Taken by Storm

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Taken by Storm Page 21

by Heather MacAllister

  Drake considered giving up and going back to the cabin but couldn’t make himself do it. “Sure. Thanks.”

  “Coming up.” That fake smile flashed again.

  He watched her walk away. She had the perfect figure for jeans, and he’d noticed other guys checking out her ass. But someone with his hound-dog reputation couldn’t be caught doing it, so instead he studied her hair. It was up in some arrangement that kept it out of the way, but he pictured how it would look loose. It might reach halfway down her back, at least, and sway as she moved. Nice.

  He didn’t want her to see him staring like some wet-behind-the-ears doofus, so he grabbed the menu out of its holder. Then he proceeded to scan the offerings as if fascinated by what he’d found, although he knew them by heart.

  “Here you go.”

  He glanced up, as if he hadn’t noticed her coming toward him. “Thank you, ma’am.” The beer foam was perfectly symmetrical. He raised the glass and admired it. “Very pretty.” He meant the compliment for her, but he could always claim he’d been talking about the head on his beer.

  “Thanks.” She didn’t quite roll her eyes, but she looked as if she wanted to. She gestured toward the menu. “Would you like something to eat?”

  He wasn’t hungry, but picking up a menu was a classic signal and there wasn’t much in the refrigerator at the cabin. “I would, indeed. What do you recommend?”

  She paused, confusion shadowing her brown eyes. “Don’t you want your usual burger and fries?”

  “I find myself wantin’ something different.” That she’d noticed his ordering pattern meant nothing, of course. Any good server would do that. But it pleased him, anyway.

  “Well, then...you might try the barbecued-pork sandwich. Lots of people like that.”

  “Do you like it?”

  She hesitated, as if not wanting to give him personal information. “I’m partial to the burgers here,” she said at last.

  “So am I. I’ll stick with my usual, after all.”

  “Okay. I’ll put in the order.” She started to turn away.


  When she looked back at him, her expression was guarded. “What?”

  He tried to remember if he’d ever used her name, although he’d known it for days. Maybe not. Southerners tended to use ma’am most of the time. He took a deep breath, finally ready to tackle this situation head-on. “I’ve been coming in here quite a bit lately.”

  “Yes, you have.” She didn’t seem particularly happy about it, either.

  “And you’re always polite to me.”

  “I certainly hope so. If I’m not nice to the customers, I would probably get fired.”

  “I appreciate that, but I’ll bet there are some customers you look forward to serving and some you don’t.”

  Her gaze became shuttered. “I’m grateful for any and all customers who come through the door. Without customers, Spirits and Spurs wouldn’t be in business.”

  “Nice speech. I admire your dedication. But the fact remains that you don’t like me.”

  She opened her mouth as if to reply. Then she closed it again.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to complain to anyone about it.” He sighed. “Hell, you’re in the majority around here when it comes to holdin’ a bad opinion of me. But nobody will say it to my face. They’re unfailingly polite and then they act like I have a contagious disease.”

  “I’m Regan’s friend.” Her gaze turned very cold. “I’m also friends with his sisters. If you think my attitude is chilly, you should try having a conversation with Morgan, Tyler or Cassidy.”

  “Yeah, I figured that wouldn’t work out, so I haven’t tried.”

  “I know everything’s supposed to be hunky-dory between you and Regan. Lily told me all is well, but she’s the kind of person who would make excuses for a serial killer.”

  “A serial killer? Isn’t that a bit harsh?”

  “I know you haven’t actually killed anyone, but you betrayed your best friend.” Anger kindled in her brown eyes. “If you ask me, Regan’s letting you off way too easy.” Then she blushed and glanced away. “Sorry. I get a little worked up when I talk about this. It’s really none of my business.”

  He thought she was mighty pretty when she was worked up, but he wisely didn’t say so. “I get the impression that it’s everybody’s business around here.”

  She didn’t deny it, probably because she couldn’t. When she looked at him again, her gaze was disconcertingly direct. “Why stay, then? You patched things up with Regan, so why not go back to Virginia where...where you’re from.”

  Where you belong. Although she didn’t say the words, they hung in the air. Except he didn’t belong in Virginia anymore. He couldn’t explain why, but the thought of returning to his old life made him shudder. Whoever he’d been back there wasn’t the man he wanted to be here and now. The location might have nothing to do with it, but he wasn’t going to take the chance that he’d fall into his old patterns.

  He shrugged. “I must be a glutton for punishment.”

  Something shifted in her expression. It became more open, and unless he was mistaken, she seemed genuinely interested in him for the first time ever. “I see.”

  “What do you see?”

  “That you’re doing some kind of penance.”

  “I wouldn’t put it that way.” The assessment made him uncomfortable. He wasn’t a masochist or a martyr.

  “You just called yourself a glutton for punishment.”

  “That’s an expression, something folks say. It doesn’t mean that I—”

  “Hey, Drake!”

  Intensely grateful for the interruption, he swiveled to face Regan, who came toward him looking like the seasoned cowboy he’d become, complete with boots, worn jeans and a ten-gallon hat. Drake had bought some boots and a couple of pairs of jeans that still looked new. He was holding off buying a hat. He couldn’t say why.

  He held out a hand to Regan. “Hey, buddy! What’s up?”

  “Not much.” Regan shook hands, but the dark eyes he’d inherited from his Italian mother moved quickly from Drake to Tracy. “Am I interrupting?”

  “Nope!” Tracy waved her order pad. “I have to put in Drake’s food order and check on my other customers. Can I bring you something?”

  “I’ll take a draft when you have a minute. I actually came in to see you, but I wanted to ask Drake a favor, too, so this is perfect.”

  “All righty, then. I’ll be back.” She hurried toward the kitchen.

  Regan slid onto a barstool on Drake’s right. “Did I interrupt something? You both looked mighty serious.”

  “Not really. I made a dumb remark and she picked up on it.”

  “What’d you say?”

  “She wondered why I’m stayin’ here when nobody likes me, and I—”

  “Hang on.” Regan shoved back the brim of his Stetson. “She actually said that nobody likes you? That doesn’t sound like Tracy.”

  “Actually I’m the one who said that, but she didn’t disagree with me. You have to admit I’m not the toast of Shoshone, Wyoming.”

  “Maybe not yet.”

  “Maybe not ever. You have loyal friends who don’t forgive easily. I understand that. Tracy asked a logical question, and I gave her a flip answer.”

  “Like what?”

  “I said maybe I was a glutton for punishment.”

  “Oh, boy.” Regan chuckled. “I’ll bet that got h
er attention.”

  “It did, but why are you so sure it would?”

  “She’s studying to be a psychologist, but don’t mention that I told you.”

  “Why? What’s the big secret?”

  “It’s not actually a secret. As you’ve discovered, gossip is a favorite pastime in this little town.”

  Drake pretended to be shocked. “Really?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Anyway, people kind of know because she keeps her books behind the bar and studies when it’s not busy in here. But she’s not ready to announce it to the world. I think she’s worried that she doesn’t have the intellectual chops to pull it off.”

  “You’re kidding.” Drake thought of her efficiency and the intelligence shining in those brown eyes. “She’s smart as a whip. Anyone can see that.”

  “Yeah, but nobody in her family has ever set foot on a college campus. She’s only taken online classes so far, and she probably doesn’t want to make a big deal out of this and then fail.”

  “She won’t fail.”

  Regan smiled. “Spoken like a man who always knew he’d end up with a degree and a profession. She doesn’t have that kind of background, and she has doubts.”

  “Well, she shouldn’t, but I see your point.” He paused. “Wait, are you saying she was trying to psychoanalyze me? That’s all I need.”

  “At least it would be free.”

  Drake skewered his friend with a look and discovered Regan was working hard not to laugh. “It’s not funny, damn it. I might need a shrink, but I sure as hell don’t need a shrink in training. I’m messed up enough without accidentally gettin’ the wrong advice.”

  “I wouldn’t discount Tracy’s insights. She’s spent a lot of hours behind this bar, and she has a knack for reading people. She can’t officially hang out a shingle until she graduates and gets licensed, but she has excellent instincts.”

  “Mmm.” Drake didn’t like this discussion any more than the one he’d been having with Tracy. He took another swig of beer.

  “Look, you told me you wanted to get your head on straight while you’re here. You could do worse than talk things over with Tracy.”

  “I beg to differ.” Drake sighed. “Besides, aren’t psychologists supposed to be nonjudgmental?”

  “Yeah, I suppose so.”

  “Then Tracy didn’t get the memo. She believes what I did was heinous and she’s not cuttin’ me any slack. I hardly think she’s the person to help me.”

  “Okay, maybe not. I’m not sure why, but I know infidelity is a hot button for her.”

  Drake winced as he always did when that word came up. He’d willingly participated in an act of infidelity. Even though liquor had been involved, which created some sort of lame excuse, the sharpness of what he’d done couldn’t be filed down, and it still cut deep.

  “So I guess it’s not such a good idea,” Regan said. “Forget I mentioned it.”

  “I surely will. Besides, there’s another factor that makes the idea a nonstarter.”


  “I think she’s hot.”

  “Oh.” Regan’s glance slid past Drake and focused on a spot over his shoulder. “Here she comes. I’d advise you to keep that information to yourself.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not about to make myself vulnerable to a woman who thinks I’m pond scum.”

  “She doesn’t think that.”

  “I’ll guarantee she does.” Drake swiveled his stool back around and smiled at Tracy.

  Her mouth responded with an obligatory upward tilt, but the rest of her face was devoid of emotion. Then she looked at Regan, and everything changed. “Here’s your beer and some peanuts in case you get the munchies.” She’d never offered Drake peanuts.

  “Thanks.” Regan pushed the bowl toward Drake. “Want some?”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” He’d show Tracy that he wasn’t too proud to eat Regan’s free peanuts.

  Tracy lingered in front of Regan. “Can I get you anything else?”

  “Nope, this is great. But I have a big favor to ask.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Nick’s going to a conference in Washington, D.C., next week and he’s taking Dominique because she’s never been to the Capitol. At the last minute he asked if Lily and I wanted to come along. The women can pal around and sightsee while we’re in meetings. I wondered if you’d be willing to house-sit again while we’re gone.”

  “Of course! I’ll have to make sure my hours here will mesh with feeding the critters, but that shouldn’t be a problem. I can trade off with somebody if necessary.”

  Drake was flabbergasted. And more than a little hurt. A couple of weeks ago Regan and Lily had taken a two-day vacation and had asked Tracy to house-sit. When Drake found out, he’d told them to ask him next time.

  He was a vet, for crying out loud, so he could easily deal with the animals. He also had zip going on. Instead Regan had asked a busy person who already had a full-time job and was studying to become a psychologist.

  “Great!” Regan gave Tracy a big old smile. “Same deal as before. Don’t accept any new animals.”

  “I won’t.”

  “And because we’ll be gone for so long, I’ve arranged for a vet in Jackson to take the routine calls at the office and help you out if you need it. But I’m hoping Drake will consider stepping in if there’s an emergency.” He glanced over at Drake. “Would you be able to do that, just until the guy from Jackson can get down here?”

  “Uh, sure. Be glad to.” He could have handled everything, if Regan had bothered to ask.

  “Thanks. I really appreciate it. I keep most of my supplies in my truck, and it’ll be parked beside the house. Tracy, if you have any problems at all, call Drake. He’s an excellent vet.”

  Drake had been so busy having his feelings hurt that he hadn’t seen that coming. Tracy hadn’t either, judging from the way her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

  “You’ll need my number, then.” He enjoyed saying it, even if she didn’t enjoy hearing it.

  “Uh, yeah, I guess I will. But I’m sure nothing will happen.”

  “Probably not, but just in case, you’d better take it. Call or text anytime.”

  “Right.” She scribbled the number he gave her on her order pad.

  “Then we’re all set.” Regan beamed at them. “We might stay a couple of extra days, if that’s okay with you two.”

  You two. Drake was amused by the way Regan had neatly linked them up. Tracy probably hated it. “I’m fine with y’all staying longer,” he said. “How about you, Tracy?”

  “Uh, sure. Just let me know in advance so I can adjust my hours. Listen, I’d better get back to my customers. Drake’s burger and fries should be up by now, too.” She quickly made her escape.

  Drake wasn’t ready to let the issue go. “I could have handled all of it,” he said in a low voice. “I believe I told you that the last time you asked her.”

  “I know, and I was keeping you in reserve if she had other plans. But she said yes, probably because she needs the money for school. I figured she did.”

  “Oh, you’re paying her.” Drake felt better. “I didn’t realize that.”

  “We’re absolutely paying her. We paid her last time, too. There’s a lot of work involved. I wouldn’t expect anyone to do it for free.”

  “I would’ve.”

  “And that’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to ask you. I knew you wouldn’t
take any money for it, and Tracy will.” Regan studied him. “You do realize that I’m not mad at you anymore, right?”

  “Yeah, I do.” His chuckle sounded hollow. “Sadly, I’m still riddled with guilt.”

  “Well, hell, dude. Get over it.” Regan tossed a peanut in his mouth.

  “Believe me, I’m trying. Taking care of your place for free while y’all are gone would’ve helped, but I get why you asked Tracy. I wouldn’t want to deprive her of a chance to earn extra money.”

  “And I hoped you’d be her backup if she has any issues. Legally I can’t pay you since you’re not licensed in Wyoming, but I know you don’t care about the money.”

  “Nope. Don’t worry about anything. I’ll keep an eye on the medical side of things, but you do realize Tracy hates the thought of having to call on me.”

  “She won’t hate it if one of the horses gets sick. Everything went fine last time, but we were only a couple of hours away if she’d needed us. Frankly, I wouldn’t have agreed to a cross-country trip if I couldn’t count on you in the event of a problem.”

  “I’ll surely do that. But now I wish I hadn’t told you that I think she’s hot.”


  Drake looked away. “Because I don’t want you to think I’ll take this as a golden opportunity.”

  “Good God. You are not only riddled with guilt, you’re drowning in it. You and Tracy are consenting adults. I like you both. What happens between you has nothing to do with me unless you scare the horses.”

  Drake glanced over to find Regan grinning. “I promise not to do that.”

  “Then everything else is up for grabs.”

  Drake didn’t think so. Tracy had a poor opinion of him, and it would take a miracle to change her mind.

  Copyright © 2014 by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  ISBN-13: 9781460334683


  Copyright © 2014 by Heather W. MacAllister

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