Give Me Another Chance: The Raven Brothers Book 3

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Give Me Another Chance: The Raven Brothers Book 3 Page 11

by Kaylee, Katy


  Beth – Friday

  The evening was quiet. Ben was out doing whatever he did. Morgan was visiting, and she and I were coloring in the kitchen with Hannah. My daughter had a lovely sense of color that made me wonder if she’d be an artist someday. I hoped that one day I’d have the money to let her indulge in her passions, whatever they may be.

  “What are you going to do about Ash?” Morgan asked, taking a brown crayon and coloring in a dog.

  “Who’s Ash?” Hannah asked.

  “Just an old friend,” I said giving Morgan a look. “And there’s nothing to do. I doubt I’ll see him again now that our business is done.”

  “From what you said, it doesn’t seem like he’s interested in walking away,” Morgan responded, clearly not taking the hint that I didn’t want Hannah to overhear this.

  “He did once before.”

  Morgan rolled her eyes. “It seems like he regrets that decision.”

  I sighed. “Morgan, I appreciate you’re wanting to see us all happy, but fairytales are just in children’s books.”

  “I like fairytales,” Hannah said.

  “I do too honey,” I said looking at Hannah. Then turning back to Morgan, I said, “But they’re not real. There’s no happy ending in the works for me and Ash.”

  “Is he a prince?” Hannah asked.

  “He’s as rich as one,” Morgan quipped.

  “He has to be nice. Is he nice?” Hannah said.

  I was glad when the doorbell rang to interrupt this conversation. Since we had no staff, answering my own door was another task I had and I was grateful for the respite.

  “I can’t imagine who that is. I’m not expecting anyone. I’ll be right back.” I left the kitchen and made my way up the long hall to the foyer and front door. I opened the door and gasped. “Ash.” I wondered how he knew where we were living.

  “Can I come in? I want to talk to Ben.”

  Not here to see me. I was an idiot. “Ben’s not in.”

  He stared at me for a moment like I was a puzzle he couldn’t figure out. “I’d like to talk to you as well.” He nodded toward the foyer. “Can I come in?”

  Panic hit me hard. Hannah was inside. I couldn’t let him know about her. “Now isn’t a good time.”

  “Please. It’s important.”

  Thinking fast, I pulled my purse from the hook by the door, and stepped outside, closing the door behind me. “There’s a place on the corner where we can get a drink.”

  He nodded, and I was glad he didn’t insist on coming inside. I pulled my phone from my purse as we headed up the sidewalk and texted Morgan.

  Ash was at the door. Going for a drink. Can you stay with Hannah for a bit? Sorry to put you in this position.

  A few moments later, my phone dinged with a text notification.

  No prob. I’ll bring her to my place. Give you and Ash space to work things out.

  I rolled my eyes at my friend’s hopeless romantic streak. I feared she’d learn the truth about happily ever after by someone breaking her heart.

  The pub was dark, but since it was after the work rush, but not too late, it wasn’t very crowded. We were able to find a booth and Ash ordered himself a vodka tonic and me a glass of white wine.

  “So what did you want to see Ben about?” I asked as the waitress brought our drinks.

  “I wanted to discuss business.”

  I frowned. Had something gone wrong with his buying Ben’s share of Jet? “Is there a problem with the club?”

  “Only that Ben isn’t a part of it anymore.”

  I looked into his face and saw sincerity. It made me feel bad that he didn’t truly understand Ben’s feelings towards him.

  “And I know what’s going on with McAdams Enterprises. That Ben is trying to sell off as much as he can, but will still probably declare bankruptcy.”

  I hated that he’d been poking into our business, and yet, it made sense that he had. For one, I was sure he wanted to know what was up with the Jet deal, and second, we’d all been friends at one time. “If you’re worried about us, don’t. We’ll be fine.”

  His eyes narrowed slightly. “I don’t doubt you or Ben have the ability to bounce back, but I can help you keep the company mostly intact.”

  “Why? You and Ben aren’t close anymore.”

  Ash tilted his head. “Does he know about us?”

  I inhaled a breath. “Now or then?”


  “He knows about six years ago. He’s not happy about it.”

  Ash looked down at his drink, wiping the condensation from the sides with the tips of his fingers. He finally looked up. “I know I fucked up. With you and Ben. What better way to make up for my mistakes than to help you both when you need it most?”

  At first, I thought it was nice of Ash to want to help us. But then I got caught up on the one word: mistake. He saw this as a way to make up for his mistakes, one of which was sleeping with me.

  “So, you think by saving the company my brother will forget you fucked me?”

  His head jerked back at my language. “I want to fix our friendship, Beth. I handled a lot of things wrong. I wasn’t there for him when he needed me as your dad got sick and the company started to suffer. I want to be there now.”

  “What happens when he finds out that you’ve fucked me recently?”

  His eyes narrowed as he stared at me. “What’s going on Beth? Why are you getting angry?”

  “You said this bailout is to atone for your mistakes. One of those is me, right?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  I scoffed. “Thank you, but we don’t need your pity money.”

  He reached over to take my hand. “I’m not letting you go until we discuss this.”

  “It’s a waste of time, Ash,” I said pulling my hand away. My heart was ripping for the young girl who loved this man six years ago. It was a mistake. One he would probably will away if he could. Then again, I’d come between him and my brother. I felt some guilt over that. Had I not pursued a relationship with Ash, my dad’s company might still be crumbling, but Ben would have Ash and the club, and maybe wouldn’t be drinking. So maybe Ash was right; I was a mistake. Except for Hannah.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  “I’m tired of being a mistake you have to atone for.”

  He recoiled at my statement. “Beth—”

  “Between you and Ben, I’m just a pawn. An object you two spoiled brats are fighting over. But I’m not a toy. I’m my own person who made my own decision. I shouldn’t have to live my life around what you or Ben wants.”

  “Of course not—”

  “If Ben wants to waste his life away in a bottle and burn my father’s company to the ground, let him. I’ve got my own life, my own plans, Ash, and it doesn’t include either of you selfish jerks.”

  His eyes were wide as they listened to my rant. Feeling a little embarrassed by my outburst, I scooted out of the booth.

  “You two can do whatever you want. I’m done.” I strode to the door, feeling such pain at walking away from a man I still clearly cared for, and yet I felt the strength that came from being on the cusp of leaving Ben and Ash’s drama behind.


  Ash – Friday

  What the fuck just happened? I watched as Beth made her way to the door of the pub wondering what I’d missed. I’d told her I wanted to make things right with her and Ben, and she got mad. What had I said to make her think I only saw her as an object? A pawn?

  She also said Ben and I were fighting over her. That wasn’t right. I was fighting for her. Perhaps Ben was too, but since I hadn’t seen him in years, I couldn’t say if we were fighting each other. But if he was pissed at me, perhaps that was how she saw it. Whatever was going on, I couldn’t let her leave without trying to fix it or at least understand it. I hated that she looked so pained. The last thing I wanted was to hurt her.

  I stood, grabbing my wallet and tossing a c-note on the table. I hurried toward th
e door to catch her.

  I finally caught up to her on the sidewalk as she made her way back home. I reached out and took her arm to slow her down.

  “Beth, please wait.”

  She tugged her arm out of my hand, but stopped and stared up at me with those pretty blue eyes, blazing with anger.

  “You’re not a pawn. Not an object. Not to me.”

  She shook her head, a clear sign I was still missing the point.

  “No, I’m your mistake.”

  What? Finally? the pieces fell into place. I cradled her face in the palms of my hands. “Being with you was never a mistake.”

  “You said—”

  “Walking away from you, Beth. That was my mistake.” Hadn’t I said this before? “I told you, I’ve never forgotten you.”

  “But you wanted to make it up to Ben that you’d slept with his sister.”

  “My mistake with him was in not telling him how I felt about you.” I inhaled a deep breath. “How I still feel about you.” Taking a chance, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers in a soft kiss. It was New York, the city that never sleeps. So people walked by as I kissed this beautiful woman.

  “Yeah man,” I heard along with clapping.

  Beth pulled back, and for a moment, I thought I’d lost the connection again, but she took my hand and led me up the steps to her townhome.

  As the door shut, she whirled on me. “Let’s get something straight.”


  “What happened six years ago was something we both wanted.”

  I nodded. “Agreed.”

  “Regardless of your friendship with Ben or that he’s my brother.”

  “Also agreed.”

  “Ben wasn’t a factor in any of it.”

  I let out a breath feeling some tension dissipate. She wasn’t talking like she was about to walk away again. “I wanted you more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life, Beth.”

  Her eyes widened like she hadn’t expected me to be so honest, which didn’t make sense. Hadn’t I been saying this stuff practically since I’d first seen her again?

  “Then why did you leave?”

  I sighed. “I told you. I wasn’t strong enough to stand up to our fathers. I’d do it now in a heartbeat, Beth.” Hunter had been right on that point. I couldn’t let my father stand in my way. “Whatever they could heap on me now to try to make me leave you, I’d take it just to be with you.”

  “That’s it?”

  I stared at her, wondering what I could tell her that would make her understand. The only thing I could give her was the truth.

  “I won’t deny that I was afraid of my feelings back then. I wanted to make you mine, forever, and that scared the shit out of me.”

  She gasped at the word forever.

  “I was young and you were even younger. Our fathers could have been right. Maybe you just had a teenage crush that wouldn’t last—”

  “No.” She shook her head vehemently.

  “I was ready to admit to Ben how I felt about you that last night, but I was torn about taking away his dream of the club especially if our dads were right and this was just a summer fling. And then your dad said he’d disinherit you and I couldn’t take that from you, Beth.”

  Her eyes studied me and I hoped she saw the truth of what I was saying.

  “I’ve regretted being away from you every day,” I added, just in case she still wasn’t sure about my feelings.

  It must have been the right thing to say, because she was in my arms, and her lips were on mine in a fierce, hot kiss that sent liquid fire surging through my blood. I groaned and pulled her tighter against me, wanting to claim her, finally.

  I didn’t know the layout of the house. I knew there were five bedrooms but I wouldn’t know where to find them. So I steered her out of the foyer into the living room where I saw a large couch. I tumbled with her, maneuvering her so that I was over her. My blood was raging, but I had to show her how I felt about her. I had to make her feel cherished and valued. She needed to know that this wasn’t just sex. It was never just sex.

  “Beth,” I whispered as I looked down on her. I hoped she could hear all the emotion I had for her in that one word. I dipped my head to kiss her, long and slow, wanting to start out setting a leisurely pace. I planned to be here, be with her, a part of her, for as long as I could.

  Thank fuck she responded, her lips parting to invite me in. My tongue swept through her mouth and against her tongue. I moaned, loving her taste. The scent of her surrounded me. A sweet floral smell that mixed with her arousal. It made me drunk with desire.

  I focused on kissing her, but I had to touch her too, so I ran a hand down her body. Her tits were soft, but her nipples were rock hard beads, and I was so fucking glad that she was responding. I slipped my hand under her shirt, touching her warm, soft skin. My lips ached to kiss her there, but I reminded myself that I had time. All night, I hoped.

  Her hands raked up my back, pulling up my shirt as she did. I reached back, grabbed the fabric, and yanked it over my head. Her palms pressed against my chest and I sighed with contentment that she was touching me.

  I quickly divested her of her shirt and bra, loving how her hard nipples grated on my chest as I kissed her. I lifted my head, taking in those lovely beauties with my gaze before I dipped my head and licked one nipple and then the other. She hissed and arched, offering her fantastic tits to me. I had been the first to love this body, and I pushed away any thought that someone else may have feasted on it too. Instead, I focused on now. Making sure she knew how I felt and perhaps, I’d be the only one to love her like this in the future.

  My hands cupped and kneaded her tits as my mouth took turns sucking, nipping, and licking her nipples until she was writhing underneath me. Her hips were gyrating against my cock, distracting me.

  “I want you in me, Ash.” Her hands slipped between us to undo my pants. But I wasn’t done touching and tasting every inch of her.

  “Soon baby,” I said as I worked her jeans and then panties off her. I knelt on the couch, my dick painfully constrained in my own pants. I ignored it, and instead looked down on her luscious body. I’d tugged the tie off of her ponytail so now her blonde waves were cascading on the couch cushion. Her tits were firm, her nipples bright pink from arousal. Her pussy glistened with dampness. All this was my doing. She was responding like this to me.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Beth,” I said, my voice hoarse from desire and awe. Could she hear it? Could she tell that this wasn’t just lust, but love as well?

  “Touch me, Ash,” her body arched and she reached for me.

  “Everywhere, baby. I’m going to touch you everywhere.” Still kneeling over her, I ran my hands up her legs, lifting one and bringing it up so I could kiss the inside her ankle. Her hips bucked up as I ran my tongue along her ankle bone. “Has anyone kissed you here?” I was an idiot to ask, and yet I had to know.


  Good. I kissed her there again, and worked my way up, kissing and licking every inch of her calf, the inside of her knee, her thigh. Mine ran like a mantra in my brain. She was mine and I was claiming her.

  “Ash, please.” Her voice was thready, and her fingers drifted to her center.

  “Are you going to make yourself come?”

  “If you don’t do it, I’ll have to,” she said.

  Jesus fucking Christ. I had to see that. “Touch yourself, baby.”

  A pink hue came to her cheeks. “The point of this is for you to do it. Preferable with your dick.”

  I laughed. “I will, but the idea of watching you pleasure yourself is making me so fucking hard.”

  Her blue eyes looked up at me, turning flirty and then naughty as her finger stroked over her clit.

  “Ah fuck, yeah.” My cock was raging in my pants. I worked to free him while I watched her hips rock as her fingers stroked through her wet pussy.

  “Keep going… so fucking sexy.” I shucked my pants and my boxer brief
s off and then resumed kneeling between her thighs, captivated by how she touched herself. “Do you touch yourself a lot?”

  “Some,” she gasped.

  I lifted her leg, hooking her knee over the back of the couch so I could get a better view. “Do you ever think of me?” Again, that was a dangerous question. Considering our past, the chances of her using my image to get her off was unlikely.


  I closed my eyes as her word washed through me. She might have hated me, but she still remembered that summer.

  “Touch yourself, Ash.”

  “I might come if I do.” In fact, it was entirely possible I’d come without touching myself at all. Just watching her was all the stimulation I needed.

  “Come on me.”

  Ah fuck. She was going to be the death of me. I gritted my teeth as I gripped my dick and stroked it once and then twice, before releasing him.

  “I want to watch you make yourself come,” she said, and I growled in frustration.

  “I want to fuck you, Beth.”

  “That too,” she said as she slid her finger inside her. My dick was jealous of that finger.

  “Touch your tits,” I groaned, as I stroked my cock again. He was so fucking hard that he was looking straight up at me.

  She continued to finger herself and tweak her nipples, making herself gasp and arch. “I’m so close.”

  “Rub your clit,” I demanded. When she did, I replaced her finger with mine, sliding it inside her. With my other hand, I continued to stroke my dick. I’d had some interesting sexual experiences in my life, but nothing before was so erotic and beautiful as watching Beth seek her own pleasure.

  “Ohh… ohh… I’m going to come.”

  I thrust two fingers inside her, moving them in and out. I stroked my cock faster, feeling those first signs of orgasm gather in my balls. “I’m almost there, baby… fuck… so close.”

  On the next thrust of my fingers inside her, I tilted them upward, hitting that one spot that made women go wild.

  “Ash!” She screamed out my name. It echoed through the room, making me feel like a fucking God. Her pussy tightened around my fingers as I pumped them in and out of her, drawing out her pleasure.


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