Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go?

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Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go? Page 3

by C. K. Ralston

  By five-o’clock, Trudy had made sure all of the “I’s” were dotted and the “T’s” in the listing agreement were crossed. She then carried the completed forms over and put them in her boss, Ross Conway’s in-basket for him to review in the morning. Ross was the senior broker in the office and had left early today, as he did most days.

  At five-twenty, there was just the two of them and the secretary, Marge, left in the office. Trudy asked her, “Would you mind shutting the place down and locking up tonight, Marge? I’m buying Junior, here a drink to celebrate him getting his first listing today.”

  “Sure, glad to,” Marge replied. “I really appreciate your covering for me last night, by the way, when I had to get out early to attend my boy’s soccer game.”

  Nodding that she had been glad to do so, Trudy and Jake went out the back door. He started for his car, but she said, “Let’s take mine tonight.”

  She flicked the remote entry and the locks released. As Jake slid into the passenger seat, he looked around the interior of the car and said approvingly, “I’m going to make enough money to afford one of these someday.”

  He ran his hand over the big new BMW sedan’s brown leather seat admiringly. Trudy said, “This is the five series. If you want pricey and truly luxurious, you should check out he seven series. The really nice ones start at, like, ninety-four grand.”

  Jake laughed as he fastened his seat belt. “Yeah, you’d have to sell a lot of houses to afford one of those.”

  They pulled out of the lot and headed for the Vagabond Lounge, the small cocktail place they’d visited the evening before. Trudy said, “I have an advantage over you, as far as paying for this car goes, you know. My husband, Niles, a lobbyist and he makes some serious money.”

  “Oh, so that’s why he’s never home?” Jake asked, nodding that he got it.

  “Yes, tonight, for example, he’s schmoozing and having dinner with Tony Greene, a well-known windbag from the state assembly. I don’t envy him that.”

  Jake nodded again. “I don’t either. I’ve seen that dude on television a few times. He seems to really love to hear himself talk.”

  They reached the parking lot for the Vagabond and Trudy pulled in. Jake got out immediately and came around to get her door.

  She couldn’t resist teasing him a bit as she slid out of the driver’s seat and let him help her out of the car, saying, “Well, don’t you have nice manners? Except for when you’re being way too forward with a girl, that is.”

  He grinned and surprised her by sweeping her into his arms and kissing her, just like he had last night. She let him make out with her for a few seconds, and then pulled away.

  It wasn’t even dark yet, and they were only a few blocks from the office. A girl had to be a little careful of her reputation, now didn’t she?

  “Don’t be so naughty,” she scolded him playfully, taking his arm and starting into the lounge with him.

  “I can’t seem to help it, Trudy,” he told her with that dazzling smile of his still in place. “You’re hot…and I want you.”

  She shuddered and stepped inside the tavern. The thing that surprised her the most was how much she wanted him to want her, and how great it made her feel to realize that he did!

  They had four drinks each tonight, taking their time, laughing and talking about everything under the sun. Jake asked her a little about Niles and his lobbying business, his clients, and then they talked real estate for a while.

  As it got later, Jake filled Trudy in on more details about his own rough and tumble, catch-as-catch-can existence. She was surprised to learn that he bartended two nights a week downtown, in a little hole-in-the-wall dive bar that Trudy had driven past dozens of times over the years but had never been inside.

  He also shocked her speechless when he told her that he regularly took on hard-to-pull-off, high risk assignments as a process server, just to earn extra money. Jake explained that the people he served process on were invariably wily, shifty, and sometimes violent in their avid desire to avoid court.

  “The average service is routine and goes for, like, seventy-five bucks,” he told her. “But the ones I do are all up in the two-hundred to two-fifty apiece range, since they’re all badass types who might split your lip open with their fist or try to stick a knife in your gut to avoid being served.”

  “That sounds pretty dangerous,” she told him, her eyes wide with excitement.

  “Yeah, it sure can be,” he answered. “A guy tried to run over me with his Harley a couple of weeks back. He was way behind on his child support payments and didn’t want to pay up, I guess. I thought he was going to kill me, there for a minute.”

  Trudy was breathing rapidly, her nipples aroused, and her pussy wet as he told her tales of his sordid, back-alley life outside of real estate sales. Jake truly was a bad boy, a daring young man who liked excitement and didn’t shy away from risking life and limb when he had to do so.

  And that was a huge turn on for staid, conservative, never-make-a-questionable-move Trudy…because she had a wild side, too, that she kept carefully hidden away! She’d almost run off and married a boy, back when she’d been barely nineteen, until her father had gotten wind of it and quashed the relationship, packing Trudy off to Bryn Mawr--and college--on the east coast for four years instead.

  She thought back to those exciting times, remembering the big crush she’d had on sweet, sexy, bad boy Bobby Barilla back then. He’d been only the second boy to fuck her, and every time he had, it had been an unmatched thrill, since her father had hated him at first sight and had absolutely forbidden her to go out with him again.

  That had just made seeing him all the more fun, of course, and when Bobby had asked her to run away to Reno and get married and live with him in his rat hole of an apartment in a really bad part of Sacramento, she’d said yes immediately. She smiled both fondly--and at the same time-- ruefully, at the memory of her younger, more rebellious self and at being such a fool back then.

  She’d almost gone through with it and run off with Bobby. But she’d been secretly glad when her father had intervened at the last minute and saved her from marrying her crazy, wild boyfriend.

  Fucking Bobby had been great fun, but actually living in the sty that was his place would have been hell, and she’d known it, deep down inside. But the fantasy part of running away with Bobby had been wonderful, while it had lasted.

  As she looked across the table at Jake, she saw a lot of Bobby in him. Both young men had been impossibly sexy and dark-haired, and gorgeous.

  Maybe I still have a little of that lust-for-bad-boys thing still lurking inside me, she thought, eyeing Jake hungrily, knowing that she was definitely going to enjoy making out with him again tonight and then running home and telling Niles all about it!

  He finished his fourth drink and asked her, “So, babe, could I get you to do me just a tiny favor tonight, before you go home?”

  “What kind of favor?” She asked him warily, suspecting that he wanted sex from her.

  “There’s this guy I’m trying to serve. I’ve just missed with him twice, so he’s jumpy as a cat when he sees my old Camaro in his neighborhood. Could I get you to drive me by his place in that fancy Beamer of yours? I’ll hop out and bag him, and then you can drop me back at the office. It won’t take a minute; he lives just a couple of blocks from here.”

  Trudy finished her drink, feeling reckless, more than a little tipsy, and very excited at the prospect of seeing the danger-seeking side of Jake in action, so she said, “Sure, why not?”


  “Leave the motor running and be ready to boogie when I get back,” Jake cautioned her. “This guy has a reputation for being kind of a psycho, so I don’t know what he’ll do when I pop him with the papers, okay?”

  “Alright,” Trudy said, her heart pounding, “I can do that.”

  The two of them were parked in front of an old, run-down house. They weren’t that far from Cal State University at Sacramento, and a l
ot of the houses around this area had seen better days, but they still rented quickly, due to their proximity to the campus.

  Jake got out of the car and trotted up the walk. Standing off to one side, his cell phone in one hand and the papers he wanted to serve in the other, he rang the bell. The porch light came on and the old curtains covering the window on the front door shifted to one side while the man inside checked out the shiny BMW idling at the curb.

  He opened the door. Jake stepped around in front of him, jammed the papers into the surprised man’s hands and snapped off a picture with his cell phone’s camera as proof of service.

  “You’re served, fucker!” he shouted gleefully. “What do you think of that?”

  The man, whose big, hefty body filled the entire doorway, screamed out a curse, threw the offending papers up in the air, and hurled himself further out onto the porch. Jake jumped back, whirled around, and sprinted down the three steps and onto the walkway leading to the street, his berserk pursuer right behind him.

  Trudy gunned the motor and leaned across and threw the passenger door open wide. Jake jumped as he neared the car, turned his body in mid-air and slammed down into the seat. Cranking the wheel, Trudy punched the BMW and the forward motion of their rapid acceleration slammed the door shut as they sped off into the night, the big man following along for several steps as he saw them disappearing down the street.

  Both of them were laughing like maniacs. Jake threw his head back and roared, and Trudy was giggling uncontrollably and hammering the wheel with her palms as she drove back toward the office parking lot.

  “God, but that was intense!” she breathed excitedly, when she finally caught her breath.

  “Just another night at the office for Jake Watts, Process Server Extraordinaire, babe,” Jake chortled, “Jesus, I thought that guy was going to rip my head off, there for a second!”

  Trudy shook her head and said, “Why on earth do you take chances like that for a couple of hundred bucks?”

  Jake wiped his eyes with the heels of his hands and said simply, “Because right now, two-hundred bucks represents a fourth of what I need to pay my rent every month. I haven’t sold any houses yet, remember?”

  She shook her head again, as if to say that was crazy, and turned into the parking lot back at the office. As she came to a stop next to his old Camaro, in the shaded, dark end of the lot, she said, “You’re nuts, Jake. It’s going to be hard to sell any properties when you’re in the intensive care unit down the street at the hospital, after one of those guys gets a hold of you.”

  He laughed confidently and said, “I’m too sly for them, not mention fast on my feet.”

  Then he undid his seat belt and turned toward her, saying, “Thanks for your help, Trudy. We make quite a team.”

  She nodded, still trembling with excitement from the close call. He seemed to pick up on that right away and leaned closer, whispering, “God, but you’re hot, babe. Come here and let me thank you properly.”

  In seconds, her seat belt was undone as well and she was in his arms, kissing him with abandon, her nipples already stiff, her pussy getting wetter by the moment. His tongue pushed against her closed lips and they shot open for him.

  Trudy’s hand came up to stroke his hair as they kissed, and she shamelessly rubbed her very erect nipples against his chest, her tongue all over his. Jake sighed and put one hand on the back of her head, drawing her in even closer; the other hand ranging up and down her back.

  After another minute or two of the fiery kiss, Trudy was having trouble catching her breath, she was so aroused. When Jake finally broke away from her, he whispered, “Get in the back seat with me, babe, where we’ve got some room.”

  She shook her head that she wouldn’t, part of her wanting desperately to do just that, but another part of her afraid of what might happen if she did.

  In the end, she whispered back, “I don’t think so. Remember, you move too fast for me, Jake.”

  He opened his door, saying, “I won’t do anything you don’t want to do, I promise, babe. I just want more room to hold you; this console in between the front seats is a nice styling touch, but it means I can’t get close to you.”

  “Do you really promise?” she asked him doubtfully, still torn between desire and fear.

  “I do, come on,” he said decisively, getting out of the car and closing the door.

  Her heart pounding, he let him help her out of the car after he had come around and opened the door for her. She slid into the back seat right ahead of him and then she was back in his arms again, with nothing separating them as he kissed her passionately once more and held her tight against his chest.

  God, this is so wrong, but it’s so exciting! Trudy’s breath was getting short already, and she was as wet as she could be. He’s just so yummy…so hot and young and gorgeous! And besides, it’s not like Niles doesn’t want this to happen, too!

  He moved his arms around from in back of her and, keeping his lips pressed against hers and his tongue roving all over the inside of her mouth, he brought his hands up to capture her breasts. He squeezed them a few times, softly, and Trudy moaned at how wonderful that felt.

  Jake found her nipples, jutting out against the cups of her bra and the blouse she wore, and twisted them gently. A huge shot of electric, erotic sensation engulfed her big breasts and rocketed right down her spine and into her clit!

  “Ummmmmmmmm,” she sighed, pushing her nipples eagerly into his grip, sucking at his invading tongue, twirling hers all around it.

  His groan of arousal joined hers, and his left hand drifted down from her breast, across her taut belly, and down her skirt. He flipped the skirt up and found the top of her pantyhose and panties and worked his fingertips underneath them.

  Trudy was vaguely aware of an alarm going off in the back of her head as she felt his fingertips slide down through her lush pubic fur to find her clit. He was going much too fast…again!

  But, before she could pull her mouth from his and stop him, his middle finger slid down across her swollen clitty and right inside her soupy lips. He began to finger her expertly, her wet folds as slippery as they could be.

  “Uggghhhhhhhhhhhh!” she moaned, both of her breasts jerking in unison as he finger-fucked her hot pussy perfectly. His fingertips entrapped her left nipple again and tugged on it gently as her clit throbbed like mad under his other hand’s deft touch.

  Trudy shivered beneath him, knowing she was going to come almost instantly. She whimpered with pure lust, realizing she should stop him, not wanting to go off so soon--so easily--as he touched her for the very first time in this most intimate way.

  But she seemed to be unable to keep that particular train from hurtling down the tracks, now that she was this close to total release!

  Her cunny grabbed at his finger and an enormous jolt of orgasmic joy rippled from her clit up to her breasts as he squeezed her sensitive nipple at that same instant. She jerked her head away from his and panted out the words, “Oh, oh, damn, I’m coming! Oh, Jake, you’re making me come, baby!”

  He grinned at her and fingered her even more furiously, her orgasm ramping up a notch. Her whole body shook with the power of her release, and all she could do was to roll her head helplessly from side to side against the back of the car seat, moaning and coming hard for him.

  “Oh, it’s such a good one!” She marveled out loud. Her very first adulterous orgasm was so intense, so long-lasting, and so illicitly wonderful!

  “Ummm, Trudy, you little hottie, you,” Jake whispered excitedly, still massaging her exploding clit with his finger, “I knew you’d be sensational once you got going!”

  When her climax finally began to ebb, he pulled his finger out of her and licked her gleaming juice off as she watched, wide-eyed. He grinned again and said softly, “I’ve got to get my tongue up inside of you next time, babe. Your pussy jizz is delicious!”

  Another spasm of post-climax excitement roared through her when she envisioned that--hot, se
xy, studly Jake eating her pussy! She shivered at the mere thought of it.

  “Let’s get these out, I’m dying to see them,” Jake said, reaching for the buttons on the front of her blouse.

  Trudy wavered for a moment. The idea of Jake’s sensual, skillful mouth on her sensitive bare nipples was intoxicating to think about.

  But then she abruptly realized, if he gets my titties out, I’m finished! He’s going to end up fucking me, right here in the backseat of my own car, in the parking lot of our office!

  “No, not this time,” she begged him, putting her hands on his, stopping his frantic fumbling with her blouse, “not tonight, please!”

  He continued to look at her hungrily for long moments, but then he totally surprised her when he stopped struggling to unbutton her top. Instead, he dropped his hands down to the front of his slacks and unzipped them. With that goofy, lopsided smile she loved so much on his face, he opened the front of his boxers and fished out his cock, saying, “A little help, please? I need to come too, babe. You’ve got me so turned on I’m about to blow my load in my pants!”

  Shocked but wildly excited by what he’d just done, Trudy let him put her right hand on his exposed cock. It was huge!

  It’s not any longer than Niles prick is, but it must be at least twice as big around, she thought as she stared down at the unbelievably thick cock she now had her fist around.

  “Oh, yeah, that’s it, stroke it for me, babe,” he urged her, as her hand automatically began to move the loose skin up and down while she held it. “I’m going to come right away; you’ve got me so crazy for you, Trudy!”

  She smiled at him. She couldn’t help it!

  This was so naughty, so exquisitely sexy and nasty and…fun! She hadn’t jacked a guy’s cock off since high school!

  Whenever she got her husband’s prick in her hand, it was soon in her mouth or her pussy. She never just beat it off until it came. She hadn’t performed this particular sex act in years.


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