China Bayles' Book of Days

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China Bayles' Book of Days Page 8

by Susan Wittig Albert




  I whipped two eggs with feta cheese, added some basil and thyme, topped the cooked omelet with yogurt and chives, and sat down to eat and think.


  Eggs and Herbs: A Perfectly Delicious Breakfast

  There’s nothing more perfectly natural than an egg, and eggs and herbs together are perfectly perfect. An omelet for one or two is easy, but omelets for a crowd are a different story. Here’s an easy way to manage breakfast eggs for a large, hungry family—in your oven!


  4 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened

  1 teaspoon chopped chives

  1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes, or 2 teaspoons fresh

  minced parsley

  dash crumbled dried tarragon

  dash dried leaf thyme

  ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

  8 eggs

  ½ cup half-and-half or sour cream (low-fat is fine)

  ½ cup shredded Gruyère or Swiss cheese

  Preheat oven to 350°. Combine butter with herbs; divide among 8 6-ounce ovenproof custard cups. Place cups in a large shallow baking pan and place in oven until butter has melted. Break an egg into each cup. Top with 1 tablespoon half-and-half or sour cream and 1 tablespoon shredded cheese. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until eggs reach desired doneness. Serves 8.

  Read more about eggs and herbs:

  Omelettes: Eggs at Their Best: Quick and Easy Recipes for 50 Sensational Omelettes, by Laurence Sombke

  In February, in the New of the Moon, sow Borage, Coriander, Marjoram, Radish, Rosemary and Sorrel.


  At the waning of the February Moone, sow onions and leeks. Sow parsley at February full Moone.



  Today is the first day of the Celtic Month of the Ash (February 18-March 17 ), according to some calendars.

  Igdrasil, the Ash-tree of existence, has its roots deep-down in the kingdoms of Death: its trunk reaches up heaven-high, spreads its boughs over the whole Universe: it is the Tree of Existence. Is not every leaf of it a biography, every fiber there an act or word? Its boughs are the Histories of Nations. The rustle of it is the noise of Human Existence, onwards from of old. . . .

  —THOMAS CARLYLE (1795-1881)

  The Mythical, Magical Ash

  This month is sacred to Yggdrasil, the ash tree (Fraxinus excelsior), one of the most powerful of all trees. In Viking mythology, it was known as the Tree of Life. Because the ash tree was revered for its powerful protection, healing wands and protective staffs were made from it. It was also used as a traditional Yule log, bringing the powerful, protective light of the sun into the hearth on the darkest day: the winter solstice.

  In the English Midlands, the ash was used in many divinations, and had other magical uses. To cure warts, you obtained a new pin for each wart you wanted to get rid of. You pushed a pin into the tree, then into your wart, then back into the tree again, chanting this charm: Ashen tree, ashen tree, Pray buy these warts of me. (If it didn’t work, you tried a different tree, or lived with your warts.)


  The bark of the ash has been used as a substitute for quinine in the treatment of fevers, and was thought to clear obstructions from the spleen and liver. The leaves were used as a laxative, as a treatment for rheumatism, and—through diuretic action—as a weight-loss aid and treatment for congestive heart failure.


  The crisp, green fruits of the ash tree (called “keys”) were pickled for use in sauces and salads. The wood of the tree was both strong and flexible, and so was widely used to make wheels, skis, and agricultural implements. The attractive grain and flexibility made it a popular furniture wood.

  Read more about pickling ash keys and using the ash medicinally:

  The Countryside Cookbook: Recipes and Remedies, by Gail Duff

  Even ash, even ash,2 I pluck thee off the tree. The first man I meet, my true love he be. —TRADITIONAL LOVE CHARM


  Only with winter-patience can we bring

  The deep-desired, long-awaited spring.


  Winter Patience

  If you’d like to have early plants or special varieties for your herb garden, you’ll probably want to grow them yourself. If you start them now, in a sunny window, your winter patience will be rewarded in the spring. Easiest annuals to try: basil, dill, chervil, summer savory, and sweet marjoram.

  You’ll need seed flats, peat pots, or recycled containers (mushroom boxes and egg cartons, with drainage holes). Fill with a purchased potting medium or use a mix of 2 parts sand and 1 part vermiculite. Moisten, sow the seeds, and barely cover with soil. (Read the seed packet to learn the germination requirements.) Cover the container with plastic and put in a well-lighted place, watering from the bottom, if possible, to keep the surface evenly moist. As soon as germination begins, move into full sun. When the herb seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant them into individual pots. In another week or so, begin hardening them off by moving the pots onto a protected porch or setting them into a ventilated cold frame (easily made with boards or bricks stacked 3-4 high, covered with an old window or sheet of plastic or fiberglass that allows the sunlight in). After a week, the seedlings will be sturdy enough to survive the shock of transplanting into the garden.


  Some herb seeds—artemisias, pennyroyal, ambrosia—are powder-fine. To start these, cut a 2- or 3-liter soft drink bottle in half. Using a heated ice pick (careful!) punch 5-6 holes in the bottom. Fill the bottom half to a depth of 4-5 inches with potting medium and cover with vermiculite or fine-sieved sphagnum moss. Moisten the medium, then sow the seeds as evenly and thinly as possible, pressing into the surface. (Don’t cover with soil.) Put the top half onto the bottom half, so that you have a mini-greenhouse. Screw on the plastic bottle cap and put in a window with good indirect light. Water from the bottom, so as not to disturb the soil surface. As soon as the seeds are growing strongly, remove the bottle cap. A few days later, take the top off the bottle. Transplant into individual pots when large enough to handle. Harden off on a porch or outdoors.

  Read more about seeds and seedling care:

  Growing Herbs from Seed, Cutting & Root: An Adventure in Small Miracles, by Thomas Debaggio

  To make a hot Bed in February, for the raising of any tender Plants of Flowers, you must provide a warm place defended from all Winds by a Pale made of Reed or Straw, about six feet high: within which you must raise a Bed . . . of new horse-dung. . . .



  Zodiac: Today or yesterday, the Sun enters the astrological sign of Pisces.

  Like several other signs, Pisces is ruled by two planets: Venus (its early ruler) and Neptune (discovered in 1846). A mutable sign—changeable and communicative—dreamy Pisces is a water sign. Piscean people are creative, sensitive, and empathic, with strong desires. They can be emotionally vulnerable and rather melancholic.


  Pisces Herbs

  For centuries, Pisces was said to be ruled by Venus, and many of its herbs are related to Venus. Ailments associated with Pisces have traditionally included insomnia (and its opposite, a tendency to sleep too much!), addictions, psychotic disorders, lung diseases, and afflictions of the foot. To this list, contemporary herbalists also add immune system disorders. Herbs associated with Pisces, Venus, and Neptune are said to improve the immune and lymphatic systems, assist in sleeping, and strengthen the feet. Many have an antibacterial effect. Here are some of the Pisces herbs:

  • Mugwort is used in dream pillows to promote drea
ms; it has also been used traditionally as a nervine, to treat insomnia.

  • Kava-kava is a Polynesian herb. Its root is used to make a decoction to treat insomnia and nervousness, and a diuretic to treat urinary tract infections.

  • Echinacea root is one of the most widely used herbs for treating infections, teeth abscesses, lymph swelling, and insect bites, and to ease congestion in lungs and sinuses.

  • Irish moss (Chondrus crispus) has been considered an excellent remedy for tuberculosis, coughs, and bronchitis. It is a seaweed found off the coast of France.

  Read more about herbs and astrology:

  An Astrological Herbal for Women, by Elizabeth Brooke

  Mugwort, eldest of worts,

  Thou hast might for three

  And against thirty

  For venom availest

  For flying vile things

  That through the land rove.



  Today is the feast day of St. Peter Damian, the patron saint of headache sufferers.

  The headache wasn’t going to go away by itself. I got dressed and went out to the herb garden, where I picked a leaf off a feverfew plant and chewed it, making a face at its bitterness . . . By the time I’d gotten dressed, made the bed, and fixed breakfast, the headache was under control. I couldn’t say the same for my melancholy and heaviness.


  Headaches Happen

  You’re shopping, traveling, wrapping, cooking, and—whoomf!—a headache happens. For ordinary headaches caused by the stresses and strains of daily life, a calming cup of herbal tea may be all you need to get going again. Use these dried headache herbs, brewed with 1 cup of just-boiling water and sweetened with honey:

  • Lavender, lemon balm, meadowsweet, ½ teaspoon each

  • Sage, rosemary, mint, ½ teaspoon each

  • Rosemary, marjoram, peppermint, ½ teaspoon each

  Herbs for Migraine Relief

  Some migraine sufferers have reported relief with feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), which contains an anti-inflammatory compound known as parthenolide. (Do not use feverfew if you are pregnant or using blood thinners.) Herbalist David Hoffmann recommends making a tea of equal parts of black willow, meadowsweet, passionflower, valerian, and wood betony. Herbalist Susun Weed suggests tincture of vervain (20-40 drops in water, at bedtime), or a mixture of skullcap tincture (3-5 drops) and Saint-John’s-wort (25-30 drops), repeated every ten minutes for 3-5 doses.

  Read more about headache relief and other herbal remedies:

  Healing Wise, by Susun Weed

  Holistic Herbal: A Safe and Practical Guide to Making and Using Herbal Remedies, by David Hoffmann

  Feverfew dried and made into pouder, and two drams of it taken with honey or sweet wine, purgeth by siege melancholy and flegme; where it is very good for them that are giddie in the head, or which have the turning called Vertigo. . . .



  Today is George Washington’s birthday . . . but I’ll bet dollars to donuts that his wife had a great deal to do with his long and successful life. So today, let’s celebrate Martha!

  I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.

  —MARTHA WASHINGTON (1732-1802)

  Martha Washington’s Medicine Cabinet

  These are some of the herbs that our first First Lady would likely have used to keep the Father of our Country in the best of health.


  You don’t have to be a Martha Washington to assemble your own collection of naturally potent and effective remedies. Here are some herbal first-aid products you can purchase or make.

  • For cuts, scrapes, and minor burns: A comfrey salve, which could also include aloe vera, plantain, Saint-John’s-wort, calendula, and echinacea, will soothe and facilitate healing.

  • For muscle aches: Tinctures of arnica, witch hazel, and Saint-John’s-wort (combined) and essential oils of camphor, eucalyptus, rosemary, and clove bud are all excellent. Some people are sensitive to arnica; stop using it if you suffer an adverse reaction.

  • For an upset stomach, motion and morning sickness, and gas: Ginger, peppermint, and fennel, usually brewed as a tea, all provide relief. (Do not use ginger during pregnancy or breastfeeding.)

  • For a sore throat: 2 drops essential oil of thyme in 4 ounces water makes a healing gargle.

  • For insect bites and itchy skin: Tinctures of witch hazel, plantain, comfrey, lavender, and Saint-John’s-Wort help to stop the burning and itching.

  Read more about herbs for home remedies:

  Herbs for the Home Medicine Chest, by Rosemary Gladstar

  Natural First Aid: Herbal Treatments for Ailments & Injuries , by Brigitte Mars


  Today is International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day (honestly!).

  Ruby took the lawn chair next to Sheila, kicked off her sandals, and propped her bare feet on Howard Cosell. He rolled over to expose his stomach, all four paws in the air, a foolish doggy grin on his face.


  Healthy Doggie Biscuits

  Like most dogs, Howard Cosell (McQuaid’s ancient basset hound) prefers people food to anything else. He is very partial, however, to the dog treats China bakes for him, which he gets when he’s been a very good boy. They contain two natural flea-fighters (brewer’s yeast and garlic) and tasty grated carrots.


  1 cup flour

  ¼ cup wheat germ

  ¼ cup brewer’s yeast (available at health-food stores)

  ¼ cup finely grated carrots

  2 teaspoons minced fresh parsley

  1 clove garlic, minced

  ½ cup chicken stock

  scant ¼ cup canola oil

  3 tablespoons chicken stock for basting

  Heat oven to 400°. Spray a cookie sheet with nonstick spray. Mix flour, wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, carrots, parsley, and garlic. To this mixture, alternately add chicken stock and oil, in 3 parts. Mix until a sticky dough forms. Knead about 2 minutes by hand on floured surface. Roll dough out about -inch thick. Cut into squares, triangles, or other shapes. (Howard likes his shaped like bones.) Place on cookie sheet. Bake 10 minutes, turn the cookie sheet, and baste with 3 tablespoons chicken stock. Bake 10 minutes longer. Turn off heat, leave pan in closed oven for about 90 minutes.

  Read more about using herbs to make your animal companion happier:

  The Complete Herbal Handbook for the Dog and Cat, by Juliette de Bairacli Levy

  Sow cabbage when the February moon is old.



  Candytuft: An Old-fashioned Favorite

  If you’re looking for a colorful, fragrant edging for your herb garden, you don’t have to look any further than a cottage garden favorite, candytuft, sometimes called hyacinth-flowered candytuft, globe candytuft, or rocket candytuft. Whatever name it’s given, it’s a perfect herb for borders and rock gardens. What’s more, it comes in both an annual and a perennial form, and a variety of colors: white, pink, lavender, and crimson. Annual candytuft (Iberis umbellata) is a cool-season annual that blooms until the thermometer reaches 80°, while perennial candytuft (Iberis sempervirens ) comes back, year after year.

  You can start candytuft (both annual and perennial) from seed indoors, six to eight weeks before your last frost date. Since candytuft doesn’t like to be transplanted, start the seeds in biodegradable peat pots. When the danger of frost has passed, transplant outdoors, 6-12 inches apart, in a well-drained area. If you’d like some color now and you live in a region where the weather is warm, look for flowering plants at your local nursery. If you shear the flowers off whe
n they’ve faded, your plant may bloom again in the fall.

  Candytuft is not named for a confection, as you might guess from the name, but for the place where it was found, on Candia, the ancient name for the Isle of Crete. The plant has been cultivated since 1596, and ever since has been a familiar cottage garden favorite.

  It was included in early American herb gardens as a treatment for rheumatism, gout, asthma, bronchitis, and dropsy (congestive heart failure). Since the plant belongs to the Brassica family, its seeds have a peppery taste and have been used as a substitute for mustard seeds.

  Read more about old-fashioned plants:

  Cottage Gardens, by Philip Edinger

  Creating a Cottage Garden in North America, by Stephen Westcott-Gratton

  Whortleberries, commonly called huckleberries, dried, are a useful medicine for children. Made into tea, and sweetened with molasses, they are very beneficial, when the system is in a restricted state, and the digestive powers out of order.


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