Star Crusades Nexus: Book 06 - Call to Arms

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Star Crusades Nexus: Book 06 - Call to Arms Page 23

by Michael G. Thomas

  “I’ve got power back online, and half of our engines are operational. Get your people back inside.”

  “Johnson, have you looked outside?”

  “I know. They won’t risk any more damage against us with the Biomech on board.”

  Teresa looked back at the Bioray and noted the large number of ports opening up and the shapes of more assault craft moving into a launch position. To her horror, there was something even more disconcerting to look at, the shapes of gun systems tracking in the direction of ANS Tamarisk II.

  “Johnson, I think you might be wrong on that one.”

  Two of the assault craft jumped out from the ship and made directly for the flank of her own ship. At this range, she could see the groups of the horrific bipedal warriors holding onto the sides of the craft. She reached to her thigh, pulled out her service pistol, and flipped off the safety.

  You’re not taking me alive.

  The craft moved ever closer, and even as the engines on Tamarisk II powered up, she knew there was absolutely no chance of escape. With the engines damaged, they might still make it to the Rift just as the rest of the Biomechs arrived, but not while a squadron of fighters plus a Bioray and its complement of assault shuttles were moving in on them.

  Teresa hadn’t expected them to shoot first, and the bright white light blinded her so quickly she didn’t even have time to grab for her pistol. Something hit her hard, and she crashed into the back of the container section and was almost knocked out. Her fear of being taken by the machines overruled any mental or physical damage though, and she fought off the blackness.

  My gun, I need my gun.

  She opened her eyes to see nothing but flames and wrecked metal all around her. The pistol was long gone, and everywhere she looked was the sight of terrifying destruction. She looked out into space, but again there was nothing identifiable, just the wreckage and mutilated ship sections.

  How did I survive that?

  “Teresa, are you there?” asked a familiar voice.

  She tried to speak, but no sound came out. She swallowed, coughed, and then tried again. Her voice croaked, but at least it worked.

  “I’m here, what’s our status?”

  It was a pointless question, but she was intrigued to know how the two of them were still alive. It was only then she noticed the wreckage was moving out of her view. With great physical effort, Teresa pulled herself to the edge of the shattered container and shook her head in astonishment.

  “Tamarisk lives?” she said.

  “You bet your ass she lives. Now get inside and fast. We have a date with a Rift!”

  Teresa pulled herself from where she’d been sheltering, noting that of the six of them that had moved to the outer side of the ship, only she and two others were still showing on the status list.

  “Marines, get inside and fast!”

  She paused and looked up to the wreckage. It hadn’t even occurred to her that the chunks of shattered metal had been from another vessel. Light from behind the remains of the Biomech craft turned the sections black, and then Tamarisk II broke out into open space and gave her the perfect view.

  “Dreadnought,” she said happily.

  It was more to herself than to anybody that might be listening on the audio channel that she’d still left open. The massive warship had positioned itself along their flank, and even now continued to bombard the wreckage of the Bioray while using its turrets to cut down the remaining assault craft and fighters. Her hull was heavily scored and that could only mean the vessel had been waiting within the storm clouds.

  Captain Vetlaya, you crazy woman!

  Teresa grinned happily and watched as a squadron of Alliance Avenger drones chased after a pair of Biomech fighters. They seemed equally matched in size, speed, and firepower. Both Biomech fighters were blazing wrecks in seconds, and one of the Avenger drones had been eliminated. Teresa took a long, clear breath and turned her attention back to Tamarisk II.

  We might just make it out of here, after all.

  She inched along the flank of the ship and eventually made it to the access hatch that led inside. The outer airlock was already open, and Captain Thompson was waiting there for her. She felt relieved that he was one of the survivors, but also guilty that she would place his life above the others she barely knew.

  “Colonel,” he said smartly.

  “Captain Thompson, it would appear the rumors of our demise were somewhat exaggerated.”

  “Quite,” he answered quickly.

  She moved inside and to her surprise found herself being pulled to the floor. The hatch closed shut behind her, and with just a few more steps, she was through the layered airlock and into the lower compartment. Waiting inside was Major Terson and a handful of marines.

  “Colonel, glad to see you’re safe.”

  Teresa noticed the marines had opened their visors, and she did the same. The slightly cool air of the ship was a welcome relief to the warmer air she’d been breathing inside her suit. Olik appeared at the end of the compartment, and he was pointing back to where he’d come from.

  “Colonel, there’s something not right here.”

  “What is it?”

  “The cargo hold. We checked to make sure the machine was still operative.”


  Olik looked a little confused before he answered.

  “Well, it’s not there. Just a load of computer equipment and some kind of reactor.”

  Teresa nodded and placed her finger to her mouth.

  “Let’s keep it that way then, shall we?”

  Teresa walked through the ship while the other marines returned to their posts. Olik followed rather than head back to the storage part of the hull, scratching his head as he walked. He didn’t ask again until they were moving through the gunnery control room that also doubled as a war room. He could get no further, but at least he could see the cockpit, and Director Johnson and Captain Tycho.

  “Good work, Colonel. That was pretty close.”

  Teresa nodded in agreement and moved closer to look through the main screen. The Rift to T’Karan was active and swirled around like a whirlpool in front of them. They were already being buffeted by the odd combination of the outer tendrils of the Promethean storms, and the vast energies being used at the P7 station to keep the Rift open.

  “Look!” said Olik.

  He pointed at a shape as a Biomech Ravager ship went through the Rift.

  “How many more have gone through?”

  Johnson shook his head.

  “That’s the first. I think they’re trying to persuade us not to go through.”

  “Why don’t they collapse it?”

  “Because they’re arrogant. And they want it open so they can capture both parts of it.”

  Teresa looked at the radar scans of the area around them.

  “The entire Biomech fleet is going to be here in less than two minutes. What will they do?”

  A video appeared on the mainscreen. It was a direct transmission from the Biomech flagship, the massive vessel dwarfing every ship near the Rift. Teresa instantly knew who it was she was looking at.

  "Typhon, what do you want?"

  The man looked much less confident than normal. His face twisted as he looked back at her until he finally spoke.

  "Enter the Rift, and we will destroy everything that you hold dear. We have access to over..."

  Teresa cut the audio feed and shouted back at him.

  "Typhon, Pontus, and the rest. You’re just emissaries, nothing more. We're done with you, all of you."

  She didn't even bother to listen to his reply and simply cut the feed. Teresa then looked to Johnson who did his best to hide his smile.

  "I take it negotiations are over?"

  Teresa didn't even need to answer that question. Director Johnson hit the engine override on his console, and the ship shuddered as more fuel was pumped into the remaining engines. The effect was nothing as great as before, but it did push them along
almost an additional twenty percent.

  “We go through!”

  * * *

  Admiral Anderson watched the mainscreen with growing impatience. This was his first voyage aboard ANS Terra Nova, and although he remained completely confident in her capabilities and her crew, he was still finding the mission to be one of the most stressful he’d ever undertaken.

  I’ve stripped the AJ Naval Station of her ships. If they get wind of this, there’ll be hell to pay.

  Again he looked at the screen, but there was still no change.


  The officers continued their work scanning the Rift, but in the three hours they had been stationed not a single ship had come through. For the umpteenth time, he looked to his science officer.

  “The signal jammers and disruptors are all ready?”

  “Yes, Admiral,” answered the officer just as quickly.

  He turned his attention back to the mainscreen and ran his eyes along the list of ships he’d brought to bear. As well as his flagship, there were eight brand new Crusader class ships and thirty of the newest Liberty Class. It was a formidable fleet and probably overkill, but he was taking no chances with the Biomechs.

  Will they work? he wondered.

  The scientists on the Admiral Jarvis Naval Station had promised him the jamming hardware fitted to ANS Beagle would do the job. He’d seen the data and in that they were right, but he’d seen plenty of theories smashed when it came to battle. He tapped the button on his screen and brought up the video report from Admiral Lewis for what must have been the tenth time that day.

  "Admiral. We are in position and are assisting the Helions in assembling a blocking force. We have no idea of the enemy's strength, just that they are on a direct collision course with the planet, and their arrival is imminent. I have sent additional scouts to the other races to plead for help."

  He skipped ahead to the section that dealt with Eos.

  "Initial scans of Eos show the majority of the Biomech ground forces have been eliminated. Small groups of survivors have made contact. I have arranged for New Helion Army units to assist them until we can provide additional forces."

  He looked at the ground scans for the last message and noted the irritation in Admiral Lewis' tone when he mentioned the lack of additional forces.

  I know you need them, but there's a war to fight, and Eos is at the bottom of the list, old friend. We'll go back for them. For now they'll have to rely on their own skills.

  “Admiral, something’s coming though,” called out the tactical officer.

  This is it.

  He took three quick breaths and then sent the signal to the fleet to open their gunports and take aim. Everything had been prepared, and there was no need to say or do anything, just to give the signal. The green indicators for the banks of jammers on the ANS Beagle station flickered on, indicating the systems were active. That was when the Ravager came through. It took just a few seconds for it to fully clear the entrance, and its scanners and radar system immediately activated. A grim smile appeared on his face as he looked at the shape of the enemy’s vessel.


  * * *

  Tamarisk II entered the Rift with ANS Dreadnought running right beside her. At a distance of less than a hundred meters, the transport was well protected from the barrage of fire coming in from the first wave of Biomech ships. Gunfire from the first group of three Biomantas smashed into the layered armor of the Battlecruiser, but apart from external damage, she managed to reach the Rift without sustaining any major damage. Both vessels vanished through the Rift, just as the first Biomanta skimmed past overhead and vanished into the Rift as well. Teresa watched the camera feed that showed the pursuing ships as they entered.

  “They are close. I mean really close!”

  The scene that greeted them in T’Karan rendered them speechless. Both Alliance ships crashed through a light cloud of broken metal and then continued forward while a vast tide of gunfire smashed into the ships coming in behind them. The first Biomanta was hit, but the gunfire from over twenty ships at once vaporized it in a bright blue flash just as another came through to meet the same fate. Finally, Director Johnson spoke.

  “This is a massacre.”

  Teresa put her hand on his shoulder and shook her head.

  “No, not a massacre. It is payback.”

  “Damn right it is!” snapped Olik from the compartment behind them.

  ANS Tamarisk II moved off to take a safe position near the Beagle station, while ANS Dreadnought moved into position alongside her almost identical sister ship, ANS Terra Nova. As each Biomech ship exited the Rift, it was hit by wave after wave of railguns, particle beams, and missiles. In less than three minutes, the entire fleet had been reduced to a mass of floating wreckage and shattered hulls. Even the mighty Cephalon, the suspected command ship of the fleet, was unable to withstand such overwhelming fire. It lasted less than ten seconds before the heavy beams tore it into three equal pieces, each of which was then vaporized by the smaller ships.

  “Incredible, just incredible,” said Teresa.

  The others just sat there stunned at what they could see. Olik finally spoke up, now no longer able to contain his questions.

  “So this whole thing was a trick, to get the Biomechs through the Rift without securing it first?”

  Director Johnson looked to Teresa and back at him.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “What about the Biomech prisoner?”

  “Oh, he’s still on Prometheus.”

  Olik still looked confused.

  “Why did they keep chasing us, then?”

  Teresa returned to the same section as Olik and pulled herself into one of the seats. The flashes of the battle had already faded, with the only bright lights coming from those hulks still burning from within.

  “This ship isn’t just a transport. Tamarisk II has been fitted out to intercept and bounce Biomech transmissions.”

  She looked back at Johnson who seemed surprised she had known.

  “Isn’t that right?”

  He raised an eyebrow but said no more.

  “So everything on Prometheus was bait, nothing more than a trap?”

  Johnson’s brow creased a little, and it looked as if he was becoming nervous at what the warrior was saying. Major Terson arrived from deep inside the ship and toward Teresa. He’d heard the last part of the conversation and focused his attention on Olik.

  “Your warriors put up one hell of a fight. Our estimates were put at over three thousand dead and wounded to give the right impression down there. I’ve seen the figures coming in already from Admiral Churchill. Less than three hundred casualties on the entire base.”

  He extended his hand out to Olik.

  “Your people have given the Biomechs one hell of a bloody nose.”

  Anybody might have felt a little offended at having been used in such a way, but all Olik’s face betrayed was the sheer joy at having been given the chance to fight in such a significant way. He lifted himself up and immediately struck the armored top of his helmet on the ceiling of the compartment.

  “My Jötnar are always ready.”

  Teresa looked happy, but her expression altered slightly, and she turned her attention to Director Johnson as radio chatter filled the cockpit.

  “What did they just say?”

  Johnson pressed two buttons, and the volume doubled, instantly making the sound of an Alliance officer clear to them. Teresa knew immediately who it was, but it was Captain Rivers who spoke first.

  “It’s my father.”

  “General Rivers,” agreed Director Johnson.

  “...assault. The Sol Rift has been reactivated and contact has been made via the Earthsec ship, Dauntless. Biomechs are on Mars. I repeat; Biomechs have landed on Mars.”

  Teresa didn’t know what was worse. The fact that Biomechs had made it to one of the old worlds of the Alliance right under their noses, or that Spartan was somewhere i
n Sol. She just knew that if there were any fighting to be done, he would be involved.

  “Johnson?” she asked.

  He was already looking at her as she spoke.

  “I know.”


  “You want to go back, am I wrong?”

  They had known each other a long time, but even Teresa didn’t realize she was quite that transparent.

  “Yes. I’m not waiting a day more to find Spartan.”

  He turned back to his system and sent a series of coded messages on the secure computer system. All of them waited and listened for a little while longer as the General’s voice continued to brief them on what was happening. Finally, Johnson turned back, and even he looked surprised.

  “What is it?” asked Teresa.

  “Admiral Anderson wants to tell you.”

  “Do it,” was all she could muster.

  The face of the familiar Alliance officer appeared right in the center of the main screen. He looked older than the last time they’d met, and she could tell the growing responsibility for the defense of T’Karan was taking its toll on him. Upon seeing Teresa and Johnson together, his face seemed to soften though.

  “Director, Colonel. Your forces have performed admirably as part of this complex plan. Again, I apologize for keeping the details to the minimum. I’m sure you understand. Local forces will mop up what’s left, and I believe your Promethean troops have already secured the underground facility. Very impressive.”

  Teresa tried to smile, but it simply wouldn’t happen, not on demand.

  “Thank you, Admiral.”

  “This does leave me with a dilemma, however. I will be returning to the border with Helios immediately. My forces are needed there, but I do have a dozen spare Liberty class ships that are available to escort you and Dreadnought back to Prometheus.”

  Teresa sighed, clearly irritated.


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