Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2)

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Fatal Truths (Heroes of Olympus Book 2) Page 19

by April Zyon

  “No, it’s not. She wouldn’t just let her phone go. She wouldn’t leave. I know she wouldn’t.” Kasper hoped she was right. She pulled up the contacts on her phone and dialed Danny. When he answered, she said, “Danny, where is Pepper?” No hello, nothing else like that. Just demanding where Pepper was.

  James rubbed her back and leaned in closer so he could hear what was going on.

  “She’s right here, Kasper. She did the right thing and came to help me out of a jam.”

  James lifted his head to frown at her. She could see he wasn’t buying it.

  “Let me talk to her.” Kasper felt sick. Pepper wouldn’t leave. She wouldn’t do anything to help those men. Not with the way that they all beat her over the years. She wouldn’t have done that. Not a chance in hell. “Put her on the phone, Danny. Now.”

  “Of course, cuz. Hold, please.” A long silence ensued before he was back on. “We thank you for your patience. Here she is.”

  “Kas?” Pepper sounded terrified and slightly muffled.

  “Pepper, Jesus.” Kasper looked at James and nodded. “Where are you? What the hell were you thinking? Are you okay?” Question after question fell from her lips. “Do you need us to come get you?” Thomas and Nolan were both looking at her with odd expressions.

  “Oh, I’m sure Pepper would love for you to come visit us. A family reunion, we’ll call it,” Danny said. “But you’re going to have to come alone, cuz. If you show up with your entourage, well, I’m not sure what dear old dad might do to her. He’s very upset with my sister. She turned her back on the St. John name, after all.

  “So why don’t you hop in your car and come on over? You should leave your phone at the house, and your gun. Better hurry—Pepper is not handling the drugs we gave her all that well. Ta!” The line went dead.

  Kasper felt ill. She was the reason that Pepper was back in the line of these bastards’ sight. If she hadn’t been so wrapped up in her men and had her better protected, then she would have been safe and not in such a precarious place right now. Kas had been spending every possible waking moment with James and Victor, and while she had been spending time with Pepper as well, she hadn’t been giving her enough of her time. She had been acting like a love-sick hussy who had just found out what sex was and she had left her cousin to her own devices for the most part.

  Kasper was angry at herself right now, she was also beyond livid at the fact that her uncle had touched her cousin again. He was going to pay, if not legally, then Kasper was going to kill the man and he would never be seen again. She had to push her fear and anger away so that she could go into planning mode.

  “I’m going to kill that son of a bitch.” She took a deep breath. “Tell me that you have some of the RFID tracking software on your computers so that you can track my movements.” She was pacing now. She was focused on what she had to do and nothing else. “I have some mics that I should be able to attach to the insides of my earrings so you’ll be able to hear me. I also have a couple of switchblades I can hide on my body.” She was going to put an end to this. Now. “You guys will have ears and eyes on me via those two items. I also have contacts that will transmit what I see. Just don’t lose me?” she asked Victor as he watched her. “Because I might just need you.” She knew that her uncle wouldn’t know about the tracking chips—hell, she hadn’t even known about them until working with the CIA.

  “You know we’d never lose you.” Stepping in closer, he cupped her face and lowered his head to kiss her. “Go get ready and then meet us in the kitchen. Owen can sync you up with his system. Go, quickly,” he told her.

  Mikhail, Gareth, and Nolan had their heads together talking low. Not in English, either. She had a feeling they were planning something she wasn’t going to like.

  Kasper grabbed her bag out of her safe she had never thought she would use again. Sadly, she was using it. Once she had the weapons hidden on her body and the contacts in, she walked back down the stairs. Seeing the men gathered, she gave Owen her information for the RFID chips on her body and nodded. “I need to leave shortly. I’m only taking my driver’s license with me. I’m taking the license that has the prototype microphone in it so synch with that as well. Mik, you have my six?”

  “You know it,” he said. He took an earwig from Owen and slipped it into place. “I’ll be able to hear you, and you should be able to hear me as well. But no matter what, you make sure I have a clear line of sight at all times.”

  James and Victor were watching her closely. “They’ll likely pat you down, hopefully they won’t think to, but you never know. Be careful,” James told her. “We’ll be close and ready to move in at Mik’s signal.”

  Kasper leaned into James’s touch and nodded. “I will be careful. Load up heavily, if I don’t kill him, I want you guys to,” she said simply. “So if you wouldn’t mind, please bring many weapons with you to destroy that bastard.”

  “We’ll be more than ready,” he assured her. He pulled her in for a hard hug, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Stay safe,” he said. Letting her go, he moved so Victor could give her a hug, too, and offer the same words.


  Chapter Eighteen

  Kasper pulled up to her uncle’s house and got out of the car. She was in hunter mode so all of her emotions were completely locked down. She couldn’t afford to feel right now; it was something that would get her and Pepper both killed. She was as cold as ice, she was just like her half-brother when he sat in his nest behind the scope. She was hunting, pure and simple, only she was doing it up close and personal. She walked into the house and stopped dead in her tracks. “Davis. Danny.” She bowed her head to both men. “Where is Pepper?” she demanded. “I want to see her, now.” She was careful to stand before the large window so that Mik would be able to keep her in view.

  “She’s safe, all tucked away until we get this situation resolved.” Danny waved to the papers on the table where he sat. “If you’ll be so kind as to sign everything. We even used those nifty little sticky arrows so you know exactly where you need to sign. In triplicate, of course. We must be efficient.”

  “Watch your uncle,” Mik said quietly in her ear.

  Kasper shifted her stance just a small bit so she could keep her uncle in her view. “I suggest you don’t come closer to me, uncle,” she said simply. “I’m not signing anything. Get Pepper out here and put her in my car or call a cab for her. I want her out of here right now. Do you understand me?”

  “Sign the papers, now,” her Uncle Davis said with a sneer. “Sign them and I’ll let Pepper go. Don’t sign them and Danny will get his wish of seeing her die. He always did hate her more than anyone else. She is after all the reason his momma went stupid. The minute she found out she was having a little girl, the boys no longer mattered to her, and Danny still holds that grudge because before that he was the apple of his momma’s eye.”

  There was a sudden hit of static, and she knew in that instant that she lost her connection with the guys. She couldn’t hear them and wasn’t sure if they could hear her. She could only go with her skills.

  “You kill her and you have nothing to hold over me. I suggest that you let her go instead. You know that you don’t want anything to do with her. She’s been your punching bag for far too long. It’s time for you to let her go. Period. Let her go and I’ll sign it. You know that I’m not shitting you.”

  “Here’s the thing, you little twit. I don’t trust you any further than I could throw you. Sign the fucking papers,” her uncle demanded. Then he pulled a gun to point at her head. “Sign them and I’ll make your death quick. Don’t sign them…” With a shrug, he lowered the weapon to point at her leg.

  “Shoot me and everything goes to charity. You’ll never see a dime. The companies will be liquidated and then from there everything will go into charity. You won’t see a damn red cent. Ever. That won’t help your cause at all, now will it?” Kas was cool and calm because she trusted the men at her back; she might not be able to
hear them, but she knew they were near. That and she knew how to take care of herself. “Now, I suggest you step away from me before I break your fucking hand.”

  His finger tightened on the trigger. “You really were always an idiotic bitch. How my brother ever thought you were worthy of the St. John name I’ll never know. All you are is gutter scum, and that’s all you’ll ever be.”

  She reached up and grabbed the gun in a fluid motion that was nearly second nature to her. Kas had her uncle unarmed and flipped over her back with the weapon field stripped and tossed to the side, and then she kicked her uncle in the balls. Kas knew he was down for the count between the hit to the solar plexus and the kick to the balls. Now she squared off against the cousins.

  Kasper rolled her shoulders before she forced herself to relax. She leaned against a column and looked down at her nails as if she didn’t have a care in the world. When her cousin lunged at her, she grabbed him. She whirled him around and broke his elbow while taking him down.

  It was so like her uncle and cousins to be so full of themselves to the point of not having any sort of security because they were just dealing with a girl. They’d likely gotten whatever cocktail of drugs they’d given Pepper from their mafia connections, enough for two, and told them they would handle their women. But the idiots hadn’t ever really looked into Kasper’s background and what she had done all of her life, even if the information was a tightly kept secret. They felt that because they were men they could take down any woman they wanted to.

  “Now then, uncle. I think the one who should never have the St. John name would be you and your fucking boys. None of them were ever worth anything at all. Do you understand me?” She heard her cousin, Danny, whimpering and crying at her feet. “You might have thought I could be a punching bag like your wife and Pepper, but I’m not and I never was. I am my father’s daughter. He trained me from the moment I could walk, you fucking asshole.” She pulled zip ties out of her back pocket and tied her uncle and cousin up back to back and then tied their ankles as well. She zip tied her uncles’ ankle to the stair bannister so that neither man could move until she was ready for them to move. Kas spoke once more. “Guys, don’t know if you can hear me, but I have the uncle and cousin tied up in the foyer. Could really use someone to help take out the trash, please.”

  As she bounded up the stairs, she pulled the knives from her boots.

  She put her back to the wall at one of the bedrooms and looked through the crack in the door. She saw the mirror there and let out a breath. She saw Pepper lying there foaming at the mouth and looked as if she were in convulsions. Her idiot brothers were sitting there watching television; at least it would be easy to sneak in.

  She saw Pepper lift her hand, but Kasper shook her head and saw that Pepper understood and closed her eyes. Kasper knew she could handle this, but she prayed hard that the guys were headed into the home. Pepper was in dire need of medical attention. With any luck, the guys would come in with the cops and EMTs.

  Kas slowly rolled into the room in a barrel roll. She came up behind one of her cousins and hit him on the side of the neck with the blunt end of blade she had in her hand. When he slumped, she jumped over the couch and then was on her other cousin with a blade at his neck. “Give me a reason, please,” she begged the man.

  She heard movement at her back, felt a familiar hand touch her shoulder, and heard James whisper in her ear. She smiled. “You should be thankful they’re here.” She saw Thomas and Lincoln on the bed with Pepper, helping her. Mikhail was staring down at one of her cousins. Kas shook her head. “Well, maybe not my big brother. If I were you, I would shit myself or pass out.” She laughed but got out of the way so she could go and help with Pepper.

  Kasper felt her knees go a little weak; she hadn’t realized until that moment just how much she had been holding in since she had received the call from Danny. She began to shake with relief and then felt a trickle of tears down her face. She turned in James’s arms and held onto him while the relief caught up with her.

  “Medics are on their way, as are the cops,” James said.

  Chapter Nineteen

  After Kas hovered for too long, Pepper told her to leave. It was followed up with Pepper’s doctors telling her that the young woman’s blood pressure continued to rise each time Kasper paced the room. When Kasper secured a promise from Thomas and Lincoln that they would watch over her, Kas and her men left the hospital.

  They had barely made it back to the house before Kasper all but attacked her men. She grabbed Victor’s hand and tugged him toward her while kissing James. Thank God Mikhail hadn’t made it into the house yet.

  They somehow made it up to their bedroom where she pulled back, panting. “I need you both naked, please.” Kas was desperate; she needed these two men a great deal.

  While watching them disrobe, she stripped away her clothing.

  James came stalking toward her first. Victor was hung up in his jeans apparently, but making headway. That was all she saw before James practically tackled her to the bed. His hard body pressed hers down into the mattress as he kissed her.

  Kasper opened to him, kissing James back with as much need as she felt all but rolling off him. She whimpered and shifted under him. “God yes,” she cried out when he released her lips. “I want you both, together.” She needed both inside of her right now.

  Victor eased up on the bed next to her as James rolled away to grab something. She didn’t get to see what since Victor pulled her in close for a kiss and rolled her onto her side. Kasper felt James settle in behind her a moment later, his hands moving over her ass. He lifted one of her legs and settled it over Victor’s thigh. Then she felt him rubbing at her anus.

  Kasper felt something cold and slick just before she felt James slip a finger into her anus. “James.” She moaned his name and clenched around Victor’s thigh with her leg. She forced herself to relax when Victor soothed her and nodded. “I’m ready for more.”

  Tipping her chin up, Victor kissed her again. Slowly, gently, and teasing her while James stroked his finger in and out of her ass. More cold lube was added before she felt him stretching her with two fingers. Victor continued to tease her mouth, distracting her.

  Kasper teased Victor’s mouth with hers, and their tongues dueled as they kissed. When they pulled back from each other, they were both panting. James’s teeth and mouth were teasing her shoulder while readying her anus for his cock.

  Victor cupped her mound, his fingers slipping between her slick folds to stroke her. He pushed two fingers deep into her pussy while pressing his thumb to her clit. “I fucking love the look on your face right now. So needy, so ready, wanting more, and reaching for everything you can get.”

  “I can’t help it, that’s how you both make me feel. The way that you touch me, it’s perfect.”

  He chuckled as he leaned in to nibble on her earlobe. “There will be a hell of a lot of touching. James took out all his piercings so he could take that sweet ass of yours first. Later, it’s my turn. We might let you recover in between if you ask nicely enough.”

  “I don’t know if I will want to recover after. I can’t wait to have you both inside of me at once.” She wanted both men loving her at the same time. “Condoms or no?”

  “No condoms this time,” Victor told her with a groan when she put her hand on his cock and squeezed.

  “That means the bond we talked about?” She opened her legs wider to give James better access and dropped her head slightly to bite Victor’s shoulder. “God, that feels so good.”

  “Definitely the bond,” James told her. “After the last few days, we figured it was high time to ensure you’re ours for the rest of our days. If you’re okay with that, of course,” he said against her neck.

  “Yes, I need that.” She pushed back against James and sobbed while his fingers went deeper. “I need both of you inside of me without protection. I know that you both do, too.”

  James withdrew his fingers while Victor conti
nued to tease her. She felt him apply more lube, and then a moment later the blunt head of his cock pressed to her tight hole. “Lean into Victor, sweetheart. Control your breathing and relax for me,” he said as he shifted her hips.

  Kas nodded and leaned into Victor. She smiled up at him and winked. “You get the good part, holding onto me.” She was eager to feel so full of both of her men. She felt James beginning to fill her body and closed her eyes. She breathed through the start of pain and then moaned at the feeling of him filling her anus full. “God, yes.” She whimpered and pushed back against James. The burning in her ass from James filling her up with his cock felt so good even with the slight biting pain.

  His hands on her ass squeezed hard as he pushed in deeper. Letting out a groan, she felt his hands flex against her skin before he slid them over her ribs to cup her breasts. He pinched her nipples, while pulling her back against his chest.

  Victor pulled his fingers free from her pussy, giving her clit a flick before he shifted to rub his cock against her moist folds. “Breathe, Kasper. You’ll turn blue if you don’t.”

  She let out the breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding and tightened her grip on Victor as she did so. “That feels so freaking good.” She was panting now, riding James’s dick and trying to get him deeper as they joined. “So much better than just your fingers, please.”

  James gave her a nip to her neck. “Be still or Victor can’t join in the fun. Once he’s settled, then you can wiggle around all you want. Until then, behave.” He gave her nipples a pinch in reprimand while Victor pressed his cock to her pussy and began to slide in, filling her more than she’d ever felt before. While she’d had vibrators and plugs in her ass before, as they’d taken her pussy, this was a whole new level of fullness for her.

  She felt a little dizzy—not in a bad way, but in a very good one. “Yes.” She whimpered and pressed a kiss to the side of Victor’s neck. “More,” Kas whispered when both men were finally fully deep inside of her body. “Fuck.” She sobbed. “Move, please.”


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