I will lower the moon for you

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I will lower the moon for you Page 23

by Becca Randall

  "How did I let it happen, mom? How will I live with myself?"

  "Sometimes, things are beyond our control son. Don't walk down that road. It's a dark place to be. You saved her. Worse could have happened, but she is out of danger now, all because you found her in time." Mom tried to console me, and suddenly I felt a tear fall on my forehead. She was crying too.

  I got up and cupped her face, "Mom?"

  "I could not stop your dad from getting in that ill-fated car. I live with this guilt every single day of my life. It weighs me down more than anyone can know, and I feel I can never be at peace again."

  "Mom you couldn't have known...." I managed to mumble these words, but before I could complete, she cut me out, "He died Jake, your father died. But Emma is safe, you saved her and you will be strong for her. You will help her all through the way and get her home safe and sound. Promise me, son."

  She broke down. She was utterly dejected. Ever since Dad died, this was the first time she talked about her feelings. She had been very distant.

  "I promise mom. I will give Emma everything and help her recover as soon as possible."

  We were interrupted by some commotion at the far end of the corridor. A nurse came rushing in our direction.

  "Are you, Jake? The patient is now conscious and has been asking to see Mr. Jake."

  "Yes, I am Jake." I almost jumped up from my seat.

  "Please stay on standby. The doctors are now with her. You can go inside once they complete their examination."

  "Thank you. I will be right outside." A sense of relief washed over me. Emma was awake. Mom got up and hugged me again. She gestured me to go ahead and meet Emma while she will wait outside.

  I was pacing up and down outside the massive glass door of the ICU unit, waiting for the doctors to give me the go-ahead to enter the premises. Almost after 30 long minutes, the door finally opened.

  A team of doctors stepped outside.

  "Hello Doctor, I am Jacob Richmond. How is Emma doing?"

  "Oh, Hello Mr. Richmond. Emma's vitals are stable now, and she is responding well, which is a good sign. She is weak due to excessive bleeding, and her left leg is fractured, which will take recovery time of at least 4-5 weeks. Apart from that all other wounds on her head and face are relatively minor and will heal with time."

  "Thank you, doctor! Can I see her now?"

  "Yes, of course. She has been asking for you."

  My legs were trembling as I took brisk steps to meet Emma. The moment I entered her room, I saw her eyes, wet with tears, that still got lit up when she saw me. She had two small bandages, one on her forehead, the other next to her jaw and several deep blue marks on her cheeks, arms, collarbone and neck.

  I took a deep breath, seeing her like this formed a lump in my throat, but I had to be strong for her.

  "Jake." Her meek voice fell on my ear.

  "Emma." I rushed to her side and hugged her softly.

  "I am so sorry, Emma. I am sorry I didn't find you sooner. I am sorry this happened to you in the first place." I whispered as I caressed her hair.

  "I was so scared, Jake. She shot me, she beat me up, and she got so many people killed." She whispered as tears fell down her cheeks.

  "I know baby. She will pay for all this. She will regret ever laying her filthy hands on you. I will make sure of that."

  "Did you catch her?"

  "Yes, she was arrested."

  She suddenly let out a sigh of relief; this only shows how terrorized she felt of Erica. I cupped her face and gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. "I love you so much, Emma, I was so scared I will lose you."

  "I was scared too, Jake. I was sure I would die in her hands."

  "Shh… Don't say that ever again, Emma. I am here for you now, and I will never leave your side ever again. Please forgive me for all that happened. I am so sorry." I tried to put a brave face, but my tears defied me, and I just couldn't hold them anymore.

  We both stayed in each other's embrace for a very long time. Our eyes were wet, but our souls were finally united. No words could express the feelings that our touch and hold on each other conveyed. It felt as if we were healing in each other's arms, drawing comfort and spirit to fight this together.

  It was a long journey ahead, to heal, to rejuvenate, and to completely recover from this physical, emotional and mental turmoil.

  Our love had been tested repeatedly; our feelings had been challenged, but nothing could defer our bond. I vowed to defeat all the odds and bring her every happiness.

  She will get over this. She will be healthy and happy again, right now that's the only thing I cared about in this whole wide world.

  Chapter 40

  Your wish is my command


  One month later

  "Jake, please stop worrying. You need to go to the office today, and we won't be discussing another word on this."

  "Emma, I can have it handled. I pay a great deal to a lot of people to manage my business, you know."

  "You haven't left the house for a whole month. You have converted that study in a mini-office. You have some responsibility towards your work too. Just Go."

  "I don't have any responsibility towards anyone except you. I am at your constant service madam. Your wish is my command". He bowed down, giving me a sheepish smile.

  "And I wish you to get out of my hair today. I could use a breather, you know?"

  "Ouch! you hurt my feelings." His expressions suddenly changed from an ear to ear grin, to a five-year-old's pout.

  "Come on. I am much better now; I can walk around and can even shower myself." I was adamant on convincing him to consider getting on with his usual routine. He made me his life, literally, and I do not intend to have him wrapped around me like this. He needed to end his guilt trip and start afresh.

  "Baby steps only Emma, don't forget what the doctor said. You have to move only when it's necessary. Your posture and grip are still improving."

  I nodded with my eyes, gesturing him, I understand and will follow the doctor's advice.

  "And hey, bathing you was my favorites duty, don't take that away, please."

  "Oh. Shut up. You are a legit perv, Jake. Just go now, and shut the door as you make your way out."

  He reluctantly abided and walked away while picking his office bag from the couch.

  Before he stepped out, he turned around one last time, " I love you, Emma, call me if you need me."

  "I love you too, Jake. I will, I promise."

  As he left, I slowly picked myself up and stood my ground. I started taking small steps to the washroom and finished my morning business without any help or support.

  Who would have thought that someday this would count as an accomplishment?

  The last month of my life had been unruly. The highlights were, the never-ending attention, conflicting relationship dynamics and a highly enthusiastic team of friends and family, determined to prove their mettle as professional medical advisors.

  I still got nervous, whenever I remembered the confrontation Jake and my parents had as they argued their lungs out, on who would take me home from the hospital. I never thought I would see a day when my father could retort to threats and blackmail to get me some separation from Jake. He advocated the idea of us taking a break as from his perspective, too much happened when we both were together.

  Jake did not let me go, he insisted and fought his corner as he believed he could make the best possible treatment and facilities available at his home. He hired an army of nursing staff including yoga teachers, physiotherapists, psychologists and a handful of caregiving attendants, and put me in their care.

  Thankfully Pam, Jake's mom, helped assure my parents that I will be well-taken care of and she would be staying with us to supervise our relationship and monitor my wellbeing.

  Sounds bizarre, right? Well, that's the story of my life, or rather the circus of my life since the past month.

  There was a soft knock at the door that immediately
got me out of my reminiscence.

  "Dear, here is your juice. Also, your friend Niki is downstairs. Shall I send her here?" Aunt Olivia carefully handed me the glass.

  She had been taking care of me round the clock in the past month too. Even though she was full of secrets, I think my presence grew on her, and she had been very attentive towards my every big and small need, ever since I returned from the hospital.

  I still felt curious about her, but that was a battle for yet another day. I had made my peace with it, for now.

  She and Jake were the devil's team, who haunted me with nutritious food and fresh fruits every hour of the day. I took the glass from her, "sure, Aunt, please send her to my room. "After a minute, I realised that she was still standing here, giving me a polite smile.

  "Anything else that you want to talk about?" I broke the awkward air that her funny stares were giving me.

  "Jacob clearly instructed that I am not supposed to leave your side until you finish your juice."

  Of course, he would say that.

  I felt like giving both of them a piece of my mind and push some sense in their hollow heads, but instead, I just gulped the juice in one go and slammed the glass on the tray she was holding.

  Trust me, I argued in the past, and these wicked creatures won every single time.

  Soon, Niki joined me in the room. The only two sensible people I have had beside me were my two girlfriends - Niki and Britney. And of course, Pam too. Pam had been a perfect mother-like figure to me. We got so close as she had been staying with us since that unhateful day. She was very easy going and treated me like her own daughter. Right now, she was in LA for some days as Aunt Macy needed urgent help with her NGO.

  I would have lost my sanity if it wasn't for these Powderpuff girls in my life, who came to my rescue and held regular and timely interventions to make my parents and Jake step back in their overwhelming urge of helping me recover.

  "Hi, Bestie. How are you?"

  "Hey, Niki. I am better, much better."

  "I heard you dispatched your boyfriend to his office today. Good move." She winked and chuckled as she hugged me.

  "Yes. I just could not stand him babysitting me for another day now. I even banned my parents from visiting me for a week at the minimum, maybe two, if need be. They are so grounded."

  "Oh. That bad, huh? I know how dramatic all of them can get. I have seen it at the hospital, they have a funny ongoing war, on who can help you better." She rolled her eyes.

  "Dramatic is a kindergarten description of their mighty potentials. You have no idea what they do to me." My words dripped sarcasm as I took baby steps back to my bed.

  "Congratulations! You have left one daddy's house to land in the laps of another one. Jake is just like your dad. Eeww does it give you a shitty vibe too?"

  I chuckled at her choice of words, " I think it was they who suffered trauma in that attack, not me."

  "Have you considered starting work? It will help to keep you busy."

  "Yes. I got my workstation set at Jake's study. I just took a shower and was heading straight there."

  "You want some help down the stairs?" Niki extended her hand to me.

  "Yes, please."

  It took us thirty minutes at my turtle speed to reach the study, but it was worth it. I settled in one of the office chairs and took a deep breath.

  Niki hung out with me for a while; afterwards, she left for a work meeting. She had finally signed with a marketing firm, and they were helping her commercialize her work. It was a significant advancement in her career; she would one day make a brand for herself. I was sure about it.

  I opened my laptop and started checking my mailbox. After a month-long absence, I had a lot to catch up on. As soon as I got online, I saw a skype message from Mark.

  "I never felt happier seeing a green status appear in front of any professional's name here at Richmond's, as I feel for you today, Emma. Welcome Back. How are you feeling?" He typed.

  "Thank you, Mark. I am better and happy to be back!" I typed back.

  Mark visited me a couple of times in the past month, both at the hospital and home. Surprisingly, Jake was very courteous and welcoming towards him whenever he visited me here at home. As I was scrolling through my emails, another message popped up.

  "Take it easy, though. I can arrange for a zoom call later today to give you a walkthrough of the latest updates. Just take your time."

  "That would be great, Mark. Four pm sounds good. What say?"

  "Four pm it is. I will send an invite."

  The next couple of hours went in a blink. I didn't realise I had been sitting in the same posture ever since I got here. This was against the doctor's advice. I had to keep moving my left leg to ensure constant and healthy blood flow to my damaged muscles. I removed the laptop from my laps and placed it on the table.

  I held the corner of the table as a support to get up from my chair. The moment I stood up, I felt my left leg was numb, and it could not bear my weight, making me lose balance and fall. The table that I held as support was of no help either, as, in an attempt to grip it, I ended up dragging the desk blotter along with me, making several items that were otherwise neatly placed, fall and crash on the floor along with me.

  The casualties included me, my laptop, a glass photo frame and several work files along with some stationery items.

  Right next to my arm fell the cracked photo frame with a picture of Jake and his father.

  I remember how fond Jake was of this picture. Jake told me it was from their last fishing trip together. His father got it framed and displayed in the study by himself, as this was his favorites place in the entire house, where he spent the majority of his time.

  Suddenly, Aunt Olivia, with a team of staff members, came rushing inside.

  They helped me up from the ground and immediately dashed to clean the floor and remove the small yet sharp glass particles splattered around.

  "Oh, Dear! Are you alright?" Aunt Olivia scanned me for any potential injuries from top to bottom.

  "I am fine Aunt. I think I broke my laptop and this photo frame." I lifted the frame in my hand again.

  "Don't worry about all that, Emma. I am glad you didn't get hurt."

  "Can you please not inform Jake about this? He will worry unnecessarily. I will tell him when he gets back home. Please?"

  She sighed, "Ok, I promise I won't call him myself, but if he calls to check on you, then I won't lie to him either."


  "Also, Aunt Olivia, can you please send someone to arrange for a similar frame, exact size?" I said as a couple of nurses helped me stand up and made me sit on a wheelchair. They were now taking me to my room.

  I wanted to fix the frame before Jake got home; he had a high emotional value attached to this picture.

  An hour later, I was resting in my room, when both my phone and the door rang simultaneously.

  "Come In" I screamed a little, while I simultaneously picked my phone. It was from Jake.

  "Emma, are you ok? I told you to call me if you need me."

  "I am fine, Jake, I just lost my balance. I guess it will take some more time for me to adjust and start walking normally." I saw the house staff, who knocked at my door a minute ago, handed me a newly bought photo frame, with the exact shape, size and material.

  "I told you to be careful. I will be home in an hour. Please be in bed and rest."

  "I will..." Before I could assure him, he hung up on me.

  I knew it. He will come home rushing. Jake had been a great support, and no matter how silly I felt about his overprotectiveness, he had taken care of me in a way nobody else could ever do. In the starting days, he used to stay up all night, ensuring I changed sides and position in sleep, such that my leg did not stay stationary for too long. He ate the same plain tasteless food as advised by doctors, that I ate throughout my recovery time.

  As I carefully took out the picture from the old photo frame, a white envelope fell in my lap. I
picked it up to see what it was and saw it had Jake's name handwritten on it.

  I was stunned for a minute to see what the envelope entailed. It felt like a thunderbolt hit me hard in my face. I suddenly felt so anxious and scared, my heart was beating frantically, and it took me minutes to gulp the information I accidentally came across.

  After calming myself a bit, I slowly got up, hid the envelope in my closet, and took out my phone to dial a number. I could only think of one person to talk to at the moment.

  "Hello, it's me, Emma. I want to talk about something urgent. Can you arrange to meet me?"

  "Please keep it confidential, especially from Jake's knowledge."

  Chapter 41

  His Secrets


  Sometimes, the moment you start to see some light at the end of the tunnel, you get tossed back mercilessly into the darkness again.

  This was maybe god's way of indicating that he was not done testing your courage yet, and you have to be stronger to regain the lost balance in your life.

  It was morning, and Jake had to leave early for his court date. Today was the final verdict on the litigation lawsuit that Richmond Corp had slammed Windson Inc. with on the grounds of corruption and bribery.

  After Erica and David Windson's arrest for kidnapping and attempted homicide, this was pretty much an open and shut case. Windson's were like headless chickens agreeing to all the charges and settlement conditions.

  This was a turbulent journey, emotionally, but still a huge success from the business point of view, as Richmond Corp, continued to maintain the market leader's position, and even won the Norway project and European tender, resulting in massive growth opportunities for the company.

  My door knocked just in time. On my urgent request, I was expecting my guest to visit me here.

  "Hi, Emma. I came as early as I could. I believe Jacob has left already?"

  "Yes, I suppose nobody saw you coming in? What about Aunt Olivia?"

  "No, it's Tuesday, she should be at the church."


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