Wildest Dreams (Dreamers Series Book 1)

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Wildest Dreams (Dreamers Series Book 1) Page 3

by Mercedes Raye Lee

  “Yes, so we better get a move on or mom is not going to let us live this down. She still expects us to show up on time.”

  “Give me a few minutes to wake up and I’ll be ready.”

  She went to freshen up then waited for Ridge. She was admiring some artwork on the wall near the elevator when she caught Blake's reflection as he walked out of his office that was down the hallway opposite of Ridge’s. She pretended to look at the picture as she examined him more closely. He was tall like Ridge, probably the same height or at least very close. His hair was black like his eyes, and he had apparently been running his hands through it because it was more disheveled than it had been earlier. He stopped behind her, looking at the elevator button, but not moving to hit it. She turned to glance at him, waiting for him to say something.

  “Did you have a restful nap?” One corner of his lips turned up slightly.

  “You knew?” She was horrified. How embarrassing. The only thing worse would have been if he had seen her drool.

  “Yes, I saw your head on the desk, and you didn’t answer my knock.” Ember cringed. So he probably had seen her drool.

  “Yes, it was restful. Thank you,” she answered him quietly. She was going to have to do everything she could to avoid this man for sure now. How could she ever get past the humiliation of today?

  He nodded but continued to stand there. They both looked down the hall when they heard the door shut behind Ridge as he came toward them. Blake reached around Ember and hit the button for the elevator. By the time Ridge got there, the elevator had arrived.

  “Are you still afraid of elevators?” Ridge looked at her as the doors opened.

  Sighing, she nodded and glanced up at Blake as he was stepping on. She could tell he was trying to hide a grin. Just one more reason to avoid him, she thought.

  She followed Blake in and went to the back again like she had earlier. Unlike this morning, though, Blake was standing on the side, leaning back and staring down at his shoes. Ridge came up and stood beside her like Blake had and put his arm protectively around her shoulders. He pulled her close, and she rested her head on his shoulder while she closed her eyes.

  “At least it’s a fast ride,” he said.

  Blake pushed the button to the main lobby, and the doors shut. Ridge asked him a question about work, and they talked for a bit. Everyone had left for the day, so they made it to the lobby without having to stop for anyone else.

  As Ember was trying to relax, she released her death grip on her purse just to have it fall to the floor. “Shoot!”

  Blake leaned over to pick it up, and as he stood back up, the doors were opening, allowing fresh air to filter into the elevator. She smelled the ocean again, reminding her of being in the elevator with him this morning, and then she realized it was the same smell from her dream. She gasped. No way! He had carried her to the sofa. She stood there staring at him in shock. When he handed her the purse, he smiled shyly. Ember wasn’t sure if he knew she had figured it out or not, but she wasn’t going to tell him that was for sure.

  “You guys have a good night.” He headed out of the elevator toward the parking garage.

  Ridge had a curious expression when she finally stepped out and turned to look at him.

  “What was the gasp for?” He said.

  “I just remembered that I fell asleep before I had a chance to call the hospital.” It wasn’t a lie. She was going to have to call them first thing tomorrow. She was okay today, but she was on the schedule to work tomorrow night. The thought made her feel ill.

  “It’s okay, Ember. After a good night’s sleep, you will feel more like calling and getting it all taken care of.”

  She knew he was probably right, so they continued walking to the parking garage.

  When they got to her car Ridge suggested they ride together and leave his Lexus in the garage for the night since she was going to have to come back and work on her resume in the morning.

  They were in the middle of a conversation about her schooling and work when her phone rang. She looked at it and sighed.


  “Why doesn’t he stop calling? He knows that I caught him with that woman. I don’t understand how someone who obviously doesn’t love you won't let go and move on. I’m giving him a chance for a clean break.”

  “Maybe you should tell him that. He may think you’re going to try to make his life miserable.” Ridge offered.

  “I guess, but somehow that doesn’t sound right to say over the phone.”

  “You’re kidding, right? You’re telling him that he can start with a clean slate, and you’re afraid he’ll be upset because you say it over the phone? Sis, you amaze me.”

  She shrugged. “I guess you’re right. I just never really thought about ever having to say or do any of this.”

  “I suppose you will have to adopt my way of thinking.”

  “Which is?” She raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Avoid attachments at all costs and you'll never get hurt.”

  Ember rolled her eyes. “Never feel any emotion at all? What a sad and lonely life. Ridge, you have the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met. Please tell me when the right one comes along you won’t be opposed to taking a risk. I don’t regret loving Reece. In fact, I still do, just not the same as before.”

  Ridge glanced at her with panic in his eyes, and she laughed.

  “I know you don’t want to hear that, but it’s true, and I'd be lying if I said otherwise. Being in love only sucks when it's one-sided. If you find the right person, though, it won’t be like that. If you don’t at least try, you’ll never know.”

  “I hate to point this out, but wasn’t your love a little one-sided?”

  She frowned at him then shrugged looking back out the window. "I still have faith."

  “I don't want to mess with going through all the wrong ones before finding the right one. Being a billionaire tends to make people pretend a lot more. Just because they act like they're in love with you doesn’t necessarily mean they are.”

  “You’re too young to be so bitter.” She smiled at him.

  “You’re too young to be so wise.” He grinned back at her.

  They had about fifteen more minutes before they would arrive at their parents’, and they both became quiet and immersed in their thoughts.

  Ember tried not to think about Blake, but it was hard. Why had he carried her to the couch and not mentioned it? She was sure that if Blake had said something to Ridge, then he would have moved her himself. That’s probably what most people would have done, so why didn’t he? She remembered the look on Ridge’s face when she told him that she hadn’t walked to the couch. Did he assume it was Blake?

  She let her mind wander for a while since it was pretty harmless at this time. She was going to avoid Blake as much as possible since she had already embarrassed herself to the point of no return. However, while her thoughts were her own, she was going to enjoy looking into those dark eyes and maybe even tasting those sweet lips. She smiled slightly at the thought and closed her eyes for a few minutes to daydream.


  When they turned into the drive of their parents’ house, Ember remembered that her sister was going to be there too. Jade was three years older than her, but she had never been as close to her as she was with Ridge. Jade had always had a superiority complex, and when she started dating Tanner in high school, she had gotten worse. Jade never said she agreed with their father and grandfather for ostracizing Ember after she got pregnant, but she would never go out of her way to be there for her either. Jade had always been more concerned with herself than anyone else. A few years ago though Jade had begun calling to check on her.

  “I forgot Jade was going to be here, too.” She sighed.

  “I don’t think it will be that bad. She’s changed since she had the kids. She’s afraid that you blame her. Jade was always grandpa’s favorite after all.” Ridge shrugged as if it were no big deal.

  “Why w
ould she think that? She didn’t throw me out of the family.” Ember said as she watched the house grow closer.

  Having her grandpa and dad turn on her had broken her heart. Although the rest of the family would have still supported her, she felt it was best to avoid family gatherings as much as possible to keep the peace. Now that her grandparents were gone she felt like she might at least be able to see them occasionally.

  They walked up to the door, and before they could even knock, Kamella opened it. Ember could see the excitement on her face reminding Ember of a ray of sunshine. Instantly the tension she felt melted away.

  “Perfect timing! Come in and get ready for dinner. We’re having Ember’s favorite, homemade enchiladas.” Her enthusiasm was contagious.

  “All right!” they both exclaimed in unison as they walked into the dining room.

  Max was just finishing placing the food in the center of the table. He was about to leave the room when Kamella called him back.

  “Max, sit at the table with us. It’s a special occasion, and you’ve been with us long enough to be family. Sit.” She had a way of being in control and yet sounding as sweet as honey at the same time. Ember figured it was her southern charm.

  Ember pulled out the chair beside her. “Sit beside me, Max.” She smiled at him warmly.

  He was a little hesitant but did as they asked.

  Jade sat staring for a few moments while Ember helped Kaylen with her plate. Finally, she spoke, “Are you still going to school, Ember?” She didn’t have a condescending tone but sounded like she was interested.

  “I am.” Then she caught herself and amended her statement, “well, I was, until last night.” She wasn't surprised to see the confused looks.

  When she was content Kaylen was preoccupied with her cousin, Hunter, Ember continued, “Kaylen and I are moving back.”

  Concern was etched on Kamella’s face as she asked, “Are you okay?”

  Ember noticed that Jade also looked worried, but her father sat showing no emotion while he ate. She figured that he was probably relieved she wasn’t asking him for a place to stay or money.

  “I will be.” She gave her mom a small smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m going to stay with Ridge while I get a job. He’s letting me use an office at TTO to put my resume together, which I’m going to do tomorrow. Hopefully, I will be ready to start school again next semester.” She began chewing her bottom lip while she thought about her plan. It sounded solid to her, and she really felt it would work out, but she looked at her mother and sister for validation.

  Kamella beamed, “There are certainly more opportunities for jobs in the city, and at least you'll be much closer to home. I’ll be able to visit from time to time, or you’ll be able to come here.” From the corner of her eye, Ember caught the glare her father shot her mother. Won’t that be lovely? she thought as she picked at her food.

  “Well, the kids are getting along great, and I’m sure they would love to spend some more time together. Hunter was saying the other day she wished that Kaylen lived closer so they could play together. They have been inseparable since we got here.” Jade added.

  Ember felt a tugging on her arm and looked down at Kaylen. Her big green eyes were wide with excitement. “Momma! Momma! Guess what Grandpa said.” Ember was a bit shocked that her dad had said anything to Kaylen, especially something that would have her this excited.

  “I don’t know, Bug, what did grandpa say?”

  “He told me and Hunter that we can have a pony!” She was barely able to sit still and was patting Ember on the arm the whole time she was talking to her.

  Ember glanced quizzically at her dad who continued to eat and ignore her so she moved her gaze to her mom who just shrugged and stated, “I just mentioned earlier that it would be nice to get the grand babies some ponies. Jade and I left the kids with him while we ran to the store and when we came back he said that he agreed.” Ember looked over at Jade and Tanner, who were as surprised by this announcement as she was.

  Ember shook her head in disbelief at the news and began to pick at her food again. Maybe this division between her father and herself would not affect his relationship with Kaylen now that he had met her. Not that she was surprised, Kaylen had that effect on people.

  Just as dinner was drawing to a close, the doorbell rang. Max dismissed himself to answer it, and after a few moments, he came back into the dining area.

  “Miss Ember, there is someone at the door for you.” The look of concern on his face meant it could be only one person.

  “Ridge, can you take Kaylen upstairs and help her pack a few toys to take with us, so she has something to play with.” Ember knew he wouldn’t want to leave her with Reece, but he couldn’t say no now that Kaylen was excited to pick out toys to take. She wasn’t sure how in control Ridge would be with Reece there, so she needed him to leave. She also knew that Ridge was aware of why she did it.

  “Thank you,” she said, knowing she was going to get a tongue-lashing for it later. Taking a deep breath, she walked to the front door.

  As soon as she opened the door, Reece spun around glaring at her. She watched his anger change to pain. She couldn’t help thinking something was wrong though like it was a forced emotion. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

  “Ember, baby, I’m so sorry. I’ve been stupid. I was so scared something had happened to you. Afraid I wouldn’t get the chance to tell you how much I love you.” He had started crying before he could finish the last sentence. She was confused by what she had just heard. For the last couple of years, he had been so distant and never said that he loved her anymore. After last night, she thought that his extracurricular activity must have been going on for a while.

  He pulled back and put his hands on both sides of her face and looked her in the eyes. “Did you hear me? Please tell me you believe me. I love you,” he begged and tried to pull her into a kiss.

  Pushing back from him, she got out of his grip and stayed back just enough that he couldn’t reach her.

  “Reece, you can’t just come over here and pretend everything is okay just because you want it to be. What you did is inexcusable, and I can’t tell you that I believe you, because I’m pretty sure I don’t.” She was trying to keep her voice down so that everyone inside wouldn’t hear her.

  “I said I’m sorry.” He stood there with a hurt look on his face. Ember knew if she didn’t get him to leave soon she was going to end up forgiving him for everything just because she was feeling sorry for him.

  “Sorry isn’t always good enough, Reece,” she said quietly.

  “Who is he?” His tone changed immediately, catching her off guard and he was glaring at her again.

  “Who is who? What are you talking about?” She was confused.

  “Who’s the guy?” he said through clenched teeth.

  What the hell? There is no way he’s serious! Is he? She stood staring at him for a moment in shock.

  “I’m not here for any man, Reece! You were the one who was in bed with a strange woman and our daughter in the next room. If you want to be with us again, you are going to have to do a lot more than just say you’re sorry.” She was trying hard not to cry.

  “What do I have to do? I’ll do anything. I don’t want to lose you, Ember.”

  “You don’t want to lose me? Just me? What about Kaylen, Reece? She’s a part of us too.” She was not about to let him forget that.

  “I don’t want to lose Kaylen either. I want my family back. I want us to go home and have everything be normal again. I’ll do whatever I have to do to make that happen.” The frustration was evident in his voice.

  “Kaylen and I aren’t going back to Dallas. We’re not leaving my family again. If you want to be with us, you're going to have to accept that.” She wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her t-shirt.

  He was apparently wrestling with this decision, but it wasn’t an option. That was just how it was going to have to be.

  He shrugged.
“I’ll talk to work and tell them I need a transfer back. If that’s what you want, then I’ll do it.”

  She wasn’t expecting that answer. “It’s not going to be that easy, Reece. Maybe you should wait and see how things work out before you change your location. Right now I’m not ready to be anywhere near you. You broke my heart, and you're going to have to earn that trust back.” She turned her head so he wouldn’t see the tears. She did not want to be doing this—not now, not ever.

  He sighed, taking her hands in his. “I’m going to make this right. You may not believe me or trust me right now, but I will.” He tucked her hair behind her ear, bent down and kissed her cheek, whispering in her ear, “I’ll see you soon, Ember.”

  She watched him walk to his car before she turned back to the house. Jade and Kamella were there when she walked through the door, both of them wrapping their arms around her as she broke down.

  Jade was the first to speak. “I should have listened to Ridge and called you more. I should have been there for you, little sister.”

  “I was never mad at you, Jade. I wasn’t mad at anyone, just sad.” She sniffed as Kamella and Jade squeezed her tighter.

  When Ember finally got control and stopped crying, Jade let her go and walked over beside her husband, Tanner. Ember looked at them all and was just about to start crying again, but instead, she laughed.

  “What a family reunion, huh?”

  “Yeah, well you always knew how to be the center of attention,” Jade said with a grin.

  “Got that right!” Ridge came up behind her and gave her a big hug.

  Ember smiled in spite of the hurt. She wasn’t going to let Reece ruin this night.


  It was starting to get late when Ridge suggested they should head back to his apartment.

  “Do you have to go so soon?” Kamella asked.

  “I’m tired, Mom, and I’ll have to get up early tomorrow to take Ridge to work. Then I need to find someone to keep Kaylen so I can finish my resume. Not to mention that we only have these clothes, so I’ll still have to run to a store tonight to buy something we can wear.” She sighed at the thought of everything she still had to do before being able to sleep.


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