Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go?

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Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go? Page 5

by C. K. Ralston

  He had given her carte blanche to do whatever she felt like doing, as far as having sex with Jake went. As long as she came home and told him all about it, she was free to play with her new boy toy all she wanted, in any way she felt comfortable with!

  I can’t get over how unbelievably cool this feels, she marveled as she thought about her current situation. Two days ago, I didn’t even know I wanted try something like this. And now that I’m doing it, I think it’s just about the neatest thing I’ve ever done! My Niles is so daring, so unthreatened by it all. Only a guy who was as sure of himself as he is--and of our love--could urge me to do something this wild and be okay with it.

  “And just how do I feel about all of this?” she asked herself aloud as she got ready for work.

  Niles was already gone, so she was alone in the house. He liked to get up early and head downtown before seven, to beat most of the morning commuter traffic.

  I think having real, honest-to-God, down and dirty sex with Jake is going to be mind-blowing; she admitted to herself as she slipped into her skirt and got it zipped up. He’s crazy-sexy, and he’s got that super cock, so wide and thick! And he’s gorgeous…just thinking about gazing up into those intense blue eyes of his and seeing that handsome face--while he’s fucking me with that big pussy-stretcher of a prick he’s got--is a huge rush!

  She had to admit, she could hardly wait for it to happen. And there was no reason to wait, she realized as she thought about it.

  After all, Niles was totally okay with it. Hell, he was more anxious for it to happen than she was! He couldn’t wait to be in bed with her again, hearing all of the naughty details about what she and Jake had done together earlier in the evening.

  That gave Trudy an idea. She went over to her purse, pulled out her cell, and hit “1” on speed-dial and dialed up her husband’s cell.

  “Hey, sexy, are you at the office yet?” She was smiling broadly as she spoke to him, remembering last night and what a super time they’d had in bed together.

  “Yes, I just got here. What’s up?”

  “When are you going to make it home tonight?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, nine-thirty or so, probably. Why?”

  “I was just thinking about our new…hobby, shall we call it?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess that’s as good a description as any of what we’re up to.”

  “I don’t see any reason to wait, do you?”

  He paused and asked, “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I’m going to have sex with Jake, right? That’s what we decided last night, true?”


  “So why stall around? I was thinking, instead of going out and getting a drink with him and all of that, why don’t I just bring him over here and fuck him tonight? You could stay gone until say, ten o’clock, and I’ll have him out of our house and on his way home by nine-thirty or so. And then you can come home and hear every tiny little detail of all the cheating things we did together. How does that sound?”

  Niles laughed. “Its’ a good thing the door to my office is shut and Linda always knocks before she comes in.”

  “Oh, why is that?”

  “Because my dick is hard enough to shoot pool with right now, after hearing what you just proposed, and it’s probably going to take a while to return to normal, that’s why, you sexy puss!”

  She giggled and said, “Just thinking about what I’m going to do with Jake tonight really gets you stiff, hey?”

  “Oh, yeah,” he admitted.

  “Well then you’d best not think about it too much today, or you won’t be able to come out from behind your desk, sweetheart. Because I really intend to get wild with our young friend tonight; I intend to let him fuck me until I’m bowlegged, and then tell you all about it!”

  She broke the connection, smiling. Now all she had to do was get to work and see if Jake wanted to come over and have a little play date with her tonight!


  The young man in question came in at eight-thirty on the dot that morning and put his briefcase in his office cubicle. Then he got a cup of coffee and came over to hers. No one else was in yet except for Marge, the secretary, and she was up in the front of the office, busy on the phone.

  “I dreamed about you last night,” he told her, leaning on the glass partition at the top of her cubicle. “God…what you did in the car, you know, when you…”

  His voice trailed off. He looked back over at Marge, to make sure she was still sitting down twenty feet away and couldn’t possibly overhear him, and then continued in a low whisper, “When you licked that stuff off your hand and swallowed it? Jesus, that was hot!”

  She smiled up at him cannily and asked, “You liked that, huh? Well, so did I. You’ve got yummy tasting come, babe.”

  She saw Jake’s dick stir inside the chinos he was wearing today. Smiling even more deeply at that positive reaction, she looked back up at him and said, “Are you busy after work?”

  His face brightened. He asked her, “Another drink, is that what you’re thinking, Trudy, you little devil?”

  “Yeah, only this time I thought we might go someplace more private to have our little drink…like my bedroom.”

  She said the last part slowly, drawing it out, her eyes aglow with invitation and pure mischief. Jake’s dick jumped inside his pants again.

  But then his handsome face took on an agonized look. After a moment, he said, “I just remembered, Mara is coming over to my place right after work today, to get some more of her stuff. I told her I’d meet her there at six and help her load some of it into a van she borrowed.”

  After a moment of thought, he said, “How about you coming downtown, to my place, at about six-thirty? I’ll tell her I have someone coming over and make sure she’s gone by the time you get there.”

  “Won’t you have to go and help her unload the van?”

  “Nah, she’s got the guy she borrowed it from to do that,” he said.

  Thinking about it, he went on to add, “He’ll no doubt get a nice blowjob or a great fuck out of the deal, so I’m sure he won’t mind helping her.”

  “Your ex-girlfriend has a unique barter system, apparently,” Trudy said with a little smirk.

  “It’s as old as time,” Jake said philosophically, “and it works.”

  “I guess it does at that,” she responded. “Where do you live? I’ve got some paperwork here at the office that I need to catch up on soon. So I’ll just plan on staying here late and doing that, and then driving into town to your place. I won’t have to leave your apartment until about nine or nine-thirty to head home. How does that sound?”

  He was grinning from ear to ear. He said, “That sounds perfect, doll. I can’t wait!”

  After he’d gone back over to his cubicle and gotten on the phone, she slipped her cell out and called Niles, to let him know about the change in plans. He asked her where Jake lived and she read him the address Jake had just written down for her.

  It was in one of those old Victorian houses around Twenty-Fifth and “E” streets, downtown, that had been chopped up, piece-meal, into apartments years ago. He wished her luck and a good time and once again urged her to let herself go totally with young Jake tonight, and then to rush home and tell him all about it.

  “Should I leave his come in my pussy, so you can experience sloppy seconds, babe, like a true cuckold?” she asked him in a low, teasing whisper.

  There was a short pause and then she heard him sigh and say, “God, yes, do that! I know it’s a little crazy, but for some reason that sounds kinky and hot as hell to me!”

  And then he was gone. Trudy chortled to herself at what a perv her sweet Niles was becoming. She also resolved to do just what he’d asked her to do—to leave Jake’s come inside her for her husband to mount up on when she returned home to him.

  It ought to really thrill him, she reasoned, since she’d be coming directly from her lover’s bed; her cheating pussy still full of the proof of just what
a slut she’d been with her new sex partner!


  Trudy’s day went by fairly quickly, considering how anxious she was for it to be closing time, and then six-fifteen, the hour she’d picked to leave the office and head downtown to Jake’s flat. She’d received a commission check for six-thousand, two-hundred, and eleven dollars from Ross Conway after lunch, her cut of a house she’d had listed that had been sold by another real estate firm last month. The funds from the closed deal had finally cleared escrow and arrived in her employer’s business account today, and she ran down to the bank after lunch to deposit the commission check in her account.

  She also got a call she’d been expecting from a speculator she’d done oodles of business with over the last three years, who had finally finished the renovations he’d been doing on a property he owned that wasn’t far from the office. Chase Sanderson, the speculator, told her that he’d be at her office at four to sign the listing paperwork on the place, and urged her to move the property as fast as she could. He said he needed the cash.

  Chase was always short of money. He had everything he owned leveraged to the max at all times, so that he could buy more houses, refurbish them, and sell them.

  She smiled. Chase was either going to end up rich or dead broke. There was no in between for a balls-to-the-wall hustler/wheeler-dealer like him.

  The phone rang again and it was a fellow who owned a house out in Carmichael who had been talking to her on and off for months about listing it. She settled back in her chair and attempted to close him once and for all on the idea of formally listing it for sale with her.

  “Hey, beautiful, here’s your paperwork,” a male voice said. “We’ve done so much business together that I had all of the forms already on hand in my briefcase.”

  Trudy looked up from the document she had been examining and smiled at Chase Sanderson, who was standing in front of her desk. She reached out and took the paperwork from him, perused it quickly, and then said, “Everything looks right. I’ll get it listed first thing in the morning and we’ll see how it moves.”

  She glanced over at the clock on the wall and saw that it was nearing five-thirty. She told Chase, who was tall, very nice looking, if slightly disheveled—no doubt from playing carpenter in one of the houses he was rehabbing so he could flip it, “You’re late. I thought you were going to be here at four.”

  “I ran late,” he explained with a sigh, “too much to do and only me to do it.”

  She liked Chase. He was optimistic about the real estate market to the point of being slightly unbalanced, but he was cute, and God knew, he was a hard worker. He was also a very valuable client. He bought and sold two or three properties every year, and she was the listing agent on all of them. This year, he had purchased two houses that she’d had listed as well, giving her a double-dip in sales and listing commissions.

  “Hey, how about letting me buy you a drink?” she asked him. “I got a pretty nice commission check today, so I can afford it.”

  “Damn, a drink with a beautiful girl, and she’s paying? How can I say no?”

  They went to the same bar she and Jake had frequented twice in the last two nights. She drove over and he followed her in his beat up work truck, an ancient Ford pickup with construction racks and a piece of sheetrock tied into place across the top of the rack.

  Once inside, they settled back into the booth and she had a Ketel One on the rocks while he sipped at a Crown Royal with a touch of water. She looked at him across the small table, liking what she saw.

  Chase was tall and very nice-looking, with sandy-blond hair, cut short, beautiful hazel eyes, and an open, friendly face that was always on the verge of bursting into a boyish, almost bashful grin. Plus, all of the hard, physical work he did on remodeling the houses he was constantly buying kept his tall, lanky body in tip-top shape.

  God, he’s a real cutie, she thought, why have I never asked him out for a drink before in the three years we’ve been doing business together?

  She realized abruptly that it was because it never would have occurred to her to do so before. In the past, she’d always kept business strictly on a business basis. She’d never done that much socializing with her clients, hunky Chase included.

  “This is nice,” he said, raising his glass to her. “I’ve hoped since I first met you that we might get to be better friends, outside the office, Trudy, you being so damned pretty and all. But you always seemed a little, I don’t know…standoffish, before now?”

  She gave him a warm smile and reached over and took his hand briefly, squeezing it. Then she glibly lied to him, saying, “I just took a course in building stronger personal relationships with clients. It was all about being friendlier and more outgoing.”

  He beamed at her. “Well, I for one am glad you took it. It’s great to see this side of you.”

  Trudy felt her nipples spike just a little. This was so wild, having a drink and flirting with a hot guy like Chase while waiting for it to be time to drive into town and get fucked by a dreamy boy-toy like Jake!

  I bet Niles will just eat this up when I tell him about it later, she thought eagerly.

  She decided to see just how interested in her the handsome Chase really was. He was probably just a few years older than she was, about Niles’ age.

  “We should do this more often,” she told him, reaching over and squeezing his hand again.

  He smiled and seemed as pleased as he could be when she didn’t move her hand away this time. She continued to hold it.

  He said, “I’d like that. Maybe I could take you to dinner some night, Trudy, if that would be okay.”

  Looking down at her hand, he stared at her expensive wedding and engagement set and said, “I know you’re married and all.”

  She just smiled even more brightly at him and said, “My husband works until nine or ten at night a lot, so he doesn’t begrudge me the occasional dinner out with a friend.”

  Trudy ran her fingertips over the back of his hand and whispered suggestively, “Would you like to be my…friend, Chase?”

  “Jesus, yes,” he blurted, his voice tightening up with excitement as he looked across the table at her.

  “So, dinner next week some night?” she asked him in her flirtiest tone.

  “Sure, I’d love that,” he told her.

  They had one more drink, and then it was edging past six, so she told him she had to leave. He nodded and walked her out, after she’d settled up the bill.

  Standing over by his truck in the gathering darkness, he said, “I’ll call you on that dinner next week and see which night will work.”

  “I’d love that,” she said, letting her voice reflect that she couldn’t wait to hear from him.

  She stood staring up at him, perhaps a foot away. As she leaned her head back just slightly, handsome Chase Sanderson got the idea right away, leaned down, took her in his arms, and kissed her!

  Mmmmmmmmm, this is sweet, she thought, Chase is really good looking and he’s a great kisser! Just wait until I tell Niles about this. He’s always said that he bet half of my clients would love to bed me…and it looks as though maybe he was right!

  “Damn, I got carried away, there, Trudy,” Chase apologized after the long, hot kiss was finally concluded.

  Trudy just stepped in closer and put her arms around his neck again and whispered, “That’s okay, Chase, I like you a lot, too.”

  And then she went up onto her tiptoes once more and gave him another scorcher of a kiss that lasted for a full minute. When they broke apart that time, she could feel his hard cock up against her body and that made her smile

  It felt like a nice one, too!


  She rang the bell at the apartment at six-forty. The door opened immediately and Jake’s smiling face greeted her.

  “I was afraid you weren’t coming,” he told her, as she stepped into the room and he locked the door behind her.

  “I got held up a little with a client,” she told hi
m, smiling, remembering how she’d made out with Chase for a total of about fifteen minutes in the parking lot just now, sucking tongue with him and rubbing her breasts against his strong body.

  If I hadn’t already made this date with Jake, Chase might be getting a slurpy blowjob in the back seat of my Beamer about now, she thought as she checked out Jake’s little studio apartment. I really like him, too. And I never realized how sexy he was until tonight--this newfound freedom Niles has given me to play around with hot guys who might want me is downright exhilarating!

  “I know, it’s tiny,” Jake apologized for his diminutive place as she glanced around at it.

  The flat was really just one big room, with a door in the back that she guessed led into a broom closet-sized bathroom. The ceilings from two centuries ago were high; the stove in the small kitchen was practically an antique, and the old refrigerator looked to be from the early nineties.

  Still, the big bed with its brass-framed headboard looked inviting. And Jake was downright edible, standing there barefoot, in jeans and a sweatshirt; his hair slightly mussed and that lopsided grin on his face.

  “Can I offer you a drink?” he asked.

  Trudy pulled off the blazer she was wearing, hung it over the back of a chair, and set her purse on his dilapidated kitchen table. Then she took his hand and led him the few steps over to the bed, saying, “No, baby, I already had one, with a client who just listed a house with me. What I’m craving right now isn’t another drink…it’s you!”

  With that, she was in his arms and kissing him like she was starving for him, her tongue inside his mouth, her hands all over his back, his hair, and down onto those sexy butt cheeks that she’d been sneaking glances at for weeks now in the office. She grasped a tight ass moon in each hand and squeezed them as she rubbed her nipples against his chest.

  Jake’s reaction to her torrid embrace was predictable: he soon had her sitting on the edge of the bed with him, still kissing and sucking tongue together, his hands working on the buttons of her blouse. Trudy, in turn, yanked his sweatshirt upward, baring Jake’s washboard abs and lightly furred chest.


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