Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2)

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Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2) Page 13

by April Zyon

  “As soon as he pulls that neat little device out, yes, ma’am. We’ll cuddle until we’re all ready for more. Even have some water to rehydrate our overworked bodies. Possibly catch a quick nap, a doze at the very least, and then we’ll go for round two.”

  “That sounds good.” She moved so she was curled up against James’s chest and smiled. “I liked the vibrator. I also really liked the nipple clips. Then again, so far, I’ve really enjoyed everything that we’ve done together and look forward to what you introduce me to next.”

  Victor left the room again. When he came back, he passed her and James glasses of water. He settled by her legs, resting his free hand to her thigh.

  “Probably blindfolds and silk ties will be next. Who knows? We’ll figure it out and surprise you with whatever we decide,” James said. He drank some of the water while stroking her hair and then rolled his shoulder slightly.

  She nodded and drank the water down. “I think next I really would love to feel both of you inside of me.” She gave her empty glass back to James and smiled. “And maybe one day we will do it all without condoms?”

  “One day,” he said. He kissed her forehead. “We’re just waiting on copies of our last physicals so you can see for yourself, in black and white, that we’re clean. Then it will be up to you to make the call. And don’t say right now. We do things the right way or not at all.”

  “I thank you for that.” She loved that they thought about her so much. “However, you have to remember that I know your truths. You’re both clean and you both know that I am as well, but we’ll wait. Besides, we have to talk more about this tying up thing that was mentioned, right?”

  Victor snickered and leaned past her to set his glass on the side table. “Yeah, James, talk more about this tying up thing.” She felt him shifting to lay down, his head resting against her leg.

  “What’s to discuss?” James asked with a grin. “We tie you up, blindfold you, and then play with you to build your orgasm up to a point that a single touch sets you off. We’ll use a number of useful tools like our hands, our tongues, maybe a feather if someone remembered to pack it, and anything else we think might work to tease you.”

  “That’s another question I have.” Kasper was grinning now. “Why did you guys pack all of the things that you did? Do you always pack the things that you packed with you? Because if so, we will have words, strong words, when you go on another mission. I want to be yours and have you be mine. It’s been a very short few days, but I know how I feel. I know it’s far too soon, but there it is.”

  “Normally, we don’t pack them up to bring with us. Ares suggested we should this time around. I figured he was yanking our chain while Victor figured he was going to prank us. But we know better than to ignore him, so we played along. Unfortunately, I can’t remember most of what we packed up since we weren’t our usual organized selves,” James said.

  “It was a rather quick decision to actually come—fastest yet to date, actually. But we’d leave all the sex toys with you, babe. No one we want to be using them with except for you, Kasper.” Victor turned his head to press a kiss to her leg.

  “I only want them if that means I get to keep both of you as well.” She reached out to caress Victor’s hair and sighed. “This is nice. Having both of you close to me the way that you are.”

  “You can keep us for as long as you want,” James told her. He looked to Victor, who she felt shrug and then give a nod. “Or you could keep us forever,” he said quietly. “It’s something we would have had to talk about sooner or later, especially with your desire to go condom-free. It wouldn’t be an immediate issue since you’re not quite ready yet, but we definitely would have been talking on the subject.”

  “This sounds like it’s going to be a very long conversation, one that’s very necessary. That’s for later, though. Right now, I’m perfectly happy just having you both with me as you are. I will take whatever you’re willing to give me.”

  “Not that long, actually. The questions I could see being fairly long. Some of which we’ll actually be able to answer, some we’ll have to confer with Ares on, which means it should be one done while dressed. No way in hell am I letting that one get an eyeful of your sexy self,” James said.

  “You say the best things to me.” She praised the man as she stroked Victor’s chest. “It’s like you both know just what I need to hear. Weird as that sounds, just knowing you guys don’t want anyone else to see me naked makes me all kinds of happy.”

  “Not weird, just proves we’re as possessive of you as you are of us. You wouldn’t want your aunt to get a load of us in the buff, would you? So why would we be any different about letting another male, especially an oversexed god, see you?”

  “Good point. No, I certainly wouldn’t want Artemis to see you guys naked. That woman is seriously into sex, and if she saw you naked, she would likely jump on you both as quickly as possible. Trust me, the two of you are just the type of men she hunts for. Virile, sexy as sin, and with large…” She looked down Victor’s body. “Well, cocks.” There, she was blunt and to the point. Even though Kas knew her aunt wouldn’t do anything now that Kas had become involved with the men.

  Snickering, Victor wiggled his eyebrows when she finally brought her gaze back up. “Glad you like what we were given. We definitely appreciate all you were given, Kasper.” Victor moved so he could press a kiss to her lips. “Every single inch of you.”

  “That’s a very good thing.” Kasper soaked up the appreciation from the man and sighed happily. “I especially love the piercings, by the way. They feel amazing.” When James was deep inside of her, the feeling of his cock piercing was fantastic. The way that his smooth balls rubbed against the inside walls of her pussy created an interesting sensation she wanted more of.

  James shot Victor a smirk. “Keep telling you to man up and get a set. Besides, you’ve been shot and had Dieter dig the bullet out. There is nothing that could possibly top that pain and you know it.”

  Victor pulled a face. “He does have a point there. Dieter is an awesome field medic, but never piss the man off when he’s digging out anything from your body. I still say that Kasper has to be there to hold my hand if I go through with this.”

  James lifted a questioning brow. “I think we can talk her into that,” he said softly. “You can go to my piercer. He’s quick, efficient, and you never have to worry about anything with him. Runs a fucking tight ship.”

  Victor mumbled a few choice words, but Kasper knew he was seriously thinking on it.

  “Uh, I should mention there is one downside,” James said. Clearing his throat, he shrugged slightly. “No sex for a while.”

  “What?” Kasper gasped and looked to James and then Victor. “And you want me to get piercings down there, too? You would willingly go without sex for however long it takes to heal? That would make me all kinds of sad. I don’t know. I don’t know if I would be willing to give you guys up for any amount of time.”

  “She has a very valid point, James. For argument’s sake, though, what sort of timeframe are we looking at?” Victor asked. He rolled and propped his chin on her hip, one of his hands stroking her lower back.

  “For her, until the swelling goes down fully and a couple of days. Though it will get irritated easily for the first bit, but there are ways to help that. For you, buddy…” James paused. The evil grin he let curl his lips should have warned her, but even still, she wasn’t fully prepared for what he said. “About a month, give or take a week depending on how you heal. And then only with a condom for an average of two to six months.”

  Victor was staring at him wide eyed and stunned.

  “Okay. No,” Kas said with the shake of her head. “Seriously, no. I’ve become very accustomed to having both of you when we want. So please, no. I prefer to have you both when I want you, okay? As much as I would like it, I don’t think we should.”

  Victor still didn’t appear to have broken free of his stupor.

ybe he should do it once the first little one is born. You’ll not be allowed to have sex, so you—recover together.” James’s snickering jostled the bed. “Just a thought.”

  “A month?” Victor finally managed to wheeze.

  “First little one?” This time, it was Kasper who was shocked. “Uhm, I’m not so sure about that. I mean a baby?” They had just met and he was talking about having a baby with her? Goodness gracious. She couldn’t argue that she liked that idea. She could see herself with a child from either or both men. She had wanted children; however, before meeting these men, Kas had always assumed she would have to be one of those women who went to a clinic to become inseminated and raise it alone. But with having two men in her life, the child would have three parents, not just two.

  “In the future. It’s going to take him that long to get over the shock and horror of having to wait that long. I figured I’d drop all this out there at once to get everyone’s shock going. Wait until he finally clues in and asks about the whole baby bit. Should take him another couple of minutes before he snaps back into focus fully.”

  “Just the thought of having your child…” Kas whispered nervously. “What do you think of that idea, though? I mean, yes, it will be a long time from now, but I would like that. A little James or Victor combined with me.”

  Smiling, James pressed a kiss to her lips. “But in the future. We still have things like making sure you’re safe, deciding where we’re going to live, traveling a bit to see places that don’t involve sand. Maybe a little sand, but only if it’s not four thousand degrees. There’s the wedding, the honeymoon, some marriage bliss, maybe a little more traveling, and then we think about the whole family bit. See, lots of time.”

  “Who the hell’s pregnant?” Victor asked.

  “And he’s back.” Rolling his eyes, James shook his head. “Really? You’ve missed so much more of the conversation than that.”

  “Not really. I did catch all the bit about no sand, honeymoon, and traveling lots with her.”

  Kas was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. “Oh God, you are too funny. No one has asked me to marry them. Hell, no one has even said anything about love. We just met a couple of days ago. I adore you both, but I think perhaps we all need to have a couple more days together before we figure out love.”

  Victor pushed up on his arms to give her a quizzical look. “What’s to figure out, sweetheart? We both love you to bits, and you know you love us. We’re okay with waiting for the words, but you can’t say I’m not telling the complete truth. We all felt the connection from that first moment we saw one another. It’s only grown stronger since then, and will continue to grow every single day.” With a smile, he pressed a kiss to her hip.

  “What he said,” James piped up.

  “I thought that things like love at first sight were fairytales. I never knew that such intense and deep feelings were possible. What’s happening?” She had seen the looks the men had shared with others, she had heard their whispers, but now Kas wanted to know what it was that she was missing. There was something important, she was certain. Dammit, she so should have listened and not touched Ares, but she had to. Now that singular touch had knocked so much out of her that she couldn’t recall the most important of things, the most recent things she needed to recall with her men.

  Victor shifted on the bed and moved to lay behind her. “Shift around, sweetheart. This is a little complicated.”

  “To say the least,” James muttered.

  Kas moved so she was settled against the bed and her men. She laced her fingers with theirs and nodded. “Okay. Talk to me?” she whispered. “I know you’re all keeping secrets, and I would like to know what they are. Please?”

  “Not really secrets,” Victor said. “We just didn’t know what was going on. We had to corner Mik and Gareth before tackling Ares to get the lowdown on why this all seems so instantaneous. It’s still a little rough in the explanation, though, but that’s only because no one’s totally figured it out. Basically, it boils down to a number of facts.

  “Because we were trained by Ares on Mount Olympus where no human can stay for any length of time, we were given a little something extra. Again, we’re still working on details. Because of that whatever extra bit we got, we’re faster, heal quicker, have better eyesight and reflexes. But we also can recognize our soulmate. That extra thing helps for her to recognize us. There’s an instant attraction when she first meets us, and shared interests. You have to get together, otherwise it dies off, but if the attraction and shared interests are there and she truly is our soulmate, then it’s like pieces of a puzzle snapping together. When you met us, did you have an instant and sudden attraction? Did you hone in on us and only us when we arrived?”

  James nodded next to her. “We can also bond with our soulmate. Eternity-long bond, I should mention. Even when we pass on from this life to the next, our souls are forever tied together. The bond happens during unprotected sex between all three partners. That we had to pry out of your brother, by the way. It was sort of like trying to pull teeth.”

  “Very much so. There’s one other thing, too. Because of that whatever extra we got from the gods, our lifespans have changed. We age much slower than we did before. Even the gods aren’t sure how much slower, but they all agree everything has changed in our body chemistry. With the bond, our soulmate also gains the same longevity because we’re all tied to one another.”

  “So there you have it, basically what all our whispered conversations have been about. We’ve been trying to piece this together enough so we had something that sort of sounded coherent to tell you instead of something that had you reaching for the phone to call up the local loony bin,” James told her quietly.

  Kas didn’t speak for a long while. She couldn’t. She simply thought about what they’d said. Kasper had to think about the life that they offered her; while she knew she was accustomed to being alone, the idea of being with these two men appealed to her even more than being independent. She had known when she first met them that she had a sudden attraction, had felt drawn to them, and that was something totally out of the ordinary. Kas knew that most women would be terrified to be put in the middle of something so big. She wasn’t. “So that’s why I feel as if I know you? The moment I met you, I felt as if I knew you both.”

  “It was our souls connecting for the first time. Mainly because we were close enough to feel the force of it. On many levels no one truly understands, you know us better than we likely will ever know ourselves. And the same is for us with regard to you. Then when we became intimate, the connection strengthened more. But until we complete it—fully, that is—there’s always a chance it can be broken.”

  “I understand. How would we all three come together without a condom? If we have unprotected sex, that is. Do you both have to be in one place or another? I mean, does one of you have to be inside of my pussy and one in my ass?” She knew they had a lot to work out, but she felt complete with these men. From the moment she’d met them, she had deep feelings for them; Kas loved them, and that was all that mattered. “Because if so, I think we might have to work on getting me ready to take you boys like that.”

  “We definitely want you like that. It’s also why we’ve been working on getting you ready for one of us. But we can’t rush it, not with the risk of hurting you so high. We’ll get there soon enough, and when we do, then well do everything you could ever dream of at least twice. In the same night, I mean.”

  “Oh, thank goodness.” She was smiling at that. “I think I would like that. A lot. Anything and everything that we can do together. I look forward to it all,” she told them. “We have time, don’t we? Time to learn everything that we have together?” She looked forward to every single day and night with them, especially now.

  “Absolutely, sweetheart. We have all the time in the world. We want to know absolutely everything there is to know about you, too. And we’ll tell you anything you could ever want to know about us. Probab
ly even a few things you’d rather never have known, but that’s all part of the learning process,” James told her.

  “Agreed. It’s the good part of getting to know each other in a relationship, right? The whole learning each other’s secrets. I think it’s going to be a fun time. I hope that Mikhail, will be okay with you boys being mine and me being yours.”

  She knew they shared a look over her head. James was the first to make a sound, clearing his throat. “Well, I don’t know if he’s quote-unquote okay with it. He’s attempting not to judge. On the plus side, Camilla is helping your cause because she likes you a lot. Gareth is not helping your cause nearly as much because he’s finding it way too amusing to tweak the Wolf’s tail.”

  “Oh, goody. Remind me to smack Gareth and hug Camilla,” Kasper said, laughing. “Well, it doesn’t really matter, to be honest, because we’re the ones that make the decision on if we are going to have a life together or not. I think I’ll find time to talk to him. After all, he is part of a bonded trio so he should understand how I feel more than anyone.”

  “Precisely what we said to your brother. Then Camilla assisted by shorting out his brain, and we made our getaway before anything kicked back into gear. I’m sure he’ll be having words with us all at some point. He’s become rather protective of you very quickly.”

  That had her smiling. “I like that. I had thought that I had lost all my family, Artemis not included because she was gone more than around, but now I have a family again. It feels amazing to me, to know I have a family once more.”

  “Not only Mikhail, but the entire team,” Victor pointed out. “So you don’t have only one interfering, annoying, outspoken older brother, but nine extras. We’ll give you dirt on each one in case of dire times and you need an out.”

  “And two incredible and loving men to call my own. Two men that are a part of my very soul, right?” she asked the men holding onto her. “If so, I really like how that feels. To have such a large and loving family, but more than that, to have both of you as mine.”


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