin’s mouth enveloped my straining prick, and I forgot all about my previous thoughts, questions, and dilemmas. The only thing I could focus on was the wet heat, the nearly ruthless suction, and oh Goddess, the pleasure Medwin coaxed out of me.

  I writhed under Medwin, my hair swaying wildly around us, clutching him, guiding his motions. I didn’t even know what I was doing anymore. My body was starved for his touch and my soul hungry for his emotions. I was completely lost in him, lost in his mastery of me, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

  Medwin’s fingers rubbed over my anus, and I couldn’t take it anymore. Crying out his name, I exploded into a climax that shattered my very sense of self. I filled Medwin’s mouth with my spunk, and he drank it all down greedily, groaning like he couldn’t get enough.

  For my part, I knew exactly how he felt. I’d just come, but I didn’t grow soft even for a second. Even as Medwin released my dick from his mouth, I was already begging for his touch once again. “Medwin…Please, take me.”

  Medwin took a deep breath and blinked several times, like he was having trouble seeing. “I…We shouldn’t. I’m sorry…The baby.”

  I might not have known much about male pregnancies, but I knew my own body and my limits. Right now, every fiber of my being was screaming for him, and no matter how well intentioned he was, I wouldn’t allow anything to separate us any longer.

  “Medwin,” I whispered, “I ache for you. I need you inside me. You wouldn’t deny me, would you?”

  As I spoke, I allowed my hair to caress him. My magic buzzed through the enchanted tresses and into Medwin. He shivered and let out a pained sound. “Rapunzel…”

  “You know I would never ask you for anything I can’t handle. Medwin…”

  A few locks of my hair opened my nightstand and retrieved a vial of cream from inside. It was actually never meant to be used as lubricant. Rather, it was one of the substances I used to make my hair untangle with more ease. Since I didn’t actually have anything better, that would have to do.

  I handed the substance to Medwin, and, finally, my lover’s resistance cracked. He took the vial and poured a generous amount of liquid on his fingers. I spread my legs, bending myself practically in half. My legs trembled, and much to my dismay, I found that I was still a little weak from my previous orgasm. Medwin didn’t seem to mind. He supported my legs on his shoulders and reached between my buttocks, slicking up my most intimate spot with two fingers.

  Impossibly, heat burst over my body even stronger than before. During our time apart, I’d relived my memories of him over and over, until I’d kind of started to believe that I was exacerbating some of my recollections. Instead, everything seemed so much more intense than I could even hope to dream. As he scissored his fingers, all of my nerve endings started to scream with my need for him. I could only push back against the invading digits, seeking a more fulfilling penetration.

  His deep-green eyes pinned me to the bed, holding me as his slave. “Rapunzel,” he murmured again.

  I would have liked to continue urging him to take me, but I couldn’t do it any longer. Once again, he had me exactly where he wanted me. As much as I pretended to seduce him, in reality, he was always the one to make my bones melt and my mind shatter with pleasure. When his fingers hit my special spot, I cried out something incomprehensible, completely losing control of my magic.

  Suddenly, my hair began to glow as it touched my lover’s body. Medwin wasn’t taken aback at all. He just held my gaze while his free hand took hold of my tresses. I could only whimper as his lips brushed over my hair in a nearly reverent caress.

  In contrast, his digits started rubbing my prostate almost mercilessly. Soon, I was practically in tears because of my frustrated pleasure. My second orgasm was rapidly approaching, but I couldn’t come because I hadn’t felt him inside me just yet.

  Obviously, Medwin must have guessed my thoughts, which couldn’t have been very hard, especially with our bond once more in place. He removed his fingers from my body and positioned his cock at my opening. Slowly, ever so slowly, he slid home.

  It should have hurt. Medwin was quite well-endowed, and I was no longer used to taking him inside me. None of that mattered. My muscles stretched to accommodate him, greedy to welcome him. My moan echoed Medwin’s groan as his cock pierced my channel, inch by excruciating inch.

  The sensations that exploded through me were…Goddess, I couldn’t even come up with words to describe them anymore. I was hot, breathless, lost in rapture, happy, tearful, and more than anything aware of how very Medwin’s I’d always been. He was, as always, mindful of my comfort, but the heat of his hard dick still branded me as his, burning me from the inside out.

  As Medwin fully impaled me on his prick, I clung to his shoulders and buried my fingers into his flesh so hard I must have drawn blood. My reality was fading away, leaving behind only my need for him. For a few moments, Medwin stil
led, giving me the time to get accustomed to the invasion.

  Even if I understood his need to protect me, I could bear to wait for much longer. Without even making a conscious decision, I tightened my ass muscles around his dick. He hissed, almost sounding pained at my actions.

  Whether he was dismayed or not, he did reward me for my unintentional audacity. He pulled out of my body, then thrust back inside, in the process striking my special spot dead-on. Stars exploded in my vision, a wave of pleasure swamping me, taking my breath away and threatening to shut down every rational thought I could muster.

  “M–Medwin,” I stammered.

  I didn’t even know how I managed to say that, but Medwin appreciated my efforts. He started to move in and out of me, his cock piercing me over and over and hitting my prostate with every thrust. I was propelled into a world of pure desire and rapture, one which Medwin alone could create.

  We fell together in a dance as old as time, following a melody only the two of us could hear. Medwin claimed me again and again, setting a pace that somehow managed to be both gentle and passionate. His green eyes had gone almost black with pure desire, like meadows ravaged by a storm of lust. And when he said my name again, I truly felt like I was where I belonged.

  Sadly, nothing quite so perfect could last forever. All too soon, I felt my second climax approach, and I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it, especially not when I could experience Medwin’s pleasure, too. He was close, and the sensations swamping him flooded me as well, filtered through our bond.

  Medwin crushed his lips once more to mine, thrusting his tongue into my mouth when I gasped. His voice appeared into my mind, somehow rough with arousal in spite of being just a thought. “Come for me, my beautiful love.”

  I didn’t know what pushed me over the edge—the taste of his kiss, the way he’d spoken to me, or perhaps the fact that he’d called me his love. Maybe it was a combination of the three. It didn’t really matter, because the next thing I knew, another even more powerful orgasm rushed over me. The pleasure was so intense that I couldn’t hear, feel, or see anything anymore—well, anything except Medwin’s touch, his taste, his breath, and the sound of his heartbeat. And as if that hadn’t been enough, Medwin followed me into climax. With one final thrust, he came as well, filling my channel with hot spunk and feeding his rapture into our mate bond.

  With our bodies connected in the most intimate way possible, our minds and souls became one as well. His memories and emotions became mine, and in turn, my feelings entwined with his, until I could no longer tell where he ended and I began.

  It was carnal, passionate, raw, and yet, so pure and beautiful, a reunion of two souls manifested in the coming together of two bodies. It was everything I’d hoped for and dreamed of during the lonely nights I’d spent without Medwin. It was love, in its most perfect form, and it filled me with such awe, comfort, and delight that even when the haze of the orgasm started to dim, my happiness lingered.

  “I knew you would come for me,” I told Medwin once I could speak.

  “Of course.” Medwin kissed me gently as he slid out of my body. “I’m just sorry it took me so long.”

  I regretted every second of our separation, too, but it had made me learn how much my bond with Medwin meant. It had made me understand that nothing else would ever be more important, not for me and not for him. Especially now that we had a baby coming, our relationship was all the more precious.

  Medwin smiled widely at me. “Does that mean you’ll say yes now?” he whispered in my ear as he toyed with my hair.

  I didn’t even have to ask what he was referring to. “Yes, Medwin. I’ll marry you.”

  Medwin climbed on top of me again, kissing me with the same passion he had shown me earlier. He’d have undoubtedly claimed me again, and I very much looked forward to it. Alas, he seemed to change his mind at the last moment.

  “We should go,” he said. “I’m not entirely convinced this place is safe for you, and I want to let my family know that we’re all right.”

  He had a point. Medwin’s parents and brothers were probably worried sick. I couldn’t be selfish enough to make any further demands. But once we had a little more time at our disposal, I had every intention to celebrate our reunion properly.

  For all his words, though, Medwin seemed reluctant to actually pull away from me. In the end, my hair took the decision out of our hands. It trapped Medwin against me, keeping him from leaving the bed.

  Chuckling, Medwin fell onto me again. We made love over and over, and then succumbed to our exhaustion and the comfort of each other’s embrace. It was a long time later that we actually remembered what we had to do.

  I slipped out of the bed and found a new outfit to wear. As I did so, Medwin let out a sound of surprise, like he’d only realized just then that he’d come into the tower naked. “I had armor on,” he said, “but it must have gotten torn when I changed back to this form.” He chuckled lightly. “Somehow, even with all the careful preparations, I managed to forget about a change of clothes.”

  That was quite a problem, one I honestly hadn’t expected. As it turned out, I needn’t have worried, because out of nowhere, a suit of clothes manifested in front of him. Medwin stared at it and finally picked it up. The garments looked very much like the same clothes Medwin had been wearing the day he had been cursed.

  Was it a warning? An encouragement? I had no idea. Medwin didn’t seem to care either way. He just pulled them on, all the while smiling brightly at me. “With you by my side, I’m not afraid of anything.”

  Now that we were ready, we finally left my quarters and then exited the tower. Magda was still waiting, grazing patiently. She looked up at us once we stepped out of the building. “Ready to go home?”

  Medwin nodded and squeezed my hand. “Yes,” he told Magda. “Rapunzel?”

  As always, he was mindful of my emotions, of the mixed feelings I had toward this place. I threw one last look at the tower, and much to my surprise, under my very gaze, it started to disappear into thin air.

  It should have been strange for me to witness. I should have felt afraid, anxious, or perhaps relieved. It had been both my home and my prison for years I hadn’t even been able to count.

  Oddly, I didn’t feel any of that. “Yes,” I told Medwin as I turned away from the tower. “I’m more than ready.”

  Medwin helped me mount Magda, and together, we left the grove. We never once looked back. One stage of my life was over. Another was beginning, and I couldn’t wait.


  In Which a New Chapter Begins

  Returning to Camelot was both a little strange and a great relief. I couldn’t wait to reach my home so that I could start wedding preparations with Rapunzel. At the same time, we’d picked Kirril and Dineiro up on the way. The dragon was very nervous and emotional about his first real visit to Arthuria, causing my brother to be extra protective of him.

  For that reason, when we entered our capital city, Kirril kept glowering at any Arthurian who got too close. I knew exactly how he felt, because I experienced the same protectiveness toward Rapunzel.

  I received my share of curious looks, since obviously, no one had expected my swift return, but Rapunzel was the target of far too many glances for my comfort, so I really didn’t have time to experience concern for myself.

  Rapunzel didn’t appear to be too worried, though. We’d bought horses in the first Arthurian town we’d passed, so he was riding Magda on his own, his spine ramrod straight, not looking nervous in the slightest.

  There was a new decision between us, one that had built up partly because of our time apart, but mostly due to my awareness of the new life Rapunzel carried inside him. Whatever happened from now on, we would brave it together and not allow anyone to separate us ever again.

  Kirril and Dineiro rode the same horse, because Dineiro wasn’t very skilled at that sort of thing. Dineiro clutched my brother’s arm so tightly it must have hurt, and I just had to say some
thing. “We can always go back,” I suggested. “Mother wouldn’t want you to do this if you’re uncomfortable.”

  “I know,” Dineiro answered. “I can’t say it’s easy, but I need to face this, and right now is the best time.”

  Kirril threw him a look over his shoulder, and while he didn’t speak out loud, I suspected they were probably using their mate bond. Slowly, Dineiro started to relax. He beamed brightly at Kirril and just continued to hold onto Kirril’s waist.

  Thankfully, my parents must have been busy during my trip. Even if our citizens seemed wary at first, after a while, they started to cheer, welcoming me and Kirril back. Even Rapunzel’s name was cried out a few times. Two children, a boy and a girl, jumped in front of Kirril’s horse, and would have gotten trampled if not for Kirril’s skill with husbandry. Giggling, they ran up to Kirril’s horse and pulled onto Dineiro’s clothes. “Hi,” the boy said. “Is it true that you’re a dragon?”

  “You’re very pretty,” the girl added. “I didn’t think dragons would be pretty.”

  A man and a woman emerged from the crowd, looking concerned and flushed in the face. “Children, come here,” the woman said. “We apologize, Your Highness,” the man told Kirril. “We didn’t mean to inconvenience you and your mate.”

  The word “mate” came out naturally from the man’s lips. Perhaps in acknowledgement of that, Dineiro said, “It’s not a bother.” He dismounted and directed his attention toward the children. “I am a dragon, yes,” he said. “And thank you for the compliment, young lady, but you are much prettier than I’ll ever be.”

  The girl giggled in delight, while the boy watched the scene curiously. Meanwhile, I stole a look at Rapunzel. “Can you believe it that soon, we might have a baby of our own?” he asked through our bond.

  It was, indeed, pretty incredible. It still hadn’t fully processed, and I suspected that once it hit me, I’d grow even more excited and nervous than I was now.


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