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The Dark Knight [Part One]

Page 11

by L. F. Piper


  I'm severely doubting the dress I'm wearing. It's dangerously short and clingy and I don't want to piss Caleb off again so soon. He's finally calmed down and I don't want to light his short fuse again. There's a light tap on the door and Kaydee walks in looking fucking stunning. “Wow, Kaydee. You look amazing.” She smiles and only blushes slightly. Her hair has been lightly curled and is falling over her shoulders in magical mousey waves. She's wearing a soft blue pencil dress with a sweetheart neckline, that matches her turquoise eyes beautifully, and some platform sandals. She looks like a saucy lawyer or something.

  “As do you, but I think Caleb might have a heart attack this time. His blood pressure is probably still too high from this afternoon.” I cringe. “I was wondering if you were ready? I don't really want to walk out there on my own.” I don’t want to walk out there, period.

  “Okay, let’s go.” I take a deep breath and lead us hand in hand, away from the peace and into the storm.

  There are people crammed into every available space as we make our way through to the kitchen, seeing the array of available drinks lined up on the breakfast bar. I haven’t seen Caleb yet and I'm hoping I can keep it that way for as long as possible, I’m so nervous. People are shouting and screaming over the music, and all the furniture that I painstakingly put back earlier, has been pushed against the walls to make room for a small dance area. If I'd know that was going to happen, I wouldn't have bothered. That shit was heavy.

  Kaydee fills our drinks before we move out of the way and sit on the windowsill, so I can have a smoke. “What did you and Ellis get up to earlier?” It's hard to talk over the bass, but we somehow manage.

  “He took me to some woods. I started to get a little worried, like he was going to bury me, but instead we made out in Caleb's car and then we had sex in the back. Oh… Please don't tell Caleb that part. I think Ellis is determined to make sure I get my butt kicked.” I laugh and assure her that I won't say a word, although I can't say whether Ellis will tell him or not. “Can you see Ellis anywhere? He told me to come back out and meet him once I was ready, but I haven’t spotted him yet.” I scan the room as best as I can, and my blood runs cold through my veins.

  I can see Caleb with his tongue shoved down Anya’s throat and his hand moving around under her skirt. Right next to him I see Ellis dirty dancing with Christina, her hand groping the bulge he’s sporting in his pants. “They are right over there, Kaydee.” I point with my head and when I feel her body stiffen next to mine, I know she’s witnessed the same thing I have. I immediately feel so angry at all of us.

  Ellis, for making Kaydee fall for him.

  Kaydee, for falling for Ellis.

  Caleb, for being Caleb.

  And myself. Just because.

  I fell for Caleb a little in the shower, but he's just proved to me exactly why I shouldn't. I'm such a fool.

  “I'm getting another drink. Do you want one?” Kaydee nods but stays put. I manoeuvre through the crowds of people until I reach the kitchen. There are a few less party goers in here now, so I take my time and look through all the bottles lined up in a row. I spot a quarter filled whisky bottle and an unopened bottle of vodka. I'm not crazy. I'm not going to mix them together. Jesus, I might be young and dumb, but I’m not stupid and suicidal. I take a few shots of the whisky before I make two vodka lemonade. I feel the alcohol as it starts a fire in the pit of my stomach, but I still chug two more shots before I leave clutching our drinks.

  Whisky is completely new to me, but vodka, not so much. Phoebe and I used to take the spirit as our drink of choice to each house party we attended. I think I’ve just become accustom to drinking it now, there’s no way people actually drink it out of choice. The first time I tried it, I was convinced I was swallowing lighter fluid. It was an absolute disaster.

  Phoebe’s mum never mentioned all those clear bottles that went missing from her shelf over the last few years. Lucky for us.


  I check my phone and somehow see through the blur, it's already two in the morning. People have slowly been leaving the apartment for the past hour so I'm assuming the party is coming to an end. Kaydee and I have spent the whole evening in the corner, avoiding anyone and everyone, but not everything.

  We've had our eyes glued to Caleb and Ellis majority of the night.

  Maybe it's all the alcohol flowing through my system and making me feel brave, but at one point Kaydee had to stop me from marching over to give Caleb a piece of my palm across his annoying, but frustratingly pretty face. I could see four blurry versions of him so I’m not sure which one I would’ve managed to strike, hopefully it would’ve been the right one. Asshole thinks it's fine to be with me one minute and then ditch me, in front of me, for some other chick? She’s his girlfriend, my subconscious is screaming at me.

  I'm so mad, but I know only I’m to blame. I know exactly what Caleb is like, I shouldn't expect him to treat me any differently than he has thus far. I've caught his eye a few times this evening and we've had some awkward eye contact, especially when he still had his hand inside Anya’s knickers, but he hasn't come over at all. He's smirked and flashed me those stupid dimples more than once, purely to antagonise me, and Ellis has been eye fucking Kaydee from across the room. They're both fucking pigs.

  I'm starting to feel drained and my buzz is beginning to dull ever so slightly. “You want another drink?” I shout to Kaydee before standing up and tugging on the hem of my dress to lengthen it, not that I really care anymore.

  Because alcohol.

  She puts out her stolen cigarette and nods, again making me venture to the kitchen alone. I go right ahead and make trip number who-knows-what to refill our solo cups. As I get closer to Caleb and the others, my blood starts to boil again.

  Deep breaths, Emilia. He isn't worth causing a scene over.

  Oh, but he so is!

  I catch Caleb's eye and he looks me up and down slowly before clenching his jaw tightly.

  “Ouch. Caleb, honey, you're hurting me. Loosen up a little, yeah? Save it for the bedroom.” God, just listening to Anya’s whiney voice pisses me off. I look down at Caleb's hands and notice him digging his rough fingers into the flesh of her sides. It should be me, someone inside me screams.

  It’s disgusting how bitter I am.

  I squeeze the shot glass I’m gripping so tightly, I’m shocked it doesn’t shatter in my hand; cutting me deep enough and allowing me to purge my feelings, sending them swirling down the drain. Fuck this, I shoot my drink and then another, spin dizzily on my heel and spot a random guy I’ve never seen before. He’s tall and leaning against the wall laughing with some other guys, one hand in his jeans pocket, the other holding a green beer bottle. He isn’t anything special, not like my Dark Knight, but I’m absolutely beyond caring about anything right now.

  I don’t have a plan, this is a spur of the moment kind of thing, something I’ve never done before. I’ll call him Spur, I decide right then.

  You’re forgetting to breathe again, Emilia. He doesn’t need a pet name.

  I’m flustered and flapping internally.

  I strut across the room, and thank the fucking Lord, he notices me coming before I’m physically on him, his eyes lighting up and a cocky smile taking over his face.

  I’m probably stumbling all over the place as I nudge one of his friends out of the way, throw my arms around his neck and start to snog his face. I’ve never been this drunk, this mad, this embarrassed, but I’m rolling with it. Luckily, he is too. We can’t be sharing saliva for more than thirty seconds before I’m being ripped away from Spur, losing my balance and crumbling to the ground in a heap. I gather myself quickly, my bum taking the brunt of my fall and helping sober me up some.

  “The fuck do you think you’re doing?” Caleb is screaming in my face and tugging on his hair as I’m still trying to find my footing on shaky legs and high heels, but he doesn’t give me enough time to form an answer to his stupid question. He’s already
storming off towards Spur and the alcohol in my gut churns horribly.

  Please don’t let me be responsible for anything happening to Spur.

  I scream bloody murder and everything around us just falls away, it’s only me and Caleb. There’s no music, no sound, no people. Only us, staring, panting, freaking out.

  I’m trying not to have a break down and he’s torn on whether he should kill Spur or me first.

  It turns out alcohol ruins lives, kids!


  “Party is over, fuckers. See yourselves out,” Caleb calls out to the few stragglers still occupying his home, while continuing to spit daggers across the room at me with his eyes. I’m surprised I don’t combust into a ball of flames from the heat alone.

  He pushes the Whiney Witch of the West away from him and she stumbles. “I'll meet you in your room, honey. I'm going to freshen up,” she says once she's stopped wobbling. By this point, I’ve been forced into the corner with Kaydee. There’s a tall glass filled to the brim with ice cold water next to me, a disgusting black coffee with a slice of bread in my left hand, a cigarette in my right, and an ice pack under my ass.

  Kaydee told me that while Caleb and I were having our intense stare off, – what even was that? – Spur ran through the front door, fearing for his life. Hopefully he went straight to the airport.

  I can’t believe I was so stupid, not only dumb this time but seriously stupid, especially after what happened to Lance not even a day ago!

  “You're not staying, Anya. Leave.” She spins around to look straight at him, then follows his eyes to me as her face goes from shocked, to pissed, to downright angry. None of them make her look particularly attractive. She knows full well that she is leaving, and I’ll be staying.

  At her boyfriend’s place.

  I can see the steam virtually coming out of her ears.

  Super fucked up.

  “What, why? I don’t understand, honey.” Every time she calls him honey, I watch his body shudder. I don’t understand either.

  “Get. Out,” he grits behind his clenched teeth and damn near making me stand up to leave, he’s looking at me so hard.

  “Whatever, asshole. Call me when you’ve chilled the fuck out. Christina, let's go.” Christina looks hopefully up at Ellis, but he just tightens his jaw looking straight through her and mildly shakes his head. They both sulk out of the front door, followed by a few more drunk teens and eventually, it's just the four of us again.

  Ellis walks Kaydee down the hallway towards the bedrooms. I can only hope that Kaydee doesn’t fuck him after what he did tonight. I’m left with his psychotic friend, having a cigarette in dead silence. I can't take it anymore. “What was that, Caleb?” He looks at me, eyes as dark as the night sky, eyebrow raised in question. He knows what I’m talking about. “That girl. I know we're not a thing, but that was low, even for you.” I turn around and flick my ash into a pot on the windowsill, this is all him. Not me. I know, mature, right? Whatever, he started it.

  “The fuck were you thinking kissing that guy, Emilia?” He’s seething at me again and there’s nowhere for me to hide this time.

  “I don’t have the energy for you, Caleb. I’m fucking drained. And why did you kick your girlfriend out? Do you have any idea what people are going to be saying at school because of how you acted tonight? God,” I sigh, exhaustion taking over my body.

  “You think I fucking care about what people talk about? Fuck! I’m so fucking angry right now.” His veins are pulsing again, and I gulp. I notice he didn’t mention anything about Anya, though.

  I slowly stand, turn away from him and lean over to the open window to dispose of my finished cigarette. I can feel my dress riding up my thighs, the breeze the bottom of my ass cheeks is receiving confirms it’s getting dangerously high.

  “You're right by the way, we're not a thing. Let's go, I'm done.” I feel his breath on the back of my neck, hot and smoky. It covers my entire body with goose bumps.

  Then I snap out of it, spinning around to face him. “Excuse me? Let's go? You think I'm going anywhere with you ever again? You are joking, aren't you?” My voice has risen in pitch, but I'm not shouting at him. Yet. Caleb just looks at me, a vein ticking in his neck.

  “Doll, I can't be fucked with your attitude right now. You scared off my original lay and stopped me from fighting out my frustrations, so now you owe me. My dick wants wet so hurry up and get in my bed.”

  My jaw all but hits the floor. “You kicked her out! I didn’t scare anyone away, and he didn’t do anything wrong. You’re fucking insane, Caleb! I can’t believe you think I'm going to sleep with you after seeing you with your girlfriend all night. You are out of your fucking mind!” Okay, that time I did shout. Loudly. He always manages to get my temper flaring within seconds.

  He grabs my face with one hand and leans into me. “We both know you're going to sleep with me, Doll, so why don't we just get it on already?” He runs his tongue over my collar bone and up the side of my neck, stopping when he gets to my ear. “You're soaking wet, aren't you? I can smell you from here. I know you've been watching me all night, wishing it was you that I was touching and kissing. Well now you've got me so what are you going to do with me?” He whispers, tugging my earlobe between his teeth. His hand has dropped from my face and has snaked down and around to grab my bruised ass, holding me flush against his abs, his hardness digging into my soft flesh.

  It's so embarrassing, but he's right. I am wet for him. Just the way he talks to me, looks at me... It makes me hot as anything.

  Don’t worry, I hate myself enough for all of us.

  Caleb moves his mouth across my cheek, peppering me with small delicate kisses, until he reaches my mouth. Then he goes to fucking town. He's biting my lips hard, sucking my tongue, moaning into me and grinding his dick against my stomach. I go from zero to sixty in five seconds. This guy has complete control over me and I don’t spare another thought for his girlfriend as he pulls my body further up his, like I’m as weightless as a feather.

  I just received a first-class ticket to hell, my mind taunts.



  Is she trying to stop her orgasm out of spite?

  I pick Emilia up and she wraps her legs around my waist instinctively. I've wanted her all fucking night. Having to watch her prance around in this tiny ass dress, every guy in the joint wanting a piece of her. It was so hard to control myself.

  And that fucking guy.

  I would’ve killed him if he hadn’t run out on me. Fucking pussy bitch.

  Everyone will soon know who Miss Gold belongs to, but tonight I just wanted to feel it out, see who and how many guys took a liking to the fresh meat. I've already beat one prick today for paying her too much attention, I'm not above hurting more. A couple of guys tried to talk to her, but she ignored all of them like a good girl.

  Until that last one.

  I have no idea what happened between us earlier. I was ready to kill that kid, with my bare hands wrapped around his neck. Then the most horrendous noise came from Emilia’s mouth and everything fell away. There was nothing, no one. It was as if we were floating away together, somewhere in the ether. I can’t even explain it. I only snapped out of it when I felt Ellis grip my shoulder. The look on my face probably screamed murder and he pulled me away from it.

  Emilia is mine and next week at school, everyone will know it for sure. Even Anya must get that I’m not into her after the scene we caused. I’m not sure why I haven’t told Emilia that Anya’s not my girlfriend. I guess I just haven’t cared to. It makes absolutely no difference to what’s happening here, between us, anyway.

  I walk us into my bedroom and throw Emilia onto the bed. I start ripping her clothes off while she’s attacking mine. She tries to tell me no all the time, but eventually she comes around. Her body wants me, but her head is always trying to talk her out of it. She’s always in a war with herself over me.

  Once we're both completely naked, I fli
p her onto her stomach and squeeze between her legs. I roll a condom on and then have a feel to make sure she's ready for me. Dripping, just as I thought. She moans when I pull my hand away, but squeals when I ram my cock into her. Her whole body tenses up as my piercing hits that magic spot of hers and I pause. I have to stop for me. She's so fucking tight, her walls clenching around me. I could blow my load any fucking second and it’s too soon. I make some slow and measured grinds after taking a few deep breaths and refocusing. Emilia is moaning and squeezing my dick to the point of pain. She has the most amazing cunt I've ever been inside. I'd never tell her that, of course. Don't want her thinking this is anything other than me owning her as and when I feel like it.

  And I'm starting to feel like it a fuck of a lot.

  God help me.

  I pound into her, gripping hold of her narrow hips for support. She's moaning into my pillows and clawing at the freshly laundered bedsheets, but I want to feel her clawing me instead. I remove myself from her tight cunt on a groan, flip her onto her back and shove my length inside her again. Over and over, pounding into her like my life depends on it. It fucking might.

  She’s digging her nails into my shoulders then raking them down my sweat soaked back, easily leaving lines of blood behind. When she plants them into my ass cheeks I'm so ready to come, but I keep going for her.

  For her?

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  “Come on, Emilia. I know you want to. Just let it go, baby,” I grit out between my clenched teeth. She glares at me, chomping her bottom lip and sweat covering her brow. Is she trying to stop her orgasm out of spite? Never one to turn down a challenge, I arch my eyebrow at her and smirk.

  Bring. It. On.

  A few more precise pumps and she finally gives in, screaming as her eyes roll to the back of her head. Her tiny hands are still clutching my ass so violently, she’s going to give my cheeks a fucking cramp at this rate. I race forward one more time, and Emilia cries out a strangled breath. At the sound, my body coils tightly and I blow my load. Unable to hold my weight any longer, I fall on her chest. I leave my head resting on her shoulder while I pant all over her neck.


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