China Bayles' Book of Days

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China Bayles' Book of Days Page 42

by Susan Wittig Albert

  More Reading:

  Culpeper’s Medicine: A Practice of Western Holistic Medicine, by Graeme Tobyn

  “The People’s Herbalist: Nicholas Culpeper,” by Susan Wittig Albert, The Herb Companion, June/July 2002, pp. 35-39


  On those foreign hillsides where wild herbs grow, they reproduce themselves naturally. . . . When the plants’ underground roots or rhizomes branch off and send up new plants, we say the plants have spread by their roots. A little farther along our hillside there is a colony of plants that multiply from their bases; every year each plant has a larger base with more shoots coming from it; we say these herbs multiply from their crowns.



  Divide and Multiply

  Dividing your herbs to multiply them is good for you (dividing gives you more plants, for free!) and good for the plants (dividing discourages disease by thinning foliage). The best candidates for division are the perennial herbs that die back in the winter and return, larger than life, in the spring. In the southern half of the U.S., dividing these plants now will give them time to settle in for vigorous new growth in the spring. In the north, you may want to mark the plants now (before their tops die back) for division in early spring.

  Whenever you do the work, you’ll need a shovel and a sharp knife. Dig around the circumference of the clump, then lift the root mass out of the ground. Shake off the soil or wash it off with a hose. Pull the clump apart, or divide the mass into pieces with the knife, trying to keep a large root system with each division. (Sometimes a clump will yield a dozen or so new plants; the larger the divisions, the less transplant shock the plant will suffer.) Dig a hole for your new plant, put it in, and water thoroughly.


  More Reading:

  Growing Herbs from Seed, Cutting & Root, by Thomas DeBaggio

  Is not October the first of the Months of the Spade—the month when one ought to start trenching and double-trenching, planting and transplanting, and doing back-aching things all day?


  Who can endure a Cabbage Bed in October?



  Witch-hazel blossoms in the faal,

  To cure the chills and Fayvers all.


  Witch Hazel

  When you see a witch hazel (Hamamelis virginia) in its spectacular late-autumn dress, you may understand how Native Americans felt when they encountered this native golden beauty. Is it any wonder that native peoples believed that the plant was a gift from the Great Spirit?


  Witch hazel was an important ceremonial herb. The Penobscot and the Potawatami used the twigs in cleansing sweat baths and drank witch hazel tea to encourage sweating. The Menominee used the seeds as sacred beads, and to predict the recovery of an ailing person. The Mohicans used forked witch hazel sticks to locate underground water, and colonists eagerly did the same. But while “witching” for water may sound spooky, the name “witch hazel” has nothing to do with the supernatural. In England, small trees (ash, elm, hazel) were cut, or coppiced, to encourage the growth of pliant shoots, or wyches, for bows and woven fencing. Witch hazel shrubs reminded colonists of the coppiced trees back home.

  Because it is soothing, cooling, and astringent, witch hazel is used as an ingredient in many skin lotions. Try some for yourself.


  2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves

  ½ cup boiling water

  2 cucumbers

  ¼ cup witch hazel

  1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

  Pour boiling water over mint leaves, cool, strain. In a blender, puree cucumbers and strain juice. Mix ½ cup cucumber juice with mint infusion, witch hazel, and aloe vera gel. Pour into a clean spray bottle and store in refrigerator for up to a week. Shake before using.

  More Reading:

  New England Natives: A Celebration of People and Trees, by Sheila Connor

  The bark affords an excellent topical application for painful tumors and piles, external inflammations, sore and inflamed eyes. . . . A tea is made from the leaves and employed for many purposes, in bowel complaints, pains in the sides, menstrual effusions, bleeding of the stomach. In this last case, the chewed leaves, decoction of the bark or tea of the leaves, are all employed with great advantage.”




  Outwardly applied, it stops the Blood of

  Wounds, and helps to unite broken Bones.


  The Comfrey Controversy

  Comfrey, a revered herb-garden perennial, has large leaves and a stout root that is mucilaginous even after it is dried. Its use in the treatment of fractures has given comfrey the long-lasting reputation indicated by its name, which is related to the Latin verb confervere, to grow together. Its genus name, Symphytum, comes from the Greek, “to cause to grow together.” Other names: knitbone, knitback, boneset.

  Both the leaves and the root were a popular remedy in earlier times. The Greeks used the root to treat wounds, believing that it encouraged the torn flesh to grow back together. A comfrey poultice hardens like plaster, and was often used as a cast for broken bones. A tea was brewed of the leaves and drunk for respiratory and intestinal ailments. By the Renaissance, it was being used for everything from bruises to sore throat and whooping cough, and in nineteenth-century America, it was prescribed for diarrhea, dysentery, and menstrual discomfort, as well. It was also eaten as a vegetable in Ireland and northern England, and the leaves were sometimes dried and added to flour.

  Scientific studies have affirmed comfrey’s “grow-together” properties. Both the leaves and the root (but especially the root) contain allantoin, a chemical that promotes the growth of new cells. However, some studies have indicated that excessive amounts of the herb, taken internally over an extended period, can cause liver dysfunction. It has been argued that comfrey is so unsafe that it should never be used; however, in a study published in the journal Science, the researcher pointed out that a cup of comfrey tea posed about the same cancer risk as a peanut butter sandwich.

  Comfrey poses the same questions for us that are posed by all phytomedicines—in fact, by any medicine. What are the benefits of its use? What are the negative side-effects? Is it safe? Am I likely to be sorry? Whether we’re taking something prescribed by a doctor or grown in our gardens, these are good questions to ask.

  More Reading:

  The Healing Herbs, by Michael Castleman

  Each divers soile,

  Hath divers toil.

  Some countries use,

  what some refuse.



  It is extolled above all other herbes for the stopping of bloud in . . . bleeding wounds.


  Golden, Golden, Goldenrod: From Susan’s Journal

  Today is one of those days when the Texas prairies outshine my garden, for the goldenrod is in bloom, its golden glory blazing across the fields.

  The genus name of this remarkable plant is Solidago , which means “to make whole.” It has been used as a healing herb since ancient times and grew throughout Europe, but the goldenrod market perked up when the Old World discovered that the New World had it in great plenty. The plant was baled, loaded onto ships, and taken to England to be sold in the apothecary shops, where two ounces might fetch a gold crown.

  For Native Americans, goldenrod was a staple medicine, and since there were some two dozen species growing across the continent, at least one was in reach of nearly every tribe. It was used as a wound healer, but also employed in the treatment of headac
hes, fevers, diarrhea, coughs, stomach cramps, and kidney ailments, as well as rheumatism and toothache. They chewed the roots, brewed the roots and stems, and made poultices of the leaves. Calling it “sun medicine,” some tribes used it in their steam baths, but it was also made into a charm, smoked with other tobaccos, woven into baskets, burned as an incense, and made into a dye.

  Oh, yes, a dye. It does make beautiful colors, especially for wool. Using different mordants with different parts of the plant, I have obtained lovely shades of gold, orange-flushed tan, burnished olive, and shimmering gray.

  And if that’s not enough to convince you of this value of this golden plant, consider this: Discovering that its sap contained a natural latex, Thomas Edison bred the plant to increase the rubber yield and produced a resilient, long-lasting rubber that Henry Ford had made into a set of tires. Edison was still experimenting with his goldenrod rubber when he died in 1931. His research was turned over to the U.S. government, which apparently found it of little importance, even when rubber became almost impossible to get during World War II.

  Goldenrod rubber. Imagine that.

  Read more about goldenrod, and other Prairie wildflowers:

  Legends & Lore of Texas Wildflowers, by Elizabeth Silverthorne

  And in the evening, everywhere

  Along the roadside, up and down,

  I see the golden torches flare

  Like lighted street-lamps in the town.



  Today or tomorrow, the Sun enters the sign of Scorpio.

  The eighth sign of the zodiac, the masculine sign Scorpio (the Scorpion) is ruled by Pluto, formerly by Mars. Although Scorpio is a fixed water sign, its early association with Mars suggests fire, as well. And while Scorpio people may appear calm and unruffled on the surface, they can be as volatile as an undersea volcano. Intense, tenacious, with great willpower, they may also be secretive, compulsive, and easily hurt.


  Scorpio Herbs

  Until this century, Scorpio was ruled by Mars. Now, astrologers assign Scorpio to Pluto, which was discovered in 1930. Physiologically, Pluto is said to rule the process of catabolism and anabolism, the continuous death and regeneration of body cells, and is particularly related to cleansing and the elimination of toxins. Pluto’s regenerative influence also manifests itself in the sexual union (Mars rules sexual desire). Diseases of Scorpio are said to be involved with the buildup of toxic substances, particularly in the urogenital, intestinal, and reproductive systems. Herbs of Scorpio include:

  • Ginseng (Panax ginseng). The Chinese value ginseng above most other herbal remedies, using it as a general tonic, restorative, and aphrodisiac. Research suggests that ginseng combats stress and fatigue and may counteract the effects of toxins.

  • Southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum) and other artemisias have been used to cleanse the body of intestinal parasites.

  • Black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) and blue cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) are traditional remedies for regularizing the menstrual cycles.

  • Aloe vera regulates the bowels and has a laxative effect, cleaning the liver and kidneys. Used externally, the gel (which contains allantoin) helps to heal and regenerate tissue.

  • Dong Quai root is a general tonic for menstrual cramps, irregular cycles, and menopause. It is also used as a blood purifier.

  • Other Scorpio herbs include squawvine, senna, false unicorn, saw palmetto, cascara sagrada, and cramp bark.

  Many thousands and thousands of perils and dangers beset man. He is not fully sure of his health or his life for one moment . . . but the Creator of Nature who has placed us amid such dangers has mercifully provided us with a remedy—that is, with all kinds of herbs, animals, and other created things to which He has given power and might.



  Ramadan takes place about this time.


  Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, when Muslims celebrate the revelation of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad. Time is spent in spiritual reflection, prayer, doing good deeds, and visiting with family and friends. During the month, Muslims fast during the daylight hours. When the new moon signals the end of Ramadan, the community shares a celebratory meal. Traditional foods include this cookie, filled with dates and nuts, which is eaten throughout Ramadan. Another traditional fruit is the pomegranate (see October 9).


  1 cup butter

  1 cup brown sugar

  3 eggs

  2½ cups flour

  1 teaspoon baking soda

  ½ teaspoon powdered anise seed

  ¾ cup of sour milk (add one tablespoon lemon juice or

  vinegar to ¾ cup milk)

  2 cups oatmeal


  1 8 oz. package dates, finely chopped

  ¼ cup finely chopped almonds

  1 cup brown sugar

  1 cup warm water

  Preheat oven to 350°. Mix filling ingredients in a medium saucepan and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Set aside to cool. Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and mix well. Mix flour, baking soda, and anise seed. Add alternately with milk to the butter mixture. Stir in oatmeal and mix to a thick dough. Roll the dough on floured board to ¼-inch thick and cut with a 2-inch round cookie cutter. Place one teaspoon of filling in the center of a round and cover with another round. Use a fork to seal the edges. Bake on a parchment-covered cookie sheet for 15 minutes, or until golden. Dust with confectioners sugar.


  Today is World Pasta Day.

  My idea of a quick and scrumptious dinner is a pot of al dente spaghetti dressed lightly with chopped fresh parsley and a full-bodied olive oil and served with tomato sauce and Parmesan cheese, hot herb bread, and a tossed salad—a meal which takes all of about fifteen minutes to throw together. By the time the pasta pot was boiling, the sauce was bubbling on my old Home Comfort gas range and the air was rich with the summer fragrance of tomatoes and basil.


  Herbs and Pasta

  World Pasta Day? Sounds like an invitation to a pot of spaghetti or a steaming dish of any of the wonderful pastas available in the supermarket—or your own homemade pasta. (For a special herbal treat, add 3 tablespoons of your favorite chopped fresh herbs to the pasta dough before you shape it.) And try this fragrant tomato sauce that’s a favorite with McQuaid and Brian.


  ½ cup olive oil

  1 medium onion, chopped

  3 cloves garlic, minced

  4 cups tomatoes (about 4, peeled, seeded, and chopped)

  4 ounces chopped fresh mushrooms

  1 teaspoon salt or Savory Blend (August 29)

  3-4 tablespoons chopped fresh basil

  ½ teaspoon fresh-ground black pepper

  In a large skillet, heat the oil. Add the onion and garlic, and cook until the onions are soft, stirring. Add the tomatoes, cover and cook for about 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms, basil, and salt and cook 5 minutes more. Serve over hot pasta, with grated cheese.

  More Reading:

  Pasta, by Anna del Conte

  Discussions about the history and origins of pasta are sometimes acrimonious. Who thought of it first? The Italians—or the Chinese? . . . It is claimed that macaroni in Italy goes back to Etruscan times, which would pre-date the Chinese noodle by about 500 years.


  Those who forget the pasta are condemned to reheat it.



  “Hey, China, what’s that you’re planting?” Ruby Wilcox asked.

  I patted the dirt firmly around the base of the plant and straightened up. “It’s gingko,” I said. . . .

  Ruby bent over to peer doubtfully
at the plant. “That dinky little twig is gingko? It’s got a heck of a lot of growing to do. The last gingko I saw was a tree. A big tree.” She looked up. “Taller than this building.”

  “Give it time,” I said with a grin, and picked up my shovel. “Like about 500 years. I started this little guy from a cutting, and it’s got some growing to do.”



  Ginkgo: A Very Old Tree

  According to scientists, the fossil record tells us that Ginkgo biloba is one of the oldest trees on earth: its ancestors were alive some 225 million years ago. This is reason enough to plant one in your yard—but if you need more incentive, listen to this:

  • In China, ginkgo has been used for thousands of years to treat coughs, diarrhea, venereal disease, cancer, urinary ailments, and impotence.

  • Current ginkgo research in the U.S. and Europe is focussed on ginkgo as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and stroke. Gingko appears to improve blood circulation to the brain and enhance short-term memory.


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