Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go?

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Wives Who Stray: How Far Should I Go? Page 9

by C. K. Ralston

  He laughed and said, “You’ve changed your views so much about sex in the last few days that I thought anal might finally be on the table for us, dear.”

  Rather than acceding to her demand right away as he normally would have and pulling his thumb out of her bottom—Trudy had never had anal sex in her life, he knew from many begging, wheedling attempts in the past to get her to try it with him—he left his thumb right where it was, in her ass, as he continued to fuck her. He even went so far as to push it in a little further, just to see what she’d say.

  “Oooh, that feels so nasty!” Was what she said, as she kept right on moving her trim little butt back to meet his thrusts into her pussy. “You’re such a naughty boy tonight, Niles.”

  “And you’re the naughtiest of girls, Trudy, my love,” he whispered as he fingered her tight asshole and ravaged her spunk-sloppy pussy.

  Niles waited for her to protest about his thumb being up her bottom again, but she didn’t. She just closed her eyes and worked her butt back onto him and moaned about how good it felt!

  God, who is the wild woman in bed with me tonight? Niles asked himself the question joyously, watching his hot little wife in action. Being with her now is like being with a totally new woman, one who is completely free and unfettered by convention and is ready to have nothing but nasty, kinky…fun!

  “Oh, fuck, baby, you’re turning me on so much tonight!” Trudy called out to him just then. “Even your finger in my butt feels good!”

  Niles chuckled and said, “Maybe next time, Jake will want to fuck you in this cute little ass of yours, what then?”

  Trudy shivered at the thought of that, and then turned her head and looked back at her husband over her shoulder. She said, with a saucy little smile on her face, “I might let you put your cock up there some night soon, darling, if you play your cards right and keep on being so fucking sexy that I can hardly see straight when I’m with you. But not Jake; he’s too big; that dick of his isn’t any longer than yours but it’s twice as big around…so no ass fucking for Jake!”

  Now it was Niles turn to shiver, and he did. He asked her softly, “You mean, after five years of trying, you might actually let me butt-fuck you, babe?”

  Trudy flashed him her sexiest smile for just a brief moment and then said, “We’ll see.”

  Then the smile vanished and she moaned as a big pre-come spasm tore though her and she sighed, “For right now, just keep on fucking my pussy, stud. I’m going to come again, and soon!”

  He sighed and did just as she’d asked. She came just seconds later, screaming and calling his name as he emptied the absolute last of his come into her pussy.



  Trudy awoke in the arms of her husband the next morning. She started to get out of bed, and then she felt the wetness.

  It was all she could do not to burst out laughing as she moved the bedclothes aside and saw that the two of them had spent the night cuddled up in the middle of an enormous wet spot on the sheet beneath them. After Niles had come in her pussy that last time, while banging her brains loose, doggie-style, they had both been too exhausted to do anything but go right to sleep.

  He had held her briefly, and kissed her, and then they had both just conked out. It had been a long time since Niles had come three times in an evening, and fucking and sucking two men in one night—an absolute first, of course, for Trudy—had thoroughly drained her of energy, too.

  She’d known that she should get up and clean the gigantic amount of spunk out of her pussy that Jake and Niles had deposited there before she went to sleep, but she’d been too tired to do it. So now she was paying the price. All of that goo had slowly drained out of her last night as she’d slept, and now half of the big bed was drenched in slick, cold, drying semen.

  “Babe, wake up,” she whispered gently to Niles.

  He opened his eyes groggily and said, “Wha’…what’s going on?”

  “Jizz alert,” she told him impishly, “you two guys flooded me with it and now I’m afraid we’re afloat in the stuff. Come on, get up. We have to change the sheets and wash the mattress pad before we take off for work.”

  Niles started to protest, but then he moved and felt the cold, wet liquid under his arm. He held the arm up, gazed at it aghast, and said, “Eeewwwww!”

  “Eeewwwww, indeed, Mister,” she chided him; “we are paying for out pleasure this morning. Now help me change these sheets.”

  Together, they got the bed stripped and Trudy slipped on a robe and went down to the laundry room and put the mattress pad and the sheets in the washer. Then she made them some coffee and carried a cup up to Giles, who was just emerging from the shower.

  He took the offered cup and grinned at her, saying, “Last night was awesome, babe, don’t you think?”

  She set her cup on the sink counter and took his wet, floppy dick in her hand and whispered, “You know I do. It was the best sex of my entire life.”

  Then she kissed him on the mouth lightly and released his cock as she reclaimed her own cup of coffee. As she left the bathroom, she said over her shoulder, “Even the sex here was pretty good, but it couldn’t compare with what I had over at Jake’s, of course.”

  “You bitch!” he yelled after his retreating wife, laughing, throwing his wet towel at her.


  “And check this out, I can zoom in from this angle if I want to,” Niles said eagerly, showing Trudy how another of the controls on the rather intricate-looking board worked.

  The image on one of the fifteen small color monitors above the control panel got bigger. The bed got closer and closer as the camera zoomed in.

  “How much did all of this technology cost?” she asked her husband warily.

  “Believe me, you don’t want to know,” he told her without looking up from his expensive new toy.

  He was seated in a comfortable black leather swivel chair in front of the board and she was standing next to him, stooped toward the screens, watching as he put the system through its paces. They were in his den, downstairs, over in one corner of the room that had previously been occupied by a big easy chair and a floor lamp.

  “Did you go to work today?” she asked suspiciously.

  He looked up at her and gave her a guilty, little-boy’s, shit-eating grin and said, “I called in and told Linda that I was sick.”

  “You called in sick?” Trudy sounded appalled, because her husband rarely called in sick, even when he was sick.

  He flashed a mock frown and said, “I am sick, babe. Very sick; it takes an extremely sick man to spend what I spent on this system and the rush install job, just so he can watch his wife suck another man’s cock before she fucks him senseless on camera.”

  Trudy laughed and shook her head. “I’ll try to make your investment pay off, babe. When I get Jake upstairs, I intend to be very, very naughty onscreen with him, trust me!”

  “Oh, I do,” he assured her, the Cheshire cat smile back on his face. “I’m looking forward to you letting your inner-slut out for the camera’s benefit, babe. And I think you’re just the girl to do it.”

  She watched him fiddle with the controls for a moment, and then he stopped and looked up at her again, his face bright with the joy of sudden inspiration. “Go upstairs and strip naked, honey! Get on the bed and give me a show; play with those magnificent tits and that cute little pussy for me, and I’ll film it, and then we can both watch it later on the big screen in our room!”

  Trudy rolled her eyes. “God, you’re such a perv sometimes, Niles!”

  But saying that didn’t stop her from climbing the stairs, getting out her vibrator, and stripping for him. She lay out on the bed and smiled for the cameras, first teasing her nipples to fullness with the little buzzer, and then twisting them with her left hand as she slid the sex toy all over her very wet pussy with her right hand.

  This is so naughty, so totally cool, Trudy thought as she wriggled around on the bed, doing herse
lf with the vibrator, knowing that Niles was watching her every move from the den. Those guys did a super job on the installation. Even though I know there are three cameras covering this room--filming me right now as I “Jill” myself off--I can’t spot even one lens!

  Less than five minutes after the lewd performance had started, Niles appeared in the doorway, his shirt already off and his left hand on his zipper. She grinned at him and asked, “What happened to your filming my whole performance, Mr. Director?”

  He got out of the remainder of his clothes and joined her on the bed, his dick as hard as a fencepost. After a long, hot kiss, he whispered, “I switched the system on to automatic. My secret yen to perform for the cameras turned out to be bigger than my desire to direct.”

  “Ooh, my own private porn star,” she sighed as he slipped his cock into her and went back to kissing her.


  “I think this was the best idea you ever had,” Trudy whispered as they lay cuddled together, watching the DVD of them fucking.

  “I wish I had a bigger dick,” Niles said, staring critically at the screen and his wife, who was busily taking his cock over and over again on the recording they’d made earlier in the evening.

  “Aren’t you listening to what I’m saying on camera?” Trudy asked him incredulously, shaking her head.

  The Trudy on the screen was moaning, “Oh, that’s perfect. Just like that, baby, fuck me hard, just exactly like that…I ‘m gonna’ come, you’re gonna make me come so sweet, darling!”

  He looked over at her and grinned. “Maybe I don’t need a monster dick after all.”

  She reached down and touched him and found the dick in question to be as hard as it could be. Turning onto her side and spooning back against her man, she whispered, “Slip that thing inside me and fuck me while we watch ourselves orgasm together onscreen. This is so cool!”

  He slid into her and she moaned in stereo. Her own sigh of satisfaction merged with her onscreen self as Niles began to work his dick in and out of her very wet sheath while they watched their onscreen selves banging away enthusiastically in the missionary position.

  “I left the cameras running,” Niles whispered as he picked up the pace.

  “You mean that you’re filming us right now, fucking while we’re watching ourselves fuck earlier?” Her voice was amazed as she asked the question.

  “Yep, the possibilities are endless, even when Jake or some other stud isn’t here fucking you, babe.”

  “You are a very naughty boy, with a truly evil side to you, Niles Reed,” she sighed, his cock gliding in and out right over her clit. “Now fuck me. I want to come onscreen for you again, while you’re filming it.”

  He laughed and asked, “For me? You mean you’re not enjoying this?”

  Trudy laughed too, and really started to work her sumptuous hips back against him, saying, “Well…what girl hasn’t fantasized about being a porn start? Now shut up and fuck me!”


  Trudy was as excited as she could be at work the next morning. All of the footage she and Niles had shot the night before had turned out super!

  She could hardly wait to get her young lover over to her house tonight and make some cinematic history together, unbeknownst to Jake, of course. Niles had showed her how to activate the system, just in case he couldn’t get home early enough to slip into the den and do the filming himself. But he’d promised to try and maneuver his schedule around tonight so that he could do just that.

  Jake looked a little tired when he arrived at eight-thirty. He put his briefcase in his cubicle, got coffee, and then came over to stand in the doorway of hers.

  “You look beat,” she observed.

  “Well, bartending from six until two, getting home and to bed by two-thirty or so, and then getting up at seven-thirty to come in here and work all day is taxing, babe. I am a little tired.”

  He flashed an impish smile her way and whispered, “Plus, there’s this knockout older girl I know who really put me through my paces the night before last. I haven’t totally recovered from that hot workout in bed yet, either, to tell you the truth.”

  Trudy returned the smile and whispered back, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I was hoping you might feel like dropping by my place tonight right after work for a friendly drink and maybe a tour of the house…especially the bedrooms upstairs, if you know what I mean.”

  “Ah, shit,” Jake said with a sigh, shaking his head at his bad luck. “Goddamned Mara is coming tonight to get the last of her stuff. She’s supposed to be at my place at six.”

  After a moment, his face brightened as he asked her, “How about you coming over at six-thirty, like you did last time? I’ll tell her the same thing I told her that night-- that I have this really hot chick coming by, so she’ll have to be quick about getting her stuff and getting gone.”

  He grinned and said, “Serves the bitch right, leaving her wondering who my new girlfriend is.”

  Trudy sighed, thinking about all of the expensive video gear just waiting for her at home, and about Niles, finagling his schedule to be home tonight for a change so that he could watch her in action with Jake.

  Oh, well, the best laid plans and all of that, she thought. Niles will understand, I guess. And there’s always next time for video making.

  “Sure, that’s fine,” she said after another moment of thought. “I’ll be there as close to six-thirty as I can make it. I’ll probably have to leave for home about nine.”

  “Excellent,” he told her, beaming. “I’m really looking forward to it. You’re the best, babe, and I really mean that.”


  Niles was philosophical about the setback, when she got him on the phone. He had work he could do tonight, so he would merely keep to his original schedule and do it. He assured his wife that while hearing about what she’d done with her boy-toy wasn’t as good as actually seeing her do it, it was still much better than nothing.

  Trudy was less nervous today than she had been the first time she was to spend the evening at Jake’s place. She hurried through her day, listed Chase’s refurbished house, checked on the status of her other various deals, and went out to Carmichael and signed the listing agreement with the man there that had been wavering back and forth over listing his house for so long.

  All and all, a very good day, she thought as she locked the office up at five-thirty and then drove over to the Vagabond to kill a little time before driving over to Jake’s. She sat at the bar this time and nursed her way through a Ketel One on the rocks, and then ordered a second one at six.

  The little neighborhood bar was fairly busy tonight. A man sitting next to her, who was probably in his late thirties or early forties and obviously very successful--from the look of the expensive grey business suit he wore and the forty-dollar haircut he was sporting--glanced over at her as her second drink arrived and smiled.

  “Hi, I’m Rudy Harwell,” he said, introducing himself and offering her his hand. “I’ve seen you in here once in a while, having a quick drink or two after work.”

  “I’m Trudy Reed. I’m a realtor, and my office is just a few blocks from here,” she said, smiling back at him as she shook his hand.

  “I saw you the other night with a younger fellow, sitting back in one of the booths,” Rudy Harwell said, nodding toward the rear of the bar. “And then I spotted you again the next night with another, somewhat older guy, sitting in the same booth.”

  He paused for a moment, took a sip of his own drink, and then added, “Fortunate fellows, both of them, I thought at the time. So tell me, Trudy Reed the realtor, how does a man get lucky enough to share a drink with an incredible beauty like you?”

  Trudy felt her heart turn over in her chest. Rudy Harwell was very handsome and self-assured, a real honey. And he was definitely hitting on her.

  This is so easy! She marveled at how simple it now seemed to be for her to attract really great-looking, sexy guys, without even trying! Why is it that hotties like Ch
ase and this guy are suddenly coming on to me all the time now, ever since I first took the plunge and got cozy with Jake? Do I give off some kind of different, “I’m available” vibe these days? Do I look different, carry myself differently somehow?

  “Oh, I don’t know, Rudy,” she said when she finally got around to answering him. “You do look like a guy I might like to get to know better, maybe have drink with sometime. But I’m afraid I’ve got to go this evening, here in a minute or two. I’ve got an appointment downtown at six-thirty to show a house I have listed.”

  He reached into his jacket and got out a business card. It read: Harwell and Associates, and listed a tony downtown address. Apparently, Rudy was an architect, and a very accomplished one, too, judging from the prestige office building which housed his offices.

  “Call me sometime when you’re thirsty,” the charming older man told her. “I’ll buy. I live in the Fabulous Forties, just a couple of blocks from here.”

  “So do I,” she said, putting the card in her purse as she finished her vodka and got up to leave, “I think I’d like that, having a few drinks with you some evening, Rudy.”

  “Likewise,” he told her with a big smile, “you’re one of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen, Trudy. Any guy would love to get to know you better.”


  “That was so cool!” Trudy told herself aloud as she drove down “J” street and into downtown Sacramento.

  Being hit on by a honey like Rudy from out of the blue, while I’m headed to my handsome young lover’s flat for another night of sexy, illicit fun with him?

  She asked herself joyously: Who is this new hot mama, Trudy Reed, and how did I get to be her?

  She was still smiling triumphantly as she parked right in front of the old Victorian and went up the steps. Glancing at the clock on her cell quickly, she saw that she was very much on time tonight; it was just six-thirty.

  Jake opened the door right away after she’d rung the bell. He was dressed just as he had been last time--except he had on a different sweatshirt--the old jeans, the barefoot look, and the tousled hair were all the same, though.


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