Give Me Another Chance: The Raven Brothers Book 3

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Give Me Another Chance: The Raven Brothers Book 3 Page 1

by Kaylee, Katy

  Give Me Another Chance

  The Raven Brothers Book 3

  Katy Kaylee

  Copyright © 2020 by Katy Kaylee

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33


  Marriage of Convenience (Excerpt)

  Get on Katy’s VIP List

  Also by Katy Kaylee


  I never forgot you, and the way you made me feel that first time.

  I never forgot you, even when you left me six years ago without saying goodbye.

  You were my brother’s best friend, and I was in love…

  I never expected to see you again, but here we are…

  I never thought our relationship had a second chance,

  And here we are…

  Ash Raven – I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you forever.

  Would you be willing to give our love another chance after all this!

  Beth McAdams, mother of your daughter, the miracle we created six years ago, and I kept it a secret from you.

  OMG… Does that make me a terrible person?


  Beth – Saturday

  This was supposed to be easy, but who was I kidding. Being with Ash like this brought back memories of six years ago when life seemed perfect. Oh, how I wished we could be like that again.

  But no. I was here in the club he owned with my brother to complete a mission. I needed Ash to buy my brother’s half of the business to save us financially. It was a shame, I thought as I looked around Jet and saw how popular it was. Knowing my brother had checked out of the business a few years back, I had to credit Ash for the club’s success. I hoped he wouldn’t lowball an offer to offset how little my brother contributed over the last few years. I couldn’t blame Ash if he did, since my brother wasn’t involved in the club’s current success, but I hoped he’d be generous considering their friendship. Or I should say, their past friendship.

  I was there to look over my brother’s holding and to negotiate the sale, so I wasn’t sure why I agreed to dance with Ash, except that it was loud and crowded on the dance floor which made it hard to talk. Despite needing to strike a deal, the last thing I wanted was to talk to Ash about anything but business because I knew my resolve around him was weak. He was everything and more than I remembered. He’d lost the boyish softness in his face that he had at twenty-one and was now a full-fledged man, with a chiseled jaw and day-old stubble. His hazel eyes watched me as I danced with him. Like a Svengali, his eyes captured me and I slowly got lost in them until we were the only two people in the room.

  That’s how it had been that summer in the Hamptons six years ago after I graduated from high school. Ash had just graduated from college, and he and Ben were planning to open a club in Manhattan. Our families had been friends for a long time, and so I’d known Ash, but it wasn’t until that summer that I saw him as anything but my brother’s friend.

  All of the Raven boys were ridiculously handsome, and so they were always very popular at the beach, including Ash. But there was something different that summer about him. Or maybe it was me. I remembered seeing him walk out of the surf by our beach house and thinking “yum” as water dripped from him. I’d been sunbathing on the beach and he came to sit with me as my brother continued to boogie board. We laughed at my brother as he crashed into the waves. Then we discussed our plans for the summer and beyond; his involved opening a club with my brother, and mine was attending college. He was funny and smart and sweet and within minutes, my friendly feelings started to turn.

  Within a week, I was sneaking out at night and meeting him on the beach, where we walked and talked about nothing and everything. Despite my animosity towards him now, I couldn’t help but think of those times as anything but magic. It was the stuff of teenage romance movies. My mother said that it was a sure sign that we wouldn’t last. To her, I had a crush on Ash We had a summer fling, but that was all it was. She’d insisted that over time I’d meet a man that would show me what lasting love was really about.

  So far, I hadn’t met that man. Instead, when I thought about romance, my mind always went to Ash, even though my goal was to forget him. To this day, I could still remember the taste of him when he kissed me. He wasn’t the first boy I’d ever kissed, but up until him, I hadn’t understood what a kiss could be. Or what it could do to the libido. After that first kiss, I knew I wanted him to be the one to take my V-card.

  The only problem for us was that no one knew about us. Initially, we’d just been friends, but when it was clear something more was going on, we agreed to keep our blossoming romance on the down-low. For one, who knew what would happen once the summer was over? Second, neither of us was sure how Ben would take it and since Ash was getting ready to start a business with him, we didn’t want to mess that up.

  I was okay with keeping us a secret because it added to the romance of it all. Each night, we’d meet in secret on the beach, walk and talk, kiss and feel each other up, and then walk and talk some more. As the summer progressed, he’d use his fingers on me, giving me glorious orgasms. He taught me how to jack him off with my hand. I loved how powerful it made me feel to give him pleasure.

  But I wanted more. As the summer drew to a close, I didn’t want to leave without giving all of myself to him. I knew I loved him and that I didn’t want us to end. So as we lay on the beach, his hands touching me and making my body hum with need, I offered myself to him.

  I’ve never forgotten the look in his eyes at that moment. There was excitement, but I swore I also saw love there.

  He pushed my hair behind my ear as the wind gently blew it. “I don’t want this to end.”

  My heart expanded in my chest to hear those words. “Me neither.”

  And then he kissed me, and I could feel the difference between all the lovely kisses we had before, and the passion that he was letting loose in that one. On the beach, under a beautiful August moon, he filled my body with his. The initial pain at his intrusion was dulled by my love for him and what we were doing, and eventually, it was replaced with pleasure as he made me come, followed by his own release.

  Afterward, I lay in his arms, feeling like my life was perfect, except for the fact that the summer was ending and we were still a secret.

  “We’ll figure something out, Beth,” he said when I shared my feelings.

  I nodded, trusting that he’d find a way for us to be togeth
er. As it turned out, that trust was misguided. The next day he was gone. No explanation. No goodbye. Just gone.

  Tonight, as he danced, his head tilted to the side, as if he knew I wasn’t fully there. His hand settled on my waist and pulled me closer.

  He leaned in toward me and said over the music, “Are you okay?”

  The scent of him enveloped me and I felt more intoxicated by him than the drinks. “Yes.”

  I looked up into his perfectly handsome face, his kind hazel eyes, and wondered what happened to us. My gaze drifted down to his lips, remembering their taste and softness.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, there’s no telling what will happen,” he said as he pulled me closer until I could feel the hard length of him through his pants. He held me there, moving with the music and bringing me back to that one perfect night on the beach. I thought I was over him. I thought I’d grieved the dream of us. But being so close to him made my senses go haywire with need. My heart longed for what we’d lost, even though my head knew it could never happen. It would be too risky to allow it.

  Finally, the song ended, and I pulled away. “I need some water.”

  With his hand on my lower back, he guided me back to the VIP section of the club, telling a passing water to bring us some water.

  I immediately went to the glass partition to look out over the dance floor, not trusting myself to look him in the eyes again. Chances were high that I’d throw myself at him and that would be a disaster.

  He came to stand behind me, his hands lightly on my waist at first as if he was testing the waters, and then they encircled me. His chest was hot against my back. His dick pressed against my ass. His breath was warm on my ear as he pressed a kiss to my neck and then my shoulder. My senses were overloaded with the scent and feel of him. My body was buzzing with need. All I could think about was getting naked and letting him touch me all night long.

  His hands slid up my belly to just below my breasts. His thumb brushed over my already aching and hard nipples, and I couldn’t hold back the gasp as fire shot through me. Why was I letting him do this? Where was all the anger I’d felt for him for so long? I should have been repulsed, not turned on.

  His lips tug on my earlobe. “Come home with me, Beth.”

  Oh God, how I wanted to. I wanted to feel his hands on my body again. To feel him sliding in and out of me, making me come like I’d never come before. But I’d wanted so much from him before, and it hadn’t worked out. Back then, the only risk was my brother’s anger. Today, giving into Ash had even bigger risks. Too big to take risks.

  He ground his dick against me, reminding me how large he was. “I’m dying to touch you again.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, like that would help me make the best decision for me and my life.

  “I’ll do it here and now, but I’d rather do it in my bed, where I’ve got the time and space, and privacy.”

  My pussy was throbbing with need. It wanted me to take him up on his offer. My brain was screaming danger, danger. God, what should I do?


  Ash – Earlier that week, Wednesday

  Yeah, baby, I thought as I reviewed the profit and loss statements for each of the Raven Industry owned clubs. Clubs were often like fire; there was a big flash of heat and excitement, but over time, the flame burned down and eventually died. Studio 54, the hottest club in New York during the disco era was a theater today.

  Fortunately, I knew what I was doing, and all of our clubs were hot spots whether in New York City, Los Angeles, London or any other city around the world.

  I saved the statement for Jet last. It was the first club I ever opened, and the one I owned with my childhood friend, Ben McAdams. The club was still the top performer out of all the ones I managed. But seeing the success in its numbers was bittersweet. Ben fell off the radar over the last few years. The club we imagined and designed the summer after we graduated from college was a hit, but he wasn’t around to enjoy it. I knew his father had been ill, so I didn’t push it and instead hired a manager to run the place in his absence. His father had died recently and figured he’d need time to manage his estate. In the meantime, I continued to send him his share of the profits.

  Thinking of Ben invariably made me think of his sister Beth, which always filled me with a torrent of emotions. Even after six years, I felt a profound loss at having to leave her. I was older now and could recognize how young and naïve we were, but the feelings, my love for her, that was real. Based on how much I still longed for her, they were still real.

  But along with the sadness was anger. My father had forced me to leave her. He said we were too young and had other more important things to do than waste our time on love. He punctuated his statement with threats that could ruin me and Ben’s plans for the club.

  I’d been too young and lacked the courage to stand up to him, so with my heart breaking, I acquiesced. And then the bastard changed the rules on me. Recently he decided that his all-business strategy wasn’t working, and so he decided to enact a new inheritance plan that required my brothers and me to marry and have kids. If he hadn’t made me leave Beth, I’d probably be married and we’d have a kid by now. Maybe even a couple. Fucker.

  I was so happy for my brother Chase when he found Sara, and Hunter with his Grace, but looking at them made me relive my loss every fucking day, and it was driving me mad. Of all my brothers, I was probably the quietest and least volatile, but my resentment for my father was palpable. I should have told him to go to hell when he said he’d pull out his financial help for the club if I pursued a relationship with Beth six years ago. How the hell he knew about it, I didn’t know. We hadn’t told anyone, not even Ben, my best friend. But I was ready to tell him and hoped he’d see that I loved his sister.

  I’d nearly told my father to go to hell. Ben’s father was lending him startup money and perhaps we could start a little smaller and be a success without my father’s help. But then Ben and Beth’s father showed up, joining in the discussion, saying he’d withdraw his support as well. Beth had plans and he didn’t want me derailing them. I knew her plans and supported them. Princeton was close enough to New York that we could still see each other while she went to school.

  In retrospect, I wish I’d told them both to go to hell, but I hadn’t had the courage to stand up to our fathers. Today, age and experience had given me the strength and knowledge I needed to succeed without them. Six years ago, as a twenty-one-year-old college graduate, I was uncertain and didn’t want to fuck up the plans Ben and I had worked so hard on. I wasn’t brave enough to stand up to the two most powerful men I knew, nor was I smart enough to figure out how to have it all; the club, my friendship with Ben, and the love of my life, Beth.

  I shook my head to clear all the feelings and focused on the numbers lying in front of me. A knock on my door pulled me away from the reports.

  “Come in,” I called.

  My father’s admin, Alex, poked her head in. “Hey Ash, you have a visitor. She’s not on your calendar.”

  I wasn’t a fan of drop-in guests, and so I considered telling Alex to have the woman, whoever she was, make an appointment. Chances were that it was a journalist or someone with a crazy business idea they wanted to pass by me to see if Raven Industries would want to invest. However, a journalist could offer good PR for the company, and a would-be entrepreneur could often be counted on for some entertainment. Seeing the visitor would be a good distraction and fill the time before my next meeting.

  “Show her in.”

  Alex’s brows lifted as if she’d been expecting me to send the visitor away. But she nodded and left to get the visitor.

  As I waited, I looked over the final numbers for Jet and started to put them back in the file when the air in the room changed. A familiar scent filled my nose and my heart swelled. I jerked my head up, and holy fuck, she was there. Beth. Good Christ, she was even more beautiful than I remembered, with her blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

ely I was back to six years ago, loving her on the beach. Using my hands and my body to let her know I didn’t just want to fuck her, but I wanted all of her. Her love. That night when we finally made love, I planned out my future with her, starting with telling my family. I wanted to bring her back to New York with me and then tell Ben how I felt about her. I had us married with a brood of kids. I was coaching my kids, both boys, and girls, in soccer and baseball. At night, I was loving her, making more babies. We were going to live the dream.

  Before the sun had risen the next day, my father made me throw those dreams away.

  I shook my head of the memories and the dream, unsure about what to do. I knew I wanted to touch her; first, to make sure she was real and not a hallucination, and second, because I so fucking missed touching her.

  But I walked away from her without a word, and my attempts to reach her when guilt and grief nearly brought me to my knees, went unanswered. So, I could only guess that this wasn’t going to be some sort of movie-style reunion where we confessed our love and finally got our happily ever after. Her expression didn’t suggest she was happy to see me or longing for me. No, she looked hesitant and uncertain.

  “Beth.” I finally managed to croak out. As if remembering my manners, I stood and motioned for her to sit in the chair in front of my desk.


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