Purrks of the Job: Paranormal Ex-SEAL Surprise Pregnancy Mafia Romance (Chicago Catastrophe)

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Purrks of the Job: Paranormal Ex-SEAL Surprise Pregnancy Mafia Romance (Chicago Catastrophe) Page 17

by Anya Nowlan

  Maybe it was Kate’s imagination, but she thought she caught Dyson taking one deeper whiff of the air before he left.

  No one said a word as he left, slamming the door shut behind him.

  I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last of him.



  Letting out a sigh after Dyson left, River walked back over to Kate’s side. It was unlikely that his fight with his brother upset or frightened her, but he found himself still wanting to make sure.

  She was ready to take him on herself. I’m being ridiculous.

  Yet he couldn’t help himself as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close.

  “Are you alright?”

  Kate rolled her eyes at him, like he knew she would. He had to smile a little at that.

  “I’m not a damsel in distress, River, you should know that by now.”

  That I most certainly do.

  “I can’t believe he’d show up here like this…” he muttered to himself, shaking his head now that his thoughts were free to roam back to what his brother was plotting.

  Being brothers, he had always been making excuses for his Dyson’s behavior, because he wanted them to get along. After all, Dyson was the only brother he had. It wasn’t a pleasant thought, but River knew was time to accept their relationship would never be anything more than what it was.

  Brutal and heading for a bad ending.

  Dyson saw him as too much of a rival for there to ever be any true friendship between them. He had known this for a while, but he’d always held out hope they could at least be civil. That didn’t seem to be in the cards for them, not when Dyson was scheming behind his back like this.

  I have Katie and the baby to worry about now. I can’t afford to make decisions based on emotions. I have to see Dyson as a threat, not as family.

  Leaning into him, Kate stifled a yawn. It was well past midnight, and their day had been more than eventful. Now more than ever, they both needed to get their rest.

  I am about to have a new family. They are all I should worry about.

  “I take it your brother’s been up to no good?” she asked.

  “Let’s get you to bed. We can talk about it in the morning,” he said, leading her towards the staircase.

  Kate nodded, for once not arguing with him. It almost felt strange to not have her fight him on everything. Working as a team definitely felt better than being at odds with one another all the time.

  “You can give Thane and Max the night off.”

  “Why? Have you given up on your escape plans?”

  “No, just thought you’d be able to keep an even better eye on me if I was sleeping next to you.”

  “I don’t think I even have to keep an eye on you at all,” he remarked as they ascended the stairs. “You could have sped off at any point during our bike ride, but you didn’t.”

  Kate stopped in her tracks as she considered it, looking almost shocked.

  “It didn’t even cross my mind…”

  River chuckled.

  “Try not to look too sad about having to spend more time with me,” he said, grabbing her hand and leading her towards his bedroom.

  As they got to the second floor, River gestured for Max and Thane to take a hike. The men shared a quick glance before making themselves scarce, not needing to be told twice. Kate gave him a secretive smile as the guards disappeared downstairs.

  “No regrets.”

  River woke up, wrapped around Kate. Her flesh was soft and warm against his and he nuzzled his face into her neck, willing this moment to last. Drawing in her scent, his tiger started to purr. Along with her unique smell, he could make out his own musk, and then there were the pheromones telling him she was carrying a part of him inside her.

  I could have my own family. Me, Kate and our son.

  As an Alpha tiger shifter, he already knew his firstborn would be male, that’s the way things went in his world. He would have to fill Kate in on that, if she didn’t already know.

  A son I could teach about motorcycles, and how to play baseball. He would have a real childhood, not like mine, surrounded by shady old men and even shadier business deals.

  It was a nice fantasy, but that’s what it was for now – a fantasy. There was no way he could offer his child a safe and stable home while he was in this mess, not knowing who to trust in the Claws and with The Firm still after him.

  Kate must have sensed him tensing up as she stirred in his arms, her eyes fluttering open. Her instincts were as sharp as his were at times, even though she wasn’t a shifter. The sheets rustled around them as she turned to face him with a sated smile, her eyes crinkling in the sunlight peeking in through the dark grey curtains.

  “How long have you been awake for?”

  River smiled back, even as a rock settled in his chest. He knew he had to do things he didn’t want to before all this could be over. Nothing mattered except Kate’s safety and he would do whatever it took to keep her from harm.

  “Not long. I was just enjoying having you here, with me.”

  Kate stretched out on the bed with a little sigh, barely covered by the white sheet. The sight almost made him forget about everything else. His hungry gaze snaked around every curve and smooth line, taking in the sight of her.

  I wouldn’t mind waking up to this every morning.

  Leaning onto her elbows, Kate propped herself up, growing more serious.

  “Not to ruin the mood, but we have to talk about last night. Even though I’d rather spend the morning cuddling – and yes, I can’t believe I just said that – I need to know what’s going on. You said Dyson is gunning to take over as the head of the Crimson Claws?”

  As much as River didn’t want to think about his own blood stabbing him in the back, Kate was right. It wasn’t something they could avoid discussing. Now that Dyson knew he knew, all bets were off.

  “I’ve had my suspicions and Talon confirmed it. Dyson has been quietly gathering support behind my back, swaying my lieutenants to his side. If he has enough supporters, he could end up pulling it off. He could end up running the Claws.”

  Kate’s brow furrowed as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. Her smile was gone, the professional coming out to play. With a private smile, he remembered what her username had been on the Dark Web, where she contacted clients.


  “I have a feeling I wouldn’t like what happened to Chicago if the Claws were under Dyson’s leadership.”

  River knew his brother well enough to take a guess. Dyson would probably overcompensate, trying to prove he could lead with the same iron fist River was known for when the Crimson Claws was first founded. He had no illusions about how brutal his brother could be.

  “That’s for sure. The other residents wouldn’t like it either. I don’t know what he has planned for me, but he’s going to have to get me out of the picture first, one way or the other.”

  “Do you think he’d actually kill you? You are family, after all, that’s got to count for something.”

  Running a hand down the back of his neck, he considered it. It was a loaded question. If Dyson was prepared to kill him, would he be capable of the same? As Kate said, they were still family.

  Even if Dyson was a no-good traitor and conspirator.

  “I don’t know anymore. Now that he knows about us, he could try to use you as a way to get me to step down.”

  “We can’t let that happen.”

  Kate’s determination was heart-warming, but River couldn’t get lost in it for now.

  “I agree. But he’s not the only problem I have.”

  “What do you mean? There’s something else going on that doesn’t involve your brother or father?”

  Kate’s tone was equal parts cautious and curious.

  She’s not going to like this.

  “The Firm’s after me.”

  Her eyes turned wide as saucers, telling him she was all too aware of the shifter organi
zation’s deadly reputation.

  “You’re only telling me this now?” she demanded, her voice turning to ice.

  Yep, she’s definitely not happy.



  “To be fair, when exactly was I supposed to tell you? For a while there you would have probably cheered them on when you found out they wanted my head on a stick,” River got in before she could complain further about him keeping things from her.

  Snapping her mouth shut, Kate had to concede he had a point. There had been so much going on, it was even feasible that it would slip River’s mind to mention there was highly dangerous, effective and far-reaching military organization looking to put an end to his life.

  Only in our world could that not be a top priority concern.

  “They won’t stop coming for you, especially now when you’re vulnerable from the infighting among the Claws.”

  The Firm was a lot of things. Ruthless, for example. But there wasn’t a single quitter in their ranks, as far as she knew. Whatever their reasons were for wanting River and the Crimson Claws gone, they weren’t going to stop until their mission was completed.

  River’s features tightened as he stared at her, looking like he was wrestling with some decision or another.

  “I don’t have to worry about just me now. I know you can handle yourself, but you’re also pregnant. If anything were to happen to you…”

  Kate had a feeling about where he was going with this. Having her around was another vulnerability he couldn’t afford to have. Golden flecks swirled in River’s hazel eyes as he continued.

  “I have to get you out of Chicago. I need to know you’re safe before I can do anything about Dyson or The Firm.”

  “So I’m not your prisoner anymore?”

  She tried to keep the disappointment out of her voice. Wasn’t this what she’d wanted, to get away from him and get on with her life? Now that he was offering it to her, she wasn’t so sure anymore.

  It wasn’t like she was looking for some everlasting commitment with him, but she couldn’t deny her feelings for him were growing at an alarming rate.

  River managed a weak smile as he brushed a strand of hair out of her face, rubbing his palm against her skin.

  “I think you know the answer to that already.”

  The selfish part of her wanted to stay and fight by his side. She wasn’t one to back away when things got rough, but River was right. She was pregnant now. It wasn’t all about her anymore and what she wanted.

  She had to put her shields back up when she looked at River. The strain this decision was putting on him was evident. He was trying to put on a brave face, but his shoulders were slouched and his eyes tight.

  There had to be something she could say to make him feel better. To make both of them feel better.

  “It’s okay, I know how to disappear. I was sloppy, going back to New York like that. I won’t make the same mistake twice. We’ll be safe.”

  She thought it would be encouraging, but River only looked pained at her words.

  “I want to ask where you’re going to go, but I know it’s better if you don’t tell me.”

  Not knowing what to say to that, she kissed him instead.

  It was true, it would be better if no one knew where she was headed, not even River. Depending on how everything played out, the safest option for them both would be to not contact each other again.

  Could she be okay with that?

  Instead of answering that question, she focused on River’s warm lips on hers. It did them no good to think about the future right now, as uncertain as it was. They had to focus on the present.

  I’ll find my way back to him. There’s no other way.

  When River pulled away, she could already feel the mission-oriented part of her brain kicking into gear.

  “We need a plan and I think I’ve got one.”

  Gunner stood in the living room, looking slightly uncomfortable in a baseball cap and River’s leather jacket, instead of his usual suit. Kate circled around him, pursing her lips.

  She had put on her black jeans and grey blouse, matching the dark colors River was wearing. And she had her lucky diamond earrings on. It didn’t escape her that they looked like they were getting ready to go to a funeral.

  Not our own, hopefully.

  Finishing her thorough examination of Gunner, she came to a stop next to River.

  “It won’t fool anyone paying close attention, but if he speeds away, giving whoever might be watching only a quick glimpse….”

  They couldn’t take the chance of being seen or followed when they left. The guys working the perimeter outside hadn’t reported anything suspicious, but with The Firm involved, all bets were off. They could be staying in one of the houses down the street, waiting to make a move, for all she knew.

  And then there was Dyson, along with the unknown number of goons he’d managed to sway to his side. Who knew how many eyes were glued to the townhouse at this very moment. If they wanted their plan to work, they needed those eyes focused on something else, if even for a minute.

  “It’s more of a distraction anyway, so it shouldn’t matter if they do figure out Gunner is not me,” River shrugged.

  He looked stiff, even as his expression was relaxed. Kate got the feeling he was putting on a good face for her sake. She wanted to tell him how much leaving hurt her, too, but kept her mouth shut.

  It was clear he was already struggling with the idea. It would be easier on them both if she said nothing. Maybe it would go more painlessly that way.

  The sinking feeling in her stomach told her it would not be painless, no matter what she did.

  Not even thinking about it, she grabbed River’s hand and squeezed it tight. River looked at her and nodded, like he knew exactly what she was thinking. Poor Gunner was still standing awkwardly in the middle of the room in a jacket at least a size too big for him, dutifully keeping his eyes off of their moment of stolen affection.

  “Are we ready to go, sir?”

  River squared his shoulders and took a breath, his demeanor changing in an instant. Here was the predator, muscles coiled and eyes trained on any little movement around him.

  “Yes. Take the Camaro and head into town. If you spot someone following you, make an effort to lose them, but don’t make too much of an effort, if you know what I’m saying.”

  “Understood, sir.”

  Kate felt her heartbeat quicken as her senses heightened with the release of adrenaline into her bloodstream. Gunner gave them both a final nod, and Kate could swear there was even a tentative smile on his face for a moment, before he turned and walked towards the foyer.

  He stopped at the front door, hand hovering near the handle.

  “Good luck,” he said quietly, checking the watch on his wrist.

  Knowing she had to soon focus entirely on the plan, Kate threw one last lingering glance at River. He looked determined and dangerous and as gorgeous as ever. Only one thought echoed through her mind as she studied the chiseled planes of his face, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it.


  River strapped on a backpack and they made their way through the house and to the backdoor, holding hands again. Kate knew she should be glad to leave her prison, but it didn’t feel like a prison anymore.

  It felt more like home, especially with River by her side.

  He carefully opened the door and peered outside, taking a deep breath to sniff out any smells that shouldn’t be there. Signaling to her that the coast was clear, they silently slipped outside, careful to stay crouched down near the walls of the house.

  Luckily for them, a thick hedge spanned the space between River’s house and the neighboring building, allowing them to creep to the fence separating the properties without being seen from the street.

  An engine growled to life on the other side of the townhouse, exactly a minute after they’d left the living room.

  Good old Gunner, nothing but punctual.

  With a quick look at each other, they vaulted over the fence, rolling onto the lush grass on the other side. Keeping low, they quickly scurried to the back of the neighbor’s house, eyes peeled and ears to the ground.

  A dog barked in the distance and the smell of someone cooking burgers wafted into Kate’s nose, but she couldn’t hear or see anything out of the ordinary.

  This just might work.

  After reaching the building, River gave the huge sliding glass doors there a couple of soft taps. Kate could see a woman emerge from somewhere deep in the house, her slippers shuffling on the hardwood floors of the living room she and River were peeking into.

  She frowned as she pushed the door open, dressed in a robe and a mess of colorful curlers in her hair.

  “Mr. Royce? What are you doing sneaking around here?”

  River flashed her a polite smile as he shrugged off his backpack and reached inside.

  “Hi, Melinda. Sorry to drop by like this, but I need a favor,” he said, pulling out a thick wad of cash.

  Melinda’s eyes widened as she slid open the door to let them inside.

  Everyone has a price, Kate thought with a grin. You don’t have to be a hitwoman to know that.



  This is just undignified, River thought sourly as he pulled onto the highway in Melinda’s minivan.

  It wasn’t like the choice of vehicle was his biggest problem right now, but since he was about to let Kate slip right through his fingers, he chose to focus on more mundane issues.

  Like his wounded pride.

  Like the fact he was behind the wheel of the slowest, most hideous car he had ever had the displeasure of driving.

  Holding his backpack in her lap, Kate kept her gaze on the rearview mirror while River focused on weaving through traffic and squeezing whatever speed he could out of the van, which wasn’t a lot.


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