What Her Heart Desires [Loving in Silver 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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What Her Heart Desires [Loving in Silver 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by Lynn Stark

  Rolling Chance onto his back, Kane pressed himself between the man’s powerful thighs, rubbing their cocks together as he did so. Breaking off the kiss, he lifted his head and grinned down at the other man.

  Kane moved away long enough to don another condom and grab the lube. He coated his latex-covered length and tossed the bottle aside. “You’d better have prepared yourself, because I’m going to fuck you until you can’t see straight.”

  In response, Chance laughed and positioned himself on his hands and knees, offering up his reddened ass, still clearly bearing Kane’s handprint. Kane thought it was sexy as hell.

  “Big talk. Prove it.”

  As Kane lined up the head of his cock with Chance’s twitching pucker, Chase kneeled in front of Chance and offered his cock to their lover. They pushed into Chance at the same time, filling his ass and his mouth, causing him to moan and whimper. Kane and Chase pumped in and out of Chance at both ends, both vigorous, giving Chance no opportunity to do more than moan and swallow. He spread his legs and rammed his ass back against Kane’s groin, impaling himself again and again, meeting every thrust. Kane parted the rounded red mounds of Chance’s ass, watching as his cock disappeared and reappeared within the stretched ring of flesh.

  Pleasure swept over Kane. Chance’s silky dark channel clung to Kane’s cock. Holding Chance by the hips, his fingers digging into firm flesh, he changed the angle of his penetration, pegging Chance’s prostate.

  Chase came with a loud shout, his hips bucking, his hands gripping Chance’s head as he shoved his cock deep into Chance’s mouth and unloaded his spunk. As he did so Kane watched and listened, his excitement level rising significantly. There was a warning tingle at the base of his spine. His balls tightened. His asshole clenched. Pulling his cock free, he peeled off the condom and tossed it aside. In the next seconds cum was shooting from the head of his cock to splatter over the mounds of Chance’s ass, along the cleft, and over the swollen and reddened pucker of his gaping asshole. He watched as the pearly-white liquid ran down to drip from Chance’s balls. It was a searing, erotic sight.

  Chance was the last to come. He was working his cock fiercely, his moans filling the air, until his hips began to jerk and he came with a loud shout. Kane slapped him on the ass, laughing as he did so. He got off the bed when Chance collapsed in a panting, sticky heap.

  “A shower is definitely called for,” Kane commented, wondering if his legs would support him long enough to get into the next room. There was weakness and trembling. “Chase, it’s your turn to change the bedding.”

  “So romantic!” Chase called after him.

  Laughing, Kane turned on the shower and got in. He was now dead tired and ready to sleep. It would probably be another week before he could get it up again, despite having two of the hottest men on the planet as his partners.

  Then there was Ellen. Although he had a perfectly good relationship with Chance and Chase, he couldn’t help feeling there was something special about her. He had felt the same thing when he had met each of the men. There had been an instant connection, as well as the attraction. It wasn’t just a physical thing.

  Kane soaped his body, beginning to feel boneless as he stepped under the hot spray to rinse off the lather. Chance and Chase were waiting to get in as he left the large stall. There was more than enough room for the three of them. One look at them told Kane that they would continue their play long after he fell asleep. He didn’t mind. Nor did he mind the teasing he would receive the next morning, about being old and needing his sleep.

  Kane returned to the bedroom to discover the sheets had been changed. He turned off the lights and got in, pulling the blankets up to his chest. Once his eyes adjusted, Kane was able to look out onto the moonlit view of the snow-capped mountain peaks in the distance. They had really lucked out when they were able to purchase their house in the sky. It was a sense of being disconnected from the rest of the world at times, especially when low clouds settled around the house. Then there were the times when the sky was so clear they could see for miles, as far as the large lake at the far end of the valley.

  Closing his eyes, Kane settled in to sleep. He had a busy day ahead, part of which would be devoted to seeking Ellen out and discovering if the connection he felt was as real as he felt it was.

  * * * *

  Kane was led through Redford Manor the next morning by a man in a standard dark green uniform. There seemed to be a dozen people in every room he passed, all wearing the same clothes. They were busy cleaning and he had to wonder how often the large house was cleaned so thoroughly. It was not a job he would want. In fact, he hated to clean. It was only his need to keep his world orderly that got him to pick up his clothes or help with the household chores.

  Ellen was in the ballroom, standing in the center of another group of people. Kane noticed that the strands of lights had already been taken down. Other decorations were being removed and packed away. There were boxes and plastic containers stacked and waiting to be filled. The ballroom wouldn’t be without decoration, however. He saw that twelve large trees had already been brought in and set up. There were six spaced out on each side of the room, and were in the process of being decorated.

  Kane smiled at Ellen when she turned her head and saw him. He thought he saw a blush spread across her high cheekbones, but couldn’t be sure. He waited patiently as she finished speaking with the others, glancing around the huge room that had, only hours before, been filled with music, light, and excitement.

  “Hello, Kane,” Ellen said as she walked toward him. There was confidence in every line of her body. If she was embarrassed by the events of the night before, she wasn’t giving any sign of it. “How are you today?”

  “I’m doing well. About last night, I’m sorry if we caused you any embarrassment.”

  An easy laugh was her response. “Don’t worry about it. My daughter is happy that I’ve decided to get on with my life and my granddaughter was easily distracted by other things, like cookies and coloring books.” She shrugged and grinned. “They weren’t supposed to be here for a couple of days. I guess we all got a surprise. Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a vat of it brewing in the kitchen.”

  Kane nodded, walking with her in what he assumed was the direction of the kitchen. “A vat?” he asked with a laugh, imagining that.

  “Do you see how many people are here? It takes a lot of coffee to keep them going without too much grumbling. The manor will be fully restored and spotless by noon, when it opens for visitors wanting to see it decorated for the holidays.”

  “It’s magnificent. A little big for me. I would hate to clean it.”

  “There’s a crew in here every day to be sure to keep dust under control. It gets a regular thorough cleaning, which means it’s an unending job.”

  The kitchen was as impressive as the rest of the house. It was huge, the walls covered with cupboards. The appliances were modern, but everything else seemed to be original to the house, something he appreciated. He was in the business of purchasing older houses and hotels and turning them into either bed and breakfast establishments or the place-to-be, getaway luxury spots. So far Kane had experienced considerable success. The small hotels were doing very well. Kane had planned for every visit to be a very personal one. Guests were pampered from the moment they arrived to the moment their stay came to an end.

  Kane chuckled as he saw the three large stainless coffeemakers on one of the long tables. There were trays of mugs, as well as others with creamer, flavoring, and sweeteners. “I guess you weren’t joking.” He picked up one of the white mugs and filled it with coffee, handing it to Ellen after doing so. She accepted it with a smile. “You’re beautiful this morning,” he told her truthfully, speaking the words that were in his head.

  There was a grimace in response to this. “Thank you. No makeup, hair pulled back, and grubby clothes are a far cry from how I looked last night.”

  “Still, you pull it off well.” Kane filled a second mug wi
th coffee and added sugar and cream. He noticed she had poured hazelnut flavoring in hers. Good to know. He would have to add it to their shopping list. Having it in the house, waiting for her use, would be a nice touch. “Shall we sit down while we enjoy this?”

  “Sure. I can’t slack too long. There’s a lot to be done.”

  “I won’t keep you long,” he promised as they sat down at a table. “I just wanted to see how you were doing this morning.”

  “I’m doing very well. I just wish we hadn’t been interrupted last night.”

  The regret in her voice seemed to be genuine. That was a promising sign, as far as Kane was concerned. “I wish we hadn’t either. Still, it’s nothing that can’t be rectified.”

  “My daughter and granddaughter are staying with me until my son-in-law arrives in three days. My other daughter and her twin boys should be here soon, too, until her husband arrives. Then they will be staying with their in-laws.” Ellen lifted the mug to her lips to take a careful sip. He watched as she pursed her rosy lips to blow gently over the liquid. She took a tiny sip and sighed before placing the mug on the table. “Colt told me that you bought Sky House.”

  Kane chuckled and nodded. “It’s a fantastic house. Did you know it came with a Snowcat? We haven’t figured out if that’s a good thing or bad.”

  Ellen nodded. “If we get a lot of snow, you’ll be glad you have it. Where are Chance and Chase?”

  Again, she sounded genuinely interested. Kane was filled with hope that they could build something together. “They’re working at the moment. Their first show is New Year’s Eve at the Silver Edge.”

  “They’re entertainers?” Ellen asked, seeming surprised. Evidently Colt hadn’t told all.

  Kane smiled. “Yes, they’re dancers.”

  “Wow, well, that’s unexpected. I was thinking cowboys.”

  “They are. Well, they’re retired now. They competed in team roping.”

  “Did you compete in rodeos, too?”

  Nodding, Kane grimaced. “Yes, steer wrestling. Until my knees and shoulders wouldn’t take it anymore. I’ve had so many surgeries, I’ve lost count. Besides, I wasn’t getting any younger. I was getting out of it when I met Chance and Chase.”

  “And what do you do now?”

  “I operate a couple of dozen boutique hotels and bed-and-breakfasts around the country. I try to save older places, ones that have a lot of character, and turn them into something special. So far, it’s been a successful venture.”

  “It sounds interesting.” Ellen glanced around the kitchen. “I’ve worked here for almost twelve years.”

  “Do you like working for Colt?”

  She nodded. “He’s the best. An excellent boss and friend. Would you like to take a tour of the house?”

  “I would.” Kane was sincere in his desire to see the grand house. It didn’t hurt that he would get to spend more time with Ellen, however.

  They finished their coffee, chatting about inconsequential things, before beginning the tour. Kane spent the next two hours learning some of the history of the house as Ellen showed each room to him and gave him details about past guests, the artwork, and the seemingly endless collection of antiques. Kane guessed that the house had millions of dollars’ worth priceless collectables.

  At the end of the tour, Kane was standing with Ellen at the front door. There was no sign of anyone else. There was absolute silence in the house, which probably meant the cleaning crew had finished and left.

  “Would you mind if I called you later?”

  Ellen smiled up at him. “Not at all. In fact, I would enjoy that. If you give me your phone, I’ll put my number into it.”

  Within seconds, Kane had another connection to Ellen. Pleased, he bent to give her a soft kiss on her smiling lips. “When would be the best time to call?”

  “Is eleven too late for you?”

  “No. I’ll call you then. Enjoy the rest of your day,” he said as she let him out the front door.

  “I will. You do the same.”

  He pulled the hood of his coat up against the frigid wind blowing against the back of his neck and headed for the four-wheel drive truck he had parked at the curb. Despite not having a need to have a utility-type vehicle any longer, Kane still liked owning one. It was what he was used to. They owned three horses, but they were boarding the animals at a ranch not far from where they lived.

  Kane met Chase and Chance for lunch. Downtown Silver was filled with holiday shoppers and tourists. There was excellent skiing offered in the area, an activity Kane enjoyed, but didn’t know if he would go this season. He had broken enough bones in his life. He didn’t believe he really wanted to add another. He had enough aches and pains as it was.

  His lovers were excited to hear that Ellen had approved his calling her that night, asking questions about his visit with her to Redford Manor and asked if he had apologized for them being discovered naked downstairs.

  “She has a remarkable sense of humor,” Kane reassured them. “She didn’t seem to be fazed at all about her family finding men in her house.”

  Chase nodded and reached for a french fry on Chance’s plate. “That’s good to know. I’ve known some women to get all pissed off about stuff like that, even if it wasn’t our fault.”

  “Remember that woman in Oklahoma City?” Chance asked, swiping an onion ring off Chase’s plate. He dipped in ketchup before going on. “But now that I think about it, she was a bit tame compared to the one in Cincinnati.”

  Chase whistled and nodded. “You’ve got that right. How were we supposed to know she didn’t want the lights on?”

  Kane had heard all these stories of past conquests, both good and bad, many times before. He had been pleased to discover that both men were bisexual and that they were hoping to find a woman they could share. Now there were three of them and they all wanted the same thing. Ellen’s age, however, would likely change a few of their plans if they continued with their intentions of becoming involved with her. If it worked out, it was unlikely that they would have children with her. Not the old-fashioned way, that is. They did want children. Adoption was a possible option.

  Kane knew he was getting ahead of himself. Once they got to know Ellen, they would be able to learn about her and the things she hoped for in the future. It was a very real possibility that she wouldn’t want to have more children in her life. The thought saddened Kane, but he had to accept that Ellen might not be the one for them. Chance and Chase would have to do so as well. Mind-blowing sexual encounters didn’t equate to love or a future. They would have to keep their expectations in check, until they discovered what Ellen wanted.

  Glancing between the men seated across from him at the table, Kane sent up a prayer for their combined hopes and dreams to come true.

  Chapter Three

  Chance waited nervously for Ellen to return to the table. They had met for supper, just the two of them, so they would have the opportunity to get to know each other. His leg was bouncing under the table and the fingers of his left hand were twirling a fork. He glanced around at the other diners, but saw no one he recognized. That wasn’t surprising, but he was beginning to feel conspicuous. A few people he made eye contact with either nodded or smiled, easing some of his tension.

  He just wished Ellen would return. It ran through his mind that maybe she had run out of the back of the restaurant. He had never had a date run out on him before.

  “Afraid I wasn’t coming back?” Ellen slid into the chair across from him before Chance could get up to hold it for her. Damn. She was going to think he didn’t have any manners at all, that his mother hadn’t raised him right. “You were looking worried.”

  “Nah, I knew you wouldn’t run out on all this,” Chance returned smoothly, giving her a wink and his best grin.

  “You’re right, I wouldn’t. Why don’t we walk off this excellent supper?” she asked. “Unless you wanted dessert, too?”

  “Oh, I have dessert on my mind, but I don’t think the
y serve it here.”

  Chance watched the blush creep into Ellen’s cheeks. He liked that. It made her even prettier.

  “They definitely don’t, but I know where you can enjoy your dessert.”

  Okay. Chance hadn’t known his cock could get hard as fast as it did. It left him feeling a little dazed. He stood when Ellen did, gently guiding her through the restaurant until they reached the front, where they collected their coats. They bundled up before going outside, Chance waiting patiently as she pulled on her gloves.

  The icy wind hit them hard as they exited the restaurant. Chance sucked in a breath and put his arm around Ellen to pull her close, noting she didn’t resist, but melted into his side. “Which way?”

  “Right. The Silver Star Hotel.”

  Chance was familiar with it. They had stayed at the luxurious hotel several days as Colt Redford’s guests, before moving out to their house. Chance and Ellen went directly to the elevator, taking it to the top floor and the penthouse suite.

  Ellen didn’t waste any time with preliminaries. As soon as the door closed behind them she began shedding her clothes, dropping them carelessly to the floor. Chance began to strip off his own, never taking his gaze off her as he did so. He stopped what he was doing, nearly swallowing his tongue, when he saw the crimson red lace bra and thong she wore. One deft twist of her wrist behind her back and the bra was sliding down her arms and tossed aside. She stopped and hooked her thumbs in the elastic band supporting the thong. She pushed it down, over her beautifully rounded ass, bending as she stepped out of them.

  “Lord have mercy,” Chance whispered, swallowing hard and halted in removing his shirt as he stared. Ellen’s ass was perfect. Perfectly shaped, the mounds of creamy white flesh begging to fill his hands, Chance couldn’t wait to do just that.

  Chance was on autopilot as he followed her into the bedroom, his gaze fixed to the sway of Ellen’s hips. When she stopped at the foot of the bed and turned around, Chance nearly lost his mind when he got a look at her breasts. Sure, he had seen her naked before, but this time they were alone and his focus was completely on her. Ellen’s breasts were full, round, their dark red nipples tilted slightly upward. As with her ass, they were begging for his touch. His mouth watered for a taste.


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