Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go?

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Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go? Page 7

by C. K. Ralston

  He drifted from group to group, just schmoozing and having a few cocktails, trying to keep his mind off his wife and what she was probably doing at that moment just a few blocks away, with this young Jake guy she’d taken a fancy to. Niles found that he dared not think of that in any detail, or for any length of time, or his cock started to get hard.

  And a small soiree with thirty or so legislators, their aides, and a passel of “tree-huggers” was hardly the place to be strolling around with a massive hard on under his suit pants. He downed two scotches over the course of time he spent at the party and ate some fairly decent finger food, which took the edge off his hunger.

  “Hey, handsome, are you here all alone? Where’s that beautiful wife of yours?” Niles heard a female voice inquire.

  He turned and saw Ellen Markley, the vice president of The Clean Water Initiative standing right behind him, sipping what looked like a cosmopolitan. He knew Ellen casually from a zillion such cocktail parties in the past and wondered idly how it was that she knew his wife, since she rarely came to these things.

  “Oh, hey, Trudy sold you guys your house, didn’t she, back when she was first starting out in real estate?” Niles said, suddenly remembering how it was that the long, tall, elegant stunner that was Ellen Markley knew his wife. “How have you been, Ellen?”

  “Busy,” Ellen said, returning his smile, “in a drought year like this one, there’s even more wrangling over water than there usually is in California, so our plate at The Initiative has been pretty full.”

  “I can imagine,” Niles said, and then he remembered her initial question as to where Trudy was tonight.

  Deciding that telling the gorgeous Ellen that his wife was busy cuckolding him with a hot-looking kid from her office tonight was probably not good cocktail party repartee, he said instead, “Ellen’s working tonight, showing a house. She doesn’t come to too many of these things anymore anyway, although she’ll be sorry to have missed seeing you.”

  “Well, tell her hello for me,” Ellen said, her gaze moving past Niles and locking on to a late-arriving senator. “The house is great, by the way; Paul and I just love it.”

  “I’ll let her know that; nice to see you, Ellen,” he said as she nodded to him and moved off to buttonhole the senator, who Niles recognized as member of a senate sub-committee that dealt with agricultural water distribution.

  He’d lobbied the senator himself on numerous occasions, for his various clients in big agriculture. He stood admiring Ellen as she moved off and corralled the man, thinking that she was as tall and blonde and gorgeous as she could be.

  The senator’s about to get a big blast of that patented Ellen Markley, high-voltage charm, Niles thought; the poor bastard doesn’t stand a chance. Ellen might not get him to vote her way, but she’ll make him think It over carefully before he votes the other way, that’s for sure.

  Niles took out his cell phone and looked at the time. It was eight forty-five. He doubted his wife would be home before ten and wondered what he was going to do until then.

  It only took about fifteen minutes to drive from the Hyatt, out “J” street, and into east Sacramento, where he lived. But the idea of leaving now and getting home by shortly after nine really didn’t appeal to him.

  He knew that he’d go nuts, stalking around the big empty house, thinking about his wife and the kid she was with and what they might be doing together. Niles was anxious as hell to see her tonight and to hear about everything she and her new lover had done together, but he knew he’d go bonkers sitting around by himself at home fantasizing about it.

  My wife actually has a lover now! The thought hit him and it made him smile.

  How weird was that, contemplating the fact that his loving, formerly true-blue Trudy now had another, younger man on the side?

  Niles felt his dick getting hard, just at the notion of it. He needed to get out of here, now!

  Glancing around the room, he found that he’d already chatted with everyone here who might conceivably do him any favors or any good in the near future, so it was time to leave. He caught Ellen’s eye and smiled at her, waving good-bye, since she was the ranking member of the group throwing the party.

  Niles took the elevator down to the lobby and wandered into Amourath 1819, the Hyatt’s decidedly upscale restaurant and bar, for a quick nightcap before driving home. The plush lounge was always full of political types from the capitol, which was just across the street, so Niles contented himself with killing another half hour drinking with a few pols, aides, and other lobbyists before heading out front to collect his Mercedes from the valet stand.

  I feel like a damned high school kid who is about to score for the first time, he thought as he swung over onto “J” street and headed for home. Here I am, a thirty-two year old man with a degree from Stanford, a successful business, and what I’d like to think is at least a modicum of sophistication and cosmopolitan jeu de vie, and yet I have a hard on just thinking about what’s happening tonight between my wife and some kid from her office!

  He laughed. It was true; his dick was more than half stiff inside his suit pants as he drove along, wondering just how far his little Trudy would really go with this Jake character tonight.

  Would she actually let him fuck her? Or would she merely tease him and jerk him off again and lick up his come, like she had the first time?

  Or, instead of doing that again, would she go just a bit further and give him a for-real blowjob tonight, reasoning that sucking his cock off wasn’t as far out of bounds as an actual fuck? He chuckled again: that would be just like his Trudy, comforting her conscience with the idea that she’d already tasted his come that other time, when she’d licked it off her fingers, so blowing him wouldn’t actually be going that much further.

  He shook his head in wonder as he drove, thinking, this is so wild, so totally unlike Trudy! I never in a million years thought she’d get into any of this…that she’d try to make my little fantasy about her being hit on by some other guy come true. What a gal she is, my wife. I’m so lucky to have her!

  He glanced over at the car’s digital clock and saw that it was still only twenty until ten. He was now just scant minutes from his house, so he pulled into the Vagabond Lounge’s parking lot when he came to it. The Vagabond was the same place Trudy had taken the kid for drinks, right before he’d made out with her the first time and she’d jacked him off later, back over at the office.

  “This is a good, appropriate place to kill twenty minutes,” he told himself under his breath as he got out of the car, “it’s almost like returning to the scene of the crime; or at least the place where the crime started out.”

  He went inside and sat at the bar, glancing around the small neighborhood watering hole. He’d been this place a number of times over the years, just for a quick drink, sometimes meeting Trudy here for cocktails after work before they went home.

  Now, as he sat at the bar, he imagined his beautiful wife and a very handsome young man with longish black hair huddled in one of the candlelit booths along the back wall, laughing and talking, getting friendlier with each other as the drinks kept coming. Next, he saw in his mind’s eye the two of them leaving together, maybe with his arm draped casually around her waist, on their way back to the office and his car. And also on their way, he thought to himself, to their first steamy tryst in the back seat of her Beamer, her hand around his dick!

  Niles took a deep breath and tried to stop thinking about that. It was almost deserted inside the bar, just another guy seated down the rail from him and two couples at tables, plus the bartender and the cocktail girl.

  But still, it wouldn’t do for him to walk out of here with a mammoth hard on. And that was exactly what would happen if he didn’t quit thinking about Trudy and that kid!

  He had a final drink, sipping it slowly, watching the hands of the clock behind the bar seemingly crawl around the dial until it was ten o’clock. Taking out his cell phone, he confirmed that the clock was on “bar time�
��, that it was actually about five until ten.

  But that was close enough; Trudy should be home any minute now. He closed out his tab and then made his way out back to drive home.


  “Well, shit!” That was what Niles muttered as he pulled into the garage at a minute past ten and saw that the stall where Trudy’s car should have been parked was still empty.

  He had hoped she’d be home by now and that their evening of naughty revelations and red-hot sex could begin right away. With a sigh, Niles heaved himself out of the Mercedes, exited the garage through the side door, and walked up the path leading to the back door of the house.

  Once inside, he went right upstairs and got out of his suit, carefully hanging it up in the closet, and then stripping off his shirt, tie, shoes and socks, along with his boxers. He turned both bedroom lamps down to their lowest settings and got into bed naked to await Trudy’s arrival.

  The Kindle on his nightstand currently held a novel by Michael Connelly, the latest courtroom thriller starring Connelly’s Lincoln Lawyer character. Niles usually loved Connelly’s books, and he had been enjoying this one immensely, until tonight.

  Now, waiting for Trudy to get home, so keyed up he could barely think straight, he found that he couldn’t concentrate on the latest legal antics of Mickey Haller and his crew, at least not tonight. Just as he shut the Kindle down and put it back on the nightstand, he heard Trudy’s car coming up the driveway down below the window.

  He smiled, fidgeting under the covers. He could barely believe it, but his dick was suddenly almost fully hard again.

  Fuck, I’m like a teenaged boy watching porn for the first time, he told himself, I’m so excited that I can scarcely hold still and I’m getting hard as easily as I would if I were suddenly thirteen years old again!

  Trudy stepped into the room two minutes later. She had a very odd expression on her face; she managed to look worried, triumphant, nervous, and quite proud of herself—all at once, somehow.

  “I did it,” she said in a voice so soft that it barely carried across the bedroom. “I was at Jake’s place until just minutes ago. And I did it. I did exactly what you wanted me to do, Niles.”

  “Tell me!” His voice was a bray of pure excitement. “Come here and get in bed with me and tell me everything, Trudy, my love!”

  She crossed the room slowly, as if she was unsure of her footing. When she got to her side of the bed, she took her blazer off and put it on a nearby chair, and then unbuttoned her blouse as he watched her—all rapt attention.

  When the blouse had joined the blazer on the chair, she undid her skirt and slid her pantyhose off. She turned away from him, almost bashfully, as she slipped off her panties and got out of her bra.

  Once under the covers with her husband, she didn’t resist as he reached for her naked body and slid her over close to him. He pulled the bedclothes down enough to bare her sumptuous breasts and stared at them hungrily, daydreaming about this Jake character’s mouth being all over those cute little pink nipples of hers, probably not a half hour ago!

  “What happened?” His voice was soft, but insistent as he drank in her loveliness and thought of a man other than himself sampling it this evening. “Tell me all of it, please, darling!”

  Trudy’s smile was tentative, unsure. She whispered, “I guess I should tell you what happened before I even got to Jake’s first, just so you’ll know what a thoroughly bad girl I’ve been lately.”

  He urged her onward with his eyes, impatient to hear it, all of it. She said, “One of my regular clients, Chase Sanderson—he buys distressed properties and renovates them and then flips them, I’ve mentioned him to you before—came in late this afternoon to list a house he just finished redoing.”

  Niles shrugged in mild exasperation at this diversion from the topic of Jake and her in bed tonight. She went on to say, “Anyway, Chase is about your age, and he’s really nice, and very handsome. I had to wait until after six to leave for Jake’s apartment, so I asked Chase if I could buy him a drink at the Vagabond, just to kill some time.”

  Starting, as he realized that he’d been sitting in the Vagabond not thirty minutes ago himself, Niles said, “What happened?”

  “He came on to me,” Trudy admitted almost shyly. “He asked me to dinner next week. And when we went outside together, to the back parking lot as we were leaving? He kissed me.”

  Niles gasped, his dick jerking beneath the covers. Trudy smiled and said, “I guess you were right, darling. Some of my clients do think of me in…that way after all. Chase and I made out for, like, fifteen minutes, with lots and lots of tongue. And I was so wet I could barely believe it; and his dick was as hard as it could be up against my belly as we kissed!”

  “Fuck,” Niles said, shocked almost speechless by this unexpected bit of “bonus” bad behavior by his once staid, unadventurous wife.

  “If I hadn’t had to leave for Jake’s right then, I might have jacked Chase off, just like I did Jake, or maybe even given him a quick blowjob in the backseat of my car. What do you think of that? Is that being a total bad girl, or what?”

  She had said that last part in a tone that was almost smug, not ashamed of her behavior at all. Trudy was smiling at him as if she was now quite proud of just how naughty a girl she had managed to become for him.

  Niles realized that he was beaming. He shook his head in wonder and said, “You really go for it, once you start on something, don’t you, kitten? What’s gotten in to you?”

  Trudy laughed. It was an almost girlish giggle, filled with both pure delight and embarrassment, at the same time.

  “I don’t know. You wanted for me to be wilder and to explore that side of myself; to see if men wanted me, the way you’d always fantasized that they do.”

  She gave him a look and then went on to say, “Well, it seems as if you were right. I didn’t have to encourage Chase hardly at all tonight and, suddenly, he was all over me.”

  Trudy licked her lips and whispered, “And you know what, darling?”

  “What?” Niles murmured, entranced by his wife’s new aura of boldness and sensuality.

  “I really like it! I really love being sexy and provocative, and the fact that men seem to pick up on the new…me! I don’t know what’s different about me, but Chase sort of seemed to sense right away that I wasn’t the old, conservative, stand-offish Trudy Reed anymore.”

  Niles was as excited as he’d ever been in his life as he stared at this naked, red-hot, brand new bad girl of a wife of his! He asked her anxiously, “What about Jake, what happened when you got to his place?”

  Trudy’s proud-of-herself smile deepened. She replied tauntingly, “Everything, darling…everything you can imagine happening? Believe me, it…happened!”

  Niles sucked in his breath, his heart pounding. He murmured, “You mean you…?”

  “I fucked him,” Trudy said, her blue eyes blazing with mischief. “First I kissed him like a crazy girl—the same way I’d been making out with Chase Sanderson before I got there—and then Jake took my top and bra off, and I took his sweatshirt off, and we got on the bed together, still sucking tongue with each other like two horny high school kids.”

  Niles had to let go of his cock, which he had been holding in his fist under the covers. His chest was heaving with excitement and he knew if he stroked himself at all right at that instant, he’d soon be shooting off all over the sheets and blankets.

  “He loved my tits,” Trudy said triumphantly, studying his reaction as she tantalized him with the explicit details of what she’d done tonight, all at his request!

  “I told them how sensitive they are, and how I loved to have them squeezed and sucked and licked. And, oh, baby, did he ever?”

  She gave him a tiny giggle and then admitted, “We were completely naked in no time, and he was gobbling up my titties so nicely, Niles, darling. And then he slipped his finger into my pussy and I almost came right then. It felt so good to be cuddling with a hottie like Jake
while he worshipped my tits with his mouth and stroked my hot pussy!”

  Niles groaned, fighting to keep from coming himself. He saw it all in his mind’s eye--and it was the hottest sight he’d ever imagined--his little Trudy letting another man kiss her great tits and fondle them while he fingered her wet little twat!

  “What…what happened then?” he managed to croak out the question, his mouth dry from the sheer intensity of his arousal.

  “He kissed his way down my tummy and slipped his tongue into my pussy,” she hissed softly, her eyes aglow with the memory of how hot that had felt. “He ate me, Niles. He licked me so good!”

  Niles shuddered, his eyes going closed as he saw his wife with her legs spread wide for another man, another man whose face was pressed up tight against her gushing pussy lips. He sighed, “Did he make you come?”

  “Yessssssssssssssss,” she drew the answer out into another hissing reply, pushing the covers all the way off both of them and reaching over to take Niles cock in her hand. “I came so long and so hard, baby. And he just kept tonguing out my hot juice and swallowing it for me while he kissed and sucked at my clitty.”

  “And…and…then what happened?” Niles voice was now a faint whisper, full of fear and longing.

  “He fucked me.” Trudy said it softly, but firmly. “I was so wet that Jake’s big old cock just slipped right into me, darling. And then he rode me hard and I fucked and fucked underneath him until he filled me with his come, just as I was going off again around him.”

  “Aggghhhhhhhh!” Niles groaned, struggling mightily not to spew out his own load of jism as he imagined that.

  Trudy let go of his cock and took his right hand and guided it over to her pussy lips. She urged his fingers into her as she whispered, “Here, feel it! Can you feel how much of his spunk is still inside me, baby?”


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